Running asp.NET application on a local computer for testing purposes -

I developed a web application for some small company. It connects to an SQL database created in Microsoft SQL server Managment studio 2008. Now they would like to test this app on a local computer before they put it on a server.
My question is, what are all the things I need to make this app work on a random computer running Win with no Visual Studio or SQL server installed?
Thanks for your help.
EDIT: They want to run it on a local computer only.

maybe Microsoft Web Platform Installer 3.0 can help you out.

Install .Net version you are using. It might already be there.
Install/configure IIS
Install SQL Server Express
Your db connection string obviously need to be changed to the local
sql server connection in web.config
Because it is a simple app, just copy the entire app (except proj
files, .cs, .vb files) to that computer

For one, point the connection string at SQL Server on a staging server. The whole idea of testing is to have the same environment as the production server.


Publish ASP.NET MVC 4 (Razor) app onto remote server running Windows 7 with IIS 7

I have experience in hosting an Asp mvc 4 application on local IIS with Sql server as back end. Now I want to host this application on another system that don't have Sql server and Visual studio installed. I think we can able to get all files necessary to host by publish option in visual studio 2012. But I don't have any idea on how to make my database working on the server without sql server and the necessary connection strings. Can I change my db to sql server compact 4.0?
Please give the necessary instructions.
For .net Application you can generate necessary files using publish feature of VS.You can even make use of web-deploy for direct deployment of artifacts to remote server itself.
For db you better have sql -engine, without that it get's tricky. Express edition will always be better option if you are not looking for some advanced DBA jobs.

deploying site on IIS

Okay. Here's my problem.
I have this source code of + application which was developed on another computer. It comes with,
database - Microsoft sql .mdf + ita log file
source code of the web application
Now what I want to know is,
Do I need to install Microsoft SQL server to deploy this on IIS?
(I do have Microsoft SQL server management studio express installed on my PC but the thing is I can't connect to database engine of it after installing WAMP.)
Do I have to copy application's database somewhere else to deploy the site?
What are the changes do I have to make in the code to run it properly?
any help would be appreciated!
1) In order for the server to know what the database file (assuming the file is related to microsoft sql) you will need to install microsoft sql on the server.
2) The database should be fine wherever on the server as long as you know where it is.
3) This is a hard question to answer... be more specific?

OleDB Provider for Oracle not found in in Windows Server 2008 with IIS 7

I'm deploying a small ASP.NET (framework 3.5) application in a Windows Server Web 2008 32 bits, IIS 7. The applications needs connection to an Oracle DB in another Server, using the tradicional DataAdapter, Oracle Connection, etc.
I´ve installed correctly the Oracle Client in the server (the server is another server´s client) and I´ve checked that this server has access to the server where the database is.
Even though my app isn´t able to connect to DataBase. The message says that Oracle components haven´t been found. It doesn´t find the OleDB Provider for Oracle or some dll.
¿Something I shluod know about permissions of the ASP.NEt users or something like this?
Some idea??
Thanks in advance.
Check the path. It could be that the Oracle client directory is not on the path of the account that runs your ASPNET app.
Actually there are other steps you can go through, to verify the Oracle client install.
This article is old but may be helpful.

How to deploy an C# on windows2008 server

I want to deploy a Website which i have created using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Express Edition onto a remote server having Microsoft Windows Server 2008.
I don't know anything about deployment. I want to know what are the things required on the Server in order to make the website work for all the client machines.
i had used ajax toolkit, VisualStudio2008 Express Edition and mysql on my developer machine.
One method which i tried is using copy website,it dint work,may be because i don't know the proper way to do it.
Please help me to deploy my website.
The first step to setup your website on Windows Server 2008. Is to setup IIS. Installing IIS7 on Windows Server 2008.
Once that's completed, setup your SQL server on either that machine or a different one.
Depending on your setup. Copy your website files to your web site directory. By default it's [Drive]:\inetpub\wwwroot. You can change the target by virtual directories.
One note, you will need to install AJAX on your server for it to run correctly.

I want to run a .net web application on local computer

I wanted to run a .net application on a laptop. I created the application(aspx pages and SQL database) on a computer that has VS 08 installed. Now i wanted to run this application on a laptop that does not have SQL sever 2005 installed.
As far as the aspx pages if i publish them to a zip drive copy it to my laptop and go into IIS and define a new virtual directory to point where my pages are that should work RIGHT??
Now for the database i don't know what i need to do
any ideas???
Publish the web app to a folder on the laptop and create an IIS Virtual directory pointing to that folder.
As for the DB, install an express version of SQL Server ( and
point you web app at them.
Have you considered using SQL Server Compact Edition? This will allow you to move the db around with the application.
You need to install sql server on the client(laptop) so you can run the application properly
As far as the aspx pages if i publish
them to a zip drive copy it to my
laptop and go into IIS and define a
new virtual directory to point where
my pages are that should work RIGHT??
Yes this should work.
As for the database, you'll need to install it on the computer you are running IIS on and copy the schema and data over or (I would recommend this way) have your code connect to a server which has the database on it.
You need to install at a minimum SQL Server 2005 express edition. You may also need to change the connection settings for your application, which may be in your .config file(depending on how you did your conneciton in your application) and depending on whether the server instance and database name you choose are different from what you used on your development computer.
