Drupal 7 Node Import from CSV - drupal

I'm trying to import some content from a CSV into Drupal 7. I've tried the Feeds module but it doesn't allow me to match fields to my content type—as far as I can tell—which is a problem.
Previously—in Drupal 6—I have used Node Import but this isn't supported in Drupal 7. Any suggestions?

The feeds module will work, you just need to do a title work.
Create a new importer at admin/structure/feeds/create
Change your Parser settings to use CSV
Check the CSV Parser settings once saved and make sure the correct delimiter is selected
Select "Node Processor" as your processor in your Processor type
Verify your Processor settings. Select your content type. It is important to set a user for for the node author. There is currently a bug that will cause an error if the author is set to anonymous.
Using the column names in your CSV map your columns to your Drupal 7 fields.
Finally, go to /import and run your feed import.
That should do it for you.

Migrate is very robust and can do all kinds of importation.
For very simple things feed is certainly enough.


The built-in WooCommerce importer won´t let me import products from a CSV file

I´m trying to import a CSV file to WooCommerce, I'm using the very same file resulted from an export, but it keeps telling me that for security reasons, the type of file I'm using can´t be used.
What could I be missing here
It was due to the fact that I was using HTML code to show a table of values in the description field

Import "text" strings, to create, automatically, empty pages in MediaWiki

I am using MediaWiki (Sometimes I think that it could be better to use Drupal) to create a wiki.
I have tried to find out a correct api or something similar to import a table (csv, xml, or another format) with text fields.
The idea is to bring a document with "name-pages" and "tags" to create automatically empty pages.
Finally, the users will see that there are new empty pages to fill!.
And every day pass a scheduler (something like Feed Import in Drupal) to bring new pages. I mean, if the text exists, don't do anything; however, it the text is new, create a new wikimedia page!
I don't find the correct api to do this. Somebody knows any way to do this?
Thank you

Custom report translation in OpenERP

Basically all the reports are changed language as per the customer language in OpenERP 7.0. But I have customized a new accounting report as same as default accounting(invoice) report.
While printing my custom report that is not translating based on customer language. Please help to solve this. I am trying this more than two days and not yet any solution.
Note: I have also used setLang function in my report.
Most probably the best solution is to add the i18n folder to your custom addon. In there you add the appropriate .po file and the trick is done.
Remember to add:
folder called i18n
In there
file module_name.pot
file language.po (example it.po)
Salam !
just make [[ setLang('code_lang*') ]] up report
example for french country fr_FR
I hop that help you

Module translations import manually or when module activation?

I've created a simple module and needed to add some translations messages.
Next step was to create a "translations" folder with a po file named "pt-pt.po" inside (my language defined is pt-pt) and programmatically didn't worry to import those messages.
I thought that those messages were imported when module activation but that didn't happen.
I thought wrongly? :) Or what I'm missing?
I have to import manually per-environment?
Does the pt-pt.po file contain strings (I don't understand from that programmatically part)? If not, you'll need something like this http://drupal.org/project/potx to extract the strings from your module.
If the translation file has strings but those were not imported keep in mind that the translations are read and imported only when a module is installed, not activated. So if the module was activated after it was deactivated at some point then the translations will not be re-read.
In this case this could solve the issue: http://drupal.org/project/po_re_importer.

How do I add taxonomy terms using Drupal Migrate

I'm using the migrate module to copy data from several sources to a new drupal installation. So far, I'm able to replicate a lot of what I need from the examples provided with the module. I'm currently stuck on adding terms or taxonomy to newly created nodes. The example shows:
// These are related terms, which by default will be looked up by name
$this->addFieldMapping('migrate_example_beer_styles', 'terms')
I've tracked down the migrate_example_beer_styles destination mapping and it seems to be the machine name for that taxonomy.
I've tried imitating this behavior with every variation of what my machine_name should be, but the terms never seem to get associated:
By id:
// where source breed_id is '1,100' - it finds mapped values accordingly
$this->addFieldMapping('breeds', 'breed_id')
And, by name:
// where source breeds is 'Dogs,German Shepherd'
$this->addFieldMapping('breeds', 'breeds')
Am I wrong assuming the destination mapping is the machine name for a taxonomy?
This version of the migrate module was released recently, I haven't found any other helpful examples on the web.
This question still seems to be getting some views, so I thought I'd add what else I've discovered. While the accepted answer works, you are able to map Vocabs on ID:
$this->addFieldMapping('Exact Case Sensitive Vocab Name', 'source_field_name')
->arguments(array('source_type' => 'tid'))
->separator(',') used for passing a delimited string of source ids. Obviously, leave that off if you're mapping an array of values.
I'm currently working with migrate module myself, and I agree that the documentation is somewhat wanting at this point. :)
The 'machine name' of a vocabulary is listed in the Vocabulary table, in the field 'module'. Try using that value. Do note that you need to feed the text into the mapping, not the ids.
This is my first post on stackoverflow, so I apologize in advance if this isn't the accepted way to submit more information concerning this issue...
I've been stumbling around with the Migrate module for the past few days and was looking for a way to do this in Drupal 7. I had a comma-delimited list of taxonomy ids within an XML field that I wanted to use, but every example I found was retrieving from an external class, or from a database source.
Anyway, through trial and error, I found that you can use a field within the migrate class, rather than reference an external term migration class.
$this->addFieldMapping('field_article_type', 'category_id')
->arguments(array('source_type' => 'tid'))
Check out the taxonomy csv import module at http://drupal.org/project/taxonomy_csv.
It was easy to use and did what it was supposed to and more.
I ended up only using the migrate module for importin gNodes and used this module for the taxonomy. It was a pleasure to use.
