data base look up functoid - biztalk

I have one table which has 2 IDs.
Now I have to check id1 value of table1 and if it is equal to id of the destination schema
then i have to take the id2 from the table1 and assign it into second element in the destination schema..
How to do this using database lookup table functoid.

I believe Microsoft made a big mistake to include the database functoid. The reasons for this are:
The SQL code generated under the hood is not performant (run a sql trace and you will see). In fact more than one connection is sometimes created.
The request/response to SQL server will not be handled via the send port/adapter framework. So no enterprise-level servicing is available for the call (failure handling, retries, load balancing, etc).
From a design perspective, it obfuscates the db calling functionality inside of a xslt which is nasty.
However, you can achieve the same ends by making the call to the database outside of the map, and then passing the response message from the DB call into the map alongside your source message you want to transform. You can add as many input messages as needed in this way.
If you want details on how to create a multi input map:


BizTalk SQL Adapter composite operation, chaining stored procedure calls

We need to call three stored procedures on the same database, thinking to use composite operation to wrap them in the same call of the same transaction.
Question is, we need the result of first stored procedure to be used as the input for the 2nd and 3rd procedure, is this doable?
No, unfortunately not. The map will run and create the XML that the SQL adapter will use to execute afterwards.
You could look at making a two-way send port that only runs the first stored procedure; and another send port that subscribes to the response of the first send port and runs the second and third procedures.
This is not possible I'm afraid.
The input of your composite operation is an XML instance, where every input parameter is supplied before hand.
If its really necessary to execute these particular stored procedures, you can try wrapping them into one, custom stored procedure, where you are free to to what you want.
One could also try merging the logic from these 3 stored procedures into one new one. Try to think about scalar functions, table types, table valued functions and so on. SQL server has quite the arsenal to let you do what you want.
Yes, you absolutely can to that, but you would not use a Composite Operation.
You would use an Orchestration that performs the calls in sequence, using the Response of one to create the Request of the next using a Map.
This is actually a very common pattern.

BizTalk WCF-SQL typed stored procedure response schema

Generating the response schema for a typed stored procedure, the stored procedure did some database updates prior to returning the final resultset. The response schema generated by Visual Studio has quite some garbage.
Is there a way to force it to generate a cleaner schema?
The StoredProcedureResultset4 is the only one that matters.
Here's my same answers from MSDN. Unfortunately, the marked Answer will not work for you since there is no way, or it's really, really hard, to capture and suppress result sets from a called Stored Procedure.
The cause is related to the Stored Procedure code.
The Wizard will only generate Schema types for elements that are returned in the response from SQL Server. Meaning, the Stored Procedure is emitting results for those updates so you're getting metadata for them.
The way to solve this is by modifying the SP code to not emit any result on any operation that shouldn't. Basically, if you see it in the result window in SQL Management Studio, you will get schema for it.
status and message are presumably the result of another SP so one way to suppress that is to assign the result to a temp table thus redirecting it form the output stream.
However, if StoredProcedureResultset4 is all that matters, that's all you have to use. There's nothing wrong with just ignoring all the other results provided they always appear in the same order.
Just to be clear, you still have to write the wrapper that suppresses the unwanted results, simply invoking the original SP from a new SP will not change the output, you'll still get the extra result sets.
In fact, a wrapper would be the harder implementation since you'd have to capture and examine all results sets which I don't think is possible.
The more correct way to do this in BizTalk would be a Port Map that strips the unwanted content.

BizTalk mapping for a debatched message from WCF-SQL

Good time of day.
Hoping to get some help with BizTalk solution we're working through.
I've generated the adapter by using WCF-SQL wizard and choosing typed polling. It worked out of the box. I was able to create a send port of a file type where my message dropped in an XML batch. As next step I debatched the messages by modifying the schema of a generated entity, changing it to an envelope and configuring leaf node. Great, now I have a bunch of files, one per message sitting in my send port's file folder. Now I am trying to crate a map against the newly created messages. That's where the problems begin. If I create a map based on the same schema that was generated for me by WCF-SQL wizard then I drag the whole structure of the Envelope -> Array -> Message, which of course does not match to the structure of a singular message and the map is not working. If I am to create a new schema, based on a single XML message from send port's file directory, the schema it generates shares the name with an existing schema of my Envelope and BizTalk server throws an error as a result.
I was thinking that maybe I could accomplish one of the following:
Split WCF-SQL generated schema into two, the Envelope + Array and the Message. Not sure if it's possible. Something about this idea doesn't seat well with me.
Somehow change the namespace of the debatched message. Not sure how to achieve.
Any ideas are welcome. Thank you!
It sound like you have all the hard stuff done already so here's a couple of hints that will get you what you're looking for:
The Envelope Schema does not need to represent the entire Message Structure, just down to the Body element from where the debatched children are taken.
The debatched message would then be it's own separate Schema.
The Envelope Schema does not even need to reference the Message Schema in any way.
It's usually better to use a custom Pipeline with the the XmlDisassembler that has the Envelope Schemas and Document Schemas properties set at Design Time.
The WCF binding actually generates the Schemas already separated for you. When you create the Map, you would choose StoredProcedureResultSet0 instead of ArrayOfStoredProcedureResultSet0.
If you set the Root Reference, you would not get the choice so unset that if it is.

BizTalk 2010 Prevent output of Property Schema

I have an orchestration which is receiving messages from the message box of type XmlDocument. The messages have promoted properties and I am including the property schema in my project so that I may filter on them (a separate application is creating these messages). I am then assigning the untyped message to a typed message (I am not altering the name space) via a standard message assignment shape e.g.
MsgAgressoNewStarters = MsgXmldoc;
I am then outputting the message to a file location. However when I do this the property schema is also outputted.
How can I prevent this? I have tried filters etc.
10th May 2012
I think I am possibly going about this the wrong way perhaps if I describe the full scenario you may be able to spot my deliberate mistake ;)
We are using BizTalk 2010.
I have a BizTalk application which talks to a 3rd party generic webservice that returns reports from one of our systems. This application is activated via the scheduled adapter which sends an XML document containing two values, the report name and the interface it is for. The web service returns the report as a string on a single XML node, this string in its self is an XML document. I then load this string into a message of type System.Xml.XmlDocument. There is no way of telling from the format of the data what report or for what interface this message is for. I need to send this message to the messagebox for it to be picked up by any number of related biztalk applications. So far I have tried creating a correlation set with the two values (from a property schema) & used that as the initialising correlation set on the send shape. I have then used the same property schema on another BT application to filter the message. This works but for some reason I get two messages, one being the XML which activities the orchestration which has the same fields as the property schema & correlation set. BizTalk doesn't seem to be able to tell the difference between them although they are structurally different and this is where my problem starts.
I am now thinking of creating a multipart message in the report application one part being the XmlDocument and the other being a header with the values I wish to route on.
Hope that makes some kind of sense.
I've actually now answered my own question, because both messages have the same properties I am inadvertently subscribing to both, d'oh!

Where should I do message resolution in Biztalk?

Let's say I have a flat file containing incoming messages. Where would the appropriate place be to inject the logic that takes identifying information from the message and sets primary key properties to link it to internal record IDs. For example, to map a customer's version of order ID into our internal order ID.
Sounds like you are looking to do a conversion of the incoming id to the internal id before sending the further along.
There are multiple places to do this.
You could do it in a pipeline component that either reads directly from its run-time configuration or from a database. You could also do it in a orchestration.
The easiest and most suitable place to do is probably however in a transformation map. Just make sure not to hard-code the transformation table (what id maps to one of you internal ids) as these usually change a lot. Have the map do a lookup ion a database for example to find the matching id.
Doing these kind of tasks in a map compared to the other options gives you a bit more flexibility as you can then apply the map directly in receive or send port. So if you don't need to do any workflow based logic you can use a messaging pattern and skip any orchestrations (always preferable).
I would consider doing this type of conversion in a map.
