Process Inbound 997
I have following scenario:
I have multiple parties configure in BizTalk. And I am sending many EDIs at the same time to many parties i.e.
850 EDI sent to Party A
850 EDI sent to Party B
850 EDI sent to Party B
850 EDI sent to Party A
After sending above four EDI, I’ll have four inbound 997 in my inbox.
What is the best way to process all found inbound 997? And how do I come correlate any perticular 997 to Specific EDI?
The 997 should have reference the group control number of the outbound document.
So if you send a PO to A, that document will have a group control number (GS06), which should be unique to that document.
In other words, the group control number should increment for each "group" sent to your trading partner.
When the 997 comes in (assuming BizTalk doesn't reconcile this for you), you can look at the AK102 to determine what outbound group it refers to.
Most EDI translator / communication platforms do this automatically for you. Unless I'm missing something in your question, and it doesn't, then you'll probably want to create a process that a) captures the outbound group control number and b) reconciles it on the way back in.
Please note it's been many, MANY years since I looked at BizTalk, but EDI is EDI.
I'm trying to send data from multiple ESP-8266 to feeds on my Adafruit IO account.
The problem is that when I try to send new values, I'm faced with a ban from publishing because the 2 seconds time limit is violated when two or more of my MCUs happen to send data at the same time (I can't synchronize them to avoid this).
is there any possible solution to this problem?
I suggest to consider those three options:
A sending token which is send from one ESp to the next. So basically all ESPs are mot allowed to send. If the token is received its allowed to send - waits the appropriate time limit hands the token to the next ESP. This solution has all Arduinos connected via an AP/router and would use client to client communication. It can be setup fail safe, so if the next ESP is not available (reset/out of battery etc) you take the next on the list and issue an additional warning to the server
The second solution could be (more flexible and dynamic BUT SPO - single point of failure) to set up one ESP as data collector to do the sending.
If the ESps are in different locations you have to set them up that they meet the following requirement:
If you have a free Adafruit IO Account, the rate limit is 30 data
points per minute.
If you exceed this limit, a notice will be sent to the
{username}/throttle MQTT topic. You can subscribe to the topic if you
wish to know when the Adafruit IO rate limit has been exceeded for
your user account. This limit applies to all Data record modification
actions over the HTTP and MQTT APIs, so if you have multiple devices
or clients publishing data, be sure to delay their updates enough that
the total rate is below your account limit.
so its not 2 sec limit but 30/min (60/min if pro) so you limit sending each ESP to the formula:
30 / Number of ESPs sending to I/O -> 30 / 5 = 6 ==> 5 incl. saftey margin
means each ESP is within a minute only allowed to send 5 times. Important if the 5 times send limit is up it HAS to wait a minute before the next send.
The answer is simple, just don't send that frequent.
In the IoT world
If data need frequent update (such as motor/servo, accelerometer, etc.), it is often that you'd want to keep it local and won't want/need to send it to the cloud.
If the data need to be in the cloud, it is often not necessary need to be updated so frequently (such as temperature/humidity).
Alternatively, if you still think that your data is so critical that need to be updated so frequently, dedicate one ESP as your Edge Gateway to collect the data from sensor nodes, and send it to the cloud at once, that actually the proper way of an IoT network design with multiple sensor nodes.
If that still doesn't work for you, you still have the choice of pay for the premium service to raise the rate limit, or build your own cloud service and integrate it with your Edge Gateway.
I have a question about the situation which arises during the flash sale in e-commerce websites. Assume there are only 5 items in stock and if 10000 requests hit the server at same instant, how does the server handle the requests and how does it manage to order the request?
Given the cpu speeds of current computers, like it says here
1 million requests per second, would come out as 1 request per 1000
cpu cycles.
Although requests come from many ends of the world, they are received through a single channel. Which means that two requests come after one another even if they are originated at the exact same time. The time of receipt would certainly not be the same, if routing conditions for the two requests are considered. It is impossible for them to hit the server at the exact same time. Because routing wouldn't allow it in order to prevent collisions.
Therefore the order in which the requests are handled is the order they are received at the network interface. After the request packets are through the application layer, each client will have a thread dedicated for itself. But the access of shared variables like the 5 items you mentioned will be synchronized. Therefore only the first 5 threads to acquire the lock on these shared variable will win.
The GATT architecture of BLE lends itself to small fixed pieces of data (20 bytes max per characteristic). But in some cases, you end up wanting to “stream” some arbitrary length of data, that is greater than 20 bytes. For example, a firmware upgrade, even if you know its slow.
I’m curious what scheme others have used if any, to “stream” data (even if small and slow) over BLE characteristics.
I’ve used two different schemes to date:
One was to use a control characteristic, where the receiving device notify the sending device how much data it had received, and the sending device then used that to trigger the next write (I did both with_response, and without_response) on a different characteristic.
Another scheme I did recently, was to basically chunk the data into 19 byte segments, where the first byte indicates the number of packets to follow, when it hits 0, that clues the receiver that all of the recent updates can be concatenated and processed as a single packet.
The kind of answer I'm looking for, is an overview of how someone with experience has implemented a decent schema for doing this. And can justify why what they did is the best (or at least better) solution.
After some review of existing protocols, I ended up designing a protocol for over-the-air update of my BLE peripherals.
Design assumptions
we cannot predict stack behavior (protocol will be used with all our products, whatever the chip used and the vendor stack, either on peripheral side or on central side, potentially unknown yet),
use standard GATT service,
avoid L2CAP fragmentation,
assume packets get queued before TX,
assume there may be some dropped packets (even if stacks should not),
avoid unnecessary packet round-trips,
put code complexity on central side,
assume 4.2 enhancements are unavailable.
1 implies 2-5, 6 is a performance requirement, 7 is optimization, 8 is portability.
Overall design
After discovery of service and reading a few read-only characteristics to check compatibility of device with image to be uploaded, all upload takes place between two characteristics:
payload (write only, without response),
status (notifiable).
The whole firmware image is sent in chunks through the payload characteristic.
Payload is a 20-byte characteristic: 4-byte chunk offset, plus 16-byte data chunk.
Status notifications tell whether there is an error condition or not, and next expected payload chunk offset. This way, uploader can tell whether it may go on speculatively, sending its chunks from its own offset, or if it should resume from offset found in status notification.
Status updates are sent for two main reasons:
when all goes well (payloads flying in, in order), at a given rate (like 4Hz, not on every packet),
on error (out of order, after some time without payload received, etc.), with the same given rate (not on every erroneous packet either).
Receiver expects all chunks in order, it does no reordering. If a chunk is out of order, it gets dropped, and an error status notification is pushed.
When a status comes in, it acknowledges all chunks with smaller offsets implicitly.
Lastly, there is a transmit window on the sender side, where many successful acknowledges flying allow sender to enlarge its window (send more chunks ahead of matching acknowledge). Window is reduced if errors happen, dropped chunks probably are because of a queue overflow somewhere.
Using "one way" PDUs (write without response and notification) is to avoid 6. above, as ATT protocol explicitly tells acknowledged PDUs (write, indications) must not be pipelined (i.e. you may not send next PDU until you received response).
Status, containing the last received chunk, palliates 5.
To abide 2. and 3., payload is a 20-byte characteristic write. 4+16 has numerous advantages, one being the offset validation with a 16-byte chunk only involves shifts, another is that chunks are always page-aligned in target flash (better for 7.).
To cope with 4., more than one chunk is sent before receiving status update, speculating it will be correctly received.
This protocol has the following features:
it adapts to radio conditions,
it adapts to queues on sender side,
there is no status flooding from target,
queues are kept filled, this allows the whole central stack to use every possible TX opportunity.
Some parameters are out of this protocol:
central should enforce short connection interval (try to enforce it in the updater app);
slave PHY should be well-behaved with slave latency (YMMV, test your vendor's stack);
you should probably compress your payload to reduce transfer time.
15% compression,
a device connected with connectionInterval = 10ms,
a master PHY limiting every connection event to 4-5 TX packets,
average radio conditions.
I get 3.8 packets per connection event on average, i.e. ~6 kB/s of useful payload after packet loss, protocol overhead, etc.
This way, upload of a 60 kB image is done in less than 10 seconds, the whole process (connection, discovery, transfer, image verification, decompression, flashing, reboot) under 20 seconds.
It depends a bit on what kind of central device you have.
Generally, Write Without Response is the way to stream data over BLE.
Packets being received out-of-order should not happen since BLE's link layer never sends the next packet before it the previous one has been acknowledged.
For Android it's very easy: just use Write Without Response to send all packets, one after another. Once you get the onCharacteristicWrite you send the next packet. That way Android automatically queues up the packets and it also has its own mechanism for flow control. When all its buffers are filled up, the onCharacteristicWrite will be called when there is space again.
iOS is not that smart however. If you send a lot of Write Without Response packets and the internal buffers are full, iOS will silently drop new packets. There are two ways around this, either implement some (maybe complex) protocol for the peripheral notifying the status of the transmission, like Nipos answer. An easier way however is to send each 10th packet or so as a Write With Response, the rest as Write Without Response. That way iOS will queue up all packets for you and not drop the Write Without Response packets. The only downside is that the Write With Response packets require one round-trip. This scheme should nevertheless give you high throughput.
I have one server and 3 clients (TCP connection) using executorservice.
I'm trying send data from server S to C1,C2,and C3.Total data are 3000 lines.
If all 3 clients are alive, those 3 clients can get 3000 lines in total.
Now my problem is if 1 client is dead(lost connection), how to make the other two clients get
all the rest data?
For example, C1 has received 200 lines, I shut it down. how to make C2+C3 receive 2800 lines?
All TCP sessions are independent so you simply need to write the remaining 2800 lines to the remaining two sockets.
Using select(...) will tell you when connections can accept more data, have data to read, or have closed (ready to read but 0 bytes available).
Once "select" tells you a connection has closed, simply remove it from the list of polled file descriptors and continue to write to the others. Each will need its own state about how many bytes you have written to it because they may flow at different rates.
so I have this real-time game, with a C++ sever with disabled nagle using SFML library , and client using asyncsocket, also disables nagle. I'm sending 30 packets every 1 second. There is no problem sending from the client to the server, but when sending from the server to the clients, some of the packets are migrating. For example, if I'm sending "a" and "b" in completly different packets, the client reads it as "ab". It's happens just once a time, but it makes a real problem in the game.
So what should I do? How can I solve that? Maybe it's something in the server? Maybe OS settings?
To be clear: I AM NOT using nagle but I still have this problem. I disabled in both client and server.
For example, if I'm sending "a" and "b" in completly different packets, the client reads it as "ab". It's happens just once a time, but it makes a real problem in the game.
I think you have lost sight of the fundamental nature of TCP: it is a stream protocol, not a packet protocol. TCP neither respects nor preserves the sender's data boundaries. To put it another way, TCP is free to combine (or split!) the "packets" you send, and present them on the receiver any way its wants. The only restriction that TCP honors is this: if a byte is delivered, it will be delivered in the same order in which it was sent. (And nothing about Nagle changes this.)
So, if you invoke send (or write) on the server twice, sending these six bytes:
"packet" 1: A B C
"packet" 2: D E F
Your client side might recv (or read) any of these sequences of bytes:
AB / CD / EF
If your application requires knowledge of the boundaries between the sender's writes, then it is your responsibility to preserve and transmit that information.
As others have said, there are many ways to go about that. You could, for example, send a newline after each quantum of information. This is (in part) how HTTP, FTP, and SMTP work.
You could send the packet length along with the data. The generalized form for this is called TLV, for "Type, Length, Value". Send a fixed-length type field, a fixed-length length field, and then an arbitrary-length value. This way you know when you have read the entire value and are ready for the next TLV.
You could arrange that every packet you send is identical in length.
I suppose there are other solutions, and I suppose that you can think of them on your own. But first you have to realize this: TCP can and will merge or break your application packets. You can rely upon the order of the bytes' delivery, but nothing else.
You have to disable Nagle in both peers. You might want to find a different protocol that's record-based such as SCTP.
Since you are asking for a protocol here's how I would do it:
Define a header for the message. Let's say I would pick a 32 bits header.
MSG Length: 16b
Version: 8b
Type: 8b
Then the real message comes in, having MSG Length bytes.
So now that I have a format, how would I handle things ?
When I write a message, I prepend the control information (the length is the most important, really) and send the whole thing. Having NODELAY enabled or not makes no difference.
I continuously receive stuff from the server, right ? So I have to do some sort of read.
Read bytes from the server. Any amount can arrive. Keep reading until you've got at least 4 bytes.
Once you have these 4 bytes, interpret them as the header and extract the MSG Length
Keep reading until you've got at least MSG Length bytes. Now you've got your message and can process it
This works regardless of TCP options (such as NODELAY), MTU restrictions, etc.