I know that white noise can be achieved by treating the output of rnorm() as a timeseries. Any suggestions on how to simulate pink noise?
Package tuneR has noise function which can generate a wave object that is either white or pink noise:
w <- noise(kind = c("white"))
p <- noise(kind = c("pink"))
plot(w,main="white noise")
plot(p,main="pink noise")
EDIT: I realized that the method above doesn't generate the vector (doh). Brutal way to convert it into the vector is to add the code below:
writeWave(p,"p.wav")#writes pink noise on your hard drive
require(audio)#loads `audio` package to use `load.wave` function
p.vec <- load.wave("path/to/p.wav")#this will load pink noise as a vector
As said by #mbq, you can just use p#left to get the vector, instead of saving and reading the wav file. On the other hand, you could directly use the function generating the time serie in tuneR:
TK95 <- function(N, alpha = 1){
f <- seq(from=0, to=pi, length.out=(N/2+1))[-c(1,(N/2+1))] # Fourier frequencies
f_ <- 1 / f^alpha # Power law
RW <- sqrt(0.5*f_) * rnorm(N/2-1) # for the real part
IW <- sqrt(0.5*f_) * rnorm(N/2-1) # for the imaginary part
fR <- complex(real = c(rnorm(1), RW, rnorm(1), RW[(N/2-1):1]),
imaginary = c(0, IW, 0, -IW[(N/2-1):1]), length.out=N)
# Those complex numbers that are to be back transformed for Fourier Frequencies 0, 2pi/N, 2*2pi/N, ..., pi, ..., 2pi-1/N
# Choose in a way that frequencies are complex-conjugated and symmetric around pi
# 0 and pi do not need an imaginary part
reihe <- fft(fR, inverse=TRUE) # go back into time domain
return(Re(reihe)) # imaginary part is 0
and this works perfectly :
I want to calculate a least-cost path using gdistance::shortestPath. I have a raster file showing the cost of passing each cell, but before using it, I try to mimic the example 1 in the pdf manual to see how the package works as below when we assume constant cost to travel across cells.
raster <- raster(ymn = 35.6, ymx = 35.76, xmx = 139.9, xmn = 139.6, res = 0.001)
raster[] <- 1
speed <- function(x){1/(x[2]+x[1])}
# 8 is possible connections
trraster <- transition(raster, transitionFunction=speed, 8)
trraster <- geoCorrection(trraster, scl=FALSE)
adj <- adjacent(raster, cells=1:ncell(raster), pairs=TRUE, directions=8)
speed <- trraster
# this is the cost function
speed[adj] <-trraster[adj]
x <- geoCorrection(speed, scl=FALSE)
origin <- c(139.7761,35.7136)
goal <- c(139.7582,35.66639)
path <- shortestPath(x, origin, goal, output="SpatialLines")
Because this assume constant costs to travel (See raster[] <- 1 and speed <- function(x){1/(x[2]+x[1])}), the result must be a straight line, but the result is different as below.
It does not seem to allow us travel cells diagonally. What is wrong with the code? I set direction as 8, so we should be able to travel cells diagonally. I am using gdistance 1.3-6 and R 4.0.5.
I solved it by removing trraster <- geoCorrection(trraster, scl=FALSE). In the original pdf manual, they apply geoCorrection twice to adjust the distance between cells when they calculate the slope (height difference / distance) and conductance (speed / distance). However, in my case, speed is constant, so we only need to apply it once in x <- geoCorrection(speed, scl=FALSE).
The misc3d package provides a great implementation of the marching cubes algorithm, allowing to plot implicit surfaces.
For example, let's plot a Dupin cyclide:
a = 0.94; mu = 0.56; c = 0.34 # cyclide parameters
f <- function(x, y, z, a, c, mu){ # implicit equation f(x,y,z)=0
b <- sqrt(a^2-c^2)
(x^2+y^2+z^2-mu^2+b^2)^2 - 4*(a*x-c*mu)^2 - 4*b^2*y^2
# define the "voxel"
nx <- 50; ny <- 50; nz <- 25
x <- seq(-c-mu-a, abs(mu-c)+a, length=nx)
y <- seq(-mu-a, mu+a, length=ny)
z <- seq(-mu-c, mu+c, length=nz)
g <- expand.grid(x=x, y=y, z=z)
voxel <- array(with(g, f(x,y,z,a,c,mu)), c(nx,ny,nz))
# plot the surface
surf <- computeContour3d(voxel, level=0, x=x, y=y, z=z)
Nice, except that the surface is not smooth.
The documentation of drawScene.rgl says: "Object-specific rendering features such as smoothing and material are controlled by setting in the objects." I don't know what does that mean. How to get a smooth surface?
I have a solution but not a straightforward one: this solution consists in building a mesh3d object from the output of computeContour3d, and to include the surface normals in this mesh3d.
The surface normals of an implicit surface defined by f(x,y,z)=0 are simply given by the gradient of f. It is not hard to derive the gradient for this example.
gradient <- function(xyz,a,c,mu){
x <- xyz[1]; y <- xyz[2]; z <- xyz[3]
b <- sqrt(a^2-c^2)
2*(2*x)*(x^2+y^2+z^2-mu^2+b^2) - 8*a*(a*x-c*mu),
2*(2*y)*(x^2+y^2+z^2-mu^2+b^2) - 8*b^2*y,
Then the normals are computed as follows:
normals <- apply(surf, 1, function(xyz){
Now we are ready to make the mesh3d object:
mesh <- list(vb = rbind(t(surf),1),
it = matrix(1:nrow(surf), nrow=3),
primitivetype = "triangle",
normals = rbind(-normals,1))
class(mesh) <- c("mesh3d", "shape3d")
And finally to plot it with rgl:
shade3d(mesh, color="red")
Nice, the surface is smooth now.
But is there a more straightforward way to get a smooth surface, without building a mesh3d object? What do they mean in the documentation: "Object-specific rendering features such as smoothing and material are controlled by setting in the objects."?
I don't know what the documentation is suggesting. However, you can do it via a mesh object slightly more easily than you did (though the results aren't quite as nice), using the addNormals() function to calculate the normals automatically rather than by formula.
Here are the steps:
Compute the surface as you did.
Create the mesh without normals. This is basically what you did, but using tmesh3d():
mesh <- tmesh3d(t(surf), matrix(1:nrow(surf), nrow=3), homogeneous = FALSE)
Calculate which vertices are duplicates of which others:
verts <- apply(mesh$vb, 2, function(column) paste(column, collapse = " "))
firstcopy <- match(verts, verts)
Rewrite the indices to use the first copy. This is necessary, since the misc3d functions give a collection of disconnected triangles; we need to work out which are connected.
it <- as.numeric(mesh$it)
it <- firstcopy[it]
dim(it) <- dim(mesh$it)
mesh$it <- it
At this point, there are a lot of unused vertices in the mesh; if memory was a problem you might want to add a step to remove them. I'm going to skip that.
Add the normals
mesh <- addNormals(mesh)
Here are the before and after shots. Left is without normals, right is with them.
It's not quite as smooth as your solution using computed normals, but it's not always easy to find those.
There's an option smooth in the makeTriangles function:
drawScene.rgl(makeTriangles(surf, smooth=TRUE))
I think the result is equivalent to #user2554330's solution, but this is more straightforward.
The result is highly better with the rmarchingcubes package:
contour_shape <- contour3d(
griddata = voxel, level = 0,
x = x, y = y, z = z
tmesh <- tmesh3d(
vertices = t(contour_shape[["vertices"]]),
indices = t(contour_shape[["triangles"]]),
normals = contour_shape[["normals"]],
homogeneous = FALSE
open3d(windowRect = c(50, 50, 562, 562))
shade3d(tmesh, color = "darkred")
I would like to match points in 3-dimensional space.
Therefore, I am using the Hungarian Method described in this question: Finding the best matching pairwise points from 2 vectors
Here is my example using R:
# packages
a <- c(rep(2,7), 3,4,5,6,3,4,5,6,7,7,7,7,7,7) # x values
b <- c(rep(3,7),3,3,3,3, 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3) # y values
c <- c(seq(1,7),1,1,1,1,7,7,7,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) # z values
# transform the points
a1 <- a + seq(1,length(a))
b1 <- b + 8
c1 <- c + 9
# plot the data
plot3d(a,b,c, col="red", pch=16,size=10)
plot3d(a1,b1,c1, lwd=10, col="blue", pch=16,size=10, add=TRUE)
# run the Hungarian Method
A <- cbind(a,b,c)
B <- cbind(a1,b1,c1)
distances <- rdist(A,B) # calculate Euclidean Distance between points
min.dist <- solve_LSAP(distances) # minimizing the sum of distance
min.dist.num <- as.numeric(min.dist)
# plot the minimized lines between point sets
for (ii in 1:dim(B)[1]){
D <- c(A[ii,1], B[min.dist.num[ii],1])
R <- c(A[ii,2], B[min.dist.num[ii],2])
W <- c(A[ii,3], B[min.dist.num[ii],3])
# calculate the share of points that is matched correctly
sum(1:dim(B)[1]==min.dist.num)/dim(B)[1]* 100
The problem here is that only 5% of the points are matched correctly (see last line of the code). In my view, the main trouble is that the algorithm does not take the structure of the object (a square) into account.
Question: Is there any method that performs better for this sample data?
In my original data, the dimensional structure of the points is way more complicated. I have a cloud of data and within this cloud there are multiple subfigures.
I am seeking primarily for a solution in R, but other implementations (e.g. MATLAB, Excel, Java) are also welcome.
Hello people of the Internet, I have an Interferogramm (time domain) and want to to Fourier transform it into a IR Spectrum (frequency domain) to obtain the peaks of the functional groups in the molecule. FTIR (Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy) is a advanced method to determine functional groups in a molecule. The so-called interferometer is build like this:
An interferogram plots the signal intensity in Volt vs. the mirror position in nanometers, as in this script:
par(family="mono", font.axis=1)
data <- read.table("D13-4-aminobenzoic_acid_interferogram.asc")
x <- data[,1]
y <- data[,2]
xlab="Mirror position [mm]",
ylab="Signal intensity [V]",
Here is the Link to the .asc file with the measured data. After the Fourier Transformation the spectrum should look like this:
My question is: How do I make a fast discrete Fourier transformation in R using fft() from the Interferogram to the IR spectrum? Is the reverse transformation from the spectrum to the Interferogram possible in R and if yes how is it done.
Try this solution:
d <- read.table('D13-4-aminobenzoic_acid_interferogram.asc')
f <- fft(d[,2])
# do fft(f,inverse=T) to get the unnormalized inverse
f2 <- sqrt(Re(f)^2 + Im(f)^2)
c <- 2.9979e8 # speed of light
lambda.laser <- 632.8e-9 # (nm) HeNe
nu.Nyquist <- 1e-2/lambda.laser # upper limit of the wavenumber
delta.nu <- nu.Nyquist/nrow(d) # wavenumber spacing
i.nu <- 1:floor(length(f2)/2) # show plot up to the Nyquist limit
Does R have a package for generating random numbers in multi-dimensional space? For example, suppose I want to generate 1000 points inside a cuboid or a sphere.
I have some functions for hypercube and n-sphere selection that generate dataframes with cartesian coordinates and guarantee a uniform distribution through the hypercube or n-sphere for an arbitrary amount of dimensions :
GenerateCubiclePoints <- function(nrPoints,nrDim,center=rep(0,nrDim),l=1){
x <- matrix(runif(nrPoints*nrDim,-1,1),ncol=nrDim)
x <- as.data.frame(
names(x) <- make.names(seq_len(nrDim))
is in a cube/hypercube of nrDim dimensions with a center and l the length of one side.
For an n-sphere with nrDim dimensions, you can do something similar, where r is the radius :
GenerateSpherePoints <- function(nrPoints,nrDim,center=rep(0,nrDim),r=1){
#generate the polar coordinates!
x <- matrix(runif(nrPoints*nrDim,-pi,pi),ncol=nrDim)
x[,nrDim] <- x[,nrDim]/2
#recalculate them to cartesians
sin.x <- sin(x)
cos.x <- cos(x)
cos.x[,nrDim] <- 1 # see the formula for n.spheres
y <- sapply(1:nrDim, function(i){
} else {
y <- as.data.frame(
names(y) <- make.names(seq_len(nrDim))
in 2 dimensions, these give :
From code :
T1 <- GenerateCubiclePoints(10000,2,c(4,3),5)
T2 <- GenerateSpherePoints(10000,2,c(-5,3),2)
op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
Also check out the copula package. This will generate data within a cube/hypercube with uniform margins, but with correlation structures that you set. The generated variables can then be transformed to represent other shapes, but still with relations other than independent.
If you want more complex shapes but are happy with uniform and idependent within the shape then you can just do rejection sampling: generate data within a cube that contains your shape, then test if the points are within your shape, reject them if not, then keep doing this until there are enough points.
A couple of years ago, I made a package called geozoo. It is available on CRAN.
It has many different functions to produce objects in N-dimensions.
p = 4
n = 1000
# Cube with points on it's face.
# A 3D version would be a box with solid walls and a hollow interior.
# Hollow sphere
sphere.hollow(p, n)
# Solid cube
cube.solid.random(p, n)
cube.solid.grid(p, 10) # evenly spaced points
# Solid Sphere
sphere.solid.random(p, n)
sphere.solid.grid(p, 10) # evenly spaced points
One of my favorite ones to watch animate is a cube with points along its edges, because it was one of the first objects that I made. It also gives you a sense of distance between vertices.
# Cube with points along it's edges.
Also, check out the website: http://streaming.stat.iastate.edu/~dicook/geometric-data/. It contains pictures and downloadable data sets.
Hope it meets your needs!
df <- data.frame(
x = runif(1000),
y = runif(1000),
z = runif(1000)
x y z
1 0.7522104 0.579833314 0.7878651
2 0.2846864 0.520284731 0.8435828
3 0.2240340 0.001686003 0.2143208
4 0.4933712 0.250840233 0.4618258
5 0.6749785 0.298335804 0.4494820
6 0.7089414 0.141114804 0.3772317
df <- data.frame(
radius = runif(1000),
inclination = 2*pi*runif(1000),
azimuth = 2*pi*runif(1000)
radius inclination azimuth
1 0.1233281 5.363530 1.747377
2 0.1872865 5.309806 4.933985
3 0.2371039 5.029894 6.160549
4 0.2438854 2.962975 2.862862
5 0.5300013 3.340892 1.647043
6 0.6972793 4.777056 2.381325
Note: edited to include code for sphere
Here is one way to do it.
Say we hope to generate a bunch of 3d points of the form y = (y_1, y_2, y_3)
Sample X from multivariate Gaussian with mean zero and covariance matrix R.
(x_1, x_2, x_3) ~ Multivariate_Gaussian(u = [0,0,0], R = [[r_11, r_12, r_13],r_21, r_22, r_23], [r_31, r_32, r_33]]
You can find a function which generates Multivariate Gaussian samples in an R package.
Take the Gaussian cdf of each covariate (phi(x_1) , phi(x_2), phi(x_3)). In this case, phi is the Gaussian cdf of our variables. Ie phi(x_1) = Pr[x <= x_1] By the probability integral transform, these (phi(x_1) , phi(x_2), phi(x_3)) = (u_1, u_2, u_3), will each be uniformly distrubted on [0,1].
Then, take the inverse cdf of each uniformly distributed marginal. In other words take the inverse cdf of u_1, u_2, u_3:
F^{-1}(u_1), F^{-2}(u_2), F^{-3}(u_3) = (y_1, y_2, y_3), where F is the marginal cdf of the distrubution you are trying to sample from.