CSS Drop Down Navigation, 3rd level issue - css

I'm trying to get a 3rd level of flyout/dropdown on this CSS navigation menu. The second level works great, only shows when you're hovering over the right top level link. However, the 3rd level shows when you hover over the TOP level also. It should be hidden until you hover over the right dropdown link and then flyout to the right. I have the position correct, but I need it to hide until the right link is hovered on.
Here's the site I'm working on: (the 3rd tier is under Products).
Here's my CSS for the whole menu. I'm sure it's something really easy to spot but I've tried all that I can think of. I'm not a CSS wizard or anything.
.menu { height:32px; position:relative; z-index:100; }
.menu ul {padding:0;margin:0;list-style-type:none;}
.menu li {float:left;width:auto; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; position:relative;}
.menu ul li a { font-size:13px; }
.menu ul li ul li a { font-size:13px; }
.menu a, .menu a:visited {display:block; font-size:15px; text-decoration:none; color:#454545; height:30px; border:1px; padding-left:10px;}
.menu ul ul { visibility:hidden; position:absolute; height:0; top:20px; left:0; width:150px; }
.menu ul ul li { background:#272727; width:150px; text-align:left; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px; }
.menu ul ul li:hover { background:#454545; }
.menu ul ul ul { visibility:hidden; position:absolute; height:0; top:0; left:150px; width:150px; }
.menu ul ul ul li { background:#272727; width:150px; text-align:left; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px; }
.menu ul ul ul li:hover { background:#454545; }
.menu table {position:absolute; top:0; left:0; border-collapse:collapse;} /* style the table so that it takes no ppart in the layout - required for IE to work */
.menu ul ul a, .menu ul ul a:visited, .menu ul ul ul a, .menu ul ul ul a:visited { color:#fff; height:auto;}
.menu a:hover, .menu ul ul li:hover { }
.menu :hover > a, .menu ul ul :hover > a, .menu ul ul ul :hover > a {}
.menu ul li:hover ul, .menu ul a:hover ul, .menu ul ul li:hover ul { visibility:visible; }
Here's is my HTML Code:
<li>About Us</li>
<li>Garage Doors
<li>Residential Garage Doors</li>
<li>Commercial Garage Doors</li>
<li>Openers & Operators</li>
<li>Online Store
<li>Replacement Remotes</li>
<li>Keyless Entry</li>
<li>Gears & Sprocket Parts</li>
<li>Safety Beams</li>
<li>Lube & Grease</li>
<li>Ask a Pro
<li>Submit a Question</li>
<li>Seasonal Tips</li>

This is the part that makes the submenu visible:
.menu ul li:hover ul,
.menu ul a:hover ul,
.menu ul ul li:hover ul { visibility:visible; }
Now, I'm not sure what your markup is (I can only guess seeing .menu table and a:hover ul...), but with a standard list based markup, this part is too greedy:
.menu ul li:hover ul
This selects all ul elements that are in the li:hover all the way down the line, up to the very last one. I think you want to select only the direct descendant:
.menu ul li:hover > ul
All I changed was adding the > character. Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/dgUFw/
EDIT: Updated demo with the HTML you just posted: http://jsfiddle.net/dgUFw/1/
The .menu element was missing from your post, so I wrapped the whole thing in a <div class="menu"> and it seems to work fine.


Second level submenu CSS

I was hoping if you can help me with my little problem. I am just updating one of my developers style sheets. I am a beginner in CSS so I am having difficulties adding the second level submenu in it.
Here's the link DEMO PAGE
This is my HTML
<div id="sidebar"><i class="icon icon-home"> </i>Dashboard<ul style="display: block;">
<li class="active"><i class="icon icon-home"></i> <span>Dashboard</span> </li>
<li> <i class="icon icon-signal"></i> <span>Charts & graphs</span> </li>
<li><i class="icon icon-th"></i> <span>Tables</span></li>
<li><i class="icon icon-fullscreen"></i> <span>Full width</span></li>
<li class="submenu"> <i class="icon icon-th-list"></i> <span>API</span> <span class="label label-important">4</span>
<li>% of National Roads Paved</li>
<li>Regional Profiles</li>
and this is my CSS
/* Top user navigation */
#sidebar{ width:100%; background:#252125; position:absolute; clear:both; top:62px;}
#sidebar > ul{ margin:0px; padding:0px; width:100%; display:block; z-index:999;}
/*Border right sidebar */
#sidebar > ul > li { list-style-type:none; float:left; display:block; margin:0px; border-right:1px solid #464652; position:relative; padding:10px; cursor:pointer}
/*Border right */
#sidebar > ul > li a{ padding:12px 0;}
#sidebar > ul > li:hover ul { display:block;}
/*#sidebar > ul > li:hover { background-color:#41bedd;} */
/*On hover menu */
#sidebar > ul > li:hover { background-color:#464652;}
/*On hover menu */
#sidebar > ul > li:hover a{ background:none;}
/*Modules color */
#sidebar > ul li ul { margin:0px; padding:0px; display:none; z-index:999; position:absolute; left:0px; top:40px; background:#464652; min-width:200px;}
/*Modules color */
#sidebar > ul li ul li { list-style-type:none; margin:0px; font-size:12px;line-height:30px; }
#sidebar > ul li ul li a { display:block; padding:5px 10px; color:#fff; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; }
/*Modules color on hover */
#sidebar > ul li ul li:hover a{ background-color:#5A5A69;}
/*Modules color on hover*/
#sidebar > ul li span { cursor:pointer; margin:0px 2px 0 5px; font-weight:bold; color:#fff; font-size:11px; }
#sidebar > ul li a i{ background-image: url("../img/glyphicons-halflings-white.png"); margin-top:4px; vertical-align: top;}
I know this post has been posted from different threads. I really cant understand them. Hope you understand. Thanks in advance.
First of all, in your sample HTML, you don't have any lis in your tertiary level. Put some in there.
As for your CSS, it's presently set up to handle the showing and hiding of UL's below the top level one on hover. We need to get more specific so that it excludes the 3rd level--as well as then get more specific to and add a second level hover style.
Where you have this:
#sidebar > ul > li:hover ul { display:block;}
Change it to this:
#sidebar > ul > li:hover > ul { display:block;}
The first will show ALL child ULs of the LI on hover. The latter will show only the direct child of the LI on hover.
Now we need to add a trigger for the 3rd level:
#sidebar > ul > li > ul > li:hover > ul { display:block; top: 0; left: 200px}
While we're at it, we included a new set of positioning so that it appears to the right of the current hover rather than below (which would cover up the second level navigation.
Working example: http://jsfiddle.net/wS9t3/

Drop down menu <li> hover changing background image

I have a drop down menu and I'd like each main menu tab to change to a specific image while hovering over it with the mouse.
ul {list-style: none;padding: 0px;margin: 0px;}
ul li {display: block;position: relative;float: left;}
li ul {display: none;}
ul li a {display: block; text-decoration: none; color: #fff;}
ul li a:hover {}
li:hover ul {display: block; position: absolute;}
li:hover li {float: none;}
li:hover a {background-image:url(rf3.gif);}
li:hover li a:hover {background: #fec96b; color:#fff;}
<li>Web Design
<li>Content Management
I'd like tabs like 'Support' and 'Web Desing' to change to each of their unique images - they are different.
I tried adding a class to ex.
<li class="hover">Support</li>
but with no success.
Give those two list items a unique class name, and then specify the appropriate CSS for them.
ul {list-style: none;padding: 0px;margin: 0px;}
ul li {display: block;position: relative;float: left;}
li ul {display: none;}
ul li a {display: block; text-decoration: none; color: #fff;}
ul li a:hover {}
li:hover ul {display: block; position: absolute;}
li:hover li {float: none;}
li:hover a {background-image:url(rf3.gif);}
li:hover li a:hover {background: #fec96b; color:#fff;}
li.support > a:hover { background-url(path_to_image_for_support.png); }
li.web-design > a:hover { background-url(path_to_image_for_web_design.png); }
<li class="support">Support</li>
<li class="web-design">Web Design
<li>Content Management
Use Javascript. Instead of class, use 'ID' and assign each one a number. Then create a Javscript function that will use:
document.getElementById('[line number]').style.backgroundColor = "[desired background color]";

menu's go down when zoomed-out in browser

I am doing a website project on asp.net 3.5. When i Zoom-out the interface on web-browser my menu bar's Contact tab goes below also the places to visit tab's line "visit" comes below. How can I overcome this problem?
<div id="nav">
<li>About us</li>
<li>Places to visit</li>
<li>Contact us</li>
#nav { clear:both; margin:0;
padding:0;width:900px; height:30px;}
#nav ul { margin:0; padding:0; line-height:30px; }
#nav li { margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none; float:left;
#nav ul li a { text-align:center;
height:30px; display:block;
color:#FFF; width:110.5px;
border:1px solid #006363;
#nav ul ul { position:absolute; visibility:hidden; top:32px;}
#nav ul li:hover ul {visibility:visible;}
#nav li:hover { background:#09F;}
#nav ul li:hover ul li a:hover {background-color:#09F;
#nav ul li ul li { background-color:#0066CC/*#1B6187*/;}
#nav a:hover { color:#000;}
.clearFloat {clear:both;}
This happens because the text doesn't scale well when zooming: it stays bigger than you'd expect. The text forces the surrounding li's and a's to get bigger than you'd like.
I recently fixed the same issue by fixing the width of each li (eg: width: 30px). The text will still be bigger than you'd like, but if you use enough padding it has enough space to grow.
What you could also try is position the last li absolutely top top:0, right:0, this will get ugly as the last li will lay over the one before the last

css styling not rendering properly, possible div issue?

I'm trying to make a horizontal menu layout in CSS. I was using the guide listed here:
I've got a css file looking like this, called navigation.css:
.navigation ul {
.navigation ul li {
.navigation li a {
.navigation li a:hover {
.navigation li ul {
.navigation li:hover ul {
.navigation li li{
and in my actual php page, I have this
<div class="navigation">
Browse database
For reasons I cannot determine, their is no drop-down menu effect. Consequently, if I change navigation to an id instead of a class by replacing .navigation with #navigation, then none of the layout affects the HTML.
In case you're still having the problem, have you tried changing:
.navigation li li{
.navigation li li{
.navigation li:hover li{

Why does this text pop to the left in Webkit?

Maybe somebody has seen this before? When you hover over the "First List" and "Second List" text, the text pops a couple pixels to the left. This only happens in Webkit browsers. Tested in Chrome on Linux and Mac, Safari on Mac, and Android browser. Here's the code. I also made a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/XzVLt
#navigation {
#navigation li {
padding:0 5px;
#navigation ul ul {
#navigation li ul {
#navigation li ul li {
#navigation ul li {
#navigation ul li {
#navigation li ul {
#navigation li:hover ul {
#navigation a {
font-size: 0.8em;
#navigation li li a {
<div id="navigation">
First list
Second list
I'm guessing that it has something to do with your margins and padding that comes into play as soon as you change the drop-down from display:none to display:block
I use the suckerfish method for drop-downs; you can easily implement this in your method as well. Just change how you phase in the drop-down content as follows:
Replace ...
#navigation li ul {
#navigation li:hover ul {
... with ...
#navigation li ul {
#navigation li:hover ul {
Quick tests in Firefox and Safari - it works just fine ... you'll need some JS to create an element to replace the li:hover pseudo or it won't work in IE.
Read more about the method here http://htmldog.com/articles/suckerfish/dropdowns/
