SCORM - How to update Lesson status using internal menu/quick link to next SCO in SCORM? - scorm

I have developed a course in HTML and I have created the menu and linked to respective html page in imsmanifest.xml the issue is if user navigate to next lesson using internal link the status is not updating in LMS e.g. SCO.html has internal link to SCO2.html

Can you have all your content pages call a javascript function to update lesson_location? That way when the new HTML page loads it will update the location. That's probably the easiest way, though not the most elegant.

In SCORM, you should not be directly linking from one SCO to another SCO. The LMS is responsible for navigation between SCOs. This is because, in SCORM, a SCO should be reusable in other courses that may not contain the other SCO you are linking to.
If you are using SCORM 2004, you can use an adl.nav request to request that the user be navigated to a certain SCO. If you are using SCORM 1.2, then you should either combine all of your existing SCOs into one big SCO, or just let the LMS present the table of contents and handle the navigation.
To get the status to update, make sure that you are always calling LMSFinish/Terminate whenever the SCO unloads. It is good practice to include these called in the onunload and onbeforeunload events to ensure that they are always invoked.
Also, make sure that you are setting cmi.core.lesson_status/cmi.completion_status as soon as the user has achieved completion. Ideally you should not wait for the SCO to be unloading to make these calls.
(More basic information on how the SCORM Run-Time works)
Simply updating the lesson location value will not automatically save your current location. You then need to retrieve this value and explicitly redirect your user back to where they left of.


Plone: Email contents in content rule action

I have a Plone site configured with PloneFormGen. I'm using a save-data-to-content adapter to create a page for each submission, with a unique number for title/id. I have content rules set up so that various roles will be notified when a submitted form transitions along the workflow.
Is there any way to include the content of the submitted in these emails? I know PloneFormGen can send the content of the form in an initial email at submit time, but I need to send this same information later. I'm pretty good at figuring things out, but I'm no Plone expert so any help would be appreciated.
Additional info:
I'm using the uwosh.pfg.d2c adapter to perform the PFG -> Contenttype conversion, which works well. The content type is set to 'page' in the settings for the uwosh.pfg.d2c plugin. Content rules then will send emails to various groups or roles based on a state transition of the resulting content, which works in the normal way - when a transition occurs, the rule executes.
Effectively, what we have is pages that are being generated by the form when the user clicks submit. This is done through a plugin in PloneFormGen. This may provide some extra info: - I'm not, admittedly, much of a developer.
Ideally, reviewers would get body-text of the created page when the form is submitted: this is done through a content rule that when a page is added to a folder, it sends the email. The page is added to the folder when the plugin in PloneFormGen creates the page.
When we have these pages, other users can come in and review and change the state of them - just as you can with any other page in Plone. PloneFormGen should have no further use once it's been converted to a page. Hope that helps.
The bad news is that this will require programming; the good news is that it won't take much. There are two reasonable approaches to solving the problem:
Have your content rule action run a script that handles the mailing itself. You can use the site's mailhost to send scripted mail; or,
In a Python package (no way to do this in a through-the-web script), provide a named adapter implementing plone.stringinterp.interfaces.IStringSubstitution for your context's text attribute. That will give you a $ substitution for the body. This would probably require less than 10 lines of total code.
You might want to have a look a collective.contentrules.mailtogroup, the newest version is capable to send the body-text as mail (use the '${text}'-variable), triggered on one of the convenient content-rules-events, in your case 'Object added'.
You can assign your roles to a group and use it for your case.

Extension to the page icon status in SDL Trdidion 2009

We are using SDL Tridion 2009 SP1.
We have implemented a new functionality, an extension in our CMS which allowed us to lock a page.
If a page it is locked it cannot longer be published ( the information of a page that is locked is kept in a database which was created for this extension).
We want to add a new icon which will notify the user on the new status of the page.
Now there are 4 combination of icons ( no action , checked , published , checked and published )
Since I do not have a long experience with the CMS interface I want some help on finding a solution that have no impact on performance and
that it easy to implement in terms of not doing of lot of modification.
Below is my investigation regarding this:
I noticed that the way the icons are render in the cms is not a simple mechanism that can be easy updated.
Each time we click on an item in the left side of the CMS, in order to render the list from the right side a ajax call (with an xml request) is done to the WebGUIResponder.aspx. page.
The response we will get back is a xml that contain the attribute field Icon
<tcm:ListItems xmlns:tcm=""
ID="tcm:yyy-zzzz-4" Managed="68" ItemType="4">
<tcm:Item ID="tcm:yyy-zzzzz-64" Type="64" Title="NotificationTest"
Modified="2011-05-09T09:42:27" FromPub="400 YYYY Website Master (EN-GB)"
IsNew="false" Icon="T64L0P1"/>
Based on this field Icon attribute (Icon="T64L0P1) the image name starts to be processed.
T64 = means it is a page
L0 = is not checked
P1 = it is already published
For such a field the image name result will be = T64.16x16.List.Published.gif
I couldn't find a way to update this field through the page xml, is not an information that is kept in the xml but rather is build in the dll when the
xml request . (Somewhere based on other fields like published and something else this Icon field is calculated.)
So if it is not possible to modify this field the option we may have is:
In order to integrate our change in the CMS without modifying their .dll (this for compatibility with the new version of the SDL Trdion is not good to modify in the dlll)
and without changing too much the logic I was thinking to this approach.
We can make a new Ajax call to a a new page WebGUICheckPageLocked.aspx (need to be tested what will be the impact on the performance).
In the code behind of this page we can determine if the page is locked or not ( used our internal function that determine if the page is locked or not this functionality is already done).
In the page we will change the icon field to something T64L0P1E01 (adding some extra information which will allowed us to determine the new status of the page ).
We will also modify the In the GetPNGIconName javascript function we can then make an extra check taking in consideration the new information E01 ...)
Please if someone have some better idea on this, maybe it is something easy that can be done, maybe it is a way we can update the Icon field.
Kind Regards,
I'll paste my answer from the forums here, so everyone can see (and maybe bring ideas on how to do it differently?)...
In 2011 I would use a Data Extender to change the icon.
Since this is 2009 you will need to use the less elegant predecessor: the GUI Responder Extension.
Essentially you need to manipulate the XML that is returned for the relevant requests (such as the GetList on a Folder).
I couldn't immediately find any documentation on this - which is not surprising as it is an older version. But it boils down to this:
Create a .NET assembly containing a class with the following method signature and attribute:
public XmlDocument HandleMessage(XmlDocument messageXml, string userName, HttpContext httpContext, object tcmSession)
In that method, you can change the icon set in the XML based on your own logic.
In the extension configuration file, add a section to hook into the response for the lists you care about
(substitute "YourResponderExtension.dll" with the name of the assembly you added):
<!-- GetList -->
<!-- Handler for all of the above -->
Add more elements before the if applicable - and make the XPath query as specific as you can to avoid your extension being called unnecessarily. You might also need to check for more cases in the .NET code that you can't do with the XPath query.
ZIP up your extension and deploy it with TcmExtensionInstaller.exe.
From your text I'm assuming you've already worked out how to create and package an extension in 2009.
I hope that these smalls steps can get you started.
If you have any trouble or follow-up questions, just let me know and I'll see if I can answer them.

Drupal - nodes being loaded for no apparent reason

(Sorry this is rather a vague question. My attempts to be clearer [and indeed to be more code-oriented] have failed...) :-/
I've installed the Firebug for Drupal module, and I notice that it shows I'm apparently loading the same eight node objects on every page for no apparent reason. These are all of the same content type (the site uses many other content types).
It seems they are actually all the nodes of this one content type, excepting those produced as dummy content by the developer module.
I've flushed the cache multiple times.
Is there a way to work out where these nodes are being loaded from???
Install devel.module, add ddebug_backtrace(); inside the node_load() function. Reload the site. Now you should see 8 browsable backtraces which will tell you which function calls node_load().
At a guess, you probably have a block (from a view or module) which is querying those nodes on every request. has a short writeup on this behaviour. If so, the fix is to remove that block from the regions which are rendered, or configure it to only be displayed (and therefore rendered) on pages where you want it to be run.
Drupal caching should prevent those queries being run for anonymous users (depending on the caching and block settings, of course).
I've had this happen with 3rd party modules that were repeatedly calling node_load() needlessly. What I would suggest is for you to disable all 3rd party modules, retry you node loads and re-enable them one by one until you catch the misbehaving module.

VB.Net application - display a message to the user whilst the application is starting up

I have recently created an application where a lot of data is loaded into objects when the application starts up, and other data as it is required. For example if the user requests the catalogue page then it will load all the top level category data into objects of type Category. This will then stay there to be used by other users (who will therefore not have to load this data into objects) and can be altered by admin if they happen to login during the same application instance. I know this is not the most efficient solution, as pointed out below, but it works and the page load, at the moment, is not too long. It is very quick if most of the required data is already loaded into objects. It is also tailored to the business' needs - unlike other techniques such as Linq-to-SQL.
The problem I am facing is when a page is requested which requires lots of data to be displayed about different types of object. For example when a catalogue page is requested which displays information on a product which can be bought, it then loads all the products and categories (as the products make reference to the category object, not just the category name).
I would like to display a loading symbol with a message whilst all this data is being loaded into objects, so the user knows its not just in a loop or anything. Is there any way to do this? I am open to using JS / jQuery if I need to.
Thanks in advance.
PS I am working on ways to make it more efficient - such as using HashTables or HashMaps. However this is taking time as there are so many different types of item (News, Events, Catalogue Item - Range, Collection, Design, RangeCollection, CollectionDesign, RangeCollectionDesign and RangeDesign - Users, PageViews and the list goes on).
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe that Javascript is required in order to display a "loading" image... Using server-side scriping alone would typically require an entire page load after all the content loads unless you want to start messing with IFrames.
This is a job for AJAX. A common solution to your problem is to have a small page that displays a loading icon. The page has some JavaScript that makes additional HTTP requests to the server to download the rest of the page. JQuery has a "$.ajax" method that is designed to simplify this process.
I would suggest looking at the documentation to the .ajax method in the jQuery documentation. Unfortunately, it seems to be a rather delicate process to get all the scripting code right and it takes a while to learn it all.

How can I stop the Flash privacy popup from occurring twice on a page?

My web-app records users via webcam and microphone. I want to use HTML/JS for the controls and content, so I created two separate Flex modules:
* A "Webcam Setup" module that lets you choose your camera and mic input devices
* A "record" module that lets the user record and submit the recording
When I embed either of these on the page, since they access the user's Camera/Mic object, Flash shows the Privacy dialog that says "[mysite] is requesting access to your camera and microphone. If you click Allow, you may be recorded."
The problem is, if I answer Yes in the Setup module, and later add the Record module to the page using Javascript, it again shows the Privacy dialog.
Is there a way to avoid the second privacy popup?
I would think that saying "Yes" for [mysite] would store that permission for at least that session, but apparently not.
What I've tried
I tried combining them into one SWF, adding it to the page once and moving the DOM element with jQuery's append() function when needed. When I move it, however, it reloads and asks me again.
Imagine if [mysite] was, say, or (or, if it were still around, Would you want a "yes" response on that site to be good for every page under that domain?
Rememeber, just because you promise (cross your heart & hope to die) not to abuse the security hole you request, doesn't mean they can allow you to have that security hole.
Eventually, I found a usable workaround, similar to what I originally tried (above).
I combined the setup and record modules into one SWF. I first show the setup screen. When the user hits the Continue button on my page, Javascript calls a function in the SWF to swap to the Record screen.
I then move the <div> containing the Flash object to another location on page using absolute positioning, and resize the object.
Previously, I was trying to use jQuery's append() function to move the div within the DOM, and that was causing the SWF to reload. Just changing position and size does actually work.
You could build the "record" component to simply send and receive signals using an API you've created for your "setup" component (which has already been authorized, meaning one auth & two swfs) by using the LocalConnection class:
This seems far closer to best practice than the other implementations mentioned, which smell a bit hacky and would probably confuse anyone who may inherit the codebase in the future.
