How can i Validate Form Field in ASP.NET MVC3? -

Suppose I have a model named 'company' holding some properties like
And My View (of IEnumarable type (MVC# RAZOR)) has two forms one(form submitting data to different actions) to display list all the available company(existing). And another(form) i used to create new client with Name TextBox Like
Here i want to add validation to that particular field. Suggest me the possible easiest way?? What i tried is it doesn't works)

my view has two forms
Therefore you need two view models because I suppose that the validation rules are different for those 2 forms. So you will have a SearchCompanyViewModel where the Name field will not be required and a NewCompanyViewModel where the Name field will be required.


How to ensure that the username that is auto-populated does not get replaced by another one in InfoPath

I have an approve and reject form having three views. In the first view i.e the requester's view I auto-populate the requester name by using "GetUserProfileByName". Now I also want to auto populate the name of the user who approves the form in a different view (but this view also has the requester's name)- so I was wondering if I actually use "GetUserProfileByName" again won't it change the first name too (i.e the requester's name). I don't have other accounts to test it out.
Can someone please provide a workaround to this problem
So basically I want this to happen:- For example when John enters the form his name should be auto populated in the requester's name field. And once this form is send to Michelle who approves it - the approver's name field should have been autopopulated with Michelle's name.
How can I avoid overwriting of data.
Thank you for helping
Add fields to the form data source to store the data returned from GetUserProfileByName service. Do not use default values for the values in these fields. Instead, I generally use form load rules for this - run the query, and then, if the requester field is blank, set the field to the user's name from the datasource.
When the approved view is submitted, you can take a similar approach with the approver name field - if it is blank, set it.

Autogenerated form in MVC3

Depending multiple choices done by a user in few steps I have to generate a form in a web page for the user.
In a database I had all the necessary stuff (regex validation of every form field, name, type etc.) I would like to know what could be the best way to autogenerate a form using MVC3.
Should I autogenerate a model, set the model of my views to dynamic, and inject some validation attributes to every property of my dynamic model?
How should I get the values on my post action?
As the fields are all dynamic (from the database), your model could very easily store an IEnumerable where Question is an object which has information about the type of field. i.e. Id, TypeId (text, checkbox, select list), Wording, Heading, ValidationTypeId etc.
Then use mvchelpers passing in Question to a method which would determine the html to output. This could very well include a validator.
On the form loop over Model.SurveyQuestions and for each row send Question to the mvc helper. The helper, knowing everything about the Question can output the label, type of input box and the required validator.
This is a wise way to accomplish what you are trying to do as your input fields is dynamic. I just completed a project doing exactly this.

How to deal with the choice "other" in EntityChoiceList in Symfony2 forms?

I've got a model as described below :
I've also got a form to create a new product with a field entity building a dropdown list containing all the Brands.
Now I want to add a value "Other" in this list in order to allow the user to specify the Brand manually in another text field.
The question is: is there a clean way to manage this case (eg. adding the value "Other" in the list, which is not an entity and get the form validation to work) with Symfony2 forms?
You can do it in two ways,
You can subscribe for FormEvents::BIND_CLIENT_DATA form event. In the event method you can create new Brand object from the text, save it and set the id to the form by calling $event->setData($data). See this cookbook entry.
You can append a data transformer. In its reverseTransform method you can create+save the object and return its id. See this cookbook entry.

Texbox custom representation for Symfony2 entity form type?

My entity Person has a one to many relation with Tag entity. When creating a new person i'd like to show a textbox for assigning tag names separated by commas. User can then input an existent tag name or a new tag name (in this case, a new Tag entity is created and persisted).
Unfortunately entity field type has only checkbox and select representation. How can implement my own textbox representation?
You need to create a custom form type along with a custom data transformer.
This article is a pretty good guide on creating your own form type.
Also, check out Symfony's own source for the EntityType to get an idea of what's going on.
One way would be creating a custom data transformer.

MVC 3 validate dynamic form fields. ASP.NET

I'm working on a very dynamic site build at the moment. What I'm trying to do is creating something like a survey that can be created dynamically from a control panel.
In the control panel you add input fields (these are saved in a database), what the user then see is a form that I generate from the database. So if I add 3 input fields to the database the survey will contain 3 fields. If I add 20 fields the survey will have 20 fields.
Now my problem is that I want to validate these fields, and I would like to be able to hook me in with the standard validation flow. I can't create a Model with validation rules since the number of fields and their names are dynamic the only thing I know is what kind of data that is expected in every field (this rule is found in the database).
In an ordinary case I would get the automatic highlighted fields that are not valid and so on thanks to the built in validation flow with ValidationResult and so on.
So the question now is can I somehow simulate parts of the validation and then hook me back in with the validation result, and if not valid, the form prints the error messages and fill the fields with the data that was given?
What I would do is create some kind of expando model, my own ModelMetadataProvider and might also need my own ModelValidator for that model.
Then, you can easily create validation using the Html.EditorFor and other Html helpers, as they use the metadata to create validation.
BTW, you might also need to create a model binder :)
meta data:
model binder:
This might bo overkill... But these are the extensibility points that you can use.
