What is the right way to handle mode parameters in MVC? - asp.net

My app has a number of ambient properties, like the current CountryId, DocumentMode, etc. As I learned in a previous question, the current value of these properties should not be stored in the Session, but rather sent in the query string on every page request. So far so good.
So when I build a page, I want to arrange that all the action links look like this:
I can easily do this by checking the query string and slipping in the current value of each of these variables.
The question is, what's the right way to notify the app when one of the values changes?
Specifically, at the top of each view, I have a select dropdown that shows, e.g., all the countries. What should happen when you select a new one?
Right now, the change triggers a javascript function call that replaces the CountryId in the query string, and calls an action that just reloads the original page, but with the new CountryId set, and so the new action links are rebuilt. But this seems sort of kludgy. Is there a more elegant way to just update all the links on the page without needing a server refresh to do this? (I could always cook up some script to do this, but it doesn't seem trivial, and I don't want to reinvent the wheel if there's a built in way to do this.)
Any help much appreciated. Thanks!

You could put the part of the page that changes in a partial view and reload that view via AJAX each time a control is changed.
Partial rendering after page loaded
Alternatively you could just write some javascript to update all the links. Post some code and I'm sure you'll get some suggestions on a good way to write it.

I decided to keep things simple for the time being and just refresh the whole page, which recreates all of the links. My app is low volume and this suffices for now. If I ever need to build an app where the server can't be foolishly stressed like that, I'll see about the swap-in-place solution.


Cross-page posting with target _blank leaves source page unfunctional

I'm trying to describe it in as few steps as possible:
I have Page1.aspx with lot of controls, and Preview and Save button among those. I also have Page2.aspx that is the redirection target of a Preview Button click.
Since I need all the controls selections from Page1 to draw a preview on Page2 the redirection is done with setting Preview's PostBackUrl.
I also must have preview shown on a new tab or window so I used onClientClick="aspnetForm.target='_blank'" for Preview button definition.
Save button-click callback, after storing data to a database does redirection to some Page0.aspx (initial list of reports - the subject of the code)
Preview button works fine - a preview renders in a new tab, but when I go to the old tab and click on Save, I see from debugger, that firstly Page2.aspx(?) and secondly Page1.aspx are loaded. Then all the data is stored in the db, but though Page0 redirection is executed Page1.aspx stays loaded in the browser.
I have no idea what processes are behind this. Could one who knows give me an insight? Or if you consider my approach impossible to implement give some idea how to do the same?
If it's of importance, everything on the Page1 is located in an update panel.
Thank you very much for replying
In ASP.NET there are basically zero (0) circumstances in which you will ever send form data from one page to another. Although what exactly you are trying to accomplish is vague, you can consider some of the following:
Isolate unique operations/systems to a single page. If you have something like a User Profile, don't have three different aspx pages; just use a single page for the user or admin to manage that data / functions. Postback events are your friend.
Understand the difference between ViewState and traditional form data. I'm guessing that if you're trying to post form data from one page to another, you probably don't understand the point of ViewState. Using a single page to maintain temporary data that the user is currently working with is a great use for ViewState. If you want the data to appear on another page then you need to consider the data from the previous page as final and thus should be saved to a database or some other medium.
These are just some general guidelines because there is no exact answer to your problem without saying something generic like "You're doing it wrong." I would recommend starting by never again trying to post form data from one aspx page to another.

Create an animated 'stack' via AJAX

I'm using ASP.NET for a search app web site.
My search retrieves exactly one result per fetch. Once the search is complete and the user selects "Update", a new result is fetched and the old result is written to the ViewState as a generic List. The new result replaces the old one.
I am trying to get the page to update (via partial post-back), so that the old result drops down the screen and the new result sits on top of it. Much like the concept of a stack.
Does anyone know how this can be achieved? I've started looking at the Ajax Control Toolkit.
Would appreciate any hints and tips with regard to my problem.
Using JQuery, this sort of things is fairly straightforward. I would suggest avoiding the partial post-back and using a WebMethod (on a "page method"), then calling that to get the results. In that scenario, JQuery can manage the request to the server and process the response data exactly how you wish.
I'm a just beginning to play around with AJAX animations, but this reference page has been a big help to me.
AJAX Animation Reference

Something like viewstate and session

The problem that I am having is as follows:
I currently have a custom class that generates buttons and places them on a placeholder on a master page.
The events for these buttons put specific values into session that differs values for a database query. In essence, the buttons serve as filters for charts.
After creating all the buttons, I realized that session values will stay constant from page to page, so everytime a user enters a different page while another is open, the filters selected on the open page will remain constant for the new page that is opened.
At first, I wanted to use viewstate rather than session, but then realized that a master page and a content page do not share the same viewstate.
At the current time, I am thinking of using a prefix for the sesson key that will identify what page the filters actually exist for. However, I am not wanting to overload session with numerous values if the user wishes to have many pages open at the same time.
Any solutions that would entail a way to share viewstate (or some other way to store values) between app_code, the master, and the content page?
Use HttpContext.Current.Items, it is a key-value pair collection with a lifetime of a single Http Request.
Have you considered Context.Items?
How many filters are we talking here? Store the filter values in the URL. Have you seen some of the URLs that google or an ecommerce site uses? They are quite long. Here is how I do it:
I store the filter values in the query like, www.chart.com?filter1=val1&filter2=val2 etc.
I user JQuery's query plugin to manipulate the query on the client side, and then request the chart from the server again, using the new query.
This way, I'm not junking up session, cookies, or anything like that, and if the user wants to store a bookmark to a particular chart or email it to a friend, they can and the filters are preserved.
I'm starting to think the answer shown in the following question will work:
ViewState object lost in Master Page Load
Exposing the desired variables via a property.
If the data isn't too long, cookies are a typical solution.
Another option is to use Silverlight isolated storage. The Silverlight control itself could be invisible (no UI).

triggering javascript events using asp.net

I'm writing an asp.net web app. and i've hit a bit of a brick wall.
basically i have 2 pages, the main page with a text box in and a popup that contains a treeview.
My problem is this. when i select a treeview item i want the program to perform some database transactions using asp.net and then pass the value retrieved from the database into a javascript function that passes the data back from the popup page to the parent page. My problem is that i cannot find any way of calling a javascript function from asp.net. I've tried assigning attributes to controls on page load, but this does not work as when the page loads the data has not been retrieved from the database.
Have a look at the ClientScriptManager class. You can register scripts from code-behind that will run when the HTML page loads. Those scripts can call other javascript functions on the page.
There are many tutorials and examples on the Web. Here's one I found that may help but there are many more.
How to use the client script manager
You hit the nail on the head when you said "I've tried assigning attributes to controls on page load, but this does not work as when the page loads the data has not been retrieved from the database." You just need to discover when you're pulling the data from the database, and then assign the values after that. Without looking at your code, there's no way to know for sure, but Page_PreRender is probably a good bet to assign your values...it's probably after you're pulling information from the db...it's pretty much the last place that you can make things happen before the html is generated for the client.
You can invoke a function resided in the Main Page and call that function in the Main Page from the Child Page which is your pop up window.
Please refer to these links for references
This one helps with retrieving popups from values using javascript
This one shows how to fire a postback using javascript, and manage it in the codebehind.
If you put them together, and use Control.ClientID to find the actual "html name" of your asp.net controls, you'll be able to set that up in no time.
Might not be the prettiest way to do it in town, and incidentally make little baby Jesus cry, but anyway, it works.
[edit]Oh. I just saw that it seems I answered the question the other way around, or "how to trigger codebehind from Javascript". I think the method I suggest may help you, if you use it right.
The javascript of the popup should pass the information to the parent window, and the parent window function should call a postback when it receives the information.
The javascript of the popup window should be only registered on a postback with the correct information retrieved, so that when the postback occurs on the popup because of the selection of the right information, the window closes and passes the information to the parent page.
The parent page, triggering postback, does the thingies you need it to, and the app resumes "normally" from there on, doing whatever you need it to, outside of the popup page.

A big dilemma - ASP.NET and jQuery

I have a wizard style interface where I need to collect data from users. I've been asked by my managers that the information is to be collected in a step by step type process.
I've decided to have a page.aspx with each step of the process as a separate user control. step1.ascx step2.ascx etc...
The way it works now, is that when the initial GET request comes in, I render the entire page (which sits inside of a master page) and step1.ascx. When then next POST request comes in for step 2 (using query string step=2), I render only step2.ascx to the browser by overriding the Render(HtmlTextWriter) method and use jQuery html() method to replace the contents of a div.
The problem with this whole approach, besides being hacky (in my opinion) is that it's impossible to update viewstate as this is usually handled server side.
My workaround is to store the contents of step1.ascx into temporary session storage so if the user decides to click the Back button to go back one step, I can spit out the values that were stored for it previously.
I feel I'm putting on my techy hat on here in wanting to try the latest Javascript craze as jQuery with .NET has taken a lot of hack like approaches and reverse engineering to get right. Would it be easier to simply use an updatepanel and be done with it or is there a site with a comprehensive resource of using jQuery to do everything in ASP.NET?
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Another approach, that might be easier to work with, is to load the entire form with the initial GET request, and then hide all sections except the first one. You then use jQuery to hide and show different parts of the form, and when the final section is shown the entire form is posted in one POST to the server. That way you can handle the input on the server just as if the data entry was done in one step by the user, and still get the step-by-step expreience on the client side.
You could just place all your user controls one after another and turn on the visibility of the current step's control and turn on other controls when appropriate . No need to mess with overriding Render(). This way the user controls' viewstate will be managed by the server. and you can focus on any step validation logic.
Using an UpdatePanel to contain the steps would give the ajax experience and still be able to provide validation on each step. If you are OK with validating multiple steps at once, Tomas Lycken's suggestion (hide/show with JQuery), would give a fast step by step experience.
Did you look into using the ASP.NET Wizard control? It's a bit of a challenge to customize the UI, but otherwise it's worked well for me in similar scenarios.
