Inject a CSS file into a webpage via firefox extension - css

I am writing a Firefox extension and I am using their Add-on SDK; but I can't figure out how to inject a local CSS file from the data folder into the webpage. It would be great if there were a way to do it via page_mod package.

As of Add-on SDK 1.14 there's experimental (API may change) support for this in the page-mod module:
var pageMod = require("sdk/page-mod").PageMod({
include: "*",
contentStyleFile: require("sdk/self").data.url("my-style.css")
See Modifying Web Pages Based on URL for an elaborate guide to using page-mod.
There's a page on the Addon SDK's wiki discussing issues with the current implementation, although it seems a bit outdated.
Under the hood it uses nsIDOMWindowUtils.loadSheet() to add the stylesheet without touching the page's DOM. (This API was added in Firefox 18, see bug 737003. Before that you had to use nsIStyleSheetService which was similar, but not tab-specific.)
Before that you could use the page-mod's content script to insert the link or style element (example). [edit] thanks to lwburk's comment, here's a more elaborate elaborate description in Greasemonkey Hacks: Tips & Tools for Remixing the Web with Firefox By Mark Pilgrim: "Alter a Page's Style" section.

To insert CSS from main.js one can now use "page-mod":
var data = require("sdk/self").data;
var pageMod = require("sdk/page-mod");
include: "*.org",
contentStyleFile: data.url("my-page-mod.css")


How to reload single file in chrome developer tools

I'm working on a complicated site that has a lot of css files and js files that load on every page. I'm working on a single css using Chrome's developer tools. Once the css is mostly correct in developer tools, (Element tab, Styles side bar), the css is copied to a local css file and then uploaded to the web server. Since only a single css file has been modified it would be faster to reload a single css file instead of hard refreshing and reloading the entire site including images, js, and css, etc.
The site has an option to minify the css file and combine it with the other css files, creating one single very large css file. That option is turned off while in development mode. Adding a version number to the css file name isn't the trick I'm looking for.
Is it possible in Chrome Developer tools to click on a source file and refresh only that file?
This is a bit of a hack, but I think it'll work for your scenario.
When I initially load an example page, you can see three CSS requests:
I want to refresh the devsite-googler-buttons.css file, so I find it in my DOM Tree:
(Command+F on Mac or Control+F on Windows / Linux opens up that search panel at the bottom of the Elements panel... makes it easier to find stuff in a big DOM)
Right-click, select Edit as HTML, and then append a random query string to the end of the link:
And in the Network panel, you can see that the file was re-downloaded:
See also: Konrad's answer provides some handy code for automating this via a Snippet.
It might be handy, in your situation, to automate it a bit:
function reloadCSS() {
const links = document.getElementsByTagName('link');
.filter(link => link.rel.toLowerCase() === 'stylesheet' && link.href)
.forEach(link => {
const url = new URL(link.href, location.href);
link.href = url.href;
What this function does is it forces all CSS files to be reloaded by appending current time to their URLs.
You can modify it to target a specific file. You can run it from console, via DevTools 'snippets' functionality or make it into an extension.
If you don't mind refreshing the page, but don't want to re-download all resources, try the following.
Open the css file in a new tab. (You can right click css files from the Chrome developer tools and choose "open in new tab");
Hard-refresh this tab (ctrl/cmd + f5);
Soft-refresh the page (f5 or ctrl/cms + r).
According to me only Live editing is the only possible way what you are looking for I suppose. There is no way to refresh a single css file.

Web Extension : How do I use "browser_style = true"?

When writing a Firefox web extension it's possible to use a default css for browser or page actions so that they are styled like other browser UI components. It's done by inserting:
"browser_style": true
in the extension manifest. Styles like panel-section-footer-button become available.
My question: How can you know how to use the default styles, there doesn't seem to be an official source or description of them?
The css in built-in resource chrome://browser/content/extension.css.
This popup example on Mozilla site, which uses some default styles..
Using "browser_style": true results in the chrome://browser/content/extension.css file being applied to your HTML (on OSX chrome://browser/content/extension-mac.css is applied instead).
Mozilla has a Style Guide which you can peruse to see how various elements and classes are used. The link to this Style Guide is in the browser_style entry within the "Syntax" section of the browser_action documentation page. A similar link is in the same location on the page_action MDN documentation page. Personally, I would find it more appropriate for the information contained in the Style Guide to be hosted directly on MDN rather than on
If you are just interested in the elements and classes, you can find examples under the Components section.
Note: Under some conditions, Firefox also attempts to apply chrome://browser/content/extension-win-panel.css or chrome://browser/content/extension-mac-panel.css neither of which exist.

Google Chrome Developer Tools not showing css filename next to css

It's a bug of google chrome or there are some guidelines which i should stick to, to return that feature?
Thank you.
Issue was caused by prefixfree.
There are multiple cases,
1. You are using less CSS files.
2. The CSS class is on same page.
3. Class is generated by a plugin
I was facing the save problem, but my case it happened because of a old local folder map in the Sources tab.

How can I extract only the used CSS on a given web page and have that combined into a separate style sheet?

I have a site whose stylesheets are becoming overwhelming, and a full 50% to 90% or so is not used on certain pages. Rather than have 23 separate blocking CSS sheets, I'd like to find out which are being used on the page I'd like to target, and have those exported into one sheet.
I have seen several questions that recommend "Dust me selectors" or similar add on which will tell what selectors are and are not being used; but that's not what I want. I need to be able to export all used styles from all sheets for that particular page into one new sheet that can be used to replace the 23 others. The solution should be able to support a responsive website (media calls). The website page I'm targeting is:
I've found: but this is a paid service and I need free;
The next closest thing I've come across is but this does not look at stylesheets. In fact, it completely ignores them and ultimately I'm having trouble with the responsiveness of the site. Many times as well, this site just crashes.
I don't mind a programmatic solution if someone has had to do this before and can recommend a direction.
(deleted my comment to RwwL answer to make it a thorough answer)
UnCSS, whether node.js or as a grunt or gulp task, is able to list used CSS rules by an array of pages in an array of Media Queries.
You can pass files as an argument to any of the 3 plugins, like:
var files = ['my', 'array', 'of', 'HTML', 'files'],
options = { /* (…) */ };
uncss(files, options, function (error, output) {
urls (Array):
array of URLs to load with Phantom (on top of the files already passed if any).
NOTE: this feature is deprecated, you can pass URLs directly as arguments.
Media Queries and responsive are taken into account:
media (Array):
By default UnCSS processes only stylesheets with media query "all", "screen", and those without one. Specify here which others to include.
You can add stylesheets, ignore some of them, add inline CSS and many other options like htmlroot
Remaining problems:
1/ Conditional classes if you use them for IE9-. They obviously won't be matched in a WebKit PhantomJS environment!
<!--[if IE 9]><html class="ie9 lte-ie9" lang="en"><![endif]--> <!-- teh conditional comment/class -->
.ie9 .some-class { property: value; ] /* Only matched in IE9, not WebKit PhantomJS */
Should they be added by hand or script to the html element in testing environment? (how it renders is of no importance)
Is there an option in uncss?
As long as you don't style with :not(.ie9) (weird), it should be fine.
EDIT: you can use the ignore option with a pattern to force uncss to "provide a list of selectors that should not be removed by UnCSS". Won't be tested though.
2/ Scripts that will detect resolution (viewport width) and adapt content to it by removing/adding it or adding a class on a container. They will execute in PhantomJS in desktop resolution I guess and thus won't do their job so you'll need to modify calls to PhantomJS or something like that... Or dig into options or GitHub issues of the 3 projects (I didn't)
Other tools I heard of, not tested or barely or couldn't test, no idea about the MQ part:
in grunt-uncss readme, the Coverage part
ucss from Opera (there's already an ansswer here, couldn't make it work)
Addy Osmani has countless presentations of 100+ slides presenting awesome tools like this one: (you'll regret even more that days are made only of 24 hours and not 48 err wait 72 ^^)
How about the CSS Usage plugin for Firebug?
Visit your page in Firefox
Click "CSS Usage" tab in Firebug
Click the Scan button
Click the bold file name
Save page of CSS selectors to disk
Here are some screen shots and walk through. Not sure about media queries or if it'll work on your site, and it'll probably not keep -webkit etc, but maybe it'll get you part of the way there.
Opera Software released a CSS crawler on Github that claims it can find unused and duplicate selectors. It might do the trick if you're comfortable with a command-line tool.
You Can Check in Google Chrome by doing inspect element (F12) . The unused CSS has Line over the tags.
If you wanted, you could try to build a script that runs on a (non-production) server that goes through every css rule, removes it from the stylesheet, loads the page using something like phantomjs, and checks to see if anything changed from the last time it loaded the page. If so, then put the css rule back, if not, then leave it out and move on to the next rule. It would take a while to run, but it would work. You would also have to setup an instance of your server that does not use caching for it to run on.
Try using this tool,which is just a simple js script
This tool helps in getting the CSS from a specific page listing all sources for active styles and save it to a JSON with source as key and rules as value.
It loads all the CSS from the href links and tells all the styles applied from them
You can modify the code to save all css into a .css file. Thereby combining all your css.

Deeplinking in flex applications

I am currently building a flex application and would like to allow deeplinking to produce nice URLS such as and so on.
I have looked at swfaddress 2.4 and swfobject 2.2 to embed the swf and provide the deeplinking. So far everything works in Firefox and Chrome. However, in Internet Explorer 9, the back button and history functionalilty does not work, which is rather frustrating.
Interestingly, the Flex sample file here works pefectly in IE9. Upon futher inspection, it seems that they are using the ac_OETags.js file to embed their swf. Going through the documentation as well as the index.html file generated by flex, it seems that they are now using the latest version of swfobject as the preferred way to embed swf files.
Having said that, swfobject haven't been updated for more than a year. I am also unsure as to whether the author intends to update it. On the other hand, I do not like the way adobe's history.js works for deeplinking. Urls such as looks very ugly in my opinion.
In light of the above, what libraries do you recommend for embedding swf files and deeplinking in a flex 4.5 project?
Those 2 are the best out there and I recommend you use both. With that said, I would try to debug the javascript/flex to see why this isn't working in IE9 and fix the code on both open source projects so that other developers can benefit from it.
The reason this is happening is that Adobe never updated history.js after IE9 came out. There is code in there to handle some IE7 bugs which is being incorrectly triggered.
To fix your history.js insert the following code:
After line 22 insert:
ie9: false,
After line 72 (what was line 71):
else if (browser.version == 9)
{ = false;
browser.ie9 = true;
That should fix it.
