Qt / How can I have subwindows without losing the main window focus? - qt

I have a main window (on MS Windows) and I want to have sub windows or subpanels with free screen movement. I can use dialog and Qt::splashscreen flag, but when I am on these subwindows I lose the focus caption for the main window. Is there any trick to do what I want? (Something like a multi-focus...)
Maybe it is impossible?

I'm not sure what you mean by losing the focus.
When I create an application with multiple windows, this is what I do: in the sub-window widget, I set the parent to the main window, and set the Qt::Tool flag. It has multiple effects: the window manager sees it as one window, and when you focus any window, all the windows raise.

Do you want QMdiArea? Or a focus proxy?
In Qt, all top-level windows are independent, none is the "main". If you want to nominate one as a main window and have it steal focus from the others, then you will have to implement that manually.

Sounds like you just want to have widgets that you can move around freely on a parent widget/window, without invoking the "window focus changed" event between native Windows windows (...).
I'm not sure if there is a ready-made solution for that, but adding some grab/move/resize events to a widget's edges shouldn't be that hard, or?
I'd simply catch mousedown/up events on certain areas (these should probably be widgets of their own with a link to the parent movable widget), and have them resize/move the window when the mouse moves.


Is it possible in QML to add button to the window system menu?

I want to add button to the window main panel (where there are a buttons close-resize-move window).
Please dont propose to draw all window by myself (without using window class).
Is it possible in qml somehow, maybe redefine window slass or draw menu bar over the window menu? Any ideas are wellcome!
I don't think that is possible since the window bar is a native thing and not rendered in the qml flow. There are some flags on qwindow that allow you to modify them a bit but thats as far as it goes. I would suggest digging into your OS-specific API (you didn't specify wich os) to see if it can be done.

hide system cursor in system wide

I want to hide system cursor for 10s for some reason ,but I found
can only hide mouse cursor that is associated with QWidgets ,not in system wide ,i.e. when mouse cursor is hovering on QWidgets, it is invisible ,otherwise it is visible ,so is there any way to hide system cursor in system wide?
The win32 system call ShowCursor works per-window only. You can access this from either ctypes or pywin32's win32api. But apparently the cursor drawing is controlled by display driver and can only be affected by specific windows. You can't force another window to hide its cursor. Two options:
use ShowCursor(False) on your window, and for the display background, create a root window application that you spawn from your GUI app, it hides cursor; your app would cause it to exit after 10 seconds, but again if user moves mouse over other app windows they will see cursor.
make your application a root window application; then while in view, ShowCursor(False) will make cursor disappear everywhere on screen except system toolbar (which is a good thing).
I don't think it is a good idea anyways; what if your app crashes while the mouse is hidden? Then user can't use their desktop easily. Definitely good reason that this is not allowed.
Best approach is to think of a different solution to whatever problem led you to try cursor hiding.

Mouse button status

From what I see, QApplication::mouseButtons() may return no buttons even when a button is held down. This happens when you have clicked a side of a window for re-sizing. It's coherent with the docs because mouseButtons() reflects the state from the flow of QEvent::mouseButtonPress, etc. However, I need just to know if the button is held down. Does any one know if it's possible through the Qt API?
I think it's not possible. Mouse events outside an application's window are not passed to its event handlers. Dragging mouse borders is one of such events, it's processed by the window system. Another example is clicking on other windows. Usually an application doesn't know what the user does with other windows. You need to install system-wide event listener or use native API features(e.g. GetAsyncKeyState on Windows) to determine that. This behavior is unusual and possibly dangerous. In most cases it's not useful, and it seems that Qt doesn't have this ability.

Flex Air RollOver on inactive Native Window

I have a Native Window in Flex AIR. Let's say the window doesn't have a focus. It is inactive. Is it possible to find out when mouse is over such window? The window is always in front. I heard that it is possible by checking stage.mouseX in ENTER FRAME handler. But maybe there is a more elegant solution ?
I would look into using the MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER event; which I would expect to fire whenever the mouse enters the window.
The only issue I see is that the NaiveWindow class does not document mouse events. So, the mouse event will most likely have to be dispatched from one of the children of the NativeWindow. You may try adding a a transparent image as the background, or something similar, and listen for the event on that image.
Not sure what you mean by you have a NativeWindow, but if you've extended spark.components.Window (which is the way you should be creating a window) and add a MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE listener to it then that will be triggered whenever the mouse is moving over the window, regardless of whether or not the window or application itself has focus.

how to keep a nativewindow on top

I need to keep a NativeWindow I am creating on top of the main window of the application.
Currently I am using alwaysInFront = true, which is not limited to the windows in the application. I can successfully synchronize the minimize/restore/move/resize actions, so the top window behaves appropriately in those cases. Even though using this option has the drawback that if I alt-tab to other application the window goes on top of the other application.
Because of the above I am trying to get it to work without using the alwaysInFront. I have tried using orderInFrontOf and orderToFront, which gets it in place but when I click an area in the main window the top one becomes hidden i.e. air makes it the top one.
I have tried capturing activate/deactivate events but it only happens on the first click, so on the second click the top window becomes hidden again. I also tried making the top window active when the main one becomes active, but that causes the main one to loose focus and I can't click on anything.
Ps. I am doing this to improve the behavior of a HTMLOverlay I am using - see Flex Air HTMLLoader blank pop up window when flash content is loaded
Listening for Event.DEACTIVATE and calling event.preventDefault() should work. Not sure if that is what you have tried, but I have an app where that does the trick.
I ended up turning on/off the alwaysInFront option based on whether the main window or the top window were active i.e. if none where active I turned it off. This was additionally to what I mentioned in the question.
That way when the user switches to another application, the window doesn't go on top of the other apps. I still would prefer a solution where I don't have to use the alwaysInFront option, or even better an alternate solution to the flex loading flash in external sites issue I linked to above.
Ps. I will try to check with the owner of the HTMLOverlay to submit a patch (its an improvement, although its tied to an app that doesn't open extra windows when opening the overlay).
Update: I have committed the changes to the HTMLOverlay.
I'm trying to do something very similar. In an AIR application, I have one large full screen window which is essentially the "desktop". I always want this window to stay behind all other windows in my app. There are, however, some items on the "desktop" window that need to be clickable.
There appears to be no clean way to force a window to maintain its position in the window ordering.
What I've settled on so far, which isn't perfect, is to make all other windows in my app use the alwaysOnTop property but bind this to a global var (ugh) that I maintain to track the overall application level active/inactive state. This way, when I switch to another app, my windows don't float above the all other app windows - they correctly move behind as expected.
Then, I have a regular (alwaysOnTop=false) window that is fully transparent as an "overlay" to the desktop window on which I can place various interactive controls. This window is OK to come forward since it's transparent and my other windows are alwaysOnTop.
Finally, and crucially, I install three event listeners on the "desktop" window as follows:
protected function onApplicationComplete(event:Event):void
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onClickHandler, true,1000,true);
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickHandler, true,1000,true);
this.nativeWindow.addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, onActivateWindow,false,-1);
protected function onActivateWindow(event:Event):void
trace("sent via activate to back");
protected function onClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
trace("sent via click to back");
I'm not entirely happy with all this since there is still some occasionally noticeable flicker of objects in the overlay window - it appears that the "Desktop" window gets ordered in front of it, an update of some sort happens, and then it gets forced behind again.
Any better solutions welcome!
