Browser Mode and Document Mode in IE -

In IE9 Browser, a page is not displayed properly. Using developer toolbar I have found the following screenshot in which it displays
Browser Mode:IE9 Compat View
Document Mode : IE7 standards
If I force the browser to
Browser Mode : IE9
DOucment Mode : IE9 Standard
Then it display properly.
How can I show the page properly without forcing the browser to IE9 mode.

Ah... Internet Explorer didn't support HTML5 until IE9. Add this to the header:
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="//"></script>
Also, add an HTML5 reset style sheet like this one:

It looks different in the emulated version of IE7 because you wrote it in HTML5, and IE7 was developed before HTML5 was even an apple in the eye of the W3C.
Be careful using hacks such as the one prescribed in the answer above. It is better to understand each bit of code you add to your site.
It is also important to remember that every additional document, hell every keystroke you add, creates a greater load on the server and browser, which increases your load time.


IE not loading specific Stylesheet

As you can see on this live demo, I have a website with two stylesheets, one for our beloved IE and another one for the normal browsers, set like this on its header:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylelab.css">
<!--[if IE]>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie_stylelab.css" />
Even though I have checked many times its spelling, it seems correct but if you open the link from IE (IE v11, in my case), normal Stylesheet is loaded instead IE one.
To check easily if the other CSS is loaded, in theory, when opening the link from any IE and executing the menu (bottom right button), it has blue background.
What is missing here?
IE stylesheet has the entire normal stylesheed PLUS the additional properties needed for it to work, maybe this is wrong and shoul only have the additional properties..?
Conditional comments are no longer supported
Support for conditional comments has been removed in Internet Explorer
10 standards and quirks modes for improved interoperability and
compliance with HTML5. This means that Conditional Comments are now
treated as regular comments, just like in other browsers. This change
can impact pages written exclusively for Windows Internet Explorer or
pages that use browser sniffing to alter their behavior in Internet
IE stopped support for conditional comments as of IE10.
At this point a better solution is to target CSS based on features rather than vendors/browsers. Tools like modernizr can really help you with this.

How to make IE8 display my custom icon font with CSS generated content

I've put up a test page illustrating my problem :
I've created a custom font with help from the awesome but I have issues displaying it properly in IE8.
It seems that IE8 can use this font with HTML entities but not with CSS generated content. Even more puzzling, it sometimes manages to show the glyphs but loses them on page reload...
Does anybody know what's going on here ?
Here's a screenshot of what I see on IE8 :
In general, generated content doesn't work quite as well as it should (what does?) in IE8.
I played around a bit with your test page, and you might want to check that you aren't getting dumped off into IE8's compatability mode for IE7 or (even worse) Quirks Mode. Both of those seem to break the custom font, but I see it perfectly fine when IE8 runs as IE8.
To ensure that IE always gives to the most recent cababilities if possible add the
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
meta to your header. Also, use the develper tools for IE8 to make sure that your font is being loaded when you see the issue.

IE7 / IE8 Compatibility mode specific CSS

We recently redesigned our public-facing site, however one item was not fully communicated.
A certain portion of our site uses some of the newer display types in CSS. This looks fine in almost all browsers, but not in IE8's compatibility mode or in IE7.
This wouldn't be an issue, except the miscommunicated item was that we DO need to support IE7.
For this reason, my initial fix (forcing IE8 into standards mode) was rejected.
I'm currently developing a CSS to override these sections of the page. We want this to be a separate CSS file, not to use CSS hacks within the main stylesheet for maintainability reasons.
My understanding is that I can include this (or not) by using IE's conditional comments to include it only for version IE7 and below. If I use the conditional comment
<!-- if lte IE 7>
will this also be included with IE8's Compatibility Mode? If not, how do I specifically target IE 8 Compatibility?
At least in IE9, IE does function as IE7 as for conditional comments. For example, with following code:
<!--[if IE 7]>IE7.<![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 8]>IE8.<![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 9]>IE9.<![endif]-->
"IE7" will be shown in IE9 working in compatibility view mode triggered via a button at the right of location bar.
Update: just tested in IE8 — it does the same as IE9.

Web page rendering in IE7

I am working on a site which is displayed properly in IE8 (when browser mode is IE8 and document mode is IE8 standards) and rest of the other browsers like chrome, firefox, etc. Except it is not diaplyed properly in IE7. I have heard of meta tags which allow users to force document mode to be displayed in a particular browser.
try adding the meta tag which will use Google Chrome Frame to render the page if chrome is installed in the machine.
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1">

ie 8 show itself as ie7 [CSS if condtion]?

ie8 version on my computer , show itself as ie 7 when i use CSS IE CONDTION like
<!--[if IE 7]>
<script type="text/javascript">alert('hello iam ie 7 :P ');</script>
but when i try it on another computer with ie8 its work normally , its possible to have any
problem in my client website or this is ie problem ?
(IE 8.0.7600.16385 )
It may be problem with ur Internet Explorer Developer Tool so, use following to solve it,
press F12,
you can see the Browser Mode : IE8,
change it by clicking on it,
and select the appropriate menu,
Internet Explorer 7
Msie8 has an option to act as ie7 -- if you press F12 you will get a debug window, and in the upper right corner of that window you should see various options about which version to act as. You can switch to ie8 there.
can't tell for sure but I had an problem with ie8 some time ago that sounds pretty related to yours...
In my case I had to set the doctype of the html element in order to not run in compatibility mode where ie8 acts like it was ie7...
Just add something like that on the first line of your html and see if it works...
