Refreshing data using AJAX in ASP masterpage -

I have some processes that run as a background job, allowing a user to continue to use a page, when the jobs are finished (which can take a few minutes) i want to display a message to the user, the best place to display this would be the masterpage AFAIK (incase they move from page to page on the site) so i have defined a div in the masterpage file.
I am trying to find the best method for displaying the data, at the moment i have a method in the masterpage vb file which polls a database to see if the job(which involves complex logic and some db access) has completed, if it has, it shows a message in the div e.g. "Job 13132 has completed" - which works fine.
The problem is this is not dynamic, and i have to refresh the page to call the function that checks if the processes have finished, how can i use AJAX to deliver this content automatically every 5 seconds?
I have tried using an asp timer with a 5 second tick time but the entire page refreshes on the timer click event every 5 seconds.
Protected Sub Timer1_Tick(Byval sender as Object, Byval e As EventArgs)
End Sub
Public Sub poll_results()
'database access logic
If dbtable.isCompleted = True
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
sb.Append("$('#status').html('Job abc123 is complete');")
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(Page), "myscript", sb.ToString(), True)
End If
End Sub
Is there a way to only refresh the div with the updated message, without a full refresh happening using this code? Or if this is not possible, is there any way to replicate the above function using jQuery and still be able to update the DIV text only if a job as finished?

You can easily go throw what we called, an async call, instead calling your method in the same page, just create an async folder in your website and add a new Generic Handler, call the page, for example checkPendingJobs.ashx.
in that page, add your current method:
Public Sub ProcessRequest (Byval context as HttpContext)
Dim r As String = ""
If dbtable.isCompleted = True
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
r = "Job abc123 is complete"
End If
context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain"
Now that you did your Server part, let's do the client part, in your page, add this jQuery code to tour masterpage, witch will fire every time some one refreshes the page, or you can use setInterval() to check it every xx seconds:
var checkJobs = true;
$(document).ready(function() {
// every time someone refreshes the page
// every 5 seconds...
setInterval(function(){ checkPendingJobs(); }, 5000);
function checkPendingJobs() {
// no need to check it if we already have a valid response
if(!checkJobs) return;
// caching issue trick
var now = new Date();
url: "../async/checkPendingJobs.ashx",
type: "GET",
data: { t: now.getTime() },
success: function(data) {
// do we have text to show?
if(data.length > 0) {
checkJobs = false; // no need to check it more...
// $('#status').html(data);
error: function(msg) {
alert('Error found:\n' + msg);

The most common approach to this would be to create a single page that will render out either JSON or HTML. This of this as the "poll_results" method, think of it as poll_result.aspx. You can either pass a single Job ID to this page or just do a poll for any jobs that have finished since the last polling.
Your Masterpage will have a snipet of JavaScript that will use a timer (client side javascript timer) to send an AJAX request to the server, hitting your "poll_request.aspx" page. This page will return either HTML or JSON and you will write some JavaScript to show your message. If you need some code samples let me know.


ASP.Net Drop Down List not passing a value when updated using ajax

I have some jQuery that I'm using to open a pop-up window where a new consignor can be added to the database. The original window has a dropdownlist of all of the current consignors. When you add the new consignor in the pop-up window, that window closes and the original window then reloads the dropdownlist's data and selects the one just created.
All of that works perfectly. My issue is that when you fill out the rest of the form and submit it, it passes an empty string instead of the value of the selected item. Is this because it's an ASP.Net script? I don't know a lot about ASP.Net, but I've never had this issue with PHP. Can someone explain how I would go about refreshing the dropdownlist without refreshing the entire page and still get the list to pass it's value upon form submission?
My javascript code on the page that opens the pop-up and reloads the list is below:
function openConsignorAdd() {
var url;
url = "/admin/consignor/csAdd.aspx";, "WizardWindow", "width=400,height=500,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes");
function loadNewAdded(fn, cs_txt_id) {
// var pagePath = window.location.pathname;
var pagePath = "/admin/getNewList.asp";
var paramList = "data=";
//Call the page method
type: "POST",
url: pagePath + "?type=" + fn + "&cs_txt_id=" + cs_txt_id,
data: paramList,
success: function (data) {
//create jquery object from the response html
var $response = $(data);
//query the jq object for the values
var results = $response.filter('select#results').html();
if (fn == "consignor") {
} else if (fn == "cdr") {
error: function () {
alert("Failed To Refresh!\n\nYou must manually refresh the page.");
My javascript code on the pop-up page to refresh the list is:
function refreshOpener(cs_txt_id) {
window.opener.loadNewAdded("consignor", cs_txt_id);
Those both work. And to get the value of my dropdownlist, I simply use:
if (itemConsigner.SelectedValue.ToString() != string.Empty)
itemCsTxtId = itemConsigner.SelectedValue.ToString();
with my dropdownlist being:
<asp:DropDownList ID="itemConsigner" runat="server" TabIndex="1"></asp:DropDownList>
If you need more info, just let me know. Any help is appreciated.
It seems that the issue is that since I am making the change after the page loads, the server does not see my new addition as one of the original options so ignores it completely. This is good so that people cannot just edit your forms I guess. So what I did was instead of getting the value of itemConsigner.SelectedValue, I grab the value for Request.Form["itemConsigner"] with the long ID. That way it doesn't validate that my submitted option was an original option.
Might be a silly observation but without all the code I'm not sure if this is the case. Are you just updating the original list with the id in the select options. The value needs to be populated as well for each. That could be why you are getting an empty value on after form submission.

jQuery UI autocomplete is not displaying results fetched via AJAX

I am trying to use the jQuery UI autocomplete feature in my web application. What I have set up is a page called SearchPreload.aspx. This page checks for a value (term) to come in along with another parameter. The page validates the values that are incoming, and then it pulls some data from the database and prints out a javascript array (ex: ["item1","item2"]) on the page. Code:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string curVal;
string type ="";
if (Request.QueryString["term"] != null)
curVal = Request.QueryString["term"].ToString();
curVal = curVal.ToLower();
if (Request.QueryString["Type"] != null)
type = Request.QueryString["Type"].ToString();
public string PreLoadStrings(List<string> PreLoadValues, string curVal)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (PreLoadValues.Any())
foreach (string str in PreLoadValues)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
if (str.ToLower().Contains(curVal))
return sb.ToString();
The db part is working fine and printing out the correct data on the screen of the page if I navigate to it via browser.
The jQuery ui autocomplete is written as follows:
source: "SearchPreload.aspx?Type=rbChoice",
minLength: 1
Now if my understanding is correct, every time I type in the search box, it should act as a keypress and fire my source to limit the data correct? When I through a debug statement in SearchPreload.aspx code behind, it appears that the page is not being hit at all.
If I wrap the autocomplete function in a .keypress function, then I get into the search preload page but still I do not get any results. I just want to show the results under the search box just like the default functionality example on the jQuery website. What am I doing wrong?
autocomplete will NOT display suggestions if the JSON returned by the server is invalid. So copy the following URL (or the returned JSON data) and paste it on JSONLint. See if your JSON is valid.
PS: I do not see that you're calling the PreLoadStrings function. I hope this is normal.
A couple of things to check.
Make sure that the path to the page is correct. If you are at, and your searchpreload.aspx page is in another directory such as the url that you are using as the source would be incorrect, it would need to be
source: "/anotherFolder/Searchpreload.aspx?Type=rbChoice"
One other thing that you could try is to make the method that you are calling a page method on the searchpreload.aspx page. Typically when working with javascript, I try to use page methods to handle ajax reqeusts and send back it's data. More on page methods can be found here:

Session is different if flash uploads photo to the aspx page

I have a aspx called user-photo-upload.aspx and another aspx called get-photo.aspx. I set the Session["PhotoId"] in the page_load method of user-photo-upload.aspx.
If I visit the user-photo-upload.aspx through the browser normally, the session can be retrieved in get-photo.aspx.
But if the flash uploads photo to the user-photo-upload.aspx page, I can't get the Session["PhotoId"] in get-photo.aspx.
I discover that the Session ID is different when visiting the page using browser normally or by flash. I don't know why flash uses another session.
What should I do?
The Flash plugin acts as a separate client, so both the browser and the plugin receiving individual session IDs is the expected behavior.
You will have to work around this by setting the original session ID as a variable in the Flash movie, either as a FlashVar or via JavaScript, then sending it as a GET parameter to the server along with the first request issued, and replacing the new ID created for the Flash client with the one that was given to the server.
This question relates to the same problem in Java, perhaps it can help you to solve your problem.
We had the same problem with a Flash Uploader. This is how we solved it...
(1) We added a new parameter session_id to the client side init code of the Flash Uploader:
<script type="text/javascript">
var swfu<%=RandomId %>;
$(document).ready(function() {
swfu<%=RandomId %> = new SWFUpload({
// Backend Settings
upload_url: "./picupload.aspx",
post_params : {
"PictureCategory" : "<%= EncryptedPictureCategory() %>",
"picture_id": "<%= EncryptedPictureId() %>",
"session_id": "<%= HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID %>"
// *snip* ...
(2) We altered our Session_Start method in Global.asax.cs to accept Session IDs from the request:
protected void Session_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Request["session_id"] != null)
bool isRedirected, isCookieAdded;
string oldSessionId = Request["session_id"];
SessionIDManager manager = new SessionIDManager();
manager.SaveSessionID(HttpContext.Current, oldSessionId, out isRedirected, out isCookieAdded);

How to open new window with streamed document in ASP.NET Web Forms

I have an ASP.NET Web Forms application. I want to have a button to post back to the server that will use my fields on my form (after validation) as parameters to a server process that will generate a document and stream it back to the browser. I want the form to be updated with some status results.
What is the best way to achieve this? Right now, I've got the button click generating the document and streaming it back to the browser (it's a Word document and the dialog pops up, and the Word document can be opened successfully) but the page doesn't get updated.
I have jQuery in my solution, so using js isn't an issue if that is required.
I have a very similar process on one of my servers, and the way I've handled it is to create a temporary document on the server rather than doing a live stream. It requires a bit of housekeeping code to tidy it up, but it does mean that you can return the results of the generation and then do a client-side redirect to the generated document if successful. In my case, I'm using jQuery and AJAX to do the document generation and page update, but the same principle should also apply to a pure WebForms approach.
This was way more difficult to do than I thought. The main issue is with opening a new browser window for a Word document. The window briefly flashes up, then closes - no Word document appears. It seems to be a security issue.
If i click a button on my page, I can stream the Word doc back as the response, and the browser dialog pops up allowing me to Open/Save/Cancel, but of course, my page doesn't refresh.
My final solution to this was to use a client script on the button click to temporarily set the form's target to _blank. This forces the response to the click on the postback to go to a new browser window (which automatically closes after the download dialog is dismissed):
<asp:Button Text="Generate Doc" runat="server" ID="btnGenerateDoc"
onclick="btnGenerateDoc_Click" OnClientClick="SetupPageRefresh()" />
My SetupPageRefresh function is as follows:
function SetupPageRefresh() {
// Force the button to open a new browser window. = '_blank';
// Immediately reset the form's target back to this page, and setup a poll
// to the server to wait until the document has been generated.
setTimeout("OnTimeout();", 1);
Then my OnTimeout function resets the target for the form, then starts polling a web service to wait until the server process is complete. (I have a counter in my Session that I update once the process has completed.)
function OnTimeout() {
// Reset the form's target back to this page (from _blank). = '_self';
// Poll for a change.
And the Poll function simply uses jQuery's ajax function to poll my web service:
function Poll() {
var currentCount = $("#hidCount").val();
url: "/WebService1.asmx/CheckCount",
data: JSON.stringify({ currentCount: currentCount }),
success: function (data) {
var changed = data.d;
if (changed) {
// Change recorded, so refresh the page.
window.location = window.location;
else {
// No change - check again in 1 second.
setTimeout("Poll();", 1000);
So this does a 1 second poll to my web service waiting for the Session's counter to change from the value in the hidden field on the page. This means it doesn't matter how long the server process takes to generate the Word document (and update the database, etc.) the page won't refresh until it's done.
When the web service call comes back with true, the page is refreshed with the window.location = window.location statement.
For completeness, my Web Service looks like this:
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for WebService1
/// </summary>
[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
// To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line.
public class WebService1 : WebService
public bool CheckCount(int currentCount)
if (Session["Count"] == null)
Session["Count"] = 0;
var count = (int)Session["Count"];
var changed = count != currentCount;
return changed;
Hopefully that helps somebody else!

Passing flash variables to

I don't know much about Flash but we are working on a site that has a flash form and when the users pick an option, like selecting a value from a drop down list, we need the value to be passed to server-side code. What's the easiest way to do this?
Flash can invoke server side service. So use GET or POST to pass data
You could explore these options:
1) Communicate between the SWF and the containing page through JavaScript
2) Communicate via webservices from the SWF directly to the webservice.
3) Not sure but could probably do a POST to a processing aspx page?
I think a good option is to use the XML class so consider this:
var xmlRequest = new XML();
xmlRequest.onLoad = parseXMLResponse;
function parseXMLRequest(loaded)
You can also have the page give you data back this way so it's not just one way communication.
Assuming you are using Action Script 2.
Read the important notes at the bottom of each codes pertain to sending and retrieving data from flash to .net page. Explanation of the code is in the comment inside the code.
Flash Part (Action Script 2)
//function to send collected form data to page
//use other control/button to call this function
//important: in order for the 'onLoad' event to work correctly, this function has to be 'Void'
function sendForm():Void
//create LoadVars object
var lv_in:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
var lv_out:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
//set onLoad event
lv_in.onLoad = function(success:Boolean)
//if success, meaning data has received from .net page, run this code
if (success)
//lv_in.status is use to get the posted data from .Net page
statusMsg.text = "Thank you for filling up the form!" + lv_in.status;
//if fail, run this code
statusMsg.text = "The form you are trying to fill up has an error!";
//this is the collected data from the form
lv_out.userName = txtUserName.text;
lv_out.userAddress = txtUserAddress.text;
lv_out.userBirthday = txtUserBirthday.text;
//begin invoke .net page
lv_out.sendAndLoad("ProcessDataForm.aspx", lv_in, "POST");
Important note:
The function that contain onLoad event, in this case sendForm function, has to be Void function, meaning it's not returning value. If this function return value, what happen is the function will be executed all the way without waiting for the returned data from .net page, thus the onLoad event will not be set properly.
.Net Part
public void ProcessData
//process the data here
Important note:
To send data/message back to flash, you can use Response.Write. However, if you want Action Script to parse the posted message/data from .Net page keep in mind you have to include & symbol at the end of the message. When parsing data/message, Action Script will stop at & symbol, thus leave the rest of the message alone and only get the message under sent variable.
