Where to install Wordpress in CPanel? - wordpress

I'm a newbie on hosting blogs. I have a shared hosting account on HostGator that uses cpanel, and I want to install multiple wordpress sites.
I have my wp sites under /home/username/public_html/, so each site has its own directory under public_html. The problem is for my primary domain, the one I got from the hosting. It was installed under the public_html itself, so my other sites were accessible from the primary site, like http://www.primarysite/other-site. Is this the typical structure of hosting multiple wp sites on shared hosts?
Is it ok to have my other sites accessible under the primary site?
A detailed explanation would be very useful, or just point me to some good tutorials/articles. Thanks again!

you need to create different folders/directories for your other wordpress sites under public_html, and yes you can access your other site like www.primarysite.com/othersite only

Hostgator cPanel includes Softaculous or Fantastico Auto Installers and both of them include Wordpress MU (wordpress multisite/multiuser) Follow the instructions and you can install multiple wordpress sites in a single click ;)

yes you can acces your other sites under your primary domain. For that you have to install wordpress under different directories.
I think you may be aware of addon domain feature. Try using the addon domain feature in your cPanel.
You have two domains mysite.com and my-other-site.com.
You want the two domains to be totally separate/independent websites.


Different WordPress theme in subdomain for selling tickets on-line

I would like to create a website for a cinema. The theme that i am going to use, is not compatible with WooCommerce, so i thought i could create a subdomain, where i can install another theme for selling on-line tickets.
It depends on your hosting setup. Most hosting providers allow you to easily create a subdomain for free when you already own the domain which in turn creates a new webroot directory for you to install your WordPress/WooCommerce setup.

Separate domain name for Wordpress multisite

I need to set-up 5 websites that have different domains as: naomisport.com, naomikomestic.com, ... each of them does have sub-pages & news... In term of design & functionality, they can share the same plugins, theme, users but I can not get my head around the choice of Wordpress Multisite & single Wordpress installation.
1. For single Wordpress, Can I have different domains per some specific page?
2. For Wordpress Multisite, can I have different domains name per website or does it have to be a sub-domain?
3. If I would go with Multisite, can I have the same Post management between all?
Please help if you have experience on this. Thank you very much?
Question1: Yes, it possible.
Question2: Yes, you can have multi domina or multi subdomain.
Add Several WordPress Multisite Blogs With Different Domains
This section assumes that:
You have a working WordPress Multisite installation
Your server has a static IP address
You are able to log in to your server console using a tool like PuTTY (Windows) or SSH (Linux and Mac OS X)
You own at least one custom domain name for which you can configure DNS settings
You have defined your primary domain and blog as described in the previous section and you are able to log in to the WordPress Multisite dashboard.
The WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin allows users of a WordPress Multisite installation to map their blogs or websites to other domains or subdomains (Scenarios 2 and 3). This plugin is already installed in your Bitnami WordPress Multisite stack since v3.5.1-1. If you’re using an older version, you must manually install the plugin using the plugin installation guide.
Question3: In wordpress multisite you have same panel but for every subdomain or domain you have separated management but you can have one username and password for management all panels.
For more information:

What's the difference between WordPress multisite and multiple installs(virtual hosts)?

So I have two blogs running on my one VPS. Both are WordPress,and I use separate folders and databases for each by using separate apache virtual hose config files.
What is the difference between this, and a WordPress multisite install?
Wordpress Multisite can share plugins between sites, as well as users (with the right configuration). It also uses a single database with different prefixes for each site.

Hosting an example WordPress site

I applied for a role and part of the application process requires me to build a WordPress site and make it live on a existing domain I own. This will assist the hiring company (example "WebCompany") to view and assess.
I have created the WordPress site locally and want to upload to my domain (e.g. www.mydomain.com.au) with a url extension like www.mydomain.com.au/webcompany.
Would it be as simple as just FTP the WordPress site to the root directory? Or do I need to set things up differently for it to work?
I recommend to install wordpress on your url with the same version, and use this plugin, I use it and helps even if you have info in your database, and your themes, all the stuff,
and then you have to active the plugins on the web, choose permalinks options.
for the extension / what you mean really? you want wordpress on a /namefolder
because you can install wordpress in a folder and there's your extension, but if you have already wordpress installed on the public_html/ you can use multisite wordpress options.
Here is the info and I did it with this:
MultiSite Wordpress

Wordpress redirect to a remote url

I have two domain on separate hosting. On the first I can setup a.mydomain1.com. On the second I can istall wordpress as www.mydomain2.com/wordpress. Now I found a plugin for reidirect to an external website.
My goal is to show wordpress site on a.mydomain1.com. How I have to configure the record in the admin panel of first domain?
Thanks a lot
I think you should use WordPress Multisite.
WordPress includes new multisite features, meaning that it can run many blogs, even with their own separate domains, on one WordPress installation.
