How to Change WordPress "Add Media" Pop-up? - wordpress

Is there a solution to change the add Media popup in posts/page Wordpress admin ?
My dream is to integrate the popup directly in a metabox. The user shouldn't open the popup to manage his media files. And sometimes hide the library and From URL tabs, not always useful...
I'm looking to better manage a product page (for ecommercial website..) and its images.
Just a question :) And maybe a suggestion.
What do you think about that?

You can manipulate that screen in a couple of ways.
Using the action hook admin_head-media-upload-popup, as seen in How to Add a Custom Colum on Thickbox Media Gallery Tab?.
Or using the filter media_upload_tabs: Remove tabs from media uploader for a CPT.
Other solutions/examples and possible hooks can be found with this search query:
Take a look at the plugin Image Pro, which seems to meet the requirements.
Upload, resize, add, change images instantly. Manage your media collection with ease and use it for any post or page. A new way of managing content!
And analyzing the code of the plugin Faster Image Insert can reveal some interesting techniques.
Fully integrates media manager into editing interface, avoid reloading thickbox pop-up, with enhanced features like multi-insert & mass-editing.


How to create such buttons with Wordpress?

I'm very new to WordPress (tbh, it's my first time working with it). And I need to make a website as my school project using CMS. Creating pages with templates is alright, but I have a lot of troubles with buttons. I found this website, and I can see it using WordPress. I need such buttons as on this page (they appear when you hover over the image). Is this a default option for buttons in WordPress? If not, is there a plugin for this or what is the way to add them on my images?
First Install Elementor plugin
and go to page when you add button and open page with elementor
and do drag and drop any element like button, space, text editor etc.
You have several ways to achieve that:
Overwritting Wordpress CSS
Using a plugin
Create your own shortcode
1 - Overwriting Wordpress CSS
If you manage to display all the elements using wordpress template, and your only issue is to display buttons over the images, then it should only be a matter of CSS
2 - Using a plugin
The idea here is to find a plugin that help you to create/display the informations you need (maybe you'll need to add functionnality to basic post though custom fields or using a custom post type).
Once you find the right plugin, again if the plugin dosen't directly offert some settings on the design then you'll have to overwrite the plugin's CSS rules to display the elements as you want.
3 - Create your own shortcode
If you're new to Wordpress I wouldn't recommend this method as it is kind of advanced, unless you're comfortable with PHP/HTML/CSS (optionaly JS).
This is the more flexible solution as you can basically control anything, but it will require you to understand some core concepts of Wordpress like WP Query and how custom queries works.
The idea here is to create a shortcode.
THis shortcode refere to a custom made PHP function, in which you can create a custom request to fetch the informations you need to display from Wordpress database, and display it in an HTML structure that you decide.
THen angain, you'll just have to customize it though CSS.
Note : no need to create a whole plugin if you decide to create a shortcode, you can use the template functions.php file for that.

How to integrate TinyMCE with WPForms

I am trying to integrate TinyMCE with WPForms inside the WPForms Blog Post Submission plugin.
I inserted an HTML field with the code
<script src="" referrerpolicy="origin"></script>
selector: '#wpforms-421-field_7'
This kind of works as TinyMCE is integrated but in a horrible layout. Also the Images that are uploaded using this are not actually reflected in the actual page.
How do I integrate TinyMCE with WPForms correctly so that Images can be inserted in the text area and saved in the submitted posts?
You are asking a couple of different questions wrapped up in your request ... let me try to address each one:
1 - TinyMCE looks odd in the rendered page
The menus, toolbars, and statusbar of TinyMCE are part of the main web page that loads TinyMCE. As such if you are loading CSS onto the page that impacts these elements you can get to odd visual results like this.
I would use your browser's dev tools to sleuth out what CSS is impacting things.
2 - How do I upload images using TinyMCE?
You have not given us any details at all as to how you have tried to allow users to upload images via TinyMCE. There is an insert image option that you can expose via the image plugin but it requires some back end coding to receive the image and process it.
One additional question on this - Wordpress already has a media library and a UI to interact with that while using TinyMCE to create content - why are you trying to do something outside of WP's own media library?
It seems the author want TinyMCE in place of the textarea when creating Form for submission of Blog Post using WPForm.
Image: Source:
The problem is WPForm does not come along with the TinyMCE especially for the post content. You will probably get SCRIPT error or UI problem. You can use different plugins other than WPForm. Else write some custom code particularly for the Post Submission Addon found with WPForm.
You must to set Wpforms as "No styling" and check "Load Assets Globally"

Wordpress Customizer image gallery

I am trying to add in an option in the admin panel that let's a user populate an image gallery that I've created.
Looking through the Customizer API, I see how to add options, but it's still not what I want.
Is it better to build a plugin? Any reference that's recommended?
There are multiple carousels you could use. As far as I know, there should be a plugin but not many. I reccommend using Bootstrap's carousel, though

Creating a Filter system for images using NextGen Gallery for Wordpress

Using the latest version of Wordpress and NextGen Gallery plugin... I'm trying to create a filter system for the images. For instance: If you click on a link called "Vacation" all the images with the tag/alt of Vacation would appear and the rest would disappear and so on. Is there a plugin I can use or does NextGen have anything built in?
Can anyone lead me in the right direction to getting this filter going? Thank you.
This plugin works:
It's an extension for the NextGen plugin. Once activated, be sure to "Activate permalinks" in NextGen's Options first.
You can use the [nggpowertags] shortcode, which will show your gallery + clickable tag filters. Just be aware that images without tags will not show up (at least not by default). I.e, make sure all of your images are tagged.
If you don't feel like tagging all your images, you can also use the default [nggallery] shortcode and place [tagcloud] above it. This gets you roughly the same result.

Image gallery in wordpress

Is it possible to create an image gallery in wordpress that is managed by the admin via it's own page / panel. I am not talking about creating a new post and adding custom html for each image. I mean actually having a page in the admin that has the ability to upload and manage your images?
If it is possible how do you go about creating a custom page like this? I understand the PHP side of uploading and manipulating images, but I don't know how to integrate it with wordpress. I don't need a full blow tutorial on how to do this, but if you could just point me in the right direction that would be great.
One issue that comes to mind right away, is if this is possible would upgrading wordpress break the code? Since I assume you have to edit the admin files directly and you can't just do it from your own custom template?
From playing around I found NextGEN Gallery ( that has a tab in your admin panel. It looks like it would meet your needs.
You can manage all your media from the WordPress Media Library using tags if you install Tag Gallery
It requires the Media Tags plugin but it makes managing galleries so much easier and your using the built in media facilities of WordPress so it's not disjoint from the experience. There is a new version in the works that will offer much more impressive functionality as well.
Hope that helps.
There are a huge amount of image galleries for wordpress already made. Have a quick google for some (search "wordpress image gallery") and see if any of them are suitable (I'll be surprised if one of them isn't).
Failing that, you'll need to create yourself a Wordpress Plugin.
I've integrated ZenPhoto into my wordpress blog. It was pretty easy, would probably take you a few hours. The admin pages are completely separate from the wordpress admin pages, so you can easily give access to only one person.
You can create a custom post type called Gallery to manage create and manage image galleries. The post will have its own "Gallery" panel in the admin section and from there you can add new galleries just as you describe. There are lost of tutorials for creating gallery custom post types.
