Searching a column with comma separated values -

I have SQL server 2008 r2 edition, which am working on and a .Net webpage as front end.
Coming to the issue, there is a column in the database which basically consists of various skill sets separated by a comma. For example some candidate has a 3 different skill sets namely C#, SQL server, Oracle. The user who wants to list the candidates having the skills of both C# and Oracle will provide the input as C#, Oracle in a text box on the webpage. I want to write a query which can list out such. I have tried freetext search. But it fails to fetch if in Capital/small words, no support for wildcard character, even the order of skills.
Below is the sample query
Select * from profiles where freetext(skills, ‘C#,Oracle’)

From my POV the correct (and unwelcome) answer is to redesign your table structure: You should never ever have a list of values in a single field, IF YOU WANT TO ACCESS THEM SEPARATELY.

DISCLAIMER: I agree with #EugenRieck (+1 to that answer) - stuffing a CSV string in one field is bad design.
But if you must...look here first. Or try a CLR solution.

this is a good one about full-text.
Match Both C# and Oracle
select * From Profiles where contains(*,'"Oracle" and "C#"')
Match Either C# or Oracle
select * From Profiles where contains(*,'"Oracle" or "C#"')


Progress-OpenEdge query to show Column Relations of the table

I want a query to get the column relation or reference of column for the table or for all the databases.
Like in MySQL, we have a query
TABLE_SCHEMA = 'database_name';
So, What is the query for Progress OpenEdge to get column relation.
Also where are procedure, functions and views stored in ProgressDB?
Query to view database name list?
To find relationships, or views, or stored procedures you must query the meta-schema. Stefan's link documents SYSTABLES, SYSCOLUMNS, SYSINDEXES, SYSPROCEDURES, and SYSVIEWS. These are the tables that define what you have asked for.
The Progress database does not explicitly store relationships. They are implied, by convention, when there are common field names between tables but this does not create any special relationship in the engine. You can parse the tables above and make some guesses but, ultimately, you probably need to refer to the documentation for the application that you are working with.
Most Progress databases were created to be used by Progress 4gl applications. SQL came later and is mostly used to support 3rd party reporting tools. As a result there are two personas - the 4gl and sql. They have have many common capabilities but there are some things that they do not share. Stored procedures are one such feature. You can create them on the sql side but the 4gl side of things does not know about them and and will not use them to enforce constraints or for any other purpose. Since, as I mentioned, most Progress databases are created to support a 4gl application, it is very unusual to have any sql stored procedures.
(To make matters even more complicated there is some old sql-89 syntax embedded within the 4gl engine. But this very old syntax is really just token sql support and is not available to non-4gl programs.)

SQLite LIKE statement with special characters

I am trying to run a search query on my SQLite db and am having problems with special characters that are stored.
I have a column called site_name which contains records like castle, chàteau, church. When someone uses chateau as their search term I want it to pull out the chàteau record.
Is there a method for handling this in SQLite?
See here
The link references Android development, but it appears to answer your question.

Reorganise Stored Procedures display in SQL Server Management Studio

I'm currently working with an Asp.NET web application which involves a lot of stored procedures.
Since I'm also using the Asp.NET Membership/Roles/Profile system, the list of stored procedures displayed in the Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio is really becoming something of a pest to navigate. As soon as I open the Programmability/Stored Procedures tree, I have a long list of dbo.aspnet_spXXX stored procedures with my procedures loitering at the end.
What I would like to do is shuffle all those aspnet stored procedures into a folder of their own, leaving mine floating loose as they are now. I don't want to dispense with the current organisation, I just want to refine it a little.
Is it possible to do this?
I think the best you can do in SSMS is to use a filter to exclude the aspnet stored procedures.
Right click the Stored Procedures folder
Select Filter -> Filter Settings
Filter by Name, Does not contain, 'aspnet_sp'.
I would recommend redgate's SQL search tool - handy for finding a particular proc, rather than scrolling through a large list. Allows you to double click and go to it:
Management Studio doesn't support the ability to sort these objects other than alphabetically.
I like the filter and 3rd party add-in ideas, but another idea you can explore is using a different schema for your objects. If you name the schema 'abc' or something more logical, they will always sort first and none of your users will have to apply the filter.
Of course you will need to update your code to reference this schema and you should also change all of your users' default schema.
This isn't really one of the primary purposes of schemas, but short of putting your objects in a different database, this is one way to visually separate them.

How should I store localized versions of user-entered data in my database?

I am working for a client on a web app that requires localization in 3 languages (English and 2 others). I understand how to use resources in an ASP.NET application to display localized versions of static data. However, I am not sure how to approach the issue of localized user-entered data. For example, an administrator may want to add some new metadata the application (e.g. a new product category). This will eventually need to be translated into all 3 languages, but it will initially be entered in whatever language the administrator knows. Since this kind of data is not static, we store it in the database. Should we add a culture code to the primary key to differentiate different localized versions of the same data? Is there a "best practice" or pattern I'm not aware of for this kind of problem?
Have a child table your your entity, with a composite PK of MainItemID and LanguageCode (EN, DE, FR etc). This child table stores your language specific text.
If you always have English, or it is a fallback then you could have the child table for DE, FR etc and the main table for English. A LEFT JOIN and ISNULL will take care of this.
Either way is OK depending on your exact needs which I suspect is the first one. Of course, you'd need to ensure you have at least one child row on data entry of, say, a new product category
I would suggest you make a table to track the Language and then use the languageID as a foreign key in the other table instead of language code.
Language(LanguageID, Name)
And then in the other tables use that LanguageID as a foreign key.
e.g. you are storing localized text in the table
My solution was to create a string column which holds encoded data for all supported languages. Special application logic is required to insert and extract the data.
Specialized text editor supporting multi-lingual data helped a lot too.

Find Unique Words in One or More Columns?

I'm looking at implementing tags in my ASP.NET website. After looking at several algorithms, I'm leaning towards having a couple of database columns that contain one or more tag words. I will then use full-text search to locate rows with specified tags.
All of this seems pretty straight forward except for one thing: I need to be able to generate a list of available tags, which the user can select from.
I know I can write a C# program to build the list of available tags, and then run it once every week or so, but I was just wondering if there's any SQL-method for doing stuff like this more efficiently.
Also, I can't help but notice that the words will be extracted anyway as part of building the full-text index. I don't suppose there's any way to access that information?
This isn't how I'd choose to structure this but to answer the actual question...
In SQL Server 2008 you can query the sys.dm_fts_index_keywords and sys.dm_fts_index_keywords_by_document table valued functions to get the information that you want.
Why not to use separate table for tags with many-to-many relationship with tagged items table?
I mean something like that:
