How to stop/start IIS 7 application through command line? - iis-7

I would like to create a batch file to start one IIS application, and stop another one.
How it can be done using command line?
How to combined it in batch file?
Put this into a file with .bat extension.
#echo off
appcmd start sites "site1"
appcmd stop sites "site2"
Just ensure that appcmd is available anywhere by adding %windir%\system32\inetsrv\ to the PATH environment variable of your system. Alternatively, you can use the full path to appcmd.exe in the batch file.


Autosys: Change directory before executing job

I'm new to Autosys and I'm using the WCC front end in order to run autosys jobs. I also have access to the terminal if the answer proves to only work in the terminal
I was wondering how to change the directory before running a job. At the moment, Autosys searches its root directory for a batch file buit I want it to point to C:/scripts. IS there any way to define this as the starting directory or am i stuck leaving script files in the root directory of Autosys?
Thank you for your help.
Full path to the script should stand in the "command" section, e.g.:
insert_job: my_job job_type: c
command: C\:\Scripts\script1.bat
Alternative solution is to add C:\Scripts to the PATH variable on your app server.

Why aspnet_compiler requires virtual path (-v) parameter?

I want to prepare a pre-compiled package of ASP.NET MVC 4 site.
I can precompile it using commandline as follows:
aspnet_compiler -nologo -v / -p "C:\WebSite1" -u "C:\TargetPath"
However it baffles me, why aspnet_compiler requires virtual path. What if I decide later on to deploy this package to an IIS server under different path? Could it cause some run-time problems?
By deployment I mean here simple xcopy deployment.
If you specifiy the physical path of the source with the -p switch, then the virtual path is required. I reluctantly submit this page for some info on how the -v can play in with app relative references ie ~/path/file. What he says needs more qualification and does not appear to apply to apps under the default IIS site.
His explanation is that using -v /MySite will change references from ~/path/file to ~/MySite/path/file. However I have not experienced this behaviour. Atleast as far as compiling apps that are under the default IIS website (regardless of being on the root of the site or nested). If I compile with for instance /v kart, inline references and codebehind references to "~/path/file" arrive in the dll as "~/path/file", not "~/kart/path/file". I have had no runtime problems deploying my WebForm apps elsewhere where the app root is now at a different path.
If you are compiling apps that are under the default IIS website, it is redundant to use -p with the physical path to the source and -v with the virtual path. If you omit the -p switch it will compile the same as only using the -v. Being redundant with the -p and physical source path may be nice when reviewing a batch file to have the source location documented.

Add downloadable executable to website

I have a website project, and an outlook addin that communicates via a webservice to the same database. I'd like to add the outlook addin as "downloadable file" to the interface of the website.
How to achieve that at build time the outlook addin installer ends up in the website's "Download" folder?
Is that possible?
Thanks in advance!
I am not sure this is really a good idea, because maybe not every time you build it it is ok to upload it (broken builds? untested bugs?), but anyway, the idea might be this:
find a way to mount the FTP site mounted as disk Z in the computer and keep it there
you probably want to zip it before, so find and install a command line zip.exe
find a way to have an automated job start every few minutes (like a batch file)
The job (might be a batch file) should do this:
check the file creation date of C:\build\folder\executable.exe and compare it with the file creation date of Z:\download\folder\
only if newer, zip C:\build\folder\executable.exe to C:\build\folder\ and copy C:\build\folder\ to Z:\download\folder\
In what language you write the script is your choice, a windows batch could do (the XCOPY command can copy only newer files), I know PHP and probably would use that with a batch file calling "php my_php_task.php", but you can launch any language interpreter you like.
For zipping you can download this:
For copying only newer files u can use XCOPY with options /D (newer only) and /Y (confirm overwriting). Other options here:
So the batch file might look just similar to these two lines:
zip -f C:\build\folder\ C:\build\folder\executable.exe
xcopy /D /Y C:\build\folder\ Z:\download\folder\
Have it called every 30 seconds and the job is done. The -f option in zip and /D option in xcopy make sure the script does nothing except check creation dates if you have not recently rebuilt the file.

changing directory access using ICACLS.exe at runtime

I have the following syntax to change the directory access permission of the LOGO folder in the web application
ICACLS D:\Workspace\SampleProject\LOGO /grant "IIS_IUSRS":(OI)(CI)F.
This works fine if the application is deployed on local IIS, If the web application is hosted on some external server i am not sure what will be the exact path of the LOGO folder,that means cant hard code the path.
so i have written a console application , which gives me the complete path of logo folder on the server and the path is written to sample text file.
my question is their any way to substitute the path "D:\Workspace\SampleProject\LOGO" with the path obtained from text file at runtime ?.
As far as I understand from reading your question and comments, you have a text file with the path of the LOGO folder and you want to run icacls.exe from a batch file to set the folder permissions.
Say, your text file is named path_to_logo.txt and contains a single line with the path. Then the following batch script will do the job:
for /F %%l in (path_to_logo.txt) do ICACLS %%l /grant "IIS_IUSRS":(OI)(CI)F
for /f will loop through all lines in a file (and you have just one), assign the current line to a variable %l and execute what follows the do keyword.

Set Application Pool for package using MSDeploy

I am deploying a website using MSDeploy so using something like the below code.
"%ProgramFiles%\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy\msdeploy.exe"
> webappserversync.log
Is there anyway to set the application pool ? I want to do this from the command line and not set it in a manifest or anything like that.
Shouldn't matter but this is in IIS7.
When you generate your package, you need to have an entry in the parameters.xml file for setting the Application Pool. When deploying, you either include a value for that in your setParameters.xml file, or use -setParam from the command line.
Here is the command I used to grab a site, which generated the proper parameters.xml file ...
-verb:sync -source:appHostConfig="Default Web Site"
-declareParam:name="Application Pool",
defaultValue="Default Web Site",
description="Application pool for this site",
And to install this site from the command line, this ...
-setParam:"Application Pool"="MagicPool"
Dig around in the parameters.xml file to see the entry necessary. And if you prefer, that -setParam entry can exist in your params.xml file instead.
Take a look at this answer:
Set application pool with MSDeploy and TFS 2010
Basically, you create a batch file with an adsutil script to set the app pool, and then you call MSDeploy to run that batch file on the target computer.
