Show Metabox In Write Post/Page When Template is Changed - wordpress

I can create the metaboxes just fine and if I assign a metabox to a specific template(s), they appear just fine in the Add New Page screen, but only after the new page has been saved.
Is there a way to show/hide the metabox when the template value has changed...without having to save the page first?

Add to WP admin page
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var getCurrentTemplate = $("#page_template").val();
if( getCurrentTemplate == "template-contact.php"){
$("#pageheading-hide").attr('checked', true);
$("#pageheading-hide").attr('checked', false);


Add class to the UPDATE button in wordpress admin, only if an input fields has changed

I want to make it more obvious for a the editor that they need to click the UPDATE button after they made any changes to a wordpress page.
If a class can be added to the UPDATE button once any field, be it title, description or a custom field, has changed, then I can change the colour or make it pulsate.
Thank you
This goes into the functions.php of your child theme. To make your own animation you have to insert the CSS inside the Tag in the code snippet.
add_action('admin_head', 'orders_list_preview_css');
function orders_list_preview_css() {
echo "<script>
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$('body').on('keydown', '*[contenteditable=\"true\"]', function() {
if ($('.editor-post-publish-button.clicktoupdate').length < 1) {
$('body').on('keydown', 'input', function() {
if ($('.editor-post-publish-button.clicktoupdate').length < 1) {
echo "<style>/*cssgoeshere*/</style>";

Woocommerce product variation selection with buttons instead dropdown menu?

I am new to wordpress.
I am creating a ecommerge website with wordpress 4.5(latest) + woocommerge 2.5.5(latest) + storefront theme.
I have a product with 2 variations with different prices.
When I select a variation from dropdown menu displaying variation price under dropdown.
Product detail page with 2 variations shown as below:
I want to select variantions with buttons instead dropdown, and update product price on product page instead show below of dropdown.
If I create different products for each variantion and add custom html for buttons and link each variation products with each other, this works but this is very painful.
How to make variations selection with buttons instead dropdown shown as below picture
I was made variantion selection with buttons instead select box with javascript plugin.
I created a plugin and included a js file to product page that creates buttons for each variant at product page and hide select box.
Not changed any file of wordpress core, woocommerce and storefront theme.
define('MYPLUGIN__VERSION', '1.0');
function variant_selection_with_buttons() {
if (is_product()) {
#TODO serve .min.js on production
$js_file = plugins_url('/js/variant-selection-with-buttons.js', __FILE__);
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'variant_selection_with_buttons');
;(function($, window, document, undefined){
var variations = $('.variations_form').data('product_variations'),
requiredVals = {},
$(variations).each(function(i, item){
var variationSlug;
$.each(item['attributes'], function(key, value){
variationSlug = value;
requiredVals[variationSlug] = {
'price_html': item['price_html'],
'variation_description': item['variation_description'],
var $variationChangerCon = $('<div/>', {
'id': 'variationChangerCon',
'style': 'margin-bottom:5px',
$variationChangerCon.append('<div class="variationBtns"/>');
$('table.variations').find('select option').each(function(index){
var $option = $(this);
if (!$option.val()) return;
if ($':selected')){
selectedVariation =$option.val();
var $button = $('<a/>', {
'class': 'variation-btn single_add_to_cart_button button btn-info PvariationLink',
'text': $option.text(),
'style': 'margin-right:2px;',
$button.attr('data-slug', $option.val());
$variationChangerCon.append('<div class="variationDesc"/>');
$variationChangerCon.insertBefore('.entry-summary div[itemprop="description"]');
$('div.product').on('click', '.variation-btn', function(){
var $this = $(this),
item = requiredVals[$'slug')];
itemDesc = requiredVals[$'slug')];
$('table.variations select').val($'slug')).trigger('change')
$('.entry-summary div[itemprop="offers"] p.price')
if (selectedVariation) {
$('.variationBtns .variation-btn[data-slug="'+ selectedVariation +'"]').trigger('click');
} else {
If default variation not selected in admin pane
`selectedVariation` become undefined . So select first variation/
$('.variationBtns .variation-btn:eq(0)').trigger('click');
})( jQuery, window, document, undefined );

WooCommerce Product Gallery: Swap Featured Image with Selected Thumbnail

Woocommerce displays the product gallery on a lightbox or new tab by default. I would like to display the product gallery on the box where the product image is displayed. I tried WooCommerce Dynamic Gallery but the LITE version doesn't allow me to display all the product gallery images on each product. Also, it displays the image on the product description.
Can anyone suggest me a wordpress plugin or coding that can display the product gallery dynamically ? Thanks a lot.
It's possible with some straightforward jquery (see below). You'll also need to override the default lightbox that WooCommerce includes for the gallery.
I believe that it's possible to disable it from the admin under WC -> Settings -> Products -> Display. But you can also remove the styles and scripts directly.
I haven't tested this code on a fresh install of WooCommerce--this is some modified code from a site with a heavily customized product gallery that includes video support.
You'll need to include this in your theme's functons.php file, etc. etc.
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wc_remove_lightboxes', 99 );
* Remove WooCommerce default prettyphoto lightbox
function wc_remove_lightboxes() {
// Styles
wp_dequeue_style( 'woocommerce_prettyPhoto_css' );
// Scripts
wp_dequeue_script( 'prettyPhoto' );
wp_dequeue_script( 'prettyPhoto-init' );
wp_dequeue_script( 'fancybox' );
wp_dequeue_script( 'enable-lightbox' );
/* Customize Product Gallery */
* Click on thumbnail to view image for single product page gallery. Includes
* responsive image support using 'srcset' attribute introduced in WP 4.4
* #link
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'wc_gallery_override' );
function wc_gallery_override()
// Only include if we're on a single product page.
if (is_product()) {
<script type="text/javascript">
( function( $ ) {
// Override default behavior
$('.woocommerce-main-image').on('click', function( event ) {
// Find the individual thumbnail images
var thumblink = $( '.thumbnails .zoom' );
// Add our active class to the first thumb which will already be displayed
//on page load.
thumblink.on( 'click', function( event ) {
// Override default behavior on click.
// We'll generate all our attributes for the new main
// image from the thumbnail.
var thumb = $(this).find('img');
// The new main image url is formed from the thumbnail src by removing
// the dimensions appended to the file name.
var photo_fullsize = thumb.attr('src').replace('-300x300','');
// srcset attributes are associated with thumbnail img. We'll need to also change them.
var photo_srcset = thumb.attr('srcset');
// Retrieve alt attribute for use in main image.
var alt = thumb.attr('alt');
// If the selected thumb already has the .active class do nothing.
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
return false;
} else {
// Remove .active class from previously selected thumb.
// Add .active class to new thumb.
// Fadeout main image and replace various attributes with those defined above. Once the image is loaded we'll make it visible.
$('.woocommerce-main-image img').css( 'opacity', '0' ).attr('src', photo_fullsize).attr('srcset', photo_srcset).attr('alt', alt).load(function() {
$(this).animate({ opacity: 1 });
return false;
} )( jQuery );

In wordpress to mark required fields in Add New Post page

in WP 4.2 opening Add New Post page and without editing any fields, clicking on "Publish" button page is submitted and reopened, but no any of fields are marked with red background color as required.
How to make it? Seems, that is original behauvior of this page.
I want it to work like editor of categories, when in similar situation field name is marked with red background color as required.
Also I added several fields to New Post page using register_post_type function and I aslo want to marked with red background color as required. Which is the best way for this?
You can call your jquery validation by your self using below code,
Add this code in theme's functions.php and custom.js in your theme js folder
add_action( 'admin_print_scripts-post-new.php', 'custom_admin_script', 11 );
add_action( 'admin_print_scripts-post.php', 'custom_admin_script', 11 );
function custom_admin_script() {
global $post_type;
// Post type = "post" or "page" you can load script wheater it is post or page , if page then change 'post' to 'page' in below condition
if( 'post' == $post_type )
wp_enqueue_script( 'custom-admin-script', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/custom.js' );
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
if ($("#post").length > 0) {
var frm = true;
$("#publish").click(function () {
var title = $("#title").val();
var excerpt = $("#excerpt").val();
// your custom field variable goes here
if (jQuery.trim(title) == "" || jQuery.trim(excerpt) == "") {
frm = false;
if (frm == false) {
$("#publish").prop('disabled', true);
} else {
$("#publish").prop('disabled', false);

wordpress plugin dev, detect shortcode usage submit form from widget to that page

I've created a plugin and now want to create a widget containing a form that will submit to the page where my plugin shortcode is embedded from any wordpress page on the front end.
I assume that within my widget code I need to detect the page/post or permalink containing the shortcode and make that the action="" of my form.
Does anyone know how to do this?
I found this code for conditionally loading js/css based on found shortcode but not sure how to adapt to be used in my widget.
add_filter('the_posts', 'conditionally_add_scripts_and_styles'); // the_posts gets triggered before wp_head
function conditionally_add_scripts_and_styles($posts){
if (empty($posts)) return $posts;
$shortcode_found = false; // use this flag to see if styles and scripts need to be enqueued
foreach ($posts as $post) {
if (stripos($post->post_content, '[code]') !== false) {
$shortcode_found = true; // bingo!
if ($shortcode_found) {
// enqueue here
wp_enqueue_style('my-style', '/style.css');
wp_enqueue_script('my-script', '/script.js');
return $posts;
Original post found here:
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Russ
