how to implement open id in application in easy way -

My application is still in development phase,is it possible to implement OPEN ID in my application?.I am new to kindly guide me how to implement open id.What are the necessary parameters i should keep in mind to improve security of my web application.Should i implement session in my project?

The open source project DotNetOpenAuth is a fantastic place to get started with integrating OpenID (and other, more up-to-date open web protocols such as OAuth 2.0) into your ASP.NET project.
They have tons of great documentation and example projects that should be able to get you started quickly.


How to use SignalR real-time chart in ASP.Net WebForms

I want to use SignalR in my project for real time chart updates.
My project is developed in WebForms with VB.Net Language.
I searched for for 3,4 days but all I found were MVC examples. Can anyone suggest a solution?
Please notice me. Thank you
You can use SignalR with webforms, see this question for example :
Can SignalR be used with WebForms?
However, it will require to make your current webforms project evolve in several ways, which can be a loss of time and a risk if it's an old project hard to maintain.
An alternative could be to create a completely new web project for the backend with everything required for a clean support of SignalR server, and to consume it in JS (using jquery.signalr, etc) from your currently existing webforms pages on client side.
The ability to achieve this kind of thing will depend of what version of .Net and SignalR you could/must support.

cross-compile ASP.NET website to desktop?

Is there a way to cross-compile or port an ASP.NET based webpage to a native Windows GUI?
I am developing a web app, with an ASP.NET webservice doing much of the grunt work, and an ASP.NET webpage as the GUI. I would like to also offer an "offline" version of the app that doesn't require teaching random people how to manage IIS. Some of my target users will not have internet access consistently when they want to use the app; also, I like not having to rely on an active web connection myself because I'm an old fogey and this web 2.0 stuff is just a fad, right?
The core of the app logic is a library that is disassociated from everything else - the service just provides an API (which I want publicly available for others to use), and that I use for my own app. I could go ahead and design a new GUI in WPF or WinForms, import my libraries and there you go, but I'm lazy enough that I'm curious if there's an automated solution. Or even a semi-automated solution.
If I can target not-Windows as well, that would be nice. I already have a console interface that I used in development of the core library that directly accesses them, which I'm still testing but should relatively easy to make work in WINE but if I can offer more support for offline use to non-Windows users I'd feel better.
You could run that web application on .NET Core in a self-hosted way. That way you get the full IIS feature set and there is no need for the user to configure anything.
You can then use a WebBrowser control to show the application as a GUI app, or just open the web site in the users installed browser.
.NET Core runs on non-Windows as well.

How to login sense/net from another website?

I have a website build by, and want to embed sensenet web app into my website(maybe using iframe?), how can I handle the authentication for sensenet? Or are there any other ways to achieve this?
You have several options to achieve this, it mostly depends on your application structure, and what parts of Sense/Net do you want to use.
I recommend to give a try to Sense/Net ECM 7.0. It's in Beta stage at the moment, but you can already use the core functionality (e.g. the Content Repository, OData API, WebDav, etc...) and it's very easy to install from NuGet to an existing Asp.NET MVC project.
There is no GUI layer included at the moment, but you can use Sense/NET directly from your Asp.Net application.
If you want to use the Sense/Net WebPages Gui, there will be a package also available soon from NuGet.
If you want to keep your website separated, you can authenticate with Basic Auth, but with the next update, SN7 will support JWT authentication

how to implement Converse.js An XMPP chat client for 4.0 web site

i just found one nice article about online chatting application with converse.js i read it's documentation and i like it. how ever i just have doubt it is there this chat facility can supported with 4.0 web site. Here i just want to know about in details is it supported with .net application.
here it's tells XMPP Chat server. Is there any additional cost for purchase it. After that how i setup this server for chat facility. here it's gives advice for identity i have to manually register user with it and i can use with my own web site.
Is there any one have idea how i implement this to my web site. Step By Step
Please help me..
Since you mentioned so I am assuming you are talking about windows platform. I am using Openfire for XMPP messaging since last 5-6 years now and it is very easy to use and stable XMPP server. You can install it on your server and then configure Converse.js and XAMPP in conjunction with it to get web client chat feature. I referred this link to configure XAMPP along with Openfire:
Basic steps:
1. Install Openfire
2. Install XAMPP and configure as given in above link
3. Configure Converse.js in application

ASP.NET Web Service on localhost?

At the minute I am building an ASP.NET MVC application to learn the technology, and I want to incorporate web services as I have never used them before and I want to have experience with them.
I was wondering would it be possible to create a web service and run it on the Visual studio local host along with my MVC application an then consume it with the MVC application.
I am hoping that the web service will basically pull data from the the same db as the app and then allow the mvc app to consume the service. Would this be possible?
Sorry if this is a pointless question but it is for a college project. Any help greatly appreciated
Yes, it is very possible with Visual Studio - in fact, it is easy. Best to follow some tutorials - one such tutorial is
For more specifics about the service from within VS, this link may be more helpful -
If you are talking a WCF service, this is very easy to do. You'll want to add the service to the same solution as your MVC project, right click on References in the MVC project, then click add service reference. On the dialog that comes up, click discover to the right and it will find the service in the solution allowing you to add it locally.
Once you have a service reference, you can right click and configure to see the path. Should be set to localhost in this case. Doing this will allow you to set breakpoints and debug the service through your MVC application.
