In MPI, if I perform an MPI_Scatter on MPI_COMM_WORLD, all the nodes receive some data (including the sending root).
How do I perform an MPI_Scatter from a root node to all the other nodes and make sure the root node does not receive any data?
Is creating a new MPI_Comm containing all the nodes but the root a viable approach?
Let's imagine your code looks like that:
int rank, size; // rank of the process and size of the communicator
int root = 0; // root process of our scatter
int recvCount = 4; // or whatever
double *sendBuf = rank == root ? new double[recvCount * size] : NULL;
double *recvBuf = new double[recvCount];
MPI_Scatter( sendBuf, recvCount, MPI_DOUBLE,
recvBuf, recvCount, MPI_DOUBLE,
So in here, indeed, the root process will send data to itself although this could be avoided.
Here are the two obvious methods that come to mind to achieve that.
The call to MPI_Scatter() wouldn't have to change. The only change in the code would be for the definition of the receiving buffer, which would become something like this:
double *recvBuf = rank == root ?
static_cast<double*>( MPI_IN_PLACE ) :
new double[recvCount];
Using MPI_Scatterv()
With that, you'd have to define an array of integers describing the individual receiving sizes, an array of displacements describing the starting indexes and use them in a call to MPI_Scatterv() which would replace you call to MPI_Scatter() like this:
int sendCounts[size] = {recvCount}; // everybody receives recvCount data
sendCounts[root] = 0; // but the root process
int displs[size];
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
displs[i] = i * recvCount;
MPI_Scatterv( sendBuf, sendCounts, displs, MPI_DOUBLE,
recvBuf, recvCount, MPI_DOUBLE,
Of course in both cases no data would be on receiving buffer for process root and this would have to be accounted for in your code.
I personally prefer the first option, but both work.
I'm working on a video stream in real time that I try to process with a GeForce GTX 960M. (Windows 10, VS 2013, CUDA 8.0)
Each frame has to be captured, lightly blured, and whenever I can, I need to do some hard-work calculations on the 10 latest frames.
So I need to capture ALL the frames at 30 fps, and I expect to get the hard-work result at 5 fps.
My problems is that I cannot keep the capture running at the right pace : it seems that the hard-work calculation slows down the capture of frames, either at CPU level or at GPU level. I miss some frames...
I tried many solutions. None worked:
I tried to set-up jobs on 2 streams (image below):
the host gets a frame
First stream (called Stream2) : cudaMemcpyAsync copies the frame on the Device. Then, a first kernel does the basic bluring calculations. (In the attached image, bluring appears as a short slot at 3.07 s and 3.085 s. And then nothing... until the big part has finished)
the host checks if the second stream is "available" thanks to a CudaEvent, and lauches it if possible. Practically, the stream is available 1/2 of tries.
Second stream (called Stream4) : starts hard-work calculations in a kernel ( kernelCalcul_W2), outputs the result, and records an Event.
NSight capture
Practically, I wrote :
cudaStream_t sHigh, sLow;
cudaStreamCreateWithPriority(&sHigh, cudaStreamNonBlocking, priority_high);
cudaStreamCreateWithPriority(&sLow, cudaStreamNonBlocking, priority_low);
cudaEvent_t event_1;
if (frame has arrived)
cudaMemcpyAsync(..., sHigh); // HtoD, to upload images in the GPU
blur_Image <<<... , sHigh>>> (...)
if (cudaEventQuery(event_1)==cudaSuccess)) hard_work(sLow);
else printf("Event 2 not ready\n");
void hard_work( cudaStream_t sLow_)
kernelCalcul_W2<<<... , sLow_>>> (...);
cudaMemcpyAsync(... the result..., sLow_); //DtoH
cudaEventRecord(event_1, sLow_);
I tried to use only one stream. It's the same code as above, but change 1 parameter while launching hard_work.
host gets a frame
Stream: cudaMemcpyAsync copies the frame on the Device. Then, the kernel does the basic bluring calculations. Then, if the CudaEvent Event_1 is ok, I lauch the hard-work, and I add an Event_1 to get the status on next round.
Practically, the stream is ALWAYS available: I never fall in the "else" part.
This way, while the hard-work is running, I expected to "buffer" all the frames to copy, and not to lose any. But I do lose some: it turns out that each time I get a frame and I copy it, Event_1 seems ok so I launch the hard-work, and only get the the next frame very late.
I tried to put the two streams in two different threads (in C). Not better (even worse).
So the question is: how to ensure that the first stream captures ALL frames?
I really have the feeling that the different streams block the CPU.
I display the images with OpenGL. Would it interfere?
Any idea of ways to improve this?
Thanks a lot!
As requested, I put here a MCVE.
There is a parameter you can tune (#define ADJUST) to see what's happening. Basically, the main procedure sends CUDA requests in Async mode, but it seems to block the main thread. As you will see in the image, I have "memory access" (i.e. images captured ) every 30 ms except when the hard-work is running (then, I just don't get images).
Last detail: I'm using CUDA 7.5 to run this. I tried to install 8.0 but apparently the compiler is still 7.5
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#define ADJUST 400
// adjusting this paramter may make the problem occur.
// Too high => probably watchdog will stop the kernel
// too low => probably the kernel will run smothly
unsigned short * images_as_Unsigned_in_Host;
unsigned short * Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device;
unsigned short * camera;
float * images_as_Output_in_Host;
float * Images_as_Float_in_Device;
float * imageOutput_in_Device;
unsigned short imageWidth, imageHeight, totNbOfImages, imageSlot;
unsigned long imagePixelSize;
unsigned short lastImageFromCamera;
cudaStream_t s1, s2;
cudaEvent_t event_2;
clock_t timeRef;
// Basically, in the middle of the image, I average the values. I removed the logic behind to make it simpler.
// This kernel runs fast, and that's the point.
__global__ void blurImage(unsigned short * Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device_, float * Images_as_Float_in_Device_, unsigned short imageWidth_,
unsigned long imagePixelSize_, short blur_distance)
// we start from 'blur_distance' from the edge
// p0 is the point we will calculate. p is a pointer which will move around for average
unsigned long p0 = (threadIdx.x + blur_distance) + (blockIdx.x + blur_distance) * imageWidth_;
unsigned long p = p0;
unsigned short * us;
if (p >= imagePixelSize_) return;
unsigned long tot = 0;
short a, b, n, k;
k = 0;
// p starts from the top edge and will move to the right-bottom
p -= blur_distance + blur_distance * imageWidth_;
us = Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device_ + p;
for (a = 2 * blur_distance; a >= 0; a--)
for (b = 2 * blur_distance; b >= 0; b--)
n = *us;
if (n > 0) { tot += n; k++; }
us += imageWidth_ - 2 * blur_distance - 1;
if (k > 0) Images_as_Float_in_Device_[p0] = (float)tot / (float)k;
else Images_as_Float_in_Device_[p0] = 128.f;
__global__ void kernelCalcul_W2(float *inputImage, float *outputImage, unsigned long imagePixelSize_, unsigned short imageWidth_, unsigned short slot, unsigned short totImages)
// point the pixel and crunch it
unsigned long p = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * imageWidth_;
if (p >= imagePixelSize_) { return; }
float result;
long a, b, n, n0;
float input;
b = 3;
// this is not the right algorithm (which is pretty complex).
// I know this is not optimal in terms of memory management. Still, I want a "long" calculation here so I don't care...
for (n = 0; n < 10; n++)
n0 = slot - n;
if (n0 < 0) n0 += totImages;
input = inputImage[p + n0 * imagePixelSize_];
for (a = 0; a < ADJUST ; a++)
result += pow(input, inputImage[a + n0 * imagePixelSize_]) * cos(input);
outputImage[p] = result;
void hard_work( cudaStream_t s){
cudaError err;
// launch the hard work
printf("Hard work is launched after image %d is captured ==> ", imageSlot);
kernelCalcul_W2 << <340, 500, 0, s >> >(Images_as_Float_in_Device, imageOutput_in_Device, imagePixelSize, imageWidth, imageSlot, totNbOfImages);
err = cudaPeekAtLastError();
if (err != cudaSuccess) printf( "running error: %s \n", cudaGetErrorString(err));
else printf("running ok\n");
// copy the result back to Host
//printf(" %p %p \n", images_as_Output_in_Host, imageOutput_in_Device);
cudaMemcpyAsync(images_as_Output_in_Host, imageOutput_in_Device, sizeof(float) * imagePixelSize, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, s);
cudaEventRecord(event_2, s);
void createStorageSpace()
imageWidth = 640;
imageHeight = 480;
totNbOfImages = 300;
imageSlot = 0;
imagePixelSize = 640 * 480;
lastImageFromCamera = 0;
camera = (unsigned short *)malloc(imagePixelSize * sizeof(unsigned short));
for (int i = 0; i < imagePixelSize; i++) camera[i] = rand() % 255;
// storing the images in the Host memory. I know I could optimize with cudaHostAllocate.
images_as_Unsigned_in_Host = (unsigned short *) malloc(imagePixelSize * sizeof(unsigned short) * totNbOfImages);
images_as_Output_in_Host = (float *)malloc(imagePixelSize * sizeof(float));
cudaMalloc(&Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device, imagePixelSize * sizeof(unsigned short) * totNbOfImages);
cudaMalloc(&Images_as_Float_in_Device, imagePixelSize * sizeof(float) * totNbOfImages);
cudaMalloc(&imageOutput_in_Device, imagePixelSize * sizeof(float));
int priority_high, priority_low;
cudaDeviceGetStreamPriorityRange(&priority_low, &priority_high);
cudaStreamCreateWithPriority(&s1, cudaStreamNonBlocking, priority_high);
cudaStreamCreateWithPriority(&s2, cudaStreamNonBlocking, priority_low);
void releaseMapFile()
void putImageCUDA(const void * data)
// We put the image in a round-robin. The slot to put the image is imageSlot
printf("\nDealing with image %d\n", imageSlot);
// Copy the image in the Round Robin
cudaMemcpyAsync(Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device + imageSlot * imagePixelSize, data, sizeof(unsigned short) * imagePixelSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, s1);
// We will blur the image. Let's prepare the memory to get the results as floats
cudaMemsetAsync(Images_as_Float_in_Device + imageSlot * imagePixelSize, 0., sizeof(float) * imagePixelSize, s1);
// blur image
blurImage << <imageHeight - 140, imageWidth - 140, 0, s1 >> > (Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device + imageSlot * imagePixelSize,
Images_as_Float_in_Device + imageSlot * imagePixelSize,
imageWidth, imagePixelSize, 3);
// launches the hard-work
if (cudaEventQuery(event_2) == cudaSuccess) hard_work(s2);
else printf("Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image %d\n", imageSlot);
if (imageSlot >= totNbOfImages) {
imageSlot = 0;
int main()
printf("The following loop is supposed to push images in the GPU and do calculations in Async mode, and to wait 30 ms before the next image, so we should have the output on the screen in 10 x 30 ms. But it's far slower...\nYou may adjust a #define ADJUST parameter to see what's happening.");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
putImageCUDA(camera); // Puts an image in the GPU, does the bluring, and tries to do the hard-work
Sleep(30); // to simulate Camera
The primary issue here is that cudaMemcpyAsync is only a properly non-blocking async operation if the host memory involved is pinned, i.e. allocated using cudaHostAlloc. This characteristic is covered in several places, including the API documentation and the relevant programming guide section.
The following modification to your code (to run on linux, which I prefer) demonstrates the behavioral difference:
$ cat
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define ADJUST 400
// adjusting this paramter may make the problem occur.
// Too high => probably watchdog will stop the kernel
// too low => probably the kernel will run smothly
unsigned short * images_as_Unsigned_in_Host;
unsigned short * Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device;
unsigned short * camera;
float * images_as_Output_in_Host;
float * Images_as_Float_in_Device;
float * imageOutput_in_Device;
unsigned short imageWidth, imageHeight, totNbOfImages, imageSlot;
unsigned long imagePixelSize;
unsigned short lastImageFromCamera;
cudaStream_t s1, s2;
cudaEvent_t event_2;
clock_t timeRef;
// Basically, in the middle of the image, I average the values. I removed the logic behind to make it simpler.
// This kernel runs fast, and that's the point.
__global__ void blurImage(unsigned short * Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device_, float * Images_as_Float_in_Device_, unsigned short imageWidth_,
unsigned long imagePixelSize_, short blur_distance)
// we start from 'blur_distance' from the edge
// p0 is the point we will calculate. p is a pointer which will move around for average
unsigned long p0 = (threadIdx.x + blur_distance) + (blockIdx.x + blur_distance) * imageWidth_;
unsigned long p = p0;
unsigned short * us;
if (p >= imagePixelSize_) return;
unsigned long tot = 0;
short a, b, n, k;
k = 0;
// p starts from the top edge and will move to the right-bottom
p -= blur_distance + blur_distance * imageWidth_;
us = Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device_ + p;
for (a = 2 * blur_distance; a >= 0; a--)
for (b = 2 * blur_distance; b >= 0; b--)
n = *us;
if (n > 0) { tot += n; k++; }
us += imageWidth_ - 2 * blur_distance - 1;
if (k > 0) Images_as_Float_in_Device_[p0] = (float)tot / (float)k;
else Images_as_Float_in_Device_[p0] = 128.f;
__global__ void kernelCalcul_W2(float *inputImage, float *outputImage, unsigned long imagePixelSize_, unsigned short imageWidth_, unsigned short slot, unsigned short totImages)
// point the pixel and crunch it
unsigned long p = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * imageWidth_;
if (p >= imagePixelSize_) { return; }
float result;
long a, n, n0;
float input;
// this is not the right algorithm (which is pretty complex).
// I know this is not optimal in terms of memory management. Still, I want a "long" calculation here so I don't care...
for (n = 0; n < 10; n++)
n0 = slot - n;
if (n0 < 0) n0 += totImages;
input = inputImage[p + n0 * imagePixelSize_];
for (a = 0; a < ADJUST ; a++)
result += pow(input, inputImage[a + n0 * imagePixelSize_]) * cos(input);
outputImage[p] = result;
void hard_work( cudaStream_t s){
#ifndef QUICK
cudaError err;
// launch the hard work
printf("Hard work is launched after image %d is captured ==> ", imageSlot);
kernelCalcul_W2 << <340, 500, 0, s >> >(Images_as_Float_in_Device, imageOutput_in_Device, imagePixelSize, imageWidth, imageSlot, totNbOfImages);
err = cudaPeekAtLastError();
if (err != cudaSuccess) printf( "running error: %s \n", cudaGetErrorString(err));
else printf("running ok\n");
// copy the result back to Host
//printf(" %p %p \n", images_as_Output_in_Host, imageOutput_in_Device);
cudaMemcpyAsync(images_as_Output_in_Host, imageOutput_in_Device, sizeof(float) * imagePixelSize/2, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, s);
cudaEventRecord(event_2, s);
void createStorageSpace()
imageWidth = 640;
imageHeight = 480;
totNbOfImages = 300;
imageSlot = 0;
imagePixelSize = 640 * 480;
lastImageFromCamera = 0;
cudaHostAlloc(&camera, imagePixelSize*sizeof(unsigned short), cudaHostAllocDefault);
cudaHostAlloc(&images_as_Unsigned_in_Host, imagePixelSize*sizeof(unsigned short)*totNbOfImages, cudaHostAllocDefault);
cudaHostAlloc(&images_as_Output_in_Host, imagePixelSize*sizeof(unsigned short), cudaHostAllocDefault);
camera = (unsigned short *)malloc(imagePixelSize * sizeof(unsigned short));
images_as_Unsigned_in_Host = (unsigned short *) malloc(imagePixelSize * sizeof(unsigned short) * totNbOfImages);
images_as_Output_in_Host = (float *)malloc(imagePixelSize * sizeof(float));
for (int i = 0; i < imagePixelSize; i++) camera[i] = rand() % 255;
cudaMalloc(&Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device, imagePixelSize * sizeof(unsigned short) * totNbOfImages);
cudaMalloc(&Images_as_Float_in_Device, imagePixelSize * sizeof(float) * totNbOfImages);
cudaMalloc(&imageOutput_in_Device, imagePixelSize * sizeof(float));
int priority_high, priority_low;
cudaDeviceGetStreamPriorityRange(&priority_low, &priority_high);
cudaStreamCreateWithPriority(&s1, cudaStreamNonBlocking, priority_high);
cudaStreamCreateWithPriority(&s2, cudaStreamNonBlocking, priority_low);
cudaEventRecord(event_2, s2);
void releaseMapFile()
void putImageCUDA(const void * data)
// We put the image in a round-robin. The slot to put the image is imageSlot
printf("\nDealing with image %d\n", imageSlot);
// Copy the image in the Round Robin
cudaMemcpyAsync(Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device + imageSlot * imagePixelSize, data, sizeof(unsigned short) * imagePixelSize, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, s1);
// We will blur the image. Let's prepare the memory to get the results as floats
cudaMemsetAsync(Images_as_Float_in_Device + imageSlot * imagePixelSize, 0, sizeof(float) * imagePixelSize, s1);
// blur image
blurImage << <imageHeight - 140, imageWidth - 140, 0, s1 >> > (Images_as_Unsigned_in_Device + imageSlot * imagePixelSize,
Images_as_Float_in_Device + imageSlot * imagePixelSize,
imageWidth, imagePixelSize, 3);
// launches the hard-work
if (cudaEventQuery(event_2) == cudaSuccess) hard_work(s2);
else printf("Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image %d\n", imageSlot);
if (imageSlot >= totNbOfImages) {
imageSlot = 0;
int main()
printf("The following loop is supposed to push images in the GPU and do calculations in Async mode, and to wait 30 ms before the next image, so we should have the output on the screen in 10 x 30 ms. But it's far slower...\nYou may adjust a #define ADJUST parameter to see what's happening.");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
putImageCUDA(camera); // Puts an image in the GPU, does the bluring, and tries to do the hard-work
usleep(30000); // to simulate Camera
cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
if (err != cudaSuccess) printf("some CUDA error: %s\n", cudaGetErrorString(err));
$ nvcc -arch=sm_52 -lineinfo -o t33
$ time ./t33
The following loop is supposed to push images in the GPU and do calculations in Async mode, and to wait 30 ms before the next image, so we should have the output on the screen in 10 x 30 ms. But it's far slower...
You may adjust a #define ADJUST parameter to see what's happening.
Dealing with image 0
Hard work is launched after image 0 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 1
Hard work is launched after image 1 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 2
Hard work is launched after image 2 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 3
Hard work is launched after image 3 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 4
Hard work is launched after image 4 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 5
Hard work is launched after image 5 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 6
Hard work is launched after image 6 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 7
Hard work is launched after image 7 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 8
Hard work is launched after image 8 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 9
Hard work is launched after image 9 is captured ==> running ok
real 0m2.790s
user 0m0.688s
sys 0m0.966s
$ nvcc -arch=sm_52 -lineinfo -o t33 -DUSE_HOST_ALLOC
$ time ./t33
The following loop is supposed to push images in the GPU and do calculations in Async mode, and to wait 30 ms before the next image, so we should have the output on the screen in 10 x 30 ms. But it's far slower...
You may adjust a #define ADJUST parameter to see what's happening.
Dealing with image 0
Hard work is launched after image 0 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 1
Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image 1
Dealing with image 2
Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image 2
Dealing with image 3
Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image 3
Dealing with image 4
Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image 4
Dealing with image 5
Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image 5
Dealing with image 6
Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image 6
Dealing with image 7
Hard work is launched after image 7 is captured ==> running ok
Dealing with image 8
Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image 8
Dealing with image 9
Hard_work still running, so unable to process after image 9
real 0m1.721s
user 0m0.028s
sys 0m0.629s
In the USE_HOST_ALLOC case above, the launch pattern for the low-priority kernel is intermittent, as expected, and the overall run time is considerably shorter.
In short, if you want the expected behavior out of cudaMemcpyAsync, make sure any participating host allocations are page-locked.
A pictorial (profiler) example of the effect that pinning can have on multi-stream behavior can be seen in this answer.
Suppose I have a very large array of things and I have to do some operation on all these things.
In case operation fails for one element, I want to stop the work [this work is distributed across number of processors] across all the array.
I want to achieve this while keeping the number of sent/received messages to a minimum.
Also, I don't want to block processors if there is no need to.
How can I do it using MPI?
This seems to be a common question with no easy answer. Both other answer have scalability issues. The ring-communication approach has linear communication cost, while in the one-sided MPI_Win-solution, a single process will be hammered with memory requests from all workers. This may be fine for low number of ranks, but pose issues when increasing the rank count.
Non-blocking collectives can provide a more scalable better solution. The main idea is to post a MPI_Ibarrier on all ranks except on one designated root. This root will listen to point-to-point stop messages via MPI_Irecv and complete the MPI_Ibarrier once it receives it.
The tricky part is that there are four different cases "{root, non-root} x {found, not-found}" that need to be handled. Also it can happen that multiple ranks send a stop message, requiring an unknown number of matching receives on the root. That can be solved with an additional reduction that counts the number of ranks that sent a stop-request.
Here is an example how this can look in C:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <mpi.h>
const int iter_max = 10000;
const int difficulty = 20000;
int find_stuff()
int num_iters = rand() % iter_max;
for (int i = 0; i < num_iters; i++) {
if (rand() % difficulty == 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
const int stop_tag = 42;
const int root = 0;
int forward_stop(MPI_Request* root_recv_stop, MPI_Request* all_recv_stop, int found_count)
int flag;
MPI_Status status;
if (found_count == 0) {
MPI_Test(root_recv_stop, &flag, &status);
} else {
// If we find something on the root, we actually wait until we receive our own message.
MPI_Wait(root_recv_stop, &status);
flag = 1;
if (flag) {
printf("Forwarding stop signal from %d\n", status.MPI_SOURCE);
MPI_Ibarrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, all_recv_stop);
MPI_Wait(all_recv_stop, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
// We must post some additional receives if multiple ranks found something at the same time
MPI_Reduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &found_count, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
for (found_count--; found_count > 0; found_count--) {
MPI_Recv(NULL, 0, MPI_CHAR, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, stop_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
printf("Additional stop from: %d\n", status.MPI_SOURCE);
return 1;
return 0;
int main()
int rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
MPI_Request root_recv_stop;
MPI_Request all_recv_stop;
if (rank == root) {
MPI_Irecv(NULL, 0, MPI_CHAR, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, stop_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &root_recv_stop);
} else {
// You may want to use an extra communicator here, to avoid messing with other barriers
MPI_Ibarrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &all_recv_stop);
while (1) {
int found = find_stuff();
if (found) {
printf("Rank %d found something.\n", rank);
// Note: We cannot post this as blocking, otherwise there is a deadlock with the reduce
MPI_Request req;
MPI_Isend(NULL, 0, MPI_CHAR, root, stop_tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &req);
if (rank != root) {
// We know that we are going to receive our own stop signal.
// This avoids running another useless iteration
MPI_Wait(&all_recv_stop, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
MPI_Reduce(&found, NULL, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if (rank == root) {
if (forward_stop(&root_recv_stop, &all_recv_stop, found)) {
} else {
int stop_signal;
MPI_Test(&all_recv_stop, &stop_signal, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
if (stop_signal)
MPI_Reduce(&found, NULL, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
printf("Rank %d stopping after receiving signal.\n", rank);
While this is not the simplest code, it should:
Introduce no additional blocking
Scale with the implementation of a barrier (usually O(log N))
Have a worst-case-latency from one found, to all stop of 2 * loop time ( + 1 p2p + 1 barrier + 1 reduction).
If many/all ranks find a solution at the same time, it still works but may be less efficient.
A possible strategy to derive this global stop condition in a non-blocking fashion is to rely on MPI_Test.
Consider that each process posts an asynchronous receive of type MPI_INT to its left rank with a given tag to build a ring. Then start your computation. If a rank encounters the stop condition it sends its own rank to its right rank. In the meantime each rank uses MPI_Test to check for the completion of the MPI_Irecv during the computation if it is completed then enter a branch first waiting the message and then transitively propagating the received rank to the right except if the right rank is equal to the payload of the message (not to loop).
This done you should have all processes in the branch, ready to trigger an arbitrary recovery operation.
The topology retained is a ring as it minimizes the number of messages at most (n-1) however it augments the propagation time. Other topologies could be retained with more messages but lower spatial complexity for example a tree with a n.ln(n) complexity.
Something like this.
int rank, size;
MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
int left_rank = (rank==0)?(size-1):(rank-1);
int right_rank = (rank==(size-1))?0:(rank+1)%size;
int stop_cond_rank;
MPI_Request stop_cond_request;
int stop_cond= 0;
while( 1 )
MPI_Irecv( &stop_cond_rank, 1, MPI_INT, left_rank, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &stop_cond_request);
/* Compute Here and set stop condition accordingly */
if( stop_cond )
/* Cancel the left recv */
MPI_Cancel( &stop_cond_request );
if( rank != right_rank )
MPI_Send( &rank, 1, MPI_INT, right_rank, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
int did_recv = 0;
MPI_Test( &stop_cond_request, &did_recv, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE );
if( did_recv )
stop_cond = 1;
MPI_Wait( &stop_cond_request, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE );
if( right_rank != stop_cond_rank )
MPI_Send( &stop_cond_rank, 1, MPI_INT, right_rank, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
if( stop_cond )
/* Handle the stop condition */
/* Cleanup */
MPI_Cancel( &stop_cond_request );
That is a question I've asked myself a few times without finding any completely satisfactory answer... The only thing I thought of (beside MPI_Abort() that does it but which is a bit extreme) is to create an MPI_Win storing a flag that will be raise by whichever process facing the problem, and checked by all processes regularly to see if they can go on processing. This is done using non-blocking calls, the same way as described in this answer.
The main weaknesses of this are:
This depends on the processes to willingly check the status of the flag. There is no immediate interruption of their work to notifying them.
The frequency of this checking must be adjusted by hand. You have to find the trade-off between the time you waste processing data while there's no need to because something happened elsewhere, and the time it takes to check the status...
In the end, what we would need is a way of defining a callback action triggered by an MPI call such as MPI_Abort() (basically replacing the abort action by something else). I don't think this exists, but maybe I overlooked it.
I wanna do matrix vector multiplication. The code is compiling but not running. Can anyone please help me out in solving the problem? Thank you in advance.
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#define DIM 500
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i, j, n=10000;
int nlocal; /* Number of locally stored rows of A */
double *fb;
double a[DIM * DIM], b[DIM], x[DIM]; /* Will point to a buffer that stores the entire vector b */
int npes, myrank;
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
/* Get information about the communicator */
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &npes);
/* Allocate the memory that will store the entire vector b */
fb = (double*)malloc(npes * sizeof(double));
nlocal = n / npes;
/* Gather the entire vector b on each processor using MPI's ALLGATHER operation */
MPI_Allgather(b, nlocal, MPI_DOUBLE, fb, nlocal, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
/* Perform the matrix-vector multiplication involving the locally stored submatrix */
for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
x[i] = 0.0;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
x[i] += a[i * n + j] * fb[j];
} //end main
Please help me out in running the code. Thanks.
The issue may come from fb = (double*)malloc(npes * sizeof(double)); which should be fb = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(double));. Indeed, npes is the number of processes and n is the total length of the vector.
Moreover, the array a is of size 500x500=250000. This is enough to store 25 rows if n=10000... Are you using 400 processes ? If you are using less that 400 processes a[i * n + j] is an attempt to read after the end of the array. It triggers undefined behaviors, such as a segmentation fault.
Last a is a large array and since it is declared as double a[500*500], it is allocated on the stack. Read : Segmentation fault on large array sizes : the best way to go is to use malloc() for a as well, with appropiate size (here nlocal*n).
double *a=malloc(nlocal*n*sizeof(double));
if(a==NULL){fprintf(stderr,"process %d : malloc failed\n",npes);exit(1);}
n=10000 is rather large. Consider using computed numbers such as nlocal*n for the size of the array a, not default sizes such as DIM. That way, you will be able to debug your code on smaller n and memory will not be wasted.
The same comments apply to b and x allocated as double b[500] and double x[500] while much larger arrays are needed if n=10000. Once again, consider using malloc() with the appropriate number, not a defined value DIM=500 !
double *b=malloc(n*sizeof(double));
if(b==NULL){fprintf(stderr,"process %d : malloc failed\n",npes);exit(1);}
double *x=malloc(nlocal*sizeof(double));
if(x==NULL){fprintf(stderr,"process %d : malloc failed\n",npes);exit(1);}
A debugger such as valgrind can detect such problems related to memory management. Try it on your program using a single process !
I want to use MPI (MPICH2) on windows. I write this command:
And I expect it blocks all Processors until all group members have called it. But it is not happen. I add a schematic of my code:
int a;
if(myrank == RootProc)
a = 4;
cout << "My Rank = " << myrank << "\ta = " << a << endl;
(With 2 processor:) Root processor (0) acts correctly, but processor with rank 1 doesn't know the a variable, so it display -858993460 instead of 4.
Can any one help me?
You're only assigning a in process 0. MPI doesn't share memory, so if you want the a in process 1 to get the value of 4, you need to call MPI_Send from process 0 and MPI_Recv from process 1.
Variable a is not initialized - it is possible that is why it displays that number. In MPI, variable a is duplicated between the processes - so there are two values for a, one of which is uninitialized. You want to write:
int a = 4;
if (myrank == RootProc)
Or, alternatively, do an MPI_send in the Root (id 0), and an MPI_recv in the slave (id 1) so the value in the root is also set in the slave.
Note: that code triggers a small alarm in my head, so I need to check something and I'll edit this with more info. Until then though, the uninitialized value is most certainly a problem for you.
Ok I've checked the facts - your code was not properly indented and I missed the missing {}. The barrier looks fine now, although the snippet you posted does not do too much, and is not a very good example of a barrier because the slave enters it directly, whereas the root will set the value of the variable to 4 and then enter it. To test that it actually works, you probably want some sort of a sleep mechanism in one of the processes - that will yield (hope it's the correct term) the other process as well, preventing it from printing the cout until the sleep is over.
Blocking is not enough, you have to send data to other processes (memory in not shared between processes).
To share data across ALL processes use:
int MPI_Bcast(void* buffer, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm )
so in your case:
MPI_Bcast(&a, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
here you send one integer pointed by &a form process 0 to all other.
//MPI_Bcast is sender for root process and receiver for non-root processes
You can also send some data to specyfic process by:
int MPI_Send( void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest,
int tag, MPI_Comm comm )
and then receive by:
int MPI_Recv(void* buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status *status)