Deploy SNAPSHOT artifact and sources to Nexus from Maven command line - nexus

I am trying to deploy one EXE file and it's zipped source file to Sonatype Nexus using maven command line. Files must be deployed as SNAPSHOTs.
So, I have 2 files:
-testXYZ.exe and source file
Using maven 2.2.1 and command described here:
mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=file:///home/me/m2-repo \ \
-Dfile=./path/to/artifact-name-1.0.jar \
-DpomFile=./path/to/pom.xml \
-Dsources=./path/to/artifact-name-1.0-sources.jar \
I can deploy EXE, but cannot deploy source, because maven 2.2.1 is using deploy-plugin v2.5 and this command is not supported until v2.7.
It is not allowed to me to use newer versions of maven, so I try different approach.
Using these two subsequent commands I can deploy these two artifacts, but, source cannot be downloaded from nexus.
call mvn deploy:deploy-file -DartifactId=testXYZ -Dversion=1.1.116-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=zip -Dclassifier=sources -Durl=http://build:8081/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots -DrepositoryId=nexus
call mvn deploy:deploy-file -DartifactId=testXYZ -Dversion=1.1.116-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=exe -Dfile=testXYZ.exe -Durl=http://build:8081/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots -DrepositoryId=nexus
After deploy, i search for testXYZ and click on artifact source download link.
Nexus says:
"Item not found on path
Problem is the way maven upload these artifacts:
Line form log file while source is uploading:
Uploaded: http://build:8081/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots/com/xyz/testXYZ/1.1.116-SNAPSHOT/
Line form log file while Main artifact is uploading:
Uploaded: http://build:8081/nexus/content/repositories/snapshots/com/xyz/testXYZ/1.1.116-SNAPSHOT/testXYZ-1.1.116-20120106.111709-2.exe
Notice 111705-1 and 111705-2. Last number must be the same if we wish Nexus can generate correct links.
This approach is described here:
Deploying an artifact, its sources and javadoc using maven's deploy:deploy-file plugin
and here:
and it working for fixed versions(for example 1.1.116), but not for SNAPSHOTs.
Exe and Zip files can be deployed to Nexus (like jar files), if fixed version is used.
So, question is:
Is there a way to deploy artifact and source SNAPSHOTs from command line to Sonatype Nexus and to be sure that these files can be downloaded by clicking on sources and artifacts links?
If I disable timestamps suffix, this can work, but I do not want to do this.

I found partial solution for this problem. I can call specific version of maven-deploy-plugin like this:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.7:deploy-file...
This way, artifacts and sources SNAPSHOTs can be deployed to Nexus avoiding any problems with download, but it behave like
is still there.


How to debug wso2 api manager code in idea

I am trying to run API Manager 4.0.0 from source code, I download product-am and carbon-apimgt from github. How can i debug source code in idea or eclipse ?
First of all, you have to build the product. Follow these steps in order to build the product locally.
Make sure you have installed Java and Maven in your machine.
Download or clone carbon-apimgt repository from
Go to carbon-apimgt directory and run mvn clean install command in the terminal. (You can ignore unit tests by running mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true)
Copy the build version to the clipboard (ex:- 9.12.3-SNAPSHOT)
Download or clone product-apim from
Replace the value of carbon.apimgt.version in pom.xml file with the value you copied. (ex:- <carbon.apimgt.version>9.12.3-SNAPSHOT</carbon.apimgt.version>)
Go to product-apim directory and run mvn clean install command in the terminal. (You can ignore integration tests by running mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true which will save your time)
The built pack can be found in product-apim/modules/distribution/product/target directory.
After building the pack, extract the content in the zip file and run sh bin/ --debug 5005 command.
I recommend JetBrains Intellij IDEA to debug the code easily. So, open the carbon-apimgt project in IDEA. Then Add Configuration > Add new... > Remote JVM Debug > OK. After adding the configuration, you can click on the debug button and start debugging.

How to install unofficial Firebase extension

Looking for information on steps to install the unofficial firestore-nlp-extension, link below.
I read the firestore docs but did not see instructions to install a "custom" extension.
Any help is appreciated!
You need to install the extension from a local source but this was available during the alpha and the below link is no longer working
The specific extension does not seem to be available on the Firebase system:
Error: The extension reference
'firebase/firestore-natural-language-processing#latest' doesn't exist.
This could happen for two reasons: -The publisher ID 'firebase'
doesn't exist or could be misspelled -The name of the extension
version 'firestore-natural-language-processing#latest' doesn't exist
or could be misspelled
For the current beta from the cli tool I found the following:
First, clone the git repo of the extension:
git clone
then run the following commands to build the project:
cd firestore-nlp-extension/functions
yarn add -D rimraf
yarn build
cd ../..
and then to install this extension, run:
firebase ext:install ./firestore-nlp-extension --project=YOUR_PROJECT
if you get a path error you might need to find the right path such as:
firebase ext:install ./firestore-nlp-extension/functions --project=YOUR_PROJECT

How to tell Visual Studio Code compiled from source where to find sqlite module?

I am building the Visual Studio Code from the source checked out from the git repository:
git clone
I am building using:
export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=2048
./scripts/ install --arch=armhf
I am using node 10.16.3 on a Raspberry PI 4, using Raspbian buster
There were no errors during build.
The installation downloads a precompiled version of electron on the first run.
However each time I try and run code, it starts but with an error:
[storage state.vscdb] open(): Unable to open DB due to Error: Cannot find module '../build/Release/sqlite
If I look in node_modules/vscode-sqlite3/build/Release/
I can see:
It is unclear to me why electron/vscode cannot find this library. I would be greatful for any pointers on how to tell the runtime where to look for the modules.
On inspecting the build scripts and after many painful experiments, I've found and solved the 2 problems leading to this error.
The fact that .a static libraries are left behind hinted that some settings in the binding.gyp, config.gpy and/or makefiles are wrong, as Native Node Modules are normally dynamic libraries with an .node extension. One conditional line in the binding.gyp file under vscode-sqlite3 seems to the the culprit:
["target_arch=='arm'", {"type": "static_library"}]
Disable that line (by removing it or changing 'arm' to something else) and then run:
node-gyp configure
to regenerate the config.gpy file(s) under the build directory. Then build the module with:
node-gyp build
A sqlite.node will be generated in build/Release.
Unfortunately, the latest electron ABI version rarely matches that of the Node.js version. In my configuration, the electron ABI version is 72 (v6.0.12) but the latest stable Node version is for ABI 64. Therefore we have to do an electron-rebuild to update the sqlite.node to match the electron version.
To do this, you would have to first install electron-rebuild (yarn add electron-rebuild) then run electron-rebuild by giving supplying explicitly the version number of the electron binary that vscode downloaded:
electron-rebuild -v 6.0.12 -m /home/dev/vscode -o vscode-sqlite3
Of course you would have to state the version number of your particular version of electron you are building for.
(Please look up electron-rebuild --help for the meaning of the options. It takes a while to rebuild the binary module...)
The resulting sqlite.node can then be moved into the build/Release/. directory under the vscode project directory. Voila, we have a working latest version VS-Code for Raspbian!

iFrameExtractor no ffmpeg with build_universal script

I'm trying to follow this tutorial on how to extract the frames from an iphone video:
It says to do the following:
open Terminal
clone the repository: git clone git://
go to the ffmpeg folder in the project: cd iFrameExtractor/ffmpeg
build the ffmpeg libraries: ./build_universal
So there's no ffmpeg folder in iFrameExtractor after cloning the repository so I went to the github page and it says to download the latest version of ffmpeg and move to to the ffmpeg folder (I presume it just means within iFrameExtractor):
Download the latest ffmpeg (0.11.1 tested):
git clone git://
So I've done that but there's no file or directory when I try to run ./build_universal and I can see that there isn't.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Alternatively I was also looking at just installing ffmpeg-ios and trying to extract the frames myself:
and I've run the script so I've got that folder in my xcode project as well but I'm unsure on how to link it properly?
If you finish building FFMPEG with FFmpeg-iOS-build-script, the result should be an "FFmpeg-iOS" folder.
Copy the folder to iFrameExtractor project and make sure to setup the library path in "Build Setting".
Library Path in Build Setting example
Also, the project seems lack of iconv library, needs to be added in "Build Phase", and bit code enabled (would caused the failure on building project) which should be turned off.
Currently I am using DFURTSPPlayer (based on iFrameExtractor but added audio support) with FFMPEG 2.6.9 (which can be changed in the script file) to receive audio and video streaming.

Deploying binaries from Bamboo to Nexus repository

Firstly I am new to Nexus. So please bear if it is too noob a question. Let me first explain how our current build/deployment process works.
We have a project that is Maven based. There is a parent POM.xml and two module pom.xmls Each child module POM.xmls create a JAR file each when built. Currently I am doing the build/ deployments manually. I checkout code from SVN to my local machine. I run mvn clean install. I have created a bash script to bundle the 2 Jar files + few other resources (Present just in SVN repo and gets downloaded to local) into a tar.gzip file. Now I SCP this to the app server. Run install scripts that deploys the tar.gzip file.
We plan to automate the build in Bamboo (Which I have already done). Then the built artifact needs to be uploaded to a Nexus repository (Due to security issues, the SCP task in Bamboo does not work because of establishing SSH connectivity from Bamboo Server to App Server).
I have created a Bash Script task in Bamboo which does the bundling ( 2 Jars from each child Module POM + resources) to a tar.gzip. This tar.gzip is prersent in a path a/b/c/d on my bamboo machine.
How do I upload this tar.gzip to Nexus Repository?
I have read about uploading artifacts to Nexus. But I understand it if just 1 jar/ear/war file is created from the build. But we want the bundle. So if I make changes to settings.xml & POM.xml to configure the upload to NEXUS, each JAR file will be uploaded into separate paths in Nexus. And then I have to configure separately to upload the resource files (Not part of build). Is my understanding correct? Please let me know how to proceed with this?
Thanks in advance!!!
Use the Maven Assembly Plugin to create an assembly that contains your artifacts and resources, and then your regular maven deploy will deploy it into Nexus.
