How to convert TwitterResponse to something that ListView can read? -

I've been googling for a really long time, and there is no example of how to display TwitterResponse object to something that datagrid or listview can display ... anyone has any solution to that ?
BTW, i tried to convert TwitterResponse to JSON Object, and itz just chaos ...

I've never used it, but it's clear from the documentation for Twitterizer that you need to bind to the ResponseObject property of the TwitterResponse object. If that is enumerable and contains properties then you should be able to bind to it.


How to get dynamic data into textbox in flex?

Actually in my Flex Application i'm getting values from Database and Stored into a ArrayCollection...
[Bindable]public var data : ArrayCollection;
Actually ArrayCollection data contain values,flex,dotnet,php.....
So now i'm adding this ArrayCollection into textbox for getting Dynamic value just like Auto-Suggestion
but it is giving all data once but i want when we type 'J' dynamically 'J' related words will be display....
Please help me....
The type of component you're looking for is called AutoComplete. There are quite a few implementations out there, but my favorite is the Flextras AutoCompleteComboBox, because I built it. It is available free for production use; but you'll have to register to download the SWC.

Populate comboboxes INSIDE a datagrid with UNIQUE data IN actionscript (flex)

i've searched for several hours, and didn't find an answer for my problem.
i'm trying to place comboboxes in a datagrid filled with DYNAMIC data. (the number and the content of these comboboxes always change. i don't know in advance how many columns there are, where i need to use comboboxes. so every single combobox gets a unique dataprovider, which comes from an external source, WHEN the program runs.)
-i found MANY threads discussing this problem, but solving via crappy mxml files, filling the comboboxes inside the sourcecode by hand. i want to point out, that isn't good for me.
-i found a better solution, in which they used some sort of custom itemrenderer to get the data from the internet. (kind of a country chooser thing) but sadly that wasn't good enough, because the number and name of the countries in the world are static more or less, they don't change. so their renderer class didn't depend on any parameters from the main algorithm.
but in my program i calculate the data in my own actionscript objects, then fill an arraylist with that. so at the beginning i load the desired data from the net, and when i get the response of the urlrequest, AFTER that i start to populate the datagrid/combobox.
i can fill any datagrid or combobox without trouble, but to put that combobox inside a datagrid cell seems to be impossible.
could anyone please help? it drives me crazy. i managed to do this in several languages before, c#, java, even php+html, but in flex it looks way too complicated then it should be.
i'm aware, that this amount of network activity could mean some load on the server. i didn't design the philosophy behind it, i just need to wrote a client which meets the expectations. my program looks something like this:
(i'm willing to rewrite any part of it, just to make those nasty comboboxes work)
main.mxml file
this is the main program, i handle some login related stuff here, and set basic design properties for the datagrids. (for example: maxwidth, maxheight, layout constraints etc.)
nothing interesting, except the command when i instantiate the actionscript class, which i wrote to fill the datagrid.
private var myGrid1:MyGridType;
somefunction {
myGrid1 = new MyGridType(theDatagridDefinedBefore, "argumentNeededToFillDataGridsWithUniqueData");
========= file
in the constructor i call a urlrequest with the help of the second argument, then add an eventlistener to it. when the data arrives, the eventlistener fires the filler function: i read the results into an arraycollection, then make it the dataprovider for the the datagrid in the first argument.
so far so good.
here comes the trouble with the comboboxes. for a specific number columns, i instantiate my combobox class. let's call that class "MyComboBoxType".
blablabla = new MyComboBoxType(theDatagridDefinedBefore, param1, param2, param3);"
========= file
i do nearly exactly the same, what i did in the MyGridType class. call for help from the net with param1-2-3. when i receive the data, fill an arraycollection. maybe set that arraycollection to be the dataprovider for a combobox. AAAAAAAND now i want that arraycollection or combobox to be on the datagrid "theDatagridDefinedBefore".
I know it's not exactly what you're trying to accomplish, but I had a somewhat similar issue in the past. Take a look at How to get the value of a ComboBox within a DataGrid to see if it helps.
If it were me, I would populate the entire ArrayCollection set before binding them to the datagrid if at all possible.
You should build up your custom [Bindable] data structure - say MyGridData class - for the rows in the grid (if you haven't done it yet);
the dataProvider of your grid should
be an Array / ArrayCollection /..
of MyGridData objects.
this step clearly works already, but
for the integrity: override the
getItemEditor function, or specify
it explicitly using mxml, to return
the combobox when needed.
as for the dataProvider of the
combobox, you should specify the
data.comboArray from inside the
renderer class, where data is the
MyGridData instance used by the row
you are processing. (overriding the
set data(value: Object):void
function, you can pre-process it.)
this way, you are working with the
reference of your original instances,
and by the binding you can detect /
show any changes to them directly.

Is it possible to have WPF/SL4 perform operations on a property binded to another control?

Using SilverLight, one can bind the value of a control to a property from a datacontext. That's fine.
It is possible to use StringFormat along with the binding declaration to format the value. Again, that's cool!
However, I can't find a way to have the binding with some operation done to it before it gets displayed. I know I can code an IConverter but I was looking for something purely in XAML if that exists. I could also add a property to the class that returns the data in the correct way, but still what would happen if you don't have the source of the class?
For example, let's say I have this class for my datacontext (properly setup with notification and the like):
public class Info
public int SomeValue {...} // Value from 0 to 15
I would like to have a binding that would display 45 instead of 15 where the binding would be declared something like {Binding SomeValue, Operation="*3"}
Is there something like this in the .NET world (either from MSoft or OpenSource)?
found the link I was talking about.
Still, Charles Petzold also suggest to rather use a ValueConverter, even though some arithmetics is possible in pure XAML

ASP.Net: Is it possible to skip databinding of an element if an error occurs?

I use a lot of repeaters for different elements of our sites, and I've always wondered if there was a way to have the repeater skip an element if an exception occurs instead of having the whole page crash?
In particular, I've inherited a system from another developer that using a similar design, however he didn't include any kind of validation for his business objects, and it a single property is missing, the whole thing goes up in smoke.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
The simplest suggestion I can offer is the check the validity of the data before it's passed to the repeater. I don't believe there's any way to get the stock repeater to skip a data element on error.
The other approach is to build your own repeater, inheriting from the base Repeater, to add that functionality but I've no sample code to offer. Perhaps someone else may be able to help there.
The way I see it, you have at least three options.
You could create a custom repeater control that inherits System.Web.UI.WebControls.Repeater and override the databinding behaviour to be more try-catchy (probably fail silently on databinding errors). You couldd then easily replace all instances of the standard Repeater with this new one.
You could filter your datasources before databinding to remove items you know are going to cause problems beforehand. This option may be quite laborious and something of an iterative process.
You could try adding default values to the business objects, so that the properties you're binding to return a default instance rather than null (not nice either).
That's my thoughts anyway.
One question - you say "when a property is missing". Do you mean he's using a style of databinding syntax that offers no compile-time checking and is referencing properties that don't exist, or is referecing properties that are null?
OK, so you're referencing properties that are null. If you have access to the code for the business objects you could modify them so they return a new, non-null instance (this is the third option I gave).
You don't say if you're using .net 3.5, but I'll assume you are. You could add a new property "IsValidForDataBinding" on to each of your business objects. In the getter logic you could check each of the necessary properties and sub-objects to check for validity, non-nullness etc and return a bool. When you come to bind your repeater, write a simple linq statement that filters-out the invalid items (i.e. where IsValidForDataBinding = false). Having said that, I still think that writing a derived repeater control could be your easiest option.
Have you tried using string.isnullorempty("the string") to check for a value before referencing the property?
Here's a reference: MSDN

Gridview sorting challenge when moving from Winforms to ASP.NET 2.0 Webforms

I have a problem with Gridview sorting that is similar to others but I'm binding to a collection object as opposed to a data table.
The existing business rules and data access layers of an application follow the pattern of having an object and, if you need a collection of objects of that type, to have another class inheriting CollectionBase and implementing IBindingList.
For desktop applications, it was easy to databind a gridview to one of these objects and there weren't any problems with turning on column sorting. Everything was 'in state' in the desktop app's presentation layer.
Now that code is being moved to a new web application (ASP.NET 2.0, VB codebehind pages).
I've played around with what I had to do to only have certain columns of the collection show up in the gridview and the gridview looked pretty good. When I turned on 'allow sorting', that's when the problems showed up.
I'm getting the error about not having a .Sorting method, etc. In researching this, I found all sorts of solutions that were easily implemented with dataviews if my source was a data table. But it's not - it's a collection. I tried to "cheap shot" a datasource by converting the collection to an XML memory stream and them trying to .ReadXML back into a dataset but that didn't work [Root element is missing error was as far as I got in the dataset.ReadXml(ioTemp) where ioTemp was the System.IO.MemoryStream used in the xml serializer].
Because of the old desktop apps, I've never had to worry about sorting a collection since the gridview handled it once it was loaded. In fact, it's a 'standard' that the collection's .SortProperty, .SortDirection and .ApplySort all through NotSupportedExceptions (I inherited this code from programmers long gone).
Is there an easy way to convert the collection to a data table or a way to sort the collection without having to go back to the database each time? Object Data Sources won't work becuase of the intricate rules in how the objects are built - the wizards in VS2005 just can't handle what we need to do (grabbing data from several tables conditionally to make an object).
Thanks in advance.
Have you considered client side sorting instead?
I have used the jquery tablesorter plugin in the past with ASP Gridviews.
I had a similar issue and i needed to implement IComparable on the objects. Basically to sort a collection of objects you need a way to distinguish their order. The IComparable interface has one method called Compare which allows the .Net framework to work out the order of the objects when you sort them. You need to implement this method yourself to get the sort method to work.
Google results
You don't mention the error message so i cant be sure if this is the case, can you post the error?
In regards to your comment; you can implement multi column sorting, it just requires more work. You can specify the fields to sort the collection by and then use this information within the CompareTo Method.
Have a look at this
Given that you apparently are populating the grid with a collection of your own objects, this sounds like a perfect job for Linq for Objects. With just a little elbow grease you can achieve what is effectively an SQL Select statement against your collection. Very cool stuff.
Also, do you really just want to sort the data in the grid? If so, then'd definitely pursue using Linq against your objects. However, rarely does sorting the contents of the grid really answer the problem ("sorting the grid" usually translates into changing the access path of the data used to fill the grid.) Browser apps aren't like Windows apps and don't have a full-time connection to the underlying data source to make things happen quite as magically as the DataGridView in Windows makes things seem.
You can put link buttons with an On_Click event as the header's of each column.
When the event is triggered, figure out which header was clicked on (one method per header or a commandArgument value). Once that is know, do a .orderBy or .OrderByDescending by on the collection of objects, and put the result back in as datasource of the gridview and databind on that.
In the year since I originally asked this question, I managed to get a new 'standard' implemented so that collections of business objects were now generic lists.
So now a "Collection class" that is little more than a "Inherits List(Of MyBusinessObject)" with a Sort Method that looks like this (performance wasn't an issue):
Public Overloads Sub Sort(ByVal strPropertyName As String, ByVal strDirection As String)
Dim arSortedList As New ArrayList
For Each item As MyBusinessObject In Me
arSortedList.Sort(New CaseInsensitiveComparer(Of MyBusinessObject)(strPropertyName, strDirection))
For intI As Integer = 0 To arSortedList.Count - 1
Item(intI) = arSortedList(intI)
End Sub
This seemed to work perfectly with the methodology used by the GridView for firing events.
