Different Qt::CheckStateRole for different views? - qt

Currently I have a simple setup where I maintain a list of bools corresponding to each item in my ListModel:
However, now what I want to do is have two such lists bools, say IsHot and IsLarge. Then I want to have a ListView that displays each string with a checkbox for one of the bools (the "Hot" view), and a separate ListView that displays each string with a checkbox for the other bool (the "Large" bool). Any hints on how to go about this?

Make your model a table, return the data in two different columns, the cells in these columns will be checkable.
On your list views, call QListView::setModelColumn to set the column the list view displays.
If you want to synchronise scrolling between the lists, you would then be better using a QTableView, so that rows would match up.
Edit to add more detail on returning text and check state.
To return a text and the state of a checkbox from the model you return different data for different roles from the [data] function on your model.
From the manual for Qt::ItemDataRole:
Qt::DisplayRole The key data to be rendered in the form of text. (QString)
Qt::CheckStateRole This role is used to obtain the checked state of an item. (Qt::CheckState)
Both columns in your model would return the same data (the name) for DisplayRole but different data for CheckStateRole


Hide column in QAbstractTableModel

I have a self created Qt-Model derieved by QAbstractTableModel. The data behind the model contains multiple QUuid-columns, whose cell-data I need to pass around the application. Due to design-reasons I don't want to show the QUuid-columns to the user, but keep them in the background to always guarantee access to the needed id-columns.
The data is bound to a Qtitan TableView Grid, where I can hide the column, but not totally remove it from the view. I can always reenable the visability which is not what I want.
So my question is if there are any options from the Qt-Model-side to hide a column or to avoid binding it to the view and just keep the data in the background.
You can subtract those columns from the visible columns by returning the column respectively in columnCount.
This would require to either move them to the end, or map the user visible column count to the underlying columns in your data() implementation.
It is probably a bit simpler to move those invisible columns to the end to avoid the mapping, but you can also do the mapping if you like.
int MyModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const
return allColumns - columnsToHide;

Filter and Bind a Multiselect

I am trying to implement a Many-to-Many relation between a class and its students in a form.
The form can be used to create or edit a class. Also students can be added to that class. To reduce the effort needed to enter students, I would like to add a multi-select that shows the entries from the students-table. But since the number of students is expected to be large, I would like to filter this multi-select.
I checked this question on filtering lists and the sample app "Project List. I understand that the standard workflow with a table would be to bind the value of a search box to the #datasources.STUDENTS.query.filters.email._contains and set the tables datasource property to STUDENTS
But, as I understand it, a multi-select element's value property must be bound to #datasource.item.students and its datasource property must be CLASS in order for the auto-saving to work.
Hence I wonder whether it is possible to filter a multi-select element.
I don't see the problem, but I think I see a misunderstanding.
You said: "I understand that the standard workflow with a table would be to bind the value of a search box to the #datasources.STUDENTS.query.filters.email._contains"
You need to bind the OPTIONS (not value) to the datasource query, as it is the options that will draw its records from the #datasources.Students.query datasource.
You can then set the VALUE of the multi-select widget to #datasource.item.students (where you want selected values from the student query options to be saved).
You will also need to set the NAMES property (since the options are likely student records). Names will be the Student datasource projection of whatever string field you want to appear in the options list.

Display a QFileSystemModel in two Views: Tree View and a TableView/ListView of selected items

I have a model derived from QFileSystemModel. I extended it by a Role which holds a bool value which indicates whether a file has been selected for later use. This model is displayed in a qml TreeView. In this view I can select files via checkboxes. I have a list of QPersistentModelIndex of the selected indices stored in my model.
In a different view (probably a ListView or TableView), I would like to display only items, which have have been selected in the TreeView. In this other view I also want to be able to remove the selection. So the question is whether this can be done with only one model (or maybe a QSortFilterProxyModel inbetween) or whether I need to have two models communicating with each other.

Use QAbstractProxyModel to add extra "virtual" columns in a table

I have some data which are stored in a variable "myStorage" (a QVector).
I use a QAbstractTableModel to display these data in a QTableView : each entry in the QVector is a row in the table and each field in "myStruct" is a column.
Now I want to display more information, in a new column, without any modification to "myStruct" or to my model.
So I tried to make a new model class, derived from QAbstractProxyModel, which should add the new "virtual" column.
(For example, this column could be the average of 2 existing fields in "myStruct")
But I can't make it work : in the worst case, the program crash, in the best case, I have the right number of columns (one more than in the proxied model) and the right headers, but the data are shifted and the last column is empty.
Is there any minimal/simple example of a "add virtual column proxy model" working implementation ?
Should I use QIdentityProxyModel as a base class instead of QAbstractProxyModel ?

acquiring tablecell row index

A simplified view of the problem I'm having....
A TableView TV contains two TableColumns (Name, Value).
A data structure Class obj_data contains two data items, SimpleStringProperty location, and double X. Multiple obj_data objects are stored in an observalable list and used with the TableView TV as it's data source
In the rendering of TableColumn Name, I need to get and the interrogate the value the corresponding X in order to change some visual attribute of the location tableCell..
I've played around with...
nameColumn.setCellValueFactory(new Callback, ObservableValue>()...
to return the value of obj_data element but am having difficulty trying to get the index of the table cell so I can correctly render the "location" field.. Hope this makes sense!
PS: This was so much more simple pre-javaFX with cellrenderers since I could get the row & col locations in the callback arguments!
Thanks in advance!
