What are the differences between event and signal in Qt - qt

It is hard for me to understand the difference between signals and events in Qt, could someone explain?

An event is a message encapsulated in a class (QEvent) which is processed in an event loop and dispatched to a recipient that can either accept the message or pass it along to others to process. They are usually created in response to external system events like mouse clicks.
Signals and Slots are a convenient way for QObjects to communicate with one another and are more similar to callback functions. In most circumstances, when a "signal" is emitted, any slot function connected to it is called directly. The exception is when signals and slots cross thread boundaries. In this case, the signal will essentially be converted into an event.

Events are something that happened to or within an object. In general, you would treat them within the object's own class code.
Signals are emitted by an object. The object is basically notifying other objects that something happened. Other objects might do something as a result or not, but this is not the emitter's job to deal with it.

My impression of the difference is as follows:
Say you have a server device, running an infinite loop, listening to some external client Events and reacting to them by executing some code.
(It can be a CPU, listening to interrupts from devices, or Client-side Javascript browser code, litsening for user clicks or Server-side website code, listening for users requesting web-pages or data).
Or it can be your Qt application, running its main loop.
I'll be explaining with the assumption that you're running Qt on Linux with an X-server used for drawing.
I can distinguish 2 main differences, although the second one is somewhat disputable:
Events represent your hardware and are a small finite set. Signals represent your Widgets-layer logic and can be arbitrarily complex and numerous.
Events are low-level messages, coming to you from the client. The set of Events is a strictly limited set (~20 different Event types), determined by hardware (e.g. mouse click/doubleclick/press/release, mouse move, keyboard key pressed/released/held etc.), and specified in the protocol of interaction (e.g. X protocol) between application and user.
E.g. at the time X protocol was created there were no multitouch gestures, there were only mouse and keyboard so X protocol won't understand your gestures and send them to application, it will just interpret them as mouse clicks. Thus, extensions to X protocol are introduced over time.
X events know nothing about widgets, widgets exist only in Qt. X events know only about X windows, which are very basic rectangles that your widgets consist of. Your Qt events are just a thin wrapper around X events/Windows events/Mac events, providing a compatibility layer between different Operating Systems native events for convenience of Widget-level logic layer authors.
Widget-level logic deals with Signals, cause they include the Widget-level meaning of your actions. Moreover, one Signal can be fired due to different events, e.g. either mouse click on "Save" menu button or a keyboard shortcut such as Ctrl-S.
Abstractly speaking (this is not exactly about Qt!), Events are asynchronous in their nature, while Signals (or hooks in other terms) are synchronous.
Say, you have a function foo(), that can fire Signal OR emit Event.
If it fires signal, Signal is executed in the same thread of code as the function, which caused it, right after the function.
On the other hand, if it emits Event, Event is sent to the main loop and it depends on the main loop, when it delivers that event to the receiving side and what happens next.
Thus 2 consecutive events may even get delivered in reversed order, while 2 consecutively fired signals remain consecutive.
Though, terminology is not strict. "Singals" in Unix as a means of Interprocess Communication should be better called Events, cause they are asynchronous: you call a signal in one process and never know, when the event loop is going to switch to the receiving process and execute the signal handler.
P.S. Please forgive me, if some of my examples are not absolutely correct in terms of letter. They are still good in terms of spirit.

An event is passed directly to an event handler method of a class. They are available for you to overload in your subclasses and choose how to handle the event differently. Events also pass up the chain from child to parent until someone handles it or it falls off the end.
Signals on the other hand are openly emitted and any other entity can opt to connect and listen to them. They pass through the event loops and are processed in a queue (they can also be handled directly if they are in the same thread).


PyQt signals: will a fired signal still do its job after a disconnect()?

I'm dealing with an application where many signals get fired after which a reconnect follows. I'll explain in detail how the application works, and also where my confusion starts.
1. Reconnecting a signal
In my application, I reconnect signals frequently. I will use the following static function for that, taken from the answer of #ekhumoro (and slightly modified) from this post: PyQt Widget connect() and disconnect()
def reconnect(signal, newhandler):
while True:
except TypeError:
if newhandler is not None:
2. The application
Imagine the function emitterFunc(self) looping through a list of objects. Upon each iteration, the function connects mySignal to an object, fires the signal and then disconnects mySignal again at the start of the next iteration step. The fired signal also carries some payload, for example an object Foo().
The design shown above is simplified a lot. In the final design, the signal emitter and the receiving slot might operate in different threads.
For reasons that would lead us too far astray, I cannot just connect all the objects at once, emit a signal, and finally disconnect them all. I have to cycle through them one-by-one, doing a connect-emit-disconnect procedure.
Again for reasons that would lead us too far, I cannot just call these slots directly.
3. A mental image of the Signal-Slot mechanism
Over time, I have built up a mental image of how the Signal-Slot mechanism works. I imagine a Signal-Slot engine absorbing all fired signals and putting them in a Queue. Each signal awaits its turn. When time is ready, the engine passes the given signal to the appropriate handler. To do that correctly, the engine has some 'bookkeeping' work to ensure each signal ends up in the right slot.
4. Behavior of the Signal-Slot engine
Imagine we're at the nth iteration step. We connect self.mySignal to object_n. Then we fire the signal with its payload. Almost immediately after doing that, we break the connection and establish a new connection to object_n+1. At the moment we break the connection, the fired signal probably didn't do its job yet. I can imagine three possible behaviors of the Signal-Slot engine:
[OPTION 1] The engine notices that the connection is broken, and discards sig_n from its Queue.
[OPTION 2] The engine notices that the connection is re-established to another handler, and sends sig_n to the handler of object_n+1 (as soon as it gets to the front of the Queue).
[OPTION 3] The engine doesn't change anything for sig_n. When fired, it was intended for the handler of object_n, and that's where it will end up.
5. My questions
My first question is pretty obvious by now. What is the correct Signal-Slot engine behavior? I hope it is the third option.
As a second question, I'd like to know to what extent the given mental image is correct. For example, can I rely on the signals getting out of the Queue in order? This question is less important - it's certainly not vital to my application.
The third question has to do with time efficiency. Is reconnecting to another handler time-consuming? Once I know the answer to the first question, I will proceed building the application and I could measure the reconnection time myself. So this question is not so vital. But if you know the answer anyway, please share :-)
I would start with your second question, to say that your mental image is partially correct, because a queue is involved, but not always. When a signal is emitted, there are three possible ways of calling the connected slot(s) and two of them use the event queue (a QMetaCallEvent is instantiated on the fly and posted with QCoreApplication's method postEvent, where the event target is the slot holder, or the signal receiver, if you prefer). The third case is a direct call, so emitting the signal is just like calling the slot, and nothing get queued.
Now to the first question: in any case, when the signal is emitted, a list of connections (belonging to the signal emitter) is traversed and slots are called one after the other using one of the three methods hinted above. Whenever a connection is made, or broken, the list will be updated, but this necessarily happens before or after the signal is emitted. In short: there is very little chances to succeed in blocking a call to a connected slot after the signal has been emitted, at least not breaking the connection with disconnect(). So I would mark the [OPTION 3] as correct.
If you want to dig further, start from the ConnectionType enum documentation where the three fundamental types of connection (direct, queued and blocking-queued) are well explained. A connection type can be specified as a fifth argument to QObject's method connect, but, as you'll learn from the above linked docs, very often is Qt itself to choose the connection type that best suits the situation. Spoiler: threads are involved :)
About the third question: I have no benchmark tests at hand to show, so I will give a so called primarily opinion based answer, the kind of answer that starts with IMHO. I think that the signal/slot realm is one of those where the keep-it-simple rules do rule, and your reconnect pattern seems to make things much complicated than they need to be. As I hinted above, when a connection is made, a connection object is appended to a list. When the signal is emitted, all the connected slots will be called somehow, one after the other. So, instead of disconnect/reconnect/emit at each cycle in your loop, why don't just connect all items first, then emit the signal, then disconnect them all?
I hope my (long and maybe tldr) answer helped. Good read.

QTcpSocket readyRead() signal emits multiple times

I'm new to Qt and currently learning to code with QTcpServer and QTcpSocket.
My code to process data is like
connect(&socket, &QTcpSocket::readyRead, this, &MyClass::processData);
void MyClass::processData()
/* Process the data which may be time-consuming */
Is it the correct way to use the signal like that? As I'm reading the documentation that in the same thread the slot is invoked immediately, which means if my processing work hasn't finished and new data comes, Qt will pause on the current work and enter the processData() again. That is not exactly what I want to do, So should I QueueConnection in the signal/slot connection?
Or could you please provide some good methods that I should adopt in this case?
Qt will not pause your current work when data comes in, it will call processData() only when the event loop is free and waiting for new events.
so, when your application is busy executing your code, the application will appear to be unresponsive, because it can't respond to external events, so processData() won't get called if some data is received on the socket until the current function (that may contain your heavy code) returns, and the control is back in the event loop, that has to process the queued events (these events may contain the received data on the socket, or the user clicks on some QPushButton, etc) .
in short, that's why you always have to make your code as short and optimized as possible, in order not to block the event loop for a long time.
With the event delivery stuck, widgets won't update themselves (QPaintEvent objects will sit in the queue), no further interaction with widgets is possible (for the same reason), timers won't fire and networking communications will slow down and stop. Moreover, many window managers will detect that your application is not handling events any more and tell the user that your application isn't responding. That's why is so important to quickly react to events and return to the event loop as soon as possible!
see https://wiki.qt.io/Threads_Events_QObjects

Filter Qt signals like one filters events

With Qt, I can filter all the QEvent events my application receives or produces with:
Is there any way to filter Qt signals (of signals and slots) in a similar manner I can filter QEvent events?
With QtCore.QStateMachine.SignalEvent extending QEvent, and StateMachineSignal QEvent.Type being there, everything seems to be in place, but my event filter can't seem to catch one of these.
IOW, is there any way to get the signal's name (index), the signal emitting object, and the passed arguments, for each signal of every QObject in my application without explicitly connecting to it?
No. The only generic API for monitoring signals is QSignalSpy, but that requires an explicit connection to a specific object and signal. The only other thing is the TestLib Framework, which has a command-line option (-vs) that can output all the emitted signals during a test run. But that seems pretty far removed from what you're asking for.
Of course, you can use QMetaObject to list all the signals of a QObject and try to explicitly monitor everything. But that presupposes you can get a reference to all the objects you might be interested in (and that you can actually know in advance what they will be).
The only exception to the above, is for signals that are emitted via a queued connection. These signals, which are most commonly emitted across threads, are wrapped in an event and posted to the event-queue of the receiver's thread. It is possible to detect these kinds of signals by filtering on events of type QEvent.MetaCall.
However, the associated event objects are of type QMetaCallEvent, which is an internal Qt class which is not wrapped by PyQt. Normally, these objects would have id(), sender(), signalId() and args() methods. But in PyQt, all you'll get is a plain QEvent, and thus no information about the emitted signal will be available.
Even if QMetaCallEvent was available, though, the default connection type is not queued - and there is no way to globally reset the default for all signals.
My guess is that the signal events you described are only used for queued connections. In this case events are sent to ensure slots are called after control is passed to the eventloop. Direct connections (wich you would use normally) are essentially just function calls and I doubt there is a way to intercept them without having access to the specific objects.

How can I make paintEvent triggered only when update is called?

It is known that QWidget::paintEvent is triggered automatically the moment widget becomes visible or any event from the basic window happens. What should I do if I only want the paintEvent to be issued in response to update()?
It'd make no sense for a paintEvent not to be issued whenever the widget needs to be painted. Your reason to demand such an option means that you're trying to use the Qt API in a way it wasn't meant to be used. I can't quite imagine yet a particular design that would lead you to such use, sorry about that.
So, the only thing I can tell you is how you'd use update(). The idiomatic way of handling widget updates is as follows:
The source of data that the widget uses is updated. For example, the text or some variable affecting the visible contents is changed. Often this data is a Q_PROPERTY of the widget. The setter function is updating the member variable that stores the value and calls update(). The setter should not perform any expensive computations - they should be deferred until the paint event.
If the properties are changed multiple times before the event loop has a chance to run, the update events get coalesced. Internally, a call to update() results in posting an event to the event queue of the GUI thread. If there already is an update event in the queue for the given widget, the events get coalesced. The following invariant is preserved: at any given time, there can only be one update event for any particular widget in an event queue.
When the control returns to the event loop, the update event gets dispatched to the widget, ending up in calling your reimplementation of QWidget::paintEvent(...). This implementation should do the calculations necessary to paint the widget, and do the actual painting. If the calculations are extensive, they should be relegated to a worker thread.
Let's say an application is receiving data from a serial port, modeled as a QIODevice (a QSerialPort is one). You could do as follows:
Connect QIODevice's readyRead signal to a slot in a parser QObject.
The slot receives and parses the data. It then emits a signal with processed data (for example, a vector of floating point values). This signal is connected to a newData slot in the widget.
The newData slot adds the data as-is to a queue, and schedules an update(). This is very fast if you're using Qt's data structures, or if your data class is modeled after them and uses implicit sharing with copy-on-write.
The update() dequeues all data sets and plots them. The QWidget::scroll() method comes handy for scrolling plots.

Why does Qt use virtual functions in place of signals at times?

In QWidget, rather than being signals, mouse and paint and other events are virtual functions to be overloaded. Why is this the case, rather than being consistent?
Although I can't find anything within Qt's documentation that states their motivations for using virtual functions for events, I can guess:
Signals and slots can be nice to work with, but there's overhead associated with them (see, the answer to this question). Since events are triggered quite frequently, the use of signals and slots could carry quite a performance penalty.
Some event handlers need to return values. Returning a value from a slot back to the signal emitter is not officially supported (though see this question), which means that they wouldn't be appropriate.
Signals emitted from QWidget may not make sense from a design point-of-view. If I create my own widget derived from QWidget, why have signals emitted from my widget that just connect back to slots within the widget itself? This also has the danger of breaking encapsulation since signals are always "public".
Even if none of the above were true, there would still be quite a few architectural questions raised by trying to use signals for events. For example, a single event is often passed to multiple different objects (for example, in the case where some objects don't wish to process the event). In this scenario, which object emits the signal indicating that the event has taken place? It's certainly not the target of the event (i.e., the widget, as you've implied above). It would have to be some other global object. But if that were true, we would likely just implement virtual slots on every widget to handle the signal. This essentially just gets us back to where we started with virtual functions!
