Efficient use of Choleski decomposition in R - r

This question is related to this one and this one
I have two full rank matrices A1, A2 each
of dimension p x p and a p-vector y.
These matrices are closely related in the sense that
matrix A2 is a rank one update of matrix A1.
I'm interested in the vector
β2 | (β1, y, A1, A2, A1-1})
β2 = (A2' A2)-1(A2'y)
β1 = (A1' A1)-1(A1' y)
Now, in a previous question here I have been advised
to estimate β2 by the Choleski approach since the Choleski
decomposition is easy to update using R functions such as chud()
in package SamplerCompare.
Below are two functions to solve linear systems in R, the first one uses
the solve() function and the second one the Choleski approach
(the second one I can efficiently update).
fx01 <- function(ll,A,y) chol2inv(chol(crossprod(A))) %*% crossprod(A,y)
fx03 <- function(ll,A,y) solve(A,y)
p <- 5
A <- matrix(rnorm(p^2),p,p)
y <- rnorm(p)
My question is: for p small, both functions seems to be comparable
(actually fx01 is even faster). But as I increase p,
fx01 becomes increasingly slower so that for p = 100,
fx03 is three times as fast as fx01.
What is causing the performance deterioration of fx01 and can it
be improved/solved (maybe my implementation of the Choleski is too naive? Shouldn't I be using functions of the Choleski constellation such as backsolve, and if yes, how?
A %*% B is the R lingo for matrix multiplication of A by B.
crossprod(A,B) is the R lingo for A' B (ie transpose of A matrix
multiplying the matrix/vector B).
solve(A,b) solves for x the linear system A x=b.
chol(A) is the Choleski decomposition of a PSD matrix A.
chol2inv computes (X' X)-1 from the (R part) of the QR decomposition of X.

Your 'fx01' implementation is, as you mentioned, somewhat naive and is performing far more work than the 'fx03' approach. In linear algebra (my apologies for the main StackOverflow not supporting LaTeX!), 'fx01' performs:
B := A' A in roughly n^3 flops.
L := chol(B) in roughly 1/3 n^3 flops.
L := inv(L) in roughly 1/3 n^3 flops.
B := L' L in roughly 1/3 n^3 flops.
z := A y in roughly 2n^2 flops.
x := B z in roughly 2n^2 flops.
Thus, the cost looks very similar to 2n^3 + 4n^2, whereas your 'fx03' approach uses the default 'solve' routine, which likely performs an LU decomposition with partial pivoting (2/3 n^3 flops) and two triangle solves (plus pivoting) in 2n^2 flops. Your 'fx01' approach therefore performs three times as much work asymptotically, and this amazingly agrees with your experimental results. Note that if A was real symmetric or complex Hermitian, that an LDL^T or LDL' factorization and solve would only require half as much work.
With that said, I think that you should replace your Cholesky update of A' A with a more stable QR update of A, as I just answered in your previous question. A QR decomposition costs roughly 4/3 n^3 flops and a rank-one update to a QR decomposition is only O(n^2), so this approach only makes sense for general A when there is more than just one related solve that is simply a rank-one modification.


Is there any way in R to speed up this matrix product: A' * B * A (B positive semidefinite)?

I wonder whether this operation (in R)
t(A) %*% B %*% A
where B is a positive semidefinite matrix, can be simplified via any algebraic trick in order to make it faster (beyond crossprod(A,B)%*%A, Rcpp)
If you want an algebraic trick all you have is that B is positive-semidefinite, i.e. you can find its square root/eigenvalue decomposition.
How you use that fact depends on what you are actually doing.
For instance, maybe you could work with A in the eigenbasis of B whereby the matrix multiplication you want becomes much more simple. Or perhaps only a few of the eigenvalues of B are significant and you can exclude most of the eigenvectors in your representation of the square root of B.

Minimizing quadratic function subject to norm inequality constraint

I am trying to solve the following inequality constraint:
Given time-series data for N stocks, I am trying to construct a portfolio weight vector to minimize the variance of the returns.
the objective function:
min w^{T}\sum w
s.t. e_{n}^{T}w=1
\left \| w \right \|\leq C
where w is the vector of weights, \sum is the covariance matrix, e_{n}^{T} is a vector of ones, C is a constant. Where the second constraint (\left \| w \right \|) is an inequality constraint (2-norm of the weights).
I tried using the nloptr() function but it gives me an error: Incorrect algorithm supplied. I'm not sure how to select the correct algorithm and I'm also not sure if this is the right method of solving this inequality constraint.
I am also open to using other functions as long as they solve this constraint.
Here is my attempted solution:
data <- replicate(4,rnorm(100))
N <- 4
fn<-function(x) {cov.Rt<-cov(data); return(as.numeric(t(x) %*%cov.Rt%*%x))}
eqn<-function(x){one.vec<-matrix(1,ncol=N,nrow=1); return(-1+as.numeric(one.vec%*%x))}
C <- 1.5
z1<- t(x) %*% x
uh <-rep(C^2,N)
lb<- rep(0,N)
x0 <- rep(1,N)
local_opts <- list("algorithm"="NLOPT_LN_AUGLAG,",xtol_rel=1.0e-7)
opts <- list("algorithm"="NLOPT_LN_AUGLAG,",
sol1<-nloptr(x0,eval_f=fn,eval_g_eq=eqn, eval_g_ineq=ineq,ub=uh,lb=lb,opts=opts)
This looks like a simple QP (Quadratic Programming) problem. It may be easier to use a QP solver instead of a general purpose NLP (NonLinear Programming) solver (no need for derivatives, functions etc.). R has a QP solver called quadprog. It is not totally trivial to setup a problem for quadprog, but here is a very similar portfolio example with complete R code to show how to solve this. It has the same objective (minimize risk), the same budget constraint and the lower and upper-bounds. The example just has an extra constraint that specifies a minimum required portfolio return.
Actually I misread the question: the second constraint is ||x|| <= C. I think we can express the whole model as:
This actually looks like a convex model. I could solve it with "big" solvers like Cplex,Gurobi and Mosek. These solvers support convex Quadratically Constrained problems. I also believe this can be formulated as a cone programming problem, opening up more possibilities.
Here is an example where I use package cccp in R. cccp stands for
Cone Constrained Convex Problems and is a port of CVXOPT.
The 2-norm of weights doesn't make sense. It has to be the 1-norm. This is essentially a constraint on the leverage of the portfolio. 1-norm(w) <= 1.6 implies that the portfolio is at most 130/30 (Sorry for using finance language here). You want to read about quadratic cones though. w'COV w = w'L'Lw (Cholesky decomp) and hence w'Cov w = 2-Norm (Lw)^2. Hence you can introduce the linear constraint y - Lw = 0 and t >= 2-Norm(Lw) [This defines a quadratic cone). Now you minimize t. The 1-norm can also be replaced by cones as abs(x_i) = sqrt(x_i^2) = 2-norm(x_i). So introduce a quadratic cone for each element of the vector x.

Reformulating a quadratic program suitable for R

My problem is one which should be quite common in statistical inference:
min{(P - k)'S(P - k)} subject to k >= 0
So my choice variable is k, a 3x1 vector. The 3x1 vector P and 3x3 matrix S are known. Is it possible to reformulate this problem so I can use R's solve.QP quadratic programming solver? This solver requires the problem to be in the form
min{-d'b + 0.5 b' D b} subject to A'b >= b_0.
So here the choice vector is is b. Is there a way I can make my problem fit into solve.QP? Thanks so much for any help.

Algorithm for finding an equidistributed solution to a linear congruence system

I face the following problem in a cryptographical application: I have given a set of linear congruences
a[1]*x[1]+a[2]*x[2]+a[3]*x[3] == d[1] (mod p)
b[1]*x[1]+b[2]*x[2]+b[3]*x[3] == d[2] (mod p)
c[1]*x[1]+c[2]*x[2]+c[3]*x[3] == d[3] (mod p)
Here, x is unknown an a,b,c,d are given
The system is most likely underdetermined, so I have a large solution space. I need an algorithm that finds an equidistributed solution (that means equidistributed in the solution space) to that problem using a pseudo-random number generator (or fails).
Most standard algorithms for linear equation systems that I know from my linear algebra courses are not directly applicable to congruences as far as I can see...
My current, "safe" algorithm works as follows: Find all variable that appear in only one equation, and assign a random value. Now if in each row, only one variable is unassigned, assign the value according to the congruence. Otherwise fail.
Can anyone give me a clue how to solve this problem in general?
You can use gaussian elimination and similar algorithms just like you learned in your linear algebra courses, but all arithmetic is performed mod p (p is a prime). The one important difference is in the definition of "division": to compute a / b you instead compute a * (1/b) (in words, "a times b inverse"). Consider the following changes to the math operations normally used
addition: a+b becomes a+b mod p
subtraction: a-b becomes a-b mod p
multiplication: a*b becomes a*b mod p
division: a/b becomes: if p divides b, then "error: divide by zero", else a * (1/b) mod p
To compute the inverse of b mod p you can use the extended euclidean algorithm or alternatively compute b**(p-2) mod p.
Rather than trying to roll this yourself, look for an existing library or package. I think maybe Sage can do this, and certainly Mathematica, and Maple, and similar commercial math tools can.

efficient computation of Trace(AB^{-1}) given A and B

I have two square matrices A and B. A is symmetric, B is symmetric positive definite. I would like to compute $trace(A.B^{-1})$. For now, I compute the Cholesky decomposition of B, solve for C in the equation $A=C.B$ and sum up the diagonal elements.
Is there a more efficient way of proceeding?
I plan on using Eigen. Could you provide an implementation if the matrices are sparse (A can often be diagonal, B is often band-diagonal)?
If B is sparse, it may be efficient (i.e., O(n), assuming good condition number of B) to solve for x_i in
B x_i = a_i
(sample Conjugate Gradient code is given on Wikipedia). Taking a_i to be the column vectors of A, you get the matrix B^{-1} A in O(n^2). Then you can sum the diagonal elements to get the trace. Generally, it's easier to do this sparse inverse multiplication than to get the full set of eigenvalues. For comparison, Cholesky decomposition is O(n^3). (see Darren Engwirda's comment below about Cholesky).
If you only need an approximation to the trace, you can actually reduce the cost to O(q n) by averaging
r^T (A B^{-1}) r
over q random vectors r. Usually q << n. This is an unbiased estimate provided that the components of the random vector r satisfy
< r_i r_j > = \delta_{ij}
where < ... > indicates an average over the distribution of r. For example, components r_i could be independent gaussian distributed with unit variance. Or they could be selected uniformly from +-1. Typically the trace scales like O(n) and the error in the trace estimate scales like O(sqrt(n/q)), so the relative error scales as O(sqrt(1/nq)).
If generalized eigenvalues are more efficient to compute, you can compute the generalized eigenvalues, A*v = lambda* B *v and then sum up all the lambdas.
