ASP.Net custom authentication with existing server -

We have an existing user licensing server that is running via PHP. It allows for creation of users, checking if the provided username and password is valid, and updating a user.
We are creating a new ASP.Net website and want it to use this existing user PHP scripts/database to restrict access to portions of the ASP.Net website. Also there are web services that use the same login and password via basic authentication that we need to access as well from the ASP.Net server.
I am looking for a way for .Net to use the remote PHP scripts to validate login. And I need a way for the users login id and password to be available so I can use them to communicate with those existing web services from the ASP.Net server on their behalf.
Does anyone know how to go about getting this sort of thing done. Or any good tutorials or blogs?

It's possible to run PHP and ASP.NET on the same server, and even in the same web application. You can also create .NET code that runs before and/or after each PHP request (with an HttpModule).
PHP under IIS just has a separate HttpHandler that invokes the cgi-bin process.
If you want to call a PHP page from an ASP.NET page, one approach is to use Server.Execute() -- although web services would certainly be cleaner from an architectural perspective.
Beyond that, for the actual authentication/authorization part of your question, the approach depends on the specifics of your implementation. You can certainly do things like share cookies between PHP and .aspx.

unfortunatly they are different languages and php scripts cannot be used in an site. You would have to recreate your classes(scripts) but what you can do is use your existing database if its in mysql or any other. That's the best you would be able to do as far as I know.

If those PHP web services respect some industry standard such as SOAP for example, you can simply consume them by generating strongly typed client proxies. If not, well, then you still have the good old WebClient which allows you to send HTTP requests and read responses. It's as simple as:
using (var client = new WebClient())
var values = new NameValueCollection
{ "username", "john" },
{ "pwd", "secret" },
var result = client.UploadValues("", values);
// TODO: do something with the result returned by the PHP script

Have you tried using stored procedures instead of PHP scripts? That way you don't have to write multiple instances of the same code and it can be used in .NET and PHP.


How do OWIN Authentication providers work? How would I write a custom one?

I'm looking at the source code for Microsoft.OWIN.Security.Google and am a bit confused and overwhelmed at how many classes there are to do such a simple thing (redirect, get a cookie, check it).
Can anyone explain how the various components fit together
... so that I can write a custom provider
After some google-ing and trying different ideas in debugger I ended up with "copy-paste-edit" :)
here is a brief resume of classes
Extensions - nothing special, a helper:
// instead of using
app.Use(typeof(CustomAuthenticationMiddleware), app, options);
// you can use
Middlware - methods are used to attach authentication to owin pipeline
AuthenticationProvider - As I understand, this could be overriden outside, to be able to change some logic without rewriting whole thing. Has 2 methods:
Authenticated - is called when handler finishes all authentication in AuthenticationHandler.AuthenticateCoreAsync()
ReturnEndpoint which is called in AuthenticationHandler.InvokeAsync, just before external authetication.
But it appeared absolutely useless, when I tried to customize existing providers (google, facebook,...)
Handler - here is all the OAUTH2 functionality.
ApplyResponseChallengeAsync() - generates AuthorizationEndpoint URL and redirects useragent to authorization server
InvokeAsync() - handles the get to RedirectEndpoint (/signin-google or whatever was set up on authorization server) and returns the user to the starting controller(or callback). It is doing a redirect with all needed cookies set up
AuthenticateCoreAsync() - does all server side calls to authorization server. Creates all Identity.Claims necessary to create appropriate cookies before

ASP.NET MVC with Forms Auth and WebApi with Basic Auth

I have a WebApi using Basic Auth nicely. And I have an MVC site using Forms Auth nicely. But here's the catch:
Client X has a dedicated database with any number of Contacts and Products. The MVC site is a dedicated site for them (via {clientId} routing), which allows their Contacts to log in (via Forms Auth) and place orders for their products. The Contact must be Form-ly logged in to place an order.
The product orders (need to) hit the WebApi to be recorded in the Client's database.
But since the WebApi uses Basic Auth to validate the Client, not the Contacts who placed the orders, every request comes back is 401 - Unauthorized.
I've checked out ThinkTecture as suggested by a number of posts here on SO, however it doesn't get me what I need because I'm not looking to allow Forms Auth in the WebApi. I don't want to authenticate the Contact from the Client's database in the WebApi, I want to authenticate the Client in the WebApi.
Has anyone come across a similar scenario and am I missing something glaringly obvious? Perhaps I need to implement both Forms and Basic on the site?
The very standard Api call I'm making from the site (where the UserName and Password are the Client's, not the Contact's):
var clientId = new Guid(RouteData.Values["clientId"].ToString());
var baseUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiBaseAddress"];
var authHeader = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(String.Format("{0}:{1}", _shoppingCartSettings.UserName, _shoppingCartSettings.Password)));
var requestUrl = String.Format("api/{0}/inventory", clientId.ToString());
var httpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(baseUrl + requestUrl);
httpWebRequest.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, "Basic " + authHeader);
httpWebRequest.Method = "GET";
httpWebRequest.Accept = "application/json";
httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
using (var httpWebResponse = httpWebRequest.GetResponse())
// we never get here because of a 401
catch (WebException ex)
using (var httpWebResponse = ex.Response)
// we always get here
If I set up a separate test client and make the same call, it works great :/
Is your Web API under the same virtual directory and configuration as the MVC site? It looks like the Forms Auth HTTP module kicks in for your API, which you don't want. As long as you don't plan to call the API directly from the browser, move it to a separate virtual directory that is set up exclusively for basic auth, no forms auth module in the web.config for the API.
Why not have one login for your MVC site that has the ability to submit orders for every Client? It makes sense for your WebAPI to only allow Clients to submit orders for themselves. But I don't think it makes sense to have your MVC site authenticate as different Clients based on the Contact. Your MVC site would have to store the passwords for each Client.
Instead, create one login for the MVC site and give it the ability to submit an order for any Client.
After much banging of head against the not-so-proverbial wall, and a much needed shove by #0leg, I've discovered the cause.
In the Properties of my WebApi project file under Web > Servers, the Visual Studio Development Server was being used with a Virtual Path of "/", whereas my MVC project file was set up to use the Local IIS Web Server. The MVC project also had the Apply server settings to all users (store in project file) option checked.
Setting both to use the local IIS server resolved it.
Upon further contemplation, this now seems logical since they were essentially running on different servers.
Posting this for posterity's sake.

Connecting to Zendesk API when zendesk server is down

When the Zendesk server is down, our website - where we show some Forum content using Zendesk API - is down as well. We are currently using C# API like below:
ZendeskApi api = new ZendeskApi("", "user", "pass");
GroupTopicResponse gtr = api.Topics.GetTopicsByForum(321321);
How can we set a timeout or skip this when the server is not available? We are using ASP.NET MVC 3.
In general, you want to make third-party API calls asynchronously.
I recommend you break out the Zendesk code into another controller and use an AJAX call to populate the forum data after the page loads. Then on a timeout, you can display an error message.
If you want to keep it server-side, you can wrap it in a method that starts a new thread and uses Thread.Join(TimeSpan) like in this answer:
And if you want to get fancy, you can cache the results from Zendesk and in the case of a timeout, display the cached data.
We have solved with ASP.NET MVC caching, as explained in this post:

ASP.Net - Using Basic Authentication without having Windows Users

We have an ASP.Net web application running on IIS6 that manages its own database of users.
The site itself just allows anonymous access and all authentication/security is managed using our application itself.
We have a page that contains an HTML table of data that we import into Excel and is then used for Reporting purposes. The page currently has no security implemented.
We need to add security to this page so that should these spreadsheets fall into the wrong hands then the data cannot be "Refreshed" without supplying a username / password.
If I set this page to not allow Anonymouse access then I can use Basic/Windows authentication with Windows Users in order to secure this page. Then when Excel refreshes the data the password dialog box pops up.
The problem is that I need to be able to secure this page based on the Users within our database and they will not be Windows users. I also need to do it in such a way that allows Excel to manage the authentication which excludes any Form based authentication.
Anyone got any ideas? Is it possible to get IIS to look elsewhere for it's Basic Authentication?
Ok, so I've found two solutions to this problem. One thanks to Zhaph - Ben Duguid's answer which is an HttpModule that allows ASP.Net to fully manage the authentication.
The second solution, and the one that I am going with, is thanks to this question/answer.
HTTP Authentication (Basic or Digest) in ASP Classic via IIS
I've stripped this down and have a simple test harness that seems to be working well. In this example, instead of a database call, it merely checks that the username and password match and considers that authenticated.
using System;
using System.Text;
namespace AuthenticationTests
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string authorisationHeader = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"];
if (authorisationHeader != null && authorisationHeader.StartsWith("Basic ", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
string authorizationParameters = Encoding.Default.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(authorisationHeader.Substring("Basic ".Length)));
string userName = authorizationParameters.Split(':')[0];
string password = authorizationParameters.Split(':')[1];
if (userName == password) //Perform your actual "login" check here.
//Page loads as normal.
private void Unauthorised()
Response.AddHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic");
Response.Status = "401 Unauthorized";
As you've got a custom database of users, I'd recommend looking at building a quick membership provider that talks to your database schema.
MSDN has a good example on "How to: Sample Membership Provider".
You can then use the standard access control mechanisms of ASP.NET to lock down the page, require authentication, etc, along with controls like Login, LoginStatus and others to provide much of the UI you need.
Edit to add
A quick search found the following, which might help:
Web Service Security - Basic HTTP Authentication without Active Directory
Where Greg Reinacker presents "a fully working sample in 100% managed code demonstrating the use of HTTP Basic authentication, using a separate credential store (in this case, a XML file, although this would be easy to change to a database or LDAP store)."
I'm not an expert but I thought that the point of Basic was that it was Windows Authentication. Can you run a script to synchronise your DB users with your Active Directory?
If it's a corporate AD, you could consider having a second AD just for your app and synchronising users from both your corporate AD and your DB. If you don't need to synchronise passwords (e.g. build a pwd-mgmt page in your site) you could just use scripts or C# or something. If you want something more sophisticated with built-in password synchronisation, you could look at ILM 2007 (soon to be FIM 2010).
Is the page an .html file or an .aspx file?
If it's an .aspx, you should keep this page under anonymous access and check for authentication in the page logic itself
I've written a library named FSCAuth that may help with this. It trivially can be set up for just basic authentication without Active Directory. It will instead read your user data out of a database/file/wherever(there is even a memory-only UserStore)
It is BSD licensed at Binpress

WCF Forms Based Authentication Via Web App - Passing Credentials

I have a simple web service whereby the security is handled via forms based authentication.
WCFTestService.ServiceClient myService = new
myService.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "user";
myService.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "secret";
lblResult.Text = myService.GetData(1231);
I'm accessing this via a web app. So I want to do the above once but for security/performance not have to do it again. I was thinking something like the the below but as I'm using FormsAuthentication this wont work...
//Obtain the authenticated user's Identity and impersonate the original caller
using (((WindowsIdentity)HttpContext.Current.User.Identity).Impersonate())
WCFTestService.ServiceClient myService2 = new WCFTestService.ServiceClient();
lblResult.Text = "From Logged On Credentials"+myService2.GetData(1231);
What you're trying to do is establish a "secure session" between your client and your service. This is a concept that will only work with the wsHttpBinding - so if you're not using that particular binding, it won't work.
To establish a secure session, you need to set a number of specific config properties in the client and server's config files - you can certainly find those settings by reading the docs (look for "establishSecurityContext") or check out Michele Leroux Bustumante's excellent WCF screencast on security fundamentals on MSDN.
But really: I wouldn't recommend trying to use secure session by all means. Under normal circumstances, using per-call services is the preferred option, and the overhead for re-authenticating with each service call is really negligable.
