Is there any benefit in nVidia Tesla cards? - opencl

I'm planning to buy a serious GPU for running a parallel algorithm on (budget 2k-4k). Now I see everywhere supercomputers featuring nVidia Tesla GPU cards "made especially for GPGPU".
While this seems very nice on first sight, a better reading makes me have serious second thoughts on that: compared to e.g. a Radeon HD 7970, its performance (in terms of flops) is significantly lower, its cost price is significantly higher, and I can't seem to find any benchmark comparison between the Tesla and normal gaming GPUs.
I have found that the Tesla features ECC-memory. Is this the only difference? Or am I missing a deeper architectural difference between both? Perhaps relevant info: I will be using OpenCL, not Cuda.

There are two technical differences I know of between the brands, when you comparing similar cards.
1) Nvidia cards tend to have better double precision FLOPS than AMD - by a factor of 2 sometimes. AMD usually does better for single precision FLOPS.
2) ECC memory is available for both brands for the GDDR5 memory. The difference is that Nvidia uses ECC on the internal memory (registers and such) as well, where AMD does not.
In my opinion, choose the card based on your application. If you use more single than double precision, go AMD, otherwise Nvidia. If you need the ECC for high fault tolerance, maybe Nvidia is your best choice. Sometimes many cheaper cards does better than 1 or 2 top of the line cards - think of PCI-e bandwidth. Read up on benchmarks, and try to determine which card is best suited for your needs.

I don't know if your problem is similar to mining bitcoins, but there is a LOT of info on parallel GPU setups here...


GPU Brute-Force Implementation

I am asking for an advise for the following problem:
For a research-project I am writing a brute-force algorithm based on a GPU with (py)OpenCl.
(I know JTR is out there)
Right now I do have a Brute-Force-Generator in Python which is filling up for each round the buffer with words (amount=1024*64).I pass the buffer to the GPU Kernel. The GPU is calculating for each value in the buffer a MD5 Hash Value and compares it with a given one. Great that it works!
I don't think this is really the full performance i can get from the GPU - or is it? Isn't there a bottleneck when i have to fill up the buffer by the CPU and pass it to the GPU 'just' for a Hash calculation an comparison - or am i wrong and this is already the fastet or almost the fastet performance i can get?
I have done a lot of Research before I consider to ask this question here. I couldn't find a brute force implementation on the GPU kernel so far - why?
I try to explain it in a different way what I want to know. Lets say I have an average computer. Performing an brute-force-algorithm on a GPU is faster than on a CPU (if you do it right). I have looked through some GPU brute-force tools and couldn't find one with the whole brute-force implementation on the GPU Kernel.
Right now I am passing "word packages" to the GPU and let them do the work (hash & compare) there - looks like this is the common way . Isn't it faster to 'split' the brute-force algorithm so each Unit on the GPU will generate its own "word packages" by itself.
All I do is wondering why the common way is to pass packages with values from the CPU to the GPU instead of doing the CPU work also on the GPU work! Is it because it is not possible to split a brute-force algorithm on a GPU or isn't the improvement worth the effort to port it to the GPU?
About the performance of the "brute-force" approach.
All i do is wondering why the common way is to pass packages with values from the CPU to the GPU instead of doing the CPU work also on the GPU work! Is it because it is not possible to split a brute-force algorithm on a GPU or isn't the improvement worth the effort to port it to the GPU?
I do not know the details of your algorithm, but, in general, there are some points to consider before creating a hybrid CPU-GPU algorithm. Just to name a few:
Different architectures (best CPU algorithm probably is not the best
GPU algorithm).
Extra synchronization points.
Different memory spaces (implies PCIe/network transfers).
More complex algorithms
More complex fine tuning.
Vendors policy.
Nevertheless, there are quite a few examples out there that combines the power of the GPU and the CPU at the same time. Typically, sequential or highly divergent parts of the algorithm will run on the CPU while the homogeneous, computing intensive part runs on the GPU. Other applications, uses the CPU to preprocess the input data to a format that is more amenable to GPU processing (for instance, changing the data layout). Finally, there are applications targeting pure performance that really do a significant amount of work on the CPU, like the MAGMA project.
In summary, the answer it that it really depends on the details of your algorithm if it is really possible or if it worth it to design a hybrid algorithm that takes the most of your CPU-GPU system as a whole.
About the performance of your current approach
I think you should break down your question in two parts:
It is my GPU kernel efficient?
How much time am I actually doing work at the GPU?
Regarding the first one, you didn't provide any information about your GPU kernel so we could not really help you with it, but general optimization approaches apply:
Is it your computation memory/compute bound?
How far are you from your GPU peak memory bandwidth?
You need to start from these question in order to known what kind of optimization/algorithm you should apply. Take a look at the roofline performance model.
As for the second question, even though you don't go into detail, it seems like your application spend so much time on small memory transfers (take a look at this article about how to optimize memory transfers). The overhead of starting the PCIe just to send a few words would kill any performance benefit you get from using a GPU device. Thus, sending a bunch of small buffers instead of large chunks of memory packing a large number of them is not, in general, the way to go.
If you're looking for performance, you may want to overlap the computation and the memory transfer. Read this article for more information.
As a general recommendation, before implementing any optimization, take some time to profile your application. It would save you a lot of time.

Shipping reliable OpenCL applications - Tools/Techniques/Tips?

I want to ship OpenCL code that should work on all OpenCL 1.1 compatible GPUs. Rather than buying a bunch of GPUs and testing on them, are there any tools that can help ensure reliability?
If anyone has experience shipping OpenCL applications to a wide hardware base, I'd be interested in knowing about any other methods for testing reliability.
I've a bit of knowledge on this. Unfortunately, the answer is: depends on what the kernel is doing.
My biggest gripe is with NVIDIA and OpenCL, since they don't seem to support: vectors (float2, 4, etc) and global offsets. Kind of obnoxious. Intel and ATI are both solid, but even then vector sizes can differ. The above doesn't really matter if you are doing image convolution.
It matters if you want to run AMD FFT on an NVIDIA card, are doing matrix math, etc. To address the vector issue, you can write multiple kernels that each have a different vector size and call the right one: MatrixMult_float4(...).
You can check whether your code compiles by using the AMD KernelAnalyzer2, although this does need some component of the Catalyst drivers so it only works for me on PCs with AMD GPUs. There is also the Intel Kernel Builder, which works for devices with Intel OpenCL SDK support. Nvidia's implementation has bugs in it, especially on newer GPUs in my experience so there the best is to test one GPU from each generation.
To avoid extensions and validate CL language versions, one could try to test compile the code using the LLVM, or just getting the grammar for validation, e.g. as BNF.
There's a promising open source project, which probably contains useful stuff:
However, the problems I encountered were:
Newline characters caused build breakers on certain implementations (CR, LF, CRLF) in OpenCL source files. Specifying one of these as the only valid line ending would be just stupid. If one is editing source files on different platforms in conjunction with an SCM, it could get inconvenient. So I remove comments and clean up line breaks before compilation.
Performance: Feeding the GPU efficiently using multithreading; different hardware constellations have different bottlenecks. Here I needed a client side pipeline with multiple dispatcher threads. Of course, the amount of work that remains for the CPU depends on the task or capabilities, amount and resources of computing devices. Things that needed serialized execution or dynamic loop counts have been such candidates.

Radeon HD 4850 and OpenCL: will cl_khr_fp64 work on this videocard?

This videocard (Radeon HD 4850) conforms only with OpenCL 1.0, per AMD Compatibility table. I need some hardware to conduct intensive financial calculations with doubleN types (no floats at all!). According to this cardtable, this card is able to work with double types. Now I have the possibility to buy it at quite an attractive price.
I'd greatly appreciate if an answerer has real experience in working with this card for OpenCL with fp64 extension. Of course, if there are problems with this card, please put two lines here.
Thank you and sorry for my English.
I haven't used this card with DP before, but if the spec says it is supported, then it's worth a try.
In my opinion, you should go with a newer model card though. There are a lot of cheap cards out that will outperform the 4850, and they will support some new features as well.
This card supports double precision but the 4xxx series doesn't include local memory in the chip. As the standard mandates local memory support it is emulated with global memory and very slow. Many algorithms require local memory for obtaining a good speed-up. So, a newer card 5xxx and higher is a lot better.
In addition, some combinations of older cards/older SDK versions only support double precision through the cl_amd_fp64 extension (not the official cl_khr_fp64 extension) because of some small things from the standard that are not supported. For the most part, this doesn't matter much except that you need to change the extension name in your code to make it work with doubles.
As a general tip, I would try to avoid the 4xxx series if you intend to make serious GPGPU development. Keep in mind also, that the newer 7xxx series it is much more optimized for GPU computations than both the 5xxx and 6xxx series closing much of the gap with NVIDIA cards. So, if you can, try to aim for a 7xxx with double precision support.

suggest a Benchmark program to compare MPICH and OpenMPI

I am new to HPC and the task in hand is to do a performance analysis and comparison between MPICH and OpenMPI on a cluster which comprises of IBM servers equipped with dual-core AMD Opteron processors, running on a ClusterVisionOS.
Which benchmark program should I pick to compare between MPICH and OpenMPI implementations?
I am not sure if High-Performance Linpack Benchmark can help, as i am not attempting to measure the performance of the cluster itself.. kindly suggest..
Thank you
The classic examples are:
NAS Parallel Benchmarks - they
are representative numerical kernels
that you'd see in a lot of scientific
computing applications. These
admittedly have a lot of computation
but also have the communications
patterns you'd expect to see in real
applications, so they are fairly
Or, if you really just want MPI "microbenchmarks", the OSU benchmarks or the Intel MPI Benchmarks are well known choices. These run zillions of tests -- ping-poing, broadcast, etc -- of various sizes and configurations, so you end up with a very large amount of data. The good news is that if you run these with the two MPIs, you'll know exactly where each one is stronger or weaker.
MPICH and OpenMPI are both actively maintained and very solid, and have a long-standing friendly rivalry; so I'd be very surprised if you found one to be consistently faster than the other. We have had both on our system, and there were differences with the default settings on real applications, but usually fairly small, some favouring one some favouring the other. But to really find out which is better for a particular application, you need to do more than run with the default parameters; both implementations can have a large number of variables set dealing with how they deal with collectives (OpenMPI 1.5.x has very interesting-looking hierarchical collectives I haven't played with yet), etc.
What I would do is to search in the ACM Digital Library. You will get objective stuff there.
Some tips for the search:
Sort by relevance.
Read the Abstract (at the bottom) to see if it matches what you are looking for.
If a paper matches your search, buy that paper, it is usually cheap. Other option is to subscribe to ACM if you plan to search often as you will get a better price.
Hope this helps someone.

Developing with OpenCl on ATI and Nvidia on the same time

our workgroup is slowly trying a little bit of OpenCl in a side project. So far 'everybody' is working on NVIDIA Quadro FX 580. Now we are planning to buy new computers for new colleages and instead of the FX 580 we could buy ATI FirePro V4800 instead, which costs only 15Eur more and give us 1Gig instead of 512Gig of Ram which will benificial for our data intensive tasks.
So, how much trouble is it to develop OpenCl code at the same time on Nvidia and ATI?
I read the following SO question, Running OpenCL on hardware from mixed vendors, which was very pessimistic about developing on/for different vendors. On the other side, the question is already a year old.
What do you reccomend?
I have previous worked extensively with CUDA programming language.
I have been planning to start developing apps using OpenCL. As you mentioned one of the best features with OpenCL is running on many vendor hardware (Intel, AMD and Nvidia).
One project that I came across that used openCL extensively for large scale development is It might be a good idea to look at the source code from this group and understand how they have developed their application on so many hardware including sony cell processor.
Another approach would be to use PyOPENCL, which provides higher abstraction than OpenCL and can significantly reduce the coding effort.
Do you need the code to run unchanged on both bits of hardware? If so you may have to develop for a limited subset of common functions.
If you can run slightly different c ode on each you will probably get better performance - in CUDA/OpenCL you generally have to tune the algorithms for the amount of ram, number of GPU engines anyway so it shoudldn't be much more work to also tweak for NVidia/AMD
The biggest problem is workgroup sizes. Some ATI cards I have used crash at above 64, but then it may be the Apple OSX 10.6 drivers I am using.
Developing for both ATI and NVIDIA is actually not too difficult so long as you avoid using any part of either vendor's SDK. Stick to OpenCL as it is defined in the OpenCL spec. ( and your code will stay syntax portable. Due to differences in the underlying architectures, performance portability may be an issue. Local & Global worksizes really have to be determined independently for each card to maximize performance. Another thing to pay attention to is the types being used. Vector types (float2, float4) are especially useful on ATI cards, as each processing element actually contains 4 execution units (one for each RGB color channel, plus aplha).
