How to embed form in in sonata admin-generator of symfony2 bundle - symfony

I am using sonata-admin generator for one of my project.
I want to create a form which contains fields from two tables User and User_add.
My tables are like this:
USER: id,name,age,login_id,pwd,create_at,updated_at
USER_ADD: id,user_id(FK from user),add_type,street,city,state,country,pin.
Now I want a single form so that, I should be able to insert data for both user as well as user_add using sonata admin generator.
Please suggest me some link if, I can get answer of this doubt.
Thanks in advance.

Please check, it describes doctrine one-to-one relation between item and itemDetail and how to use sonata_type_admin to have a possibility to create itemDetail from item form.


Edit Symfony entity from the frontend

I have a Symfony app using multiple entities.
A third-party analytic tool plugs to my database to create reportings.
What I would like to achieve, is being able to update the Symfony entity from the frontend in order to add new fields to the database tables (in order to get the new fields showing up in the reporting tool).
Anyone has a idea on how to achieve that?
Thanks in advance.
If i understand correctly, you wan't to be able to add fields to your entity dynamicaly.
I don't know if this is doable and if so, it would probably be messy and unsecure.
What you can do however is using sub-entities with dynamic key => values fields.
You should have one main entity, an entity with the list of your dynamic fields, a many to many relation between your main entity and your fields entities and a third entity with the actual values from those fields.

2sxc - Get Entity created and last updated UserID

DNN 9.1.1.
2sxc 9.14.
Is it possible to get userId or name of the user who last changed the entity and displays it in razor template?
Is it possible to get userId or name of the user who created the entity and displays it in razor template?
Is it possible to get entity history and displays it in razor template?
Also what about created and updated time of the entity?
Can someone give me some links to samples or documentation about this stuff?
Yes, accessing the owner is the right way - you'll have to work a bit to map it to DNN, but it's simple string splitting. Note that in some future release we'll probably change the owner mechanism to map to the guid instead of the ID, but that will still take a while and will be easy to adapt to once it happens.

CakePHP model behaviors in Symfony2 + Doctrine2?

Is it possible to have behaviors in Symfony 2 entities, like in CakePHP? I'll try to explain what I need:
In some of my entities, I need to store who created or updated the record, when it was created or updated, at which company does it belongs and at which season does it belongs.
All these data is stored in the session, and I want to add it to the entity "magically", without adding these fields in the controller. With CakePHP I can create SeasonBehavior, mark some models/entities as they use the SeasonBehavior and when I persist a record from an entity marked with the SeasonBehavior the seasonId is updated.
Is it possible to do the same with Symfony2 and Doctrine 2? And if it's possible, do you know any tutorial or documentation explaining how to do this?
You need to create listener on your Persist action to do such things. Read the manual here:

Symfony2 Mapping Model to Entity

I am currently trying to sort out my user registration in Smyfony2, loosely following their documentation here:
Sadly, their example is a bit simplistic.
My User Entity has a number of fields which only get added to during registration, and can't be changed there after, so I separated those out from my UserType into my RegistrationType.
The problem now, is that Symfony can't find any of the fields, requested for the form, which live within the User Entity, because it is looking for them in the Registration model. How do I get the Registration model to point to User Entity?
In the documenation example, they avoid all this as the "terms and conditions" checkbox doesn't get added to the database.
e.g. they use this:
$builder->add('user', new UserType());
but as I mentioned, that only has the fields I want the user to edit after registration.
I tried the data_class, but it complained about Form\Model\Registration wasn't of type Entity\User.
These seems like a really common issue when you are trying to embed bits of forms for a single entity, yet it doesn't cover it in the documentation.
And no, I don't want to use FoSUserBundle.
Actually, it's possible and really easy to have several form types for the same model class. You can have the RegistrationType with lots of fields and then the UserType with only some of those fields. Both use the same User model.

How to get informations from two different form in Symfony2 and save them?

Actually, I have a form with an input to persist an entity. I want to create another form somewhere else with more information and I want to save everything from the submit which is in the first form. I can't include the second inputs in the same form, because this is not the same view. What's the best way to resolve this issue?
Thanks in advance
This sounds difficult.
Have I understood this right:
You have on entity with some required information and some nullable, additional information.
Now there are two forms one which creates the entity with the required information and you than want to update the form with the additionals.
Is this correct?
I would try two things:
You create one FormType with all the fields and have two views which only render the required fields (for this don't use form_rest).
Than do the form handling like descriped in the docs.
It could be that this doesn't work with the validation.
Use FormModels
Under Form/Model/FormModelClass you have the two classes which only have the attributes the one form requires. The Form component interacts with them and maps all attributes to this models. When the form is submitted successfullly and valid you can manuelly map the attributes back to your orginal entity and persist it
