Stop ExtJs styling elements - css

If i I remove say
from my ExtJs panel and add a css class in its place
cls: "someclass"
My height property in my css class is overided because Extjs still puts in a style on the element for e.g. but with minimal value (2-4 px)
<div class="someclass" stlye="height:2px"></div>
Any idea how to stop that?
bodyCls: "someclass"
is stronger than
cls: "someclass"
use bodyCls in your panel and set your css to the following:
.x-panel .someclass {
//css stuff in here

In Ext 3 you can use autoHeight: true in your config object to prevent Ext JS controlling it. See!/api/Ext.Panel-cfg-autoHeight for the docs.
For Ext 4 there doesn't seem to be an equivalent property, there is a discussion about this on the Ext forum:
However in this case if you leave the height parameter out and add bodyCls : "someClass" to the config object, you can set the height using a css rule like: .someClass: { height: 200px; }.

Found it on a the Sencha forum
.someclass .x-panel-body {
dont ask me why :)


Add custom styling to ion-select

I have a ion-select with few options i gave a header using [selectOptions], is there a way to define a css so that i could able to set background-color to header, button alignment ,and add a icon to the header
<ion-select [selectOptions]="daysOptions" #selectDays="ngModel" required name="selectedDay" [(ngModel)]="selectDay" >
<ion-option *ngFor="let day of Days;" [value]="day.val">{{}}</ion-option>
could someone help me
You can fix this easily now
Add to ion-select element:
[interfaceOptions]="{cssClass: 'my-class'}"
Add to css:
.my-class .alert-wrapper {
max-width: 94% !important;
Yes, you can use cssClass in option like this:
// In your component
daysOptions = {
cssClass: 'my-class',
Then in css you can do what you want eg:
.my-class .alert-wrapper {
max-width: 94% !important;
Thank's to ionic docs:
I needed a color selector couple of months ago but I couldn’t find any.
The only way to do this was using custom CSS. I tried adding CSS classes to ion-select and ion-option but the classes doesn’t get reflected in the generated output. So the only way to apply the custom CSS to ion-select and ion-options is by using the parent element and some JS.
You can check the logic in:

Hide Polymer element

i try to hide several polymer elements on a certain element condition. I'm aware that there are several possibilities. In my opinon the easiest way to do this is to introduce a new CSS class
.invisible {
display: none;
and add it to the class list of the polymer elements
But this has no effect on the elements. The elements are still visible. A look into the elment inspector shows, that the class was added:
class="style-scope parent-elem invisible"
Where parent-elem is the name of the parent element.
Can anyone explain me why the element will not be hidden?
Thank you
Best Regards,
you can easly manipulate on your elements with parent property. Try in your element properties add property
properties: {
elementsVisible: {
type: Boolean,
value: true
then in your method manipulate this property and in html component set
<element hidden="[[!elementsVisible]]" ></element>
ps. if this wont work you can add in parent css
[hidden] {
display: none;
sometimes polymer elements need special mixins to customize their css, but hidden usually works :)

Adjust Angular UI Boostrap Modal Size/Width

Essentially what the title says - need to make this wider. Tried several solutions, neither work. Note that the "backdropClass" is applied perfectly and works, but the windowClass doesn't, nor the "size" option. I have tried them independently, nothing. CSS is in the same folder as the working backdrop class"
templateUrl: 'myTemplate.html',
controller: 'controllingControllerCtrl',
backdrop: 'static',
backdropClass : 'blackBackgroundModal ' +
windowClass: 'resizeModalWindow' +
size: 'sm'
.resizeModalWindow .resizeModalDialog {
width: 5000px;
What needs to be done for at least the "size" option to register - I don't really need custom widths.
Edit: Forgot checked links!
Checked this Q first
Then this
And of course docs
bootstrap css has media queries defining the width of a modal based on screen size. to globally overwrite them use !important
like this
.modal {
size: 5000px !important;
You should have white space between those two classes will recognize by the css rule.
windowClass: 'resizeModalWindow ' +'resizeModalDialog',
^^^added space here
Add this to your CSS:
.resizeModalDialog .modal-dialog{
width: 5000px;
Add the property where you instance the modal
windowClass will not resize another way.

How to change the background color of the tooltip only in grid in Kendo UI MVC?

In my page,I use tooltip which class name is .tooltipcell to the grid cell,and also use tooltip which class name is .tooltipbtn to the button.Now I want to change the background color of the tooltip in grid,but I do not want to affect the background color of the button tooltip.How to do that?I use to codes below,it affects the two tooltip.
method1:both effect
background-color:red; //set the desired color
method2:both effect
div .k-widget.k-tooltip{
background-color:red; //set the desired color
show: function (e) {
and CSS
.red-tooltip {
background-color: #f00 !important;
You can do this:
Just incase your div .k-widget.k-tooltip might overwrite the style you may have to target it deeper like this:
div .k-widget.tooltipcell{background-color:green;}
div .k-widget.tooltipbtn{background-color:green;}
The is an amendment to MarioD Answer.
I didn't test it but given that it works, a better practice would be to concatenate these classes. It saves size in the css and improves loading time. Do this:
div .k-widget.tooltipcell, div .k-widget.tooltipbtn {
I had the same problem where I was using kendo tooltip. I wanted to change the CSS of the tooltips only in one place leaving the rest of the tooltips intact.
Using css the normal way to do this would be to use target .widget and .k-tooltip CSS classes.
Although this would change all the tooltips within a page.
So, since I wanted to change only one tooltip (same problem as this post) I had to do a JS approach.
So, I had to use the show function of kendo's tooltip.
position: 'bottom',
showAfter: 1000,
content: 'test',
function(e) {
I will try to post here a jsfiddle in few moments.

Set the css property of a class based on its visibility property using CSS only

I have a set of div whose visibility is set to either hidden or visible. Based on this css visibility property i need to add the css property on those div, like
<div class="div-class" style="color:#ff0000; margin: 0px 10px; visibility:hidden;">
[Block of Code]
Now i need to define the following in style.css file.
.div-class:visible {top:10px;left:50px;}
.div-class:hidden {top:0px;left:0px;}
Is this possible???
yes with css attributre selectors you can do it
try the below css:
.div-class[style*="visible"] {
color: green;
.div-class[style*="hidden"] {
color: red;
What you are trying to do is not "really" possible.
I mean it's ill thought by design in the first place.
Even Vamsikrishna's solution might not work as expected.
If you set the overflow property to hidden via javascript or inline styles, the .div-class[style*="hidden"] rule will apply since the style attribute will contain the hidden string.
Moreover , setting inline styles on html elements is bad practice itself in most cases.
I suggest you try and learn css principles a little more.
I'd do the following:
<div class="div-class div-hidden">
[Block of Code]
.div-class {color:#ff0000; margin: 0px 10px; top:10px;left:50px;}
.div-hidden {visibility:hidden;}
.div-class.div-hidden {top:0px;left:0px;}
Then you can use javascript to toggle the "div-hidden" class.
You can do something using attrchange - a jQuery plugin ,
like this:
Add "attrchange" script into HTML page like
In Javascrip catch event
var email_ver_input = $("input#email_ver_input.verifyInput");
trackValues: true,
callback: function (event) {
if (":visible")){
