Will classic ASP pages run on versions of Windows past Windows 7? - asp-classic

We have a legacy system that uses both classic ASP and VB6/COM+, and are planning a migration to the .NET stack.
We are attempting to develop a migration schedule, and one key driving point will be "when will our old stuff stop working?".
For VB6/COM+, Microsoft has stated that it has no plans to include the VB6 runtime in versions of Windows after Windows 7 (yes I am aware that this is open to interpretation).
I have yet to find a similar statement for classic ASP. I have seen people reference the Microsoft end-of-life schedule for Windows 2008 Server R2 (which is sometime in 2018) and infer that:
(a) since classic ASP runs on Win2008R2 and
(b) Win2008R2 is good until 2018 then
(c) classic ASP is good until 2018.
Not sure I buy that, especially because we have contractual obligations to support new versions of Windows xx months after they come out, so staying on Win2008R2 as a solution is not an option.
Can anyone point me to something from Microsoft concerning end-of-life for classic ASP?

It will stay with us for some more years to come, according to this blog post:
Here's some interesting news from ScottGu and team. I was wondering what the lifecycle for ASP "Classic" was. I looked on the Microsoft Lifecycle page and didn't see it. I was fortunate enough to talk to ScottGu as well as Rich Ersek and was told:
Classic ASP is actually very much alive. It will ship again with Windows Vista and Windows Longhorn Server – so will be supported at least 10 years from that ship date. - ScottGu
Asp.DLL is part of VISTA so the runtime will continue to be supported based on the Vista support lifecycle.
All classic ASP development tools (i.e., Visual Interdev) are now in their extended support period and we will not be updating tools for classic ASP.
To get the best tooling/platform option ASP.NET is the way to go. - Rich Ersek
Windows Vista final release date as far as I've found is January 30, 2007 so it means classic ASP will be supported in new versions at least until 2017 and probably much further.
Scott Guthrie is Microsoft's Corporate Vice President, Server & Tools Business so he knows what he's talking about.
Edit: Finally (January 30th 2012) - official confirmation that classic ASP is going to stay with us for long years, including Windows 8:
The next major version of Internet Information Services (IIS) will be shipped as part of the Windows 8 operating system. The use of ASP pages will be supported on Windows 8 for a minimum of 10 years from the Windows 8 release date.

Here is a technet article on how to install on Windows Server 2012, so it should be supported for a long time...

if you scroll to the properties section of that article it says it applies to Microsoft Active Server Pages 4.0. it doesn't say classic asp, or asp 1.0, or asp 1.1.


VB.NET support for ASP.NET 5 (MVC6)

I've heard rummors that ASP.NET 5 does not support VB.net. Is this correct? Or does this apply only on some particular scenarios?
Update 5/1/2015
On April 23rd, the ASP.NET team announced that support for Visual Basic will be coming to ASP.NET 5.
More information is on the .NET Web Development and Tools Blog: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/webdev/archive/2015/04/23/making-it-better-asp-net-with-visual-basic-14.aspx
Original Answer
Though it was mentioned in a comment, it's worth having a full answer.
There are no plans to support VB in ASP.NET 5 in terms of compilation, project templates, and other tools. This is discussed in the following GitHub issue on the ASP.NET 5 project: https://github.com/aspnet/Home/issues/236
As that issues also mentions, ASP.NET 5 has some in-progress support to enable non-C# compilers to be used, but there is still no official plans to support VB (you'd have to roll your own).
"We are excited today to announce that ASP.NET 5 will have full support with Visual Basic (both tooling and runtime – including cross platform runtime support). As always, we will continue this development of ASP.NET 5 in the open, and you can track our progress or even contribute on GitHub at http://github.com/aspnet/home."
Taken from:
As per my understanding You can still develop application using VB.NEt in Visual studio 2015, but you will not get the benefits of ASP.NET 5 like cross platform etc.
This is my understanding. Official decelerations are yet to come.

How is Classic ASP handled in Windows Server 2012 vs. 2008?

I moved some Classic ASP sites from Windows Server 2003-32 to 2008-64.
It required few adjustments. All is running smoothly.
Now I'm moving these same Classic ASP sites to Windows Server 2012-64.
Are there any big differences [in respect to running Classic ASP] between 2008 and 2012 I need to know about?
It seems like 2008 maintained much backwards compatibility with Classic ASP and I want to make sure 2012 still supports Classic ASP as well.
Primarily I'm looking for suggestions as to any IIS settings I need to change. Luckily, I'm not depending on any 3rd party components. Note: I'm using CLSupload, which is merely some functions that rely on Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library 2.5.

Will future windows server OS support Asp Classic?

Can anybody tell me, will future versions of Windows server operating system support ASP Classic (3). As my company product uses ASP classic in product and we support our product in all upcoming Windows server systems. But I heard from someone that Microsoft will not support ASP classic in 2 years.
Does anybody have information regarding this?

migrating Microsoft apps from windows 2003 server to windows 2012 server

we have more than 30 classic asp and .net applications to be migrated to windows 2012 server from 2003 server.This is new task for me, so what are the steps/factors i need to consider or fulfill for this migration? with that I mean like there are COM objects, dependent dll's all stuff so what things I should ensure are in place for smooth migration.
Microsoft provides ACT tool for Application Compatibility test how much will that support? or are there any other better proven tools for the same purpose?
any insight/help would be appreciative.
First thing to assess is "what works and what doesn't work". There's a high chance that many of these apps will just work. That's the first thing to go do. Start by coming up with some test criteria by which the program is expected to work. Then deploy to the new OS.
One problematic area might be that these executable program require an older version of .NET or the MSVCRT DLLs that might not be on the box by default. The MSVCRT redist is easily available from Micrsoft's web site. You can install older versions of .NET from Control Panel->Programs and Features->"Turn Windows features on or off". Look for the ".NET" checkboxes near the top.
For classic ASP applications, same thing in the "Turn Windows features on or off". Look at "World Wide Web Services" node and make sure ASP (and most all of those other features) is selected.
Microsoft provides ACT tool for Application Compatibility test how much will that support? or are there any other better proven tools for the same purpose?
In my experience with automation tools, especially when working with older sets of technology (like classic asp)they rarely work near as well as advertised.

.Net development on vista or XP

I am wondering if it is better to develop .Net 2010 web application on XP as compare to Vista? I have developed many .Net applications on XP without any problem and personaly like XP over vista. Now i have started a new job and we are all mainly using Vista Ultimate 32 bit.
Are there any known issues with vista for VS2010 development?
Application will be published on Window Server 2003 or 2008 so my main concern is developing and running application localy.
Also, is Visual Source Safe 6.0 Compatiable with Vista?
You'll have some difficulty since XP is only 32 bit (unless you've got the 64-bit edition which is a little flakey re: drivers).
Also, certain features like XNA Game Studio, Windows Phone 7 development, DirectX 11, etc... just aren't supported on an XP development environment.
You may also hit issues with regards to integrating with the Azure cloud platform as it has some dependencies that don't work fully on XP.
That said, if you're only going for a simple Winforms/Console app/ASP.Net site, you probably won't ever notice the difference
Oh and .Net 4.5 isn't supported on XP
As an aside, please DO NOT USE visual source safe - it's truly awful. It doesn't guarantee consistency, has no concept of branching and merging, doesn't allow multiple users to work on the same files and is generally unreliable (not to mention the fact that it relies on every client playing nicely and a single malicious user can drop the entire data store since it's really just a windows share with some files, not an actual server). See this article: Visual SourceSafe Version Control: Unsafe at any Speed? for more details.
You should use TFS or an open source alternative (I've also played with SVN and used AnkhSVN to integrate into VS - Not perfect but pretty good). If you want to use TFS but don't have the servers/experience to set up a server yourself, There's a (currently free) beta being run by microsoft at tfspreview.com which integrates right into VS 2010 SP1 and later and provides all the same functionality as well as a whole slew of other features like bug/workitem tracking, analytics, etc...
