Arranging elements with a variable size on a fixed canvas - css

I have created and filled an array/table in velocity. This array currently contains 3 things:
(note that this example is pure fiction)
Top level community name (e.g. Stack Overflow USA, Stack Overflow BEL)
Subcommunity (e.g. and
Owner(s) of the subcommunity (e.g. Frank)
Depending on the situation and the point in time, the amount of top level communities, that have a variable number of subcommunities are each owned by a variable number of owners. And, each top level community can also have one or more owners.
(input) table example:
SO USA, , Phil
SO USA, CSS, Frank
SO BEL, CSS, Marieke
SO BEL, CSS, Francis
SO BEL, JSON, Patrick
SO FRA, , Francois
I now want to position these communities and sub communities graphically on a webpage like this
Depending on the amount of subcommunities, the top level community will have a different size, and should therefore be parsed where it fits best on the page (e.g on a 600pxx800px canvas).
Here are my questions:
does somebody know code that has already been written to solve this kind of problem?
if not, how would I best tackle this?


What direction do the DICOM instance numbers grow along?

By direction I mean for example from a patient's head to bottom or from his bottom to head. The CHEST CT scans I have seen so far indicates that Instance Number 1 slice is usually the first one down from the upper part of the body but I don't know whether this is part of the standard or there are some other tags that I should inspect into to determine.
There is no rule in DICOM that requires the Instance Number to be related to the slice position in a particular way. The link of Bartloimiej shows that there is a rule how the slice coordinates defined by Image Position Patient (0020,0027) and Image Orientation Patient (0020, 0037) are related to directions in the patient's body (head, feet, etc.)
So if you want to apply spatial ordering, these attributes are what you want to use. Slice Location (0020,1041) will not help you as well:
C. [...] This information is relative to an unspecified implementation specific reference point.
For original (i.e. Image Type (0008,0008) is ORIGINAL\PRIMARY...) CT slices, it is quite safe to assume that some growth in the Z-Direction is always present in a volumetric dataset. But for MRI or for reconstructed CT-slices (MPR), you may find datasets in which slices are parallel to the xz or yz plane. If your application is supposed to handle such images, make sure to avoid division by zero...
Yes, the standard defines it. DICOM PS3.3, part C.7.6.2:
The direction of the axes is defined fully by the patient's orientation.
If Anatomical Orientation Type (0010,2210) is absent or has a value of BIPED, the x-axis is increasing to the left hand side of the patient. The y-axis is increasing to the posterior side of the patient. The z-axis is increasing toward the head of the patient.
There is also a tag (0020,0037), Image Orientation (Patient), which relates actual position of the patient to the global coordinate frame. In trunk CT it is almost always 1 0 0 0 1 0 (no rotation) and you don't need to deal with it. Otherwise, see comments under the link above.
You are correct. The chest CT series are sorted from head to feet. The slice closest to the head should have the lowest Instance Number.
I don't know if this is defined by the DICOM standard or not, but I have seen a lot of DICOM images and the convention is this:
AXIAL - sorted by Z axis high to low (head to feet)
CORONAL - sorted by Y axis high to low (back to front)
SAGITTAL - sorted by X axis low to high (right to left)
Notice in all cases, the first slice in the series will be farthest from the observer.
If you need to generate Instance Number, you should sort the images by the dot product of Image Position Patient and (1,-1,-1) from low to high. In the rare degenerate case (all dot products are the same), I don't know. Pick another direction to sort, but probably (0,-1,-1) would be a good choice.
EDIT: I just discussed this with a friend who is more experienced. He said it varies. Some departments prefer back to front order, some prefer front to back. Also some DICOM viewers will give users the choice of how the slices are sorted (by Instance Number, Slice Location, IPP, Content Time, etc)

Layout for a family tree

I have a dataset of DNA relationships (as a percent match) between myself and few hundred relatives, almost all distant relatives. I also have data on DNA relationships between each of them and certain other members in the dataset.
I'm hoping to build a network graph that shows the interrelationships and have Gephi build something that loosely resembles a family tree. But even using a small sample database I can't get the resulting graph to look anything like that.
I want each relationship (i.e. edge) to have a "force" related to the closeness of the relationship, so distant relatives (nodes) are pushed further away. I want the graph to self-assemble based on these "forces" and assume there is a layout for this, but I haven't found one.
I'm currently putting the DNA relationship in the weight column, and not using the interval column at all. But even using just 8 relatives and artificially perfect data I have to manually move nodes around to make it look remotely useful.
What layout should I use for this type of graph, and what other advice can you offer to make this work? Should the weight field increase or decrease as relationship distance increases?
… and have Gephi build something that loosely resembles a family tree. But even using a small sample database I can't get the resulting graph to look anything like that.
A family tree connects descendants (mostly). DNA similarity (as a percentage) does not conform to this structure. Related questions may be answered here.
Setting a Library > Edges > Edge Weight -filter to the DNA similarity attribute may help (but will not produce "something that loosely resembles a family tree").
I want each relationship (i.e. edge) to have a "force" related to the closeness of the relationship, so distant relatives (nodes) are pushed further away. I want the graph to self-assemble based on these "forces" …
All layouts work like that. However, Gephi does not feature hierarchical positioning. 3rd party candidates include EventGraphLayout, Layered Layout and Concentric Layout.
Should the weight field increase or decrease as relationship distance increases?
The greater an edge's weight, the stronger its connection (resulting in less distance between the nodes it connects). To a family tree however this is irrelevant.
I'm hoping to build a network graph that shows the interrelationships between each member …
What layout should I use for this type of graph, and what other advice can you offer to make this work?
Following steps emphasize clustering and modularity:
Calculate modularity.
Color nodes by modularity class: Appearance > Nodes > Partition > Modularity Class
Apply a layout; ForceAtlas 2 for example (with Dissuade Hubs, LinLog mode and Prevent Overlap enabled).
Apply the Contraction layout afterwards if necessary. Optionally set node size according to (for example) Eigenvector Centrality (prior to applying layout).

How to calculate space between dicom slices for MPR?

Due to showing MPR view based on Dicoms. I've made a 3D array from series of dicom files. And I show it from Coronal and Sagittal sides.
My 3D array includes:
- z = count of dicoms
- c = column value for every dicoms
- r = Row value for every dicoms
But I have a problem. When there is some space between slices, image is made by this way doesn't show a correct view. Because I can not think of simulation distance between them!
I don't know how to calculate space between slices? I want to add extra space between slices. for example, If space between slices is 4. I have to add 4 time z inner slices.
I hope to arrive my mean.
Image Position (Patient) and Image Orientation (Patient) are the two only attributes you should ever used when computing distance between slices. For more details see here or here. For an actual implementation see here, this implementation also does take into account Frame Of Reference UID, as well as Gantry/Detector Tilt.
This question is the question #1 asked on comp.protocols.dicom.
Please see ImageJ bug
I believe the answer from #Matt is erroneous, let me clarify a few things here.
No: 'DICOM does not have an attribute called Spacing Between Slices'. That is very wrong (technically it does not even mean anything).
DICOM defines IODs which define the set of required attributes available in an SOP Class Instance. Let's consider two very common cases: CT Image Storage (legacy) and MR Image Storage (legacy). So we need to compare the set of attributes in between:
CT Image IOD Modules
MR Image IOD Modules
Now let's say we want to check that MR Image Storage support Spacing Between Slices, it is easy to jump to:
MR Image Module Attributes
However it is much harder to find this attribute for CT Image Storage: simply because this attribute does not exist (per standard). So the only time you would find such attribute would be within an extended SOP Class (some vendors may decide that Spacing Between Slices attribute make sense within their extended SOP Class Instance).
Mixing in the same answer both Spacing Between Slices and Slice Thickness (0018,0050) is very confusing for new users.
I agree that Slice Thickness is perfectly defined in the standard for both CT Image Storage and MR Image Storage since they both include Image Plane Module Attributes, however let's not exchange one for the other.
I found a nice summary of Slice Thickness vs Spacing Between Slices here (if you scroll to the section, you can even play the small demo) :
CT Physics: CT Reconstruction and Helical CT
In step and shoot CT the Slice Thickness and Spacing Between Slices are identical so there is no big issue here. However for helical CT those values are not the same and can vary in any direction (they are independent).
[…] Slice Thickness is determined by the detector width and pitch,
while reconstruction interval (=Spacing Between Slices) can be chosen
arbitrarily. […]
In conclusion to compute (safely!) the Spacing Between Slices (= Reconstruction Interval), it is much safer to use Image Orientation (Patient) and Image Position (Patient) since they are available in either MR Image Storage or CT Image Storage instances.
DICOM has an attribute called Spacing Between Slices (0018, 0088) that gives the distance between two adjacent slices (perpendicular to the image plane) and it also has an attribute called Slice Thickness (0018, 0050) that gives the thickness of the imaged slice (the image plane exists at the center of the slice, with half of the volume above the plane and half below). Image Position (Patient) (0020, 0032) and Image Orientation (Patient) (0020, 0037) are also useful attributes for computing spatial relationships between slices.
For a more detailed explanation, see section C.7.6.2 of part 3 of the DICOM standard. (p. 409)
WARNING: Please be aware that different vendors use the same dicom tags for addressing different things. For instance, the attribute Spacing Between Slices (0018, 0088) means two different things depending on the vendor. See this table to have a guide, and this thread for an explanation.
As discussed in the previous answers, it is not straightforward how to calculate space between DICOM slices. Let's phrase the question differently: How to store DICOM slices in a 3D volume, i.e. a list of equally spaced slices for rendering (guess you want to upload into a 3D texture).
This is because the actual position that a CT slice is captured might not be identical to the position selected by the radiologist. A dataset might have been configured to capture 1 mm slices, but the CT returns slices at position 0.0 mm, 0.997 mm, 2.010 mm, ...
If you use an attribute such as Spacing Between Slices to calculate the size of the 3D volume, you will obtain subtle rounding errors easily. Don't go there.
Rather it is essential to use Image Position (Patient) (0020, 0032) and then perform an optimization to figure our how the slices could be fit into an grid.
Typical problems in practice to consider:
Missing slices (interpolate? Gap?)
Out of step slices (hardware defect? data defect?)

Gray code pattern in tournament chart?

In a tournament chart from the bottom to the top where there is a winner I've been told that it is somehow connected with the gray-code. I know that the grey code is an alternative code, it's recursive and is useful to find the best solution in various games, space-filling-curves, error correction codes, harddisk positioning and is a shorthand for the piano player but how is this code is related with a tournament chart?
Parsed the following from here:
A tournament is really a node in a binary tree. The value in each
node contains the ranking of the best ranking team contained in the
tournament tree. It turns out that the gray code of the ranking-1 has
a bit pattern that conveniently helps us descend the binary tree to
the appropriate place at which to put the team. When descending the
three, the bits in the gray code of the ranking from least-significant
to most-significant indicate which branch to take.

Expressing order or disorder mathematically

I work for game development company which makes casual games. One of the main casual genres is match-3: there is a field and chips of different colors. One should move chips so that they make lines of at least three chips of the same color. If the move leads to making a line the chips in the line disappear.
Chips on field can be located differently: there may be a lot of chips of the same color gouped in one place or there may be a situation when a player can't make a move - all the neighbour chips are of the different colors.
So, I want to express the situation on the field mathematically with a factor of order (disorder). If the factor is high a player can make a lot of matches and the lines made by the player are long. If the factor is low, the field is in complete disorder and one can't make a single match. This may be helpful for generating field of different difficulty.
The question is: what branch of math can help me to do this. Where should I start my research. Any suggestions for keywords to google?
Thanks in advace.
I would look into graph theory. You can for example make a graph, where nodes would be positions on the board, and two nodes would be connected with an edge if they are neighbours and have a chip of the same color. If you have large components with nodes of large degree, you have less disorder. If all your components are small, you have high disorder.
First thing that comes to mind is that you're looking at the distribution of n populations (one for each color), which I would approach with Poisson sampling,. You can use that to calculate the probability of finding two adjacent units of the same population (color), which will give you a measure of the difficulty of your puzzle.
