IIS - Execute a script/code snippet for every Request - asp.net

I like to execute javascript/server side code for each and every request(*.htm,*.asp,*.aspx,*.asmx, ...) to IIS server.
Is there any way to write a isapi (dll) and register it with the iis that will accept all kind of request (*.*) and once my script is excuted, i will forward the request to appropriate isapi filter?

HttpModule might be what you are looking for. You will register your HttpModule to web.config and it will be added to pipeline, and will be executed for each request. But i dont think you can run javascript but you will be able to execute c# code on every request.
Here is msdn article , How to create HttpModule:


ASP.NET Web Service - Log SOAP XML

I have an ASP.NET asmx web service running on IIS.
A client is trying to consume the service, and I can see (after a rebuild) that the Global.asax Application_Start is getting hit from his attempt... but the specific function is not getting hit.
This link
Getting RAW Soap Data from a Web Reference Client running in ASP.net gives a "solution" for what I'm trying to do, but it didn't work.
I placed the above link's suggestion in my web.config, but no log file is generated even when I successfully call the service myself.
If you're looking to trap request/response on the client side, you can connect to ASMX webservices using WCF-style generated proxies just by using a "Service Reference" rather than a "Web Reference", then follow the WCF tracing you linked to for raw data, as well as using System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging for SOAP-specific stuff. Keep in mind that:
the maxdatasize attribute for System.Net will truncate the data logged, so pick a bigger number if your request/responses are larger. Use maxSizeOfMessageToLog with System.ServiceModel.MessageLogging.
remove the raw ascii/hex and only show the xml with tracemode="protocolonly" in the <source name="System.Net"> element
But if you want to trap requests on the server side (i.e. from within your ASMX webservice) you can try the suggestion here, which is to just read the data out of the request stream in Application_BeginRequest and probably also the response stream in Application_EndRequest.

TransferRequest vs Transfer in ASP.Net

I have gone through the links mentioned below,
iis forum and HttpModules & Server.Transfer / Server.TransferRequest / RewritePath problems. but unable to catch the concept behind these transfer methods.
How are they works? And which one is preferred in different situation?
Can someone explain me TransferRequest vs Transfer methods for server side transfer in asp.net and its roles?
Thanks in advance
HttpServerUtility.Transfer Terminates execution of the current page and starts execution of provided URL.
This basically maps and executes a new ASP.NET Page (or serves a static file) corresponding to the url provided. It does this in-place in the current request pipeline, without applying new configuration to the new url, or re-running IIS modules for the new url. Because of this, its very fast, but it also prevents a lot of scenarios that are possible with TRQ.
HttpServerUtility.TransferRequest Performs an asynchronous execution of the provided URL.
This is a full IIS child request under the covers, which allows it to re-run the entire request pipeline for the new request as if it was a separate request, getting the correct configuration for it, and running all of the normal IIS modules including authentication, authorization, etc. For example, IIS will apply the authorization rules for the new url, as opposed to the previous url.
TransferRequest re-runs the entire request pipeline as if it were a separate request. This means that IIS and ASP.NET modules are re-applied; authentication and authorization rules for the new URL will be honored. Note that TransferRequest requires the integrated pipeline mode of IIS 7+, and the transfer can be to an ASP page or another resource like an XML file.
Transfer transfers execution from one ASP page to another ASP page on the server. Unlike TransferRequest, IIS and ASP.NET will NOT verify that the current user is authorized to view the resource delivered by the Transfer method. If you need to force reauthorization, and integrated pipeline mode is not an option, call Redirect instead of the Transfer method. Redirect triggers a client-side redirect so that the new request will be subjected to all authentication and authorization logic of IIS and ASP.NET.

Is it possible to redirect content calls in ASP.NET?

I'm experimenting with javascript and css caching in ASP.NET MVC. Is it possible to intercept calls to the server for these types of files?
For example, if a request gets to the server for
I would like to intercept this call and tell the server to return
Would it be possible to hook into some event or create a new module or HttpHandler to accomplish this?
Checkout these links for different ways:
Yep. HttpHandler is certainly one way to go. Beware of the integration to IIS though - to have full control over mapping you have to run it in integrated mode - otherwise IIS itself will process request BEFORE it will get to the worker process

Receive requests with a .asmx file or a .aspx file?

I'm setting up my site to receive info from people via text message. The way it works is they text a number, that service then sends an HTTP POST to a url I specify. I've heard that .asmx files are better than .aspx files because they don't go through the whole page lifecycle. However, I don't really understand how to get a .asmx file running, and can you even call it with a POST, ie, www.mysite.com/webservice.asmx? I know I can make it work with a .aspx file, but I wanted to check to see if there was a better way before I undertake this endeavor.
Thanks for your insight!
While any extension can be mapped to any handler in ASP.NET, by default .aspx is mapped to page handler and .asmx is mapped to Web service handler. I think you are looking for .ashx which represents a generic simple handler. You just need to implement ProcessRequest method of the IHttpHandler interface after adding one to your project (Add New Item -> Generic Handler).
The .ashx works well if you want to manually process the request. Only if you want to provide a Web service (e.g. SOAP), you should go with .asmx. As a consequence, the best solution depends on the format of the HTTP POST request they send. If they send raw data in POST with their own specific protocol, go with .ashx. Otherwise, if they are using a standard RPC (SOAP, XML-RPC, ...) protocol, .asmx is probably better.
Create an .asmx file with Visual Studio. It should create a template with a HelloWorld method. Browse to it with your favorite browser and you'll actually get an explanation on how to post requests to it using various methods.
There is another type you haven't mentioned: ashx. However, in your case, a webservice (asmx) would make sense.

HttpHandler is not processed when its associate HttpModule is processed

In our asp.net 2.0 application we have the an HttpModule and HttpHandler. They are registered in web.config to handle requests for certain file types.
The request is initiated asynchronously from client side using MS AJAX.
I noticed something strange:
HttpHandler:ProcessRequest is not entered on every HttpModule:EndRequest which seems like incorrect behavior since my understanding of the flow of events:
HttpModule:BeginRequest > HttpHandler:ProcessRequest > HttpModule:EndRequest. For some reason, the handler part is sometimes skipped.
What could be causing this?
If I understand correctly, HttpModule would get executed for every request which comes to your application, while the HttpHandler would execute only for the registered extension.
So, there could be other request to the app apart from the ones you make to your handler.
Do you have that file type set up in IIS to be processed by .net?
I believe that calls to Server.Transfer and Response.End can short-circuit the pipeline, is it possible a branch of your logic does this?
