Display to output port in a recursive procedure - Scheme - recursion

I am learning Scheme and want to write a recursive procedure which output to the console in each run level:
(define (dummy count)
(if (= 0 count)
((display "test" console-i/o-port) (dummy (- count 1)))))
And then test with:
(dummy 10)
But it appears that only the output of the last procedure called will be printed out.
What should I do to make it happen? Thanks. (I am using Mit-scheme)

((display "test" console-i/o-port) (dummy (- count 1)))
This is a function call where (display "test" console-i/o-port) is the function that's supposed to be called and (dummy (- count 1)) is the argument to that function. Since `(display "test" console-i/o-port) does not actually return a function, this will cause an error (after printing test).
To do what you actually want to do (first execute (display ...) and then execute (dummy ...)), you can use the begin form like this:
(begin (display "test" console-i/o-port) (dummy (- count 1)))

If what you want to do is displaying "test" count number of times (10 in the example) you can do something like this (assuming that count is positive):
(define (dummy count)
(if (> count 0)
(display "test" console-i/o-port)
(dummy (- count 1)))))


Problem while defining variables in racket

I am trying to create a recursive function which picks n items from a list returning the picked values and the list without the values, but when I create my variables I get this error:
new-list: unbound identifier in: new-list
Here is my code:
(define(pick-randomr list n picked) ;;Picked always called as empty list
(if(= n 0) (values list picked)
((let* ([aux list]
[r (random (length aux))]
[value (list-ref aux r)]
[new-picked (cons value picked)]
[new-list (values (remove value aux))])
(values aux r new-list))
(pick-randomr new-list (- n 1) new-picked))))
The line that goes:
(values aux r new-list)
is just to not have an empty body
There are a couple of problems with your syntax:
You should not use list as a parameter name, it conflicts with a built-in procedure of the same name.
Don't surround let* with two brackets, that's a common mistake, brackets are not like curly braces in other languages, you must not use them to define a block of statements, use begin for that - but we don't need it in this particular case.
The first error you got stated that you must not define a let* with an empty body. But the expression you added there isn't right, you must write the expressions that use the variables inside the let*, otherwise the new-list variable won't be visible.
This is what you meant to write:
(define (pick-randomr lst n picked)
(if (= n 0)
(values lst picked)
(let* ([aux lst]
[r (random (length aux))]
[value (list-ref aux r)]
[new-picked (cons value picked)]
[new-list (values (remove value aux))])
(pick-randomr new-list (- n 1) new-picked))))
Let's test it:
(pick-randomr '(1 2 3 4 5) 2 '())
=> '(1 2 5)
'(3 4)

How do I turn #<unspecified> into a number in guile scheme

I'm trying to get the hang of recursion in scheme. I put together a Fibinachi function and it keeps returning unspecified instead of a number. How do I make this function return a number and to unspecified?
(define (F n)
(if (= n 0)
(if (= n 1)
(if (< n 2)
(F (- n 1))
(F (- n 2)))))
(display (F 5))
The function returns
I'm using guile (GNU Guile) 2.0.13.
The issue here is that your code is:
(if a 1)
(if b 2)
(if c 3))
What is wrong with this? The value of that will be unspecified except if c is true.
Why? The value of each if is unspecified when the condition is false. The begin returns the value of the last expression.
Where did the begin come from you might ask as it didn't appear in my code? To make it easier every lambda and define contains an implicit begin which is why your code was even accepted for execution.
You should use either nested ifs or a cond form:
(if a 1
(if b 2
(if c 3)))
(cond (a 1)
(b 2)
(c 3))

Recursive Factorial Function in Common-Lisp

Ok, I'm been learning COMMON LISP programming and I'm working on a very simple program to calculate a factorial of a given integer. Simple, right?
Here's the code so far:
(write-line "Please enter a number...")
(setq x (read))
(defun factorial(n)
(if (= n 1)
(setq a 1)
(if (> n 1)
(setq a (* n (factorial (- n 1))))
(format t "~D! is ~D" n a)
(factorial x)
Problem is, when I run this on either CodeChef or Rexter.com, I get a similar error: "NIL is NOT a number."
I've tried using cond instead of an if to no avail.
As a side note, and most bewildering of all, I've seen a lot of places write the code like this:
(defun fact(n)
(if (= n 1)
(* n (fact (- n 1)))))
Which doesn't even make sense to me, what with the 1 just floating out there with no parentheses around it. However, with a little tinkering (writing additional lines outside the function) I can get it to execute (equally bewildering!).
But that's not what I want! I'd like the factorial function to print/return the values without having to execute additional code outside it.
What am I doing wrong?
One actually needs to flush the I/O buffers in portable code with FINISH-OUTPUT - otherwise the Lisp may want to read something and the prompt hasn't yet been printed. You better replace SETQ with LET, as SETQ does not introduce a variable, it just sets it.
(defun factorial (n)
(if (= n 1)
(* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
(write-line "Please enter a number...")
(finish-output) ; this makes sure the text is printed now
(let ((x (read)))
(format t "~D! is ~D" x (factorial x)))
Before answering your question, I would like to tell you some basic things about Lisp. (Neat fix to your solution at the end)
In Lisp, the output of every function is the "last line executed in the function". Unless you use some syntax manipulation like "return" or "return-from", which is not the Lisp-way.
The (format t "your string") will always return 'NIL as its output. But before returning the output, this function "prints" the string as well.
But the output of format function is 'NIL.
Now, the issue with your code is the output of your function. Again, the output would be the last line which in your case is:
(format t "~D! is ~D" n a)
This will return 'NIL.
To convince yourself, run the following as per your defined function:
(equal (factorial 1) 'nil)
This returns:
1! is 1
So it "prints" your string and then outputs T. Hence the output of your function is indeed 'NIL.
So when you input any number greater than 1, the recursive call runs and reaches the end as input 1 and returns 'NIL.
and then tries to execute this:
(setq a (* n (factorial (- n 1))))
Where the second argument to * is 'NIL and hence the error.
A quick fix to your solution is to add the last line as the output:
(write-line "Please enter a number...")
(setq x (read))
(defun factorial(n)
(if (= n 1)
(setq a 1)
(if (> n 1)
(setq a (* n (factorial (- n 1))))
(format t "~D! is ~D" n a)
a ;; Now this is the last line, so this will work
(factorial x)
Neater code (with Lisp-like indentation)
(defun factorial (n)
(if (= n 1)
(* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
(write-line "Please enter a number...")
(setq x (read))
(format t "~D! is ~D" x (factorial x))
Common Lisp is designed to be compiled. Therefore if you want global or local variables you need to define them before you set them.
On line 2 you give x a value but have not declared the existence of a variable by that name. You can do so as (defvar x), although the name x is considered unidiomatic. Many implementations will give a warning and automatically create a global variable when you try to set something which hasn’t been defined.
In your factorial function you try to set a. This is a treated either as an error or a global variable. Note that in your recursive call you are changing the value of a, although this wouldn’t actually have too much of an effect of the rest of your function were right. Your function is also not reentrant and there is no reason for this. You can introduce a local variable using let. Alternatively you could add it to your lambda list as (n &aux a). Secondarily your factorial function does not return a useful value as format does not return a useful value. In Common Lisp in an (implicit) progn, the value of the final expression is returned. You could fix this by adding a in the line below your format.
For tracing execution you could do (trace factorial) to have proper tracing information automatically printed. Then you could get rid of your format statement.
Finally it is worth noting that the whole function is quite unidiomatic. Your syntax is not normal. Common Lisp implementations come with a pretty printer. Emacs does too (bound to M-q). One does not normally do lots of reading and setting of global variables (except occasionally at the repl). Lisp isn’t really used for scripts in this style and has much better mechanisms for controlling scope. Secondarily one wouldn’t normally use so much mutating of state in a function like this. Here is a different way of doing factorial:
(defun factorial (n)
(if (< n 2)
(* n (factorial (1- n)))))
And tail recursively:
(defun factorial (n &optional (a 1))
(if (< n 2) a (factorial (1- n) (* a n))))
And iteratively (with printing):
(defun factorial (n)
(loop for i from 1 to n
with a = 1
do (setf a (* a i))
(format t “~a! = ~a~%” i a)
finally (return a)))
You can split it up into parts, something like this:
(defun prompt (prompt-str)
(write-line prompt-str *query-io*)
(read *query-io*))
(defun factorial (n)
(cond ((= n 1) 1)
(t (* n
(factorial (decf n)))))
(defun factorial-driver ()
(let* ((n (prompt "Enter a number: "))
(result (factorial n)))
(format *query-io* "The factorial of ~A is ~A~%" n result)))
And then run the whole thing as (factorial-driver).
Sample interaction:
CL-USER 54 > (factorial-driver)
Enter a number:
The factorial of 4 is 24

LISP Cannot take CAR of T

I am trying to evaluate each atom of a list and see if it's equal to the number provided and remove if its not but I am running into a slight problem.
I wrote the following code:
(defun equal1(V L)
(cond((= (length L) 0))
(T (cond( (not(= V (car(equal1 V (cdr L))))) (cdr L) )))
(equal1 5 '(1 2 3 4 5))
I obtain the following error
Error: Cannot take CAR of T.
If I add (write "hello") for the action if true, the following error is obtained:
Error: Cannot take CAR of "hello".
I'm still quite new to LISP and was wondering what exactly is going on and how could I fix this so I could evaluate each atom properly and remove it if its not, thus the cdr L for the action.
car and cdr are accessors of objects of type cons. Since t and "hello" are not cons you get an error message.
To fix it you need to know what types your function returns and not car unless you know that it's a cons
First off ident and clean up the code.. The nested cond are uneccesary since cond is a if-elseif-else structure by default:
(defun remove-number (number list)
(cond ((= (length list) 0)
((not (= number (car (remove-number number (cdr list)))))
(cdr list))))
I want you to notice I've added the default behaviour of returning t when a consequent is not given as we know = returns either t or nil so it returns t when the length is 0 in this case.
I've added the default case where none of the two previous predicates were truthy and it defaults to returning nil.
I've named it according to the functions used. = can only be used for numeric arguments and thus this will never work on symbols, strings, etc. You need to use equal if you were after values that look the same.
Looking at this now we can see that the functions return value is not very easy to reason about. We know that t, nil and list or any part of the tail of list are possible and thus doing car might not work or in the case of (car nil) it may not produce a number.
A better approach to doing this would be:
check if the list is empty, then return nil
check if the first element has the same numeric value as number, then recurse with rest of the list (skipping the element)
default case should make cons a list with the first element and the result fo the recursion with the rest of the list.
The code would look something like this:
(defun remove-number (number list)
(cond ((endp list) '())
((= (car list) number) (remove-number ...))
(t (cons ...))))
There are a couple of things you could do to improve this function.
Firstly, let's indent it properly
(defun equal1 (V L)
((= (length L) 0))
(T (cond
((not (= V (car (equal1 V (cdr L))))) (cdr L))))))
Rather than saying (= (length l) 0), you can use (zerop (length l)). A minor sylistic point. Worse is that branch returns no value. If the list L is empty what should we return?
The issue with the function is in the T branch of the first cond.
What we want to do is
remove any list item that is the same value as V
keep any item that is not = to V
The function should return a list.
The expression
((not (= V (car (equal1 V (cdr L))))) (cdr L)))
is trying (I think) to deal with both conditions 1 and 2. However it's clearly not working.
We have to recall that items are in a list and the result of the equal function needs to be a list. In the expression above the result of the function will be a boolean and hence the result of the function call will be boolean.
The function needs to step along each element of the list and when it sees a matching value, skip it, otherwise use the cons function to build the filtered output list.
Here is a skeleton to help you out. Notice we don't need the embedded cond and just have 3 conditions to deal with - list empty, filter a value out, or continue to build the list.
(defun equal-2 (v l)
((zerop (length L)) nil)
((= v (car l)) <something goes here>) ;skip or filter the value
(t (cons (car l) <something goes here>)))) ;build the output list
Of course, this being Common Lisp, there is a built-in function that does this. You can look into remove-if...

Get minimum num recursively from a list

I'm new to lisp and trying to write a recursive function that returns minimum number from a list. It also wants to detect atom. The following code returns error:
(defun minFromList (l)
(cond ((null l) nil) ; Causes error shown below
; (cond ((null l) ) ; Causes the same error
; (cond ((null l) 0) ; It causes always 0 to be the final return val.
((numberp l) l)
((numberp (car l)) (min (car l) (minFromList(cdr l))))
((listp (car l)) (min (minFromList (car l)) (minFromList (cdr l))))
(t nil) ; if all condition doesn't hold just return nil.
*** - MIN: NIL is not a real number
Apparently the problem lies in where it returns nil/0 when the given list is null. What's possible workarounds? Thank you.
Environment) Ubuntu 11.10, clisp 2.49
Update) Although I already picked up this as the answer, I welcome if there are other ways especially w/o making new functions if any.
Here's the simplest code I made inspired by the chosen answer.
(defun minNum (a b)
(cond ((null a) b)
((null b) a)
(t (min a b)))
Apparently you get an error message because you try to use the result of your function as a number, and said result is nil when the function is called with an empty list as argument, so the evaluation that tries to use the result fails. This is not a Common Lisp problem - you have to decide what to return when the argument is empty. Maybe 0 is a good value, maybe some approximation of minus infinity - only you (or whoever uses your function) can tell.
As for getting the the minimum (or the sum or any other 'reduction') of a list, this is a pattern already handled by the reduce Common Lisp standard function. So min-from-list could look something like:
CL-USER> (defun min-from-list (list &optional (default 0))
(reduce #'min list :initial-value default))
CL-USER> (min-from-list '(1 2 -3))
CL-USER> (min-from-list '(1 2 -3) -7)
CL-USER> (min-from-list '())
CL-USER> (min-from-list '() -3)
(the user can specify what the minimum of an empty list is - if none specified, it's 0).
When comparing two numbers, you need to deal with the nil case in some way. This is easy to do. Define your own version of min that satisfies
(min2 nil <x>) = <x>
(min2 <x> nil) = <x>
(min2 <x> <y>) = (min <x> <y>) if <x>, <y> non-null
and use that.
The simplest approach I can think of is to wrap an application of min.
(defun min-or-nil (num-list)
(when num-list (apply #'min num-list)))
