Creating an EF CodeFirst DbContext using Roslyn - ef-code-first

Just a little idea I'm playing with, not sure if it's viable or has much of a use.
I'm trying to generate a very basic EF Code First database using the Roslyn CTP.
var scriptEngine = new ScriptEngine(new[] { "System", "System.Core", typeof(DbContext).Assembly.Location });
var session = Roslyn.Scripting.Session.Create();
var t = scriptEngine.CompileSubmission<DbContext>(#"
using System.Data.Entity;
public class Car {
public int Id {get; set;}
public string Name {get; set; }
public class Context : DbContext {
public DbSet<Car> Cars {get; set; }
new Context();
", session);
When executed I get the following exception
The type 'Submission#0+Car' was not mapped. Check that the type has not been explicitly excluded by using the Ignore method or NotMappedAttribute data annotation. Verify that the type was defined as a class, is not primitive, nested or generic, and does not inherit from EntityObject.
Looking through the list of possible issues, I'm guessing that Roslyn is making a nested class as part of the code gen. This makes sense otherwise the "new Context();" call would need to be wrapped into a class/method of some sort. I could emit an assembly, which would confirm the above but likely wouldn't have any clues on how to write it correctly.
I also went down the route of Syntax.ClassDeclaration, but ended up with a few hundred lines of code just to make a class with 1 property and no obvious way how to instantiate that class.
Is there an easy way to create a class in Roslyn that is publicly accessible (eg not nested in another class)?

You can use Roslyn to create actual DLL library that contains your type based on your source code and then use that from your script:
var classCode = #"
using System.Data.Entity;
public class Car {
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class Context : DbContext {
public DbSet<Car> Cars { get; set; }
var syntaxTree = SyntaxTree.ParseCompilationUnit(classCode);
var compilation = Compilation.Create(
new CompilationOptions(assemblyKind: AssemblyKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary))
new AssemblyFileReference(typeof(object).Assembly.Location), // mscorlib
new AssemblyFileReference(typeof(Uri).Assembly.Location), // System
new AssemblyFileReference(typeof(IOrderedQueryable<>).Assembly.Location), // System.Data
new AssemblyFileReference(typeof(DbContext).Assembly.Location) // EntityFramework
var dllPath = "car.dll";
using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(dllPath))
var code = #"new Context();";
var scriptEngine = new ScriptEngine(new[] { new FileInfo(dllPath).FullName, "EntityFramework" });
var context = scriptEngine.Execute<DbContext>(code);


Get entities by string in Entity Framework

I am trying to do some dynamic code using Entity Framework. I have a model (Model1) with one table(Test1), it's simple. What I'm trying to do is accessing the model Test1 programatically with the name of the table, to use it after in differents tasks. I was looking for in google and I have found Finding entities by key in entity framework but it's doesnt work, or I don't have any idea...
When I ran this code it breaks on trying to set entityProperty
Model1Container m = new Model1Container();
PropertyInfo entityProperty = m.GetType().GetProperties().Where(t => t.Name == "Test1").Single();
var baseQuery = (IQueryable<IIdentity>)entityProperty.GetValue(m, null);
Sorry for the explanation.
Any ideas?
You create an object with a string name and set its properties:
public class Test
//All my classes have these properties
//You can set up an interface and in the method you can set entity to an interface type
//You can even put these interfaces on edmx generated entities
public string AString { get; set; }
public DateTime ADate { get; set; }
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult IndexStackOverflow101()
Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load("Testy20161006");
Type t = assembly.GetType("Testy20161006.Controllers." + "Test");
Object entity = (Object)Activator.CreateInstance(t);
PropertyInfo entityProperty = t.GetProperty("AString");
PropertyInfo entityPropertyTwo = t.GetProperty("ADate");
entityProperty.SetValue(entity, Convert.ChangeType("ap", entityProperty.PropertyType), null);
entityPropertyTwo.SetValue(entity, Convert.ChangeType(DateTime.Now, entityPropertyTwo.PropertyType), null);

Change default session provider in ASP.NET

I want to change my session proviced to statically typed - I just hate typing strings because of many many errors I do.
What technology am I using? ASP.NET MVC via EXT.NET MVC
I was trying to do that using web.config but the problem is that after add session state to it visual is not going to compile my code because of that session should be using strings as keys.
I want to use session by enums such as :
public enum SessionEnum{Model}
public class Bar{
void foo(){
Session[SessionEnum.Model] = "blah";
I am aware that I can create wrapper converting enums to strings but it's not very satisfying solution for me.
public class StorageWrapper{
public object this[SessionEnum enum]{ get{return Session[enum.toString()]}; //+set
What I did was create static object for base class for all of my controllers and then I was able to use it across them but after closing and opening the page again I wasn't able to get values from it. I guess I should serialize them somehow but I have no idea how.
Is there any way to do that?
My session now looks like this :
public abstract class DataWrapper<T> : HttpSessionStateBase
Dictionary<T, object> Dictionary { get; set; } = new Dictionary<T, object>();
public object this[T a]
return Dictionary[a];
return null;
set { Dictionary[a] = value; }
public class SessionWrapper : DataWrapper<SessionNames>
public enum SessionNames { Model, Login, LastOpenedFile }
It's very simple.
Create a UserSession object which does everything you want (holds your values as enum etc), instantiate it, then put it in the session.
var US = new UserSession();
US.stuff = somestuff;
Session["UserSess"] = US
Then you can just always use Session["UserSess"].stuff;
Mmmm, wouldn't you use static const string instead of an enum?
using System.Web;
public static class SessionEnum
public static const string Model = "_Session_Model";
public static const string Login = "_Session_Login";
public static const string LastOpenedFile = "_Session_LastOpenedFile ";
class test
void test()
Session[SessionEnum.Model] = "blah";
} Identity DbContext / Repository Issue

I am using Asp.Net identity within my MVC app. I can see that this has it's own ApplicationDbContext - albeit it is connected to the same SQL db as my own DbContext I am using elsewhere.
So I am trying to access some of my own data via my own code within the AccountController - it does not seem to work I presume because of some confusion over which DBContext it thinks is active?
My Code :
public class AccountController : Controller
private ApplicationSignInManager _signInManager;
private ApplicationUserManager _userManager;
private PostageManager postmgr;
public AccountController()
public AccountController(ApplicationUserManager userManager, ApplicationSignInManager signInManager, PostageManager _postmgr)
UserManager = userManager;
SignInManager = signInManager;
postmgr = _postmgr;
public ApplicationSignInManager SignInManager
return _signInManager ?? HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Get<ApplicationSignInManager>();
private set
_signInManager = value;
public ApplicationUserManager UserManager
return _userManager ?? HttpContext.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();
private set
_userManager = value;
// GET: /Account/Register
public ActionResult Register()
//create select list items for countries drop down
List<SelectListItem> countries;
countries = postmgr.GetCountries().Select(item => new SelectListItem
Value = item.Country,
Text = item.Country
countries.Insert(0, new SelectListItem { Value = string.Empty, Text = "Select delivery country or region...", Selected = true });
RegisterViewModel mode = new RegisterViewModel
Countries = countries
return View();
PostageManager is just a class that sits over my DAL to fetch some data (which uses repository pattern) - I'm using just a kind of pass through method to grab a list of countries, and using it in exactly the same way I have in other controllers which works fine. Underneath that class is my repository code that is linked to my default connection string (DBContext). It's balking at the following line with a null reference exception, I think postmgr is null :
countries = postmgr.GetCountries().Select(item => new SelectListItem
In reverse to get access to the identity data within my own controllers I have done the following :
public BasketController(BasketManager _mgr, PostageManager _postmgr, ProductManager _prodmgr)
mgr = _mgr;
postmgr = _postmgr;
prodmgr = _prodmgr;
shopper = Cart.GetShopperId();
this.applicationDbContext = new ApplicationDbContext();
this.userManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(this.applicationDbContext));
protected ApplicationDbContext applicationDbContext { get; set; }
protected UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager { get; set; }
Which as far as I understand it points the identity code to use the right DbContext - I looked at doing this in reverse in my AccountController but can't fathom it out.
I basically just want to be able to use my own code that grabs my own data from within the Identity controllers to help pass extra data etc through to the views.
I might be wrong but most probably postmgr field is not initialized from constructor and that is why you have this error.
By default Asp will try to create controller instance by constructor without parameters. If Asp can't find constructor without parameters it will try to call constructor with parameters, but to make it possible you have to configure IoC in your app. As your controler has constructor without parameters it will be selected by Asp. So all 3 fields are empty.
But in properties SignInManager and UserManager you try to take value from field or from OwinContext. As field is empty your code will take value from OwinContext. OwinContext is quite complex and smart tool that create its context automatically based on configuration provided in Startup.Auth.cs file or any other file under App_Start folder.
I think I have figured it out - added the following to my NinjectControllerFactory :
ninjectKernel.Bind<IAuthenticationManager>().ToMethod(c => HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Authentication); //.InRequestScope();
ninjectKernel.Bind<IRoleStore<IdentityRole, string>>().To<RoleStore<IdentityRole, string, IdentityUserRole>>();
And changed my constructor to :
public AccountController(PostageManager _postmgr)
postmgr = _postmgr;

ASP.NET MVC How to avoid static variables?

recently posted about questioning how unsafe static variables are, I've since discovered I need to get rid of them. But I cannot figure out how to? Was thinking a static Get() method for each class, that returns a single instance, but then that instance would have to be declared static.
So the only way to do it, is to have the instance references (for each helper, I.E user helper.cs, imagehelper.cs etc.) is to declare them as instance properties on some sort of globally accessible class? But which class? Is there something I'm missing here?
Code below of a sample class I need to change:
sing System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using Mvc.Mailer;
namespace MVCWebsite.Helpers
public class AppSettings
public static void OnAppInit()
AppName = "MyApp";
DesktopBaseURLs = new Dictionary<string, string>();
DesktopBaseURLs.Add("dev", "localhost:50560");
DesktopBaseURLs.Add("test", "");
DesktopBaseURLs.Add("live", "");
MobileBaseURLs = new Dictionary<string, string>();
MobileBaseURLs.Add("dev", "");
MobileBaseURLs.Add("test", "");
MobileBaseURLs.Add("live", "");
EmailHostName = AppName + ".com"; //For the moment atleast
NoReplyEmailAddress = "no-reply#" + EmailHostName.ToLower();
SupportEmailAddress = "support#" + EmailHostName.ToLower();
ErrorEmailAddress = "errors#" + EmailHostName.ToLower();
TempFileURL = "/content/temp/";
UserDataURL = "/content/user-content/";
ProfilePicturesURL = UserDataURL + "profile-pictures/";
var a = GlobalHelper.GetURLAsServerPath(ProfilePicturesURL);
var b = a;
public static string AppName { get; set; }
public static Dictionary<string, string> DesktopBaseURLs;
public static Dictionary<string, string> MobileBaseURLs;
public static string EmailHostName { get; set; }
public static string NoReplyEmailAddress { get; set; }
public static string SupportEmailAddress { get; set; }
public static string ErrorEmailAddress { get; set; }
public static string UserDataURL { get; set; }
public static string TempFileURL { get; set; }
public static string ProfilePicturesURL { get; set; }
public static void SetAppURL()
I recommend creating an interface for your AppSettings class, so that you can use it in your controllers now, and implement it in different ways as you see fit:
public interface IAppSettings
string AppName { get; set; }
You can then implement it immediately with your static class via a wrapper class:
public class AppSettingsWrapper : IAppSettings
public AppName
return AppSettings.AppName;
AppSettings.AppName = value;
Later on, you can create an implementation of IAppSettings that uses session, or cookies, or database values, or whatever. The important thing is to abstract the way you store things so that you can implement in a way that meets your needs.
The answer to you previous question clearly stated that the IDictionary was the only unsafe variable in your static method because it's not thread safe. You just need to store these variables differently. You don't need to get rid of all of your static variables. You just need to change IDictionary to something thread safe.
By the way, someone there makes a good coment about web.config
Right I think I've figured it out, they should be stored as instance variables within Global.asax.cs. This file contains your Application class which inherits from System.Web.HttpApplication. This master class is limited to one instance (of itself) per request. So if you store any references to your helpers here, you can reference them by going, MvcApplication.MyHelper.DoSomething(); Someone please correct me if this is wrong, but seems right to me. "At any single point of time, an HTTPApplication instance handles only one request, so we don't need to think about locking and unlocking of any non static members, but for static members we do require. " -from :

BuildUp method in unity doesn't consider MappingName

I have a strange problem with unity BuildUp method. I have one interface that's mapped to three classes. I have given a name to each mapping.
Now I need to inject the dependency in an existing object (it's an attribute so I don't have control over lifetime). I call the BuildUp method to inject the dependency, but it always throws an exception which says that the interface is not mapped.
If I map the interface to one type only and I remove the mappingname, the BuildUp method works.
If I map the interface to one type only and I specify the mappingname, the BuildUp method fail.
I have tried registering types in configuration and code and nothing changes.
I suspect this is a bug, but I would like to know if anyone else has another idea.
This is how i call buildup method:
var newAttr = _container.BuildUp(myAttribute.GetType(), myAttribute, "Mapping1");
I tried to follow your scenario and this sample works
var container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<IFoo, One>("1", new InjectionProperty("Bar", "1"));
container.RegisterType<IFoo, Two>("2", new InjectionProperty("Bar", "2"));
container.RegisterType<IFoo, Three>("3", new InjectionProperty("Bar", "3"));
One one = new One();
container.BuildUp(one.GetType(), one, "1");
Assert.AreEqual("1", one.Bar);
public interface IFoo
string Bar { get; set; }
public class One : IFoo
public string Bar { get; set; }
public class Two : IFoo
public string Bar { get; set; }
public class Three : IFoo
public string Bar { get; set; }
var container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<Person>(new InjectionProperty("Foo"));
container.RegisterType<IFoo, One>("1");
container.RegisterType<IFoo, Two>("2");
container.RegisterType<IFoo, Three>("3");
Person person = container.Resolve<Person>("1");
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(person.Foo, typeof(One));
public class Person
public IFoo Foo { get; set; }
I guess this is what you mean? Short answer: That's not the way Unity works.
Long answer: You will have to specify a ResolverOverride that does that for you. But even that is not enough as you want the container to create the value you want to inject for you. So you would need to specify a ResolvedParameter as the value for your ResolverOverride. With Unity's out-of-the-box parts the Resolve would look like this
Person person = container.Resolve<Person>(new PropertyOverride("Foo", new ResolvedParameter(typeof(IFoo), "1")));
Or you can use this custom override instead
public class NamedPropertyOverride : ResolverOverride
private readonly string propertyName;
private readonly string registrationName;
public NamedPropertyOverride(string propertyName, string registrationName)
this.propertyName = propertyName;
this.registrationName = registrationName;
public override IDependencyResolverPolicy GetResolver(IBuilderContext context, Type dependencyType)
var currentOperation = context.CurrentOperation as ResolvingPropertyValueOperation;
if (currentOperation != null &&
currentOperation.PropertyName == this.propertyName)
Type propertyType = currentOperation
.GetProperty(currentOperation.PropertyName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)
return new NamedTypeDependencyResolverPolicy(propertyType, this.registrationName);
return null;
Change the line that contains the call to Resolve in the above sample to this one
Person person = container.Resolve<Person>(new NamedPropertyOverride("Foo", "1"));
That should do the trick.
