Difference in years,months and days between 2 hijri dates - asp.net

Please can anyone provide a method to calculate the difference between 2 hijri dates thanks in advance
i tried this code
HijriCalendar hijriCal=new HijriCalendar();
DateTimeFormatInfo DTFormat = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("ar-sa", false).DateTimeFormat;
DTFormat.Calendar = new System.Globalization.HijriCalendar();
DTFormat.ShortDatePattern = "dd/MM/yyyy";
string HijriDate = FromDate.Date.ToString("d", DTFormat);
string[] fromDateParams=HijriDate.Split('/');
HijriDate = ToDate.Date.ToString("d", DTFormat);
string[] toDateParams = HijriDate.Split('/');
DateTime fromDateHijri = new DateTime(hijriCal.GetYear(FromDate), hijriCal.GetMonth(FromDate), int.Parse(fromDateParams[0]), hijriCal);
DateTime toDateHijri = new DateTime(hijriCal.GetYear(ToDate), hijriCal.GetMonth(ToDate), int.Parse(toDateParams[0]), hijriCal);
TimeSpan ts = ToDate.Subtract(FromDate);

As long as you just store the dates in normal datetimes, just treat them as any other date.
public TimeSpan GetDifference(this DateTime date1, DateTime date2) {
if (date1 < date2) {
return date2 - date1;
else if (date1 > date2) {
return date1 - date2;
return new TimeSpan(0);


how to convert any string formatted date to datetime variable.?

DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(domaindate.Text);
int day = dt.Day;
int month = dt.Month;
int year = dt.Year;
if (ddlyear.SelectedItem.Text == "1")
year = year + 1;
month = month - 1;
edate = String.Join("/", day, month, year);
p.expirydate = Convert.ToDateTime(edate);
Where p.expiredate id DateTime Property variable.
Geting Error:String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
So, How i convert it to dd/MM/yyyy.?
Use the ParseExcact Method with the string format.
p.expirydate =DateTime.ParseExact(edate, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
If you want add days to a specific date use the AddDays() Method
DateTime dt= DateTime.Parse(domaindate.Text);
p.expirydate = today.AddDays(number of days you want);

Get week of month with Joda-Time

Is it possible to parse a date and extract the week of month using Joda-Time. I know it is possible to do it for the week of year but I cannot find how/if it is possible to extract the week of month.
Example: 2014-06_03 where 03 is the third week of this month
DateTime dt = new DateTime();
String yearMonthWeekOfMonth = dt.toString("<PATTERN for the week of month>");
I have tried the pattern "yyyyMMW" but it is not accepted.
Current joda-time version doesn't support week of month, so you should use some workaround.
1) For example, you can use next method:
static DateTimeFormatter FORMATTER = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM_'%d'");
static String printDate(DateTime date)
final String baseFormat = FORMATTER.print(date); // 2014-06_%d
final int weekOfMonth = date.getDayOfMonth() % 7;
return String.format(baseFormat, weekOfMonth);
DateTime dt = new DateTime();
String dateAsString = printDate(dt);
2) You can use Java 8, because Java's API supports week of month field.
java.time.LocalDateTime date = LocalDateTime.now();
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM_W");
This option in Joda is probably nicer:
Weeks.weeksBetween(date, date.withDayOfMonth(1)).getWeeks() + 1
For the case you don't like calculations so much:
DateTime date = new DateTime();
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
int weekOfMonth = calendar.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH);
If the start day of week is Monday then you can use it:
public int getWeekOfMonth(DateTime date){
DateTime.Property dayOfWeeks = date.dayOfWeek();
return (int) (Math.ceil((date.dayOfMonth().get() - dayOfWeeks.get()) / 7.0)) + 1;

pass in date and get first and last date of that month?

I have a date stored in a session variable, I then convert it to a date. Now I want to get the first and last date of the month for the date that is passed.
DateTime tempDate = System.Convert.ToDateTime(Session["Diary_Date"]);
DateTime startOfMonth = //what goes here?
DateTime endOfMonth = //??
One way to do this:
DateTime startOfMonth = new DateTime(tempDate.Year, tempDate.Month, 1);
DateTime endOfMonth = startOfMonth.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);
Another way is
DateTime startOfMonth = new DateTime(tempDate.Year, tempDate.Month, 1);
DateTime endOfMonth = new DateTime(tempDate.Year, tempDate.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(tempDate.Year, tempDate.Month));

how can i insert date in yyyy-mm-dd format into flex

I have to select date from date field in flex and store that date into SqlLite database. I
am inserting date by using this code :
dbInsertDate = datechooser.selectedDate.getFullYear().toString()+'0'+(datechooser.selectedDate.getMonth()+1).toString()+"-0"+datechooser.selectedDate.getDate().toString();
where dbInsertDate is string type variable and datechooser is date field id. It stores the date in database in a format like 2455361.5. I want to store date in either dd-mm-yyyy format or yyyy-mm-dd format in the database. How can i store date in yyyy-mm-dd format in SqlLite using flex ?
You can use a DateFormatter:
var formatter:DateFormatter = new DateFormatter();
formatter.formatString = "DD-MM-YYYY";
var result:String = formatter.format(datechooser.selectedDate);
If you use localization you can "translate" the format string to the needed format.
solution: Convert date to string and in yyyy mm dd format
here date will be like this string 2011-02-15
enter code heredateChooser is datefield.
public var dbInsertDate:String;
private var selectedDateByUser:int;
if(dateChooser.selectedDate.getMonth() < 9)
if(dateChooser.selectedDate.getDate() < 10)
dbInsertDate =
dbInsertDate =
if(dateChooser.selectedDate.getDate() < 10)
dbInsertDate =
dbInsertDate =
here date will be like this string 20110215. so you can store date in this format at varchar column type in sqqlite.
enter code here
var dateArray:Array = new Array();
dateArray = dbInsertDate.split('-');
selectedDateByUser = dateArray[0]+dateArray[1]+dateArray[2];

Best Way To Get All Dates Between DateA and DateB

I am using an asp:Calander and I have an object that has a beginning date and an ending date. I need to get all the dates between these two dates and place them in an array so i can then render corresponding dates on the calander with different CSS
DateTime startDate;
DateTime endDate;
DateTime currentDate = startDate;
List<DateTime> dates = new List<DateTime> ();
while (true)
dates.Add (currentDate);
if (currentDate.Equals (endDate)) break;
currentDate = currentDate.AddDays (1);
It assumes that startDate < than endDate, you get the results on the "dates" list
IEnumerable<DateTime> RangeDays(DateTime RangeStart, DateTime RangeEnd) {
DateTime EndDate = RangeEnd.Date;
for (DateTime WorkDate = RangeStart.Date; WorkDate <= EndDate; WorkDate = WorkDate.AddDays(1)) {
yield return WorkDate;
yield break;
Untested code... but should work.
I voted up AlbertEin because he gave a good answer, but do you really need a collection to hold all the dates? When you are rendering the day, couldn't you just check if the date is withing the specified range, and then render it differently, no need for a collection. Here's some code to demonstrate
DateTime RangeStartDate,RangeEndDate; //Init as necessary
DateTime CalendarStartDate,CalendarEndDate; //Init as necessary
DateTime CurrentDate = CalendarStartDate;
String CSSClass;
while (CurrentDate != CalendarEndDate)
if(CurrentDate >= RangeStartDate && CurrentDate <= RangeEndDate)
CSSClass= "InRange";
CSSClass = "OutOfRange";
//Code For rendering calendar goes here
currentDate = currentDate.AddDays (1);
// inclusive
var allDates = Enumerable.Range(0, (endDate - startDate).Days + 1).Select(i => startDate.AddDays(i));
// exclusive
var allDates = Enumerable.Range(1, (endDate - startDate).Days).Select(i => startDate.AddDays(i));
