I want iif conditiomn in my radio button - asp.net

I want to put if condition in my radio button.
I have wrote this code but it does not give me result as I want. you will get idea from my code what actual I need to do. I have loaded user control two time in a single page so I want to call Java Script in page according to control.
<asp:RadioButton runat="server" GroupName="Pricing" class="2deditable iscreatedbydealer isinprivatelabel" onClick='<%this.ID=="ucPricing_Details_Sale"? "setSalePopupRetailPrice();":"setClearancePopupRetailPrice();"%>'
ID="rbManual" />

I think you can dynamic add the onclick event for the control in page load event of server side.
this.rbManual.Attributes.Add("onclick", "setSalePopupRetailPrice();");
this.rbManual.Attributes.Add("onclick", "setClearancePopupRetailPrice();");

The on OnClick event will run on server side. Try using the OnClientClick event instead.
Edit: Deleted my last statement. Mistook me about the context of the call.
Also added code sample:
<asp:RadioButton runat="server"
ID="rbManual" />


Can you place an if statement in .ascx layout?

I'm new with working with ASP.net and .ascx, and now I've seen a button that calls a method by 'OnClientClick' So the code looks like this:
<asp:Button Text="Save" OnClick="BtnSave_Click" OnClientClick="isBusy();"/>
Now I want that the method only calls at certain definitions declared in the same .ascx file. And thus I thought that an if-statement inside the ascx would work. So I've already tried attempts like OnClientClick="if(Text.Length <= maxlength) { isBusy(); } but that caused the line to not respond at all.
Currently I'm wondering if an if-statement in this situation is actually possible.
it is doable. but you need to make sure your js is correct.
in your question, what is Text.Lengh ?
whatever, if you want block the server side postback, then return false in your onclick JS, that will completely mute the postback event
for example
<asp:button runat="server" onclientclick="return false;" />
this button will never post back

Prevent page refresh in ASP.NET

I have the following code in my aspx file:
<button type="button" id="btnAskQuestion" runat="server" onserverclick="btnAskQuestion_Click">Ask Question</button>
I've tried every combination of onclick="return false;" and onclick="preventDefault()" I can think of, including putting them in the javascript function that gets called. Everything I try has one of two results: either I get a postback, or the server side code (btnAskQuestion_Click) never executes.
Any idea what I might be doing wrong?
You cannot execute server-side code this way, using onserverclick causes postback.
If you wish to prevent full page refresh and still execute server-side code, you have to call a client-side JS function via onclick and execute an AJAX call from there.
Another alternative is to use your button as a trigger for UpdatePanel - this way only partial postback will be performed.
Try using the property UseSubmitBehavior="false" in the button markup.
or you can use a "trick" :
<button onclick="myFunction()">Click Me!</button>
<div style="display:none">
<asp:Button runat="server" id="btnButton" .../>
function myFunction()
if (true statement)
What this does is that you handle stuff with normal markup and do the logic using js. And you can trigger a click of the button that do something in the server.
There're OnClick, that fires on server and OnClientClick that fires on client browser. You should do this:
<asp:Button ID="btnAskQuestion" runat="server"
OnClientClick="return myfunction();">Ask Question</asp:button>
If myFunction returns true, then you will have a postback to the server.
My answer is appropriate only for ASP:Button, not the button control you are working with. Given the choice, I'd switch to ASP:Button.
You're looking for OnClientClick. If you put your JavaScript code there, it will kill the PostBack before it can hit the server.
On the other hand, if you're looking to execute server code without a PostBack, that's impossible. The PostBack is what triggers the server to act.

Jquery UI Button Server + Client Click Handlers

I am trying to write a simple HTML form using asp.net and Jquery UI but am running into a problem when trying to process click event handlers on a button within this form. I was tryign to use OnClientClick and OnClick but once the clientside method gets accessed and returns the boolean the server side method is not called accordingly( not called at all actually)
Linky to code since I could not get the code tags to work properly: http://pastebin.com/LZNMqASt
I found the problem, Actually you are displaying "div#loginForm" element in to the dialog and its not taking the form element.
Put form element inside of "div#loginForm" container and the problem will be fixed.
For some reason the return type of the javascript method was not being accepted as a valid boolean. The below solution fixes the OnClientClick event
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnLogin" Text="Login" OnClick="btnLogin_OnClick"
OnClientClick="if(ValidateLoginForm() != true) return(false);" UseSubmitBehavior="False" />

Preventing Double Clicking with Server Side Validation

I am trying to prevent users from double clicking on the submit button for a page I'm updating. The problem is that there is server side validation that has to be done to determine if the user has to do any updates before we can move on. I currently have the following code on my submit event for my form.
<asp:Button ID="SubmitPayment" runat="server" OnClientClick="this.disabled='true';" UseSubmitBehavior="false" OnClick="SubmitPayment_Click" Text="Submit" />
Where this becomes an issue is where the page does not pass validation. In this instance everything I have tried to enable the button has failed. It's hard for them to resubmit corrected information with the submit button disabled. I have tried both of the following methods at the end of my validation to re-enable it.
SubmitPayment.Enabled = true;
SubmitPayment.Attributes.Add("disabled", "false);
What must I do to re-enable this control? This is in Visual Studio 2005. Thanks in advance.
The approach that I used was as follows. I added an additional decoy button that was disabled and had the display css property set to none. I then used javascript that would hide the submit button and show the decoy button in the OnClientClick event. Finally, the end of the server side method would update the css properties on the buttons to hide and show them afterwards.
Code segments are as follows. Thanks again for the help
function PreventDoubleClick()
var sp = document.getElementById("SubmitPayment");
var db = document.getElementById("DecoyButton");
sp.style.display = "none";
db.style.display = "inline";
<asp:Button ID="SubmitPayment" runat="server" OnClientClick="javascript:PreventDoubleClick();" UseSubmitBehavior="false" OnClick="SubmitPayment_Click" Text="Submit" />
<asp:Button ID="DecoyButton" Enabled="false" runat="server" style="display:none;" Text="Please Wait..."/>
DecoyButton.Style.Add("display", "none");
SubmitPayment.Style.Add("display", "inline");
I have had a similar problem before and the best solution I came up with was to hide the button and replace it with a please wait (or validating) message. If it fails validation you can then show the button again

asp.net button use javascript return function

I have an asp:button control and am using the "CommandName" and "CommandArgument" parameters in the .aspx file. The CommandName is found with <%# Eval("Name") %>, but the CommandArgument has to be found via a javascript function. However, I'm not quite sure how to do this inline. The function returns a number (integer), which is to be used as the value of the CommandArgument. Is it possible to do this?
I've added an example code (don't have access to the real code atm). However, basically, the CommandArgument should be the value returned by the function CalculateLength().
function CalculateLength(a,b) {
return a*b;
<asp:Button ID="btnUpdate" runat="server" Text="Update" CommandName=<%# Eval("Name") %> CommandArgument= ??? //Should be result of CalculateLength(a,b).
I am not sure how you are going to get the javascript to work because the aspx code is running server side and building the output for your button. By the time the javascript runs the page code has already been built and the button's html and attached javascript as well.
Is there anyway to calculate the function server side and then just do:
CommandArgument="<%= CalculateLengthServerSide() %>"
You don't need to just use the data your binding to, you can call any server side function.
Edit: Try switching your label that stores the quantity to a textbox and making it read only so uses will not mess with it. After the button is clicked, you should be able to find the textbox control and read out the posted value.
