How to link directly to a specific spot in an iFrame? - iframe

I have a page located at:
Inside that page is an iFrame:
<iframe width="100%" scrolling="auto" height="600" frameborder="0" src="job/demo/865/parsed_console/log.html"></iframe>
Within the iFrame there are anchor tags which I can browse to with a link like the one below:
The problem is that if I use the above link I am directed to a page that does not have the outer frame. I don't have source control over either page.
How can I make a link that will go directly to a specific location in the iFrame without losing outer frame?

I believe the solution to this is to change the src attribute of the iframe element to include the fragment which you wish to scroll into view. This would be achieved using Javascript.

http://localhost/ is only visible from your computer.
<iframe name="blah"></iframe>
<a href="" target="blah">

In your link add a target attribute for example: <a href="..." target="name_of_iframe"/> where name_of_iframe the value of the name attribute on the iframe tag for example: <iframe name=name_of_iframe"></iframe>

Look for an id tag in the html page at the specific spot you want the iFrame to open at. Then hash tag it in your iFrame
For instance the page you load in your iFrame may have - id="autolog" - or - input id="un"- etc.,
Hash tag the id in your iFrame like so:
<iframe src=";" frameborder="0" height="98"
width="225" style="float: right; frameborder="0"; SCROLLING=YES></iframe>


How to disable full screen on youtube Iframe?

I have a div container and Iframe inside. I assigned width=200 and height=200.
when I click on full screen, the video becomes blurry with very bad quality. So, I wanted to see if it is possible to disable full screen on youtube iframe.
"I used ?controls=0 at the end of my url and it resolved the issue."
Your answer doesn't solve the problem, you can toggle full screen also double clicking the video. I tried allowfullscreen="0", doesn't work as well.
The same is for ?showinfo=0; also doesn't work.
?showinfo=0 works only if you change link:
Use the iframe tag without allowFullscreen to disable the button on the player, for example:
<iframe src=""></iframe>
To allow fullscreen just add allowFullscreen:
<iframe allowfullscreen="0" src=""></iframe>
when you have a video on youtube you can share it. it also displays an option to embed it.
you probably have a <iframe></iframe> in your code
mine looks like this:
<div class="IFR" alt="-">
<iframe width="560" height="315" src=" rel=0&controls=1&showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" donotallowfullscreen>
Your browser does not support Iframes <br>
I suggest that you use Google Chrome or FireFox
the thing that matters here is "donotallowfullscreen".
if you set this to "allowfullscreen" you will be able to use fullscreen.
TLDR: in the Iframe tag where your YT video is located, add "donotallowfullscreen" at the end. and its fixed
I used ?controls=0 at the end of my url and it resolved the issue.
<iframe title="video player" src={videoSrc} allowfullscreen="0"/>
React- Full Screen Fix for youtube API
You can remove the full-screen option from the youtube embed video by using fs parameter in the youtube embed URL
Example:- youtube embed URL
Add query parameter of fs in the above URL
Special thanks to ecoe
To allow fullscreen in iframe add allowfullscreen attribute in the iframe
<iframe class="iframe-embed" [src]="url_link|safe" allowfullscreen>

Wordpress : Need to set zoom level in google embedded map iframe

I am using Map embed iframe with this code in my Website
<iframe src="!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d4911422.152107185!2d-6.743420312530421!3d53.05351610420746!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x487a5d16d99dac79%3A0xbd0539007f0aea54!2s27+Eddisbury+Dr%2C+Newcastle%2C+Staffordshire+ST5+7SL%2C+UK!5e0!3m2!1sen!2sin!4v1465471022612" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
it looks
It works good, But i want to set zoom level in this iframe, is it possible?
Guide me how do i set this. Thanks!!
when i am adding this
<iframe style="height:100%; width:100%;" src=",+Newcastle,+Staffordshire+ST5+7SL,+UK&key=AIzaSyAN0om9mFmy1QN6Wf54tXAowK4eT0ZUPrU&zoom=15"></iframe></div>
then I am getting this
i mean it works , but disturb all page contents and div too.. And when i tried to set its height and width it remains same, means no change.
Back to my question i just want to set zoom level, no need to change height and width or map style.
I resolved my problem , here i am adding some screen-shots,
I opened the page ,and
then it opened like this
Now go to address bar i.e
and find out lat long and Z associated with lat long
you may change this Z as you want and refresh the page
After this go to cog button on top left side i.e
after this it will open a side bar like this
then look for share or embed map and click on that it will open
now copy iframe code from here and use.
Thats it. It will work for every one.
<title>Google map</title>
<iframe style="height:100%; width:100%;" src=",+Newcastle,+Staffordshire+ST5+7SL,+UK&key=AIzaSyAN0om9mFmy1QN6Wf54tXAowK4eT0ZUPrU&zoom=15"></iframe></div>
you can use zoom variable for zoom level like bellow.
<iframe style="height:100%; width:100%;" src=",+Newcastle,+Staffordshire+ST5+7SL,+UK&key=AIzaSyAN0om9mFmy1QN6Wf54tXAowK4eT0ZUPrU&zoom=15"></iframe></div>
You can try with the &z=nn Some value parameter. It works fine for me. Here is a reference code for you.
<iframe width="640" height="480" src=""></iframe>
I did it just by changing "pointer-events: all"
and then you have the same functions as in google map, zoom in-out, make a route and etc.
.map iframe {
pointer-events: all;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
border: 0;

Removing background color in the form in IE

Am not able to remove the background color in an IFrame so please help me.Am running out of my precious time :-(
Though this is not PHP related, I think you are seeking for an answer as follows. If you have access to editing the content of the page that is being directed to with the iFrame, then you can use a simple CSS property to remove the background. Try adding this to the head of the document:
<style type="text/css">
body {
If this page will be accessed at anytime outside of the iFrame, simply set a PHP (if-statement should work if you set a certain variable) to enable/disable this bit of code if it's being accessed by the iFrame page.
In your iframe add this parameter
So your iframe should look something like this (copied from your page)
<iframe src="" height="360" width="320" frameborder="0" scrolling="No" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>
Good luck!
Dennis M.

How do I make links open in parent frame using a Content Editor Web Part with iframes?

I need to have the links within my Content Editor Web Part open in the parent frame. The links are a part of the page the iframe is loading. I am editing the Home Page of the SharePoint site and cannot add a tag to the page. Here is my code:
<div style="overflow:hidden; width: 800; height:200; position:absolute; left:-170px; top:0px;">
<iframe src="/News/Pages/Default.aspx#OuterZoneTable" style="overflow:hidden; width:100%; height:550;" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no">
The widths and heights are different because I am offsetting the page to show a particular location in the page.
Unless I'm missing something about your requirements, wouldn't a TARGET attribute set to _top (or _parent) on your anchors be sufficient?
You'd need to edit the HTML source to accomplish this, so maybe you're asking if there's a way to set that behavior using the Content Editor WYSIWYG controls -- which I don't believe there is.
Another idea would be to use scripting to set the attribute values via the DOM. For example, if you had jQuery in play on your page of links, you could do something like:
That example assumes the links you want to change are contained in an element with the HTML id of "OuterZoneTable".

Positioning an iframe

I need to load a page with an iframe in a way that its header is hidden. I tried the following but for some reason it isn't working:
<div style="width:945px; height:600px; overflow:hidden;">
<iframe src="innerpage.html"
style="top:-100px" />
What meder said is true, but it could also be that your style wouldn't do anything. You'll need to set position: absolute or position: static in order for top to have any impact.
This will just move the whole iframe up though, not the content within the iframe.
It isn't working because you can't style the inside of an iframe from the parent, without accessing the document inside whether from the parent's javascript, or a stylesheet inside the iframe assuming said iframe is on the same domain as yours.
