I have requirement in BizTalk 2010 where i am receiving txt file of size 80kb + and I need to convert them into txt files with smaller size e.g 8 kb so I will have 10 files out of one 80kb file,
What's the best way to approach this requirement? Do i need to create custom pipeline?
All suggestions are welcome :).
Yes, a custom pipeline with a custom disassemble component is what you need. Don't forget to copy the original message context to new messages. Create additional context properties if you need them (part number for example).
I need to append some bytes to an existing object stored in Openstack Swift, say like a log file object and constantly append new logs to it. Is this possible?
Moreover, can I change (overwrite) some bytes (specify with offset and length) to an existing object?
I believe ZeroVM (zerovm.org) would be perfect for doing this.
Disclaimer: I work for Rackspace, who owns ZeroVM. Opinions are mine and mine alone.
tl;dr: There's no append support currently in Swift.
There's a blueprint for Swift append support: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/swift/+spec/object-append. It doesn't look very active.
user2195538 is correct. Using ZeroVM + Swift (using the ZeroCloud middleware for Swift) you could get a performance boost on large-ish objects by sending deltas to a ZeroVM app and process them in place. Of course you still have to read/update/write the file, but you can do it in place. You don't need to pipe the entire file over the network, which could/would be costly for large files.
Disclaimer: I also work for Rackspace, and I work on ZeroVM for my day job.
I am new to Adobe Flex.
I want to write some data stored in a string variable into a text(txt) file.
Can some one add sample code here would be helpful for me.
You can write to files if you're targetting Flash 10. Read this article to find out how to do it: http://www.mikechambers.com/blog/2008/08/20/reading-and-writing-local-files-in-flash-player-10/
You cannot write to files in Flash, but you can if it's an AIR app. Review the File class in Adobe livedocs.
Since Flash Player 10 you can use the FileReference.save() method.
If you're creating web based apps, the file will have to be created on the server, and you should look for information in that using the technology of your choice. ColdFusion uses the cffile tag, as one example.
FileReference.save will give your user the ability to save a file, but you have limited control in naming or location.
If you're using AIR, you can save information to the local drive using the File class.
I am developing an application that has a repeater that will use dynamic templates for each row based on the underlying DataItem (in this case a product). What I would like to do is have some sort of XML file that will store which templates are to be used with which templates, and then use a default template if there is not one specified for the product. My product catalog does not contain a particularly large number of products, but having to open and parse an XML file for each row would almost certainly have adverse performance effects. What I would like to do is have the ASP.net engine compile the entries in the XML file into some sort of global collection that can easily be accessed when needed. Ideally, the application would be able to determine when I have made changes to the file and would automatically recompile the collection and restart the application if necessary. If my understanding is correct, this is already how the engine deals with the web.config file.
Does anyone know if an approach like this is possible, and how I might be able to accomplish it?
Well you could likely open and parse the XML file on each page load without any significantly adverse performance issues. Toss the result in a page-level collection and for each repeater row, read from that. This will at least prevent you from having to manage a global collection with a file change update dependency.
I do use XML in similar ways, albeit for mostly non-critical company Intranet type applications, so I'd certainly say your approach isn't too awful. :) In my specific cases, I have ultimately put the XML in a global application level object, with the trade off being that I have to manually restart the application to re-load the XML, should it change.
If you do want to tackle your ideal scenario, I would look to store the XML templates in the Cache object and set up a CacheDependency on the XML file.
Is it possible to programmatically generate an info path 2007 form template (xsn file=form definition) ?
I know that there is no object model for the infopath 2007 form designer, but does anyone know of any third party libraries?
The form view itself is a xsl file so it should be possible. I would have thought that its a common use case also.
It is possible to generate the manifest.xsf, xsl and xml files from a structured source (let's say an xml) and then pack this (as .cab) with the extension .xsn
(The .xsn file is nothing but a renemed .cab!)
This is only a raw concept - it could be refined if the purpose was a bit more explicit. Why generate? Are you going to create a bunch of different files? What for?
There are no libraries or API's to do this. While generating a template is possible you will need to write it all yourself. Obviously this will not be an easy task and will be prone to errors. I would recommend reviewing your requirements to ensure this is truly necessary. InfoPath is quite flexible, without knowing the details of your project, there is a good chance you can get the functionality you need with a single template.
I have seen questions here asking about xsd->actionscript objects, but these seem to require xsd->java->actionscript and is all in source code. Our requirements are a bit different:
receive an xsd during runtime that we have never seen before
Create an instance object based on the xsd
fill in the values of the instance (either from an xml document or user input - whatever)
Anyone know of an actionscript library or tool that would help us accomplish this at runtime? It would be nice if something like this already existed - but we would certainly settle for a library that gave us a programmatic interface to extract information from an xsd schema. Additionally, we would take suggestions on alternate methods to accomplish the same ends.
Have you looked at the SchemaLaoder...? Not EXACTLY what you're looking for ... But a great start.
First - you should check this blog entry and this blog entry which walks you through Dominic De Lorenzo experiences with utilising functionality within the Flex SDK that provides the automatic mapping of custom ActionScript classes to element definitions within an XML Schema (XSD).
The steps to get moving here include (from Dominic's blog):
0) Create an instance of SchemaLoader and asynchronously load an XML schema from a given URL
1) Once the schema is loaded, add it to the SchemaManager and register any ActionScript classes to their corresponding schema type
---- At this stage you can do several operation based on the schema
2) Load an XML file based off that schema
3) Once the XML is loaded, decode the contents using XMLDecoder. Any classes registered in the schemaTypeRegistry will be used when decoding the xml
4) Encode a custom ActionScript class back into XML using XMLEncoder. XMLEncoder.encode() supports various ways to define the corresponding element in the schema (top level element, a specific type or even a custom XSD definition) that will be used to encode the Actionscript object.
The blog entry has links to code samples, etc...
Hope this helps.