How to resize a QGraphicsView after QGraphicsView::Scale - qt

Is there non-hideous way to resize a QGraphicsView after a call of scale().
My QGraphicsView is embedded in a QScrollArea. When I zoom i want the View the get bigger.

QGraphicsView itself inherits from QAbstractScrollArea. Embedding it within another QScrollArea would be very strange, and is likely the source of your problems. By default, when you scale a QGraphicsScene larger than the QGraphicsView in which it is displayed, it will show the necessary scroll bars.


fit QGraphicsScene to QGraphicsView

I'm trying to draw a stacked bar graph on Qt, i followed the tutorial on the documentation but when i try to put the graph inside a QGraphicsView i get a lo of unused space and can't manage to make the scene fit the view.
My code is the same as the documentation one plus the following to make the scene show up in the view:
QGraphicsScene *scene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
And what i get is this
As you can see there is a lot of unused space and it makes the text disappear, i wanted to make the graph fit the view but i can't seem to find a way to do so.
I tried in many different ways using
ui->view->ensureVisible ( scene->sceneRect() );
ui->view->fitInView( scene->sceneRect(),Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
but nothing seems to work (the second solution just moves the graph to the top left)
As per the comment... the real issue is the basic sizing of chartView rather than anything to do with QGraphicsView or QGraphicsScene.
When a QWidget is added to a QGraphicsScene the resulting QGraphicsProxyWidget will generally honour the size hint and policy of that widget.
In addition, though, the QGraphicsScene will set the scene rect to the bounding rectangle of all scene items and the QGraphicsView will then position the scene according to whatever viewport anchor is in force. The end result can be visually misleading if the scene has a complex set of items or has a bounding rectangle smaller than that displayed within the GraphicsView.
So if a widget does look odd when added to a QGraphicsScene it's normally a good idea to test by just showing it as a top level window on the desktop and make sure it behaves as expected before going any further.

Drawing inside a QFrame: coordinate system

I would like to draw inside a Qt QFrame, however the QFrame will have a border. As far as I understand, the paintEvent receives a QPainter which is associated to the whole frameRect, so I will have to offset my paint operations of the border. Is this correct? Is there a way of getting a QPainter already associated to the inner part of the widget, without the (variable in size) border?
you have to consider the contentsRect contentsRect()-> Returns the area inside the widget's margins.using the return value rect of contensRect() you can restrict to draw anything inside the rect.
One way to do this would be to embed a QWidget inside the QFrame, place it in a simple QVBoxLayout layout or QStackedLayout layout with no margins and paint the QWidget instead. You'll probably get better performance if you simply offset your painting, though.

Qt - draw inside QScrollArea in a QDialog

In Qt5, I have a QDialog window on which I have drawn a circle as follows:
void MyDialog::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pe)
QPainter painter(this);
QPen pen(Qt::blue,2);
QRect r=QRect(0,0,100,100);
If I draw a larger circle, for example by using QRect(0,0,500,500);, the circle being greater than the dialog window is clipped. So I dragged a QScrollArea onto the the dialog window and decide to draw onto that so that scroll bars are automatically added. The QScrollArea can be accessed using ui->scrollArea.
I changed the above code by setting QPainter painter(ui->scrollArea);. However, nothings appears in the QScrollArea. I read that I need to override the paintEvent of QScrollArea. But I don't know how to do this.
Any help of drawing on the QScrollArea?
Drawing on the QScrollArea is not what you want either because the QScrollArea actually has a viewport widget.
Create another class which inherits QWidget. Override the paintEvent() method and to the painting you mention. Then, add the widget to the scroll area in your dialog.
QScrollArea *pScrl = new QScrollArea(this);
pScrl->setWidget(new MyWidget(pScrl));
... // use a layout to put the scroll area in the dialog
To really make it useful you will need to resize the MyWidget instance to the size of the circle that you want to draw.

QScrollArea's elements aren't redrawn

I'm looking for a way to fix a problem I have with some widgets disappearing while I zoom in.
The structure of my program is: Window with a QscrollArea as a child. The QscrollArea has a class that inherits from QWidget as a child and this class has a vector of a drawclass that inherits from qwidget. I resize the class in the scrollArea to zoom in or out and get the scrollbars while updating the coordinates in the drawclass.
The problem I have is that when I zoom in and then out, some of the instances of the drawclass aren't redrawn (I get the background instead of the square I should have) and doesn't respond to the enterevent. Scrolling in the direction of the square does fix the problem so I think I'm not correctly updating the qScrollArea with
nativeParentWidget()->update(); when the zoom slot is called.
The output should be:
after zooming and dezooming I get:
Thanks for your help.
Not sure, but try to update QAbstractScrollArea::viewport().

Resizing a QDialog after adding components to a child widget

I'm a bit new to QT but have to work on existing code. Here's the case:
I have a class extending QDialog. the constructor sets a QGridLayout then adding three other widgets to it. One of the widgets is a QScrollArea containing a QGroupBox. this QGroupBox has a QVBoxLayout and there I'm adding a list of widgets at runtime. The size of the scroll area should grow until a given limit is reached before showing the scrollbars so that they are only used when the dialog would grow too high. I've found that the sizeHint of the outer layout doesn't update when the sizeHint of the scroll area updates. How can I refresh this, or is there a better way to resize the parent dialog?
What about using widgetResizable property of QScrollArea? It should try to resize view to avoid using scorllbars.
