Update Database Column after X Number of Failed Login Attempts - asp.net

I have a forms login in my web site using ASP.NET MVC with C#. All of the user profiles are stored in a Customer table that has the following columns:
with ActiveWebLog = 0 meaning the user has not yet activated their account, and ActiveWebLog = 1 meaning the user can login.
This is my Login action in my Controller :
public ActionResult LogOnCustomer()
return View();
public ActionResult LogOnCustomer(LogOnModel model, string returnUrl)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (MembershipService.ValidateCustomer(model.UserName, model.Password))
this.AuthCustomer = MembershipService.AuthCustomer;
FormsService.SignIn(model.UserName, model.RememberMe);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(returnUrl))
return Redirect(returnUrl);
return RedirectToAction("RedirectPage", "Account");
ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect.");
// If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
return View(model);
What I want is to set ActiveWebLog = -2 when the user inputs an incorrect username or password 5 times.
Does anyone know how to do that?

Add a LoginAttemptCount column to your table.
Check user credentials against the database.
If no user name, fail. It may be advisable to not tell the user that the username does not exist, because that supports grinding attempts to locate user names.
If the user name matches but the LoginAttemptCount => 5 (or any number), fail.
If the user name matches but the password is bad, increment LoginAttemptCount and fail.
If the user name and password are good (hopefully you are using a hashed password) and LoginAttemptCount < 5, reset LoginAttemptCount to zero.
If you use this methodology, you technically don't need to modify the ActiveWebLog column when the user exceeds the bad password limit (but you certainly could).
I would put the business rules for this inside a separate class library. Your controller will probably have the basic logic to invoke this class library and modify your view based on the resulting status codes.

Session["tries"] = 0;
catch (Exception)
Session["tries"] = Session["tries"] + 1;
if (Session["tries"] > 4)
ActiveWebLog = -2;


Asp.NET MVC 5 validate user by e-mail and password

I'm using a Asp.NET MVC 5 project that came with a Bootstrap 3 theme we bought and in its login method they just look for the user based on his e-mail, the password is not validated. Login method below:
public async Task<ActionResult> Login(AccountLoginModel viewModel)
// Ensure we have a valid viewModel to work with
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(viewModel);
// Verify if a user exists with the provided identity information
var user = await _manager.FindByEmailAsync(viewModel.Email);
var hashPass = new PasswordHasher().HashPassword(viewModel.Password); // this is a line I added which gerenates a different hash everytime
// If a user was found
if (user != null)
// Then create an identity for it and sign it in
await SignInAsync(user, viewModel.RememberMe);
// If the user came from a specific page, redirect back to it
return RedirectToLocal(viewModel.ReturnUrl);
// No existing user was found that matched the given criteria
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid username or password.");
// If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
return View(viewModel);
The line I'm trying to insert the password validation is the if (user != null). I tried using _manager.Find(email,password) but it doesn't work.
How can I login the user with his e-mail and validate the password?
That is because you are hashing the password before trying to find the user.
var user = _manager.Find(viewModel.Email, viewModel.Password);
// If a user was found
if (user != null)
//...other code removed for brevity.
which is the standard way to do it.
-------Try this code------
var result = await SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.Email, model.Password, model.RememberMe, shouldLockout: false);
switch (result)
case SignInStatus.Success:
return View("SuccessView");
case SignInStatus.Failure:
return View("LoginView");

Creating users with no password using ASP.NET Identity

I have been given the requirement to provide the ability to create users through the UI with no password. I am trying to accomplish this using ASP.NET Identity.
I am able to successfully create a user without a password using the UserManager's Create method:
if (vm.ShouldHavePassword)
userManager.Create(userToInsert, vm.Password);
After the call to the Create method, the test user gets successfully saved into our AspNetUsers table. And when I do not provide a password, the PasswordHash column in our AspNetUsers table is set to NULL.
My issue is, I cannot login as the test user that does not have a password. The following is the method call that we use to validate a user's credentials:
result = await SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.UserName, model.Password, model.RememberMe, shouldLockout: false);
I attempted to login as a test user that has a NULL PasswordHash multiple times. To do this, I do not provide a password in our login form. As a result, a NULL password is passed into the PasswordSignInAsync method. The return value of this method call is always SignInStatus.Failure.
Using ASP.NET Identity, how can I configure my code to correctly authenticate user credentials when the credentials contain a NULL password, and the user in the database contains a NULL PasswordHash? Is such a thing even possible?
Yes you can. ASP.NET Identity Framework is fully customizable. Just override PasswordValidator.ValidateAsync and PasswordHasher.VerifyHashedPassword methods like this:
internal class CustomPasswordValidator: PasswordValidator
public override async Task<IdentityResult> ValidateAsync(string item)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item)) return IdentityResult.Success;
return await base.ValidateAsync(item);
internal class CustomPasswordHasher : PasswordHasher
public override PasswordVerificationResult VerifyHashedPassword(string hashedPassword, string providedPassword)
if (hashedPassword == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(providedPassword))
return PasswordVerificationResult.Success;
return base.VerifyHashedPassword(hashedPassword, providedPassword);
And set them like this:
var manager = new ApplicationUserManager(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context.Get<ApplicationDbContext>()));
manager.PasswordValidator = new CustomPasswordValidator();
manager.PasswordHasher = new CustomPasswordHasher();
Okay, what you need to do is find the user (AspNetUsers user) using your db context. After you have the user, you can check if their PasswordHash is null.
If yes, then just sign them in using SignInManager.SignIn.
If not, use SignInManager.PasswordSignIn.
//alternatively, you can find the user using Email, Id or some other unique field
var user = db.AspNetUsers.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UserName);
if (user != null)
if (user.PasswordHash == null)
await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, true, true);
await SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.UserName, model.Password,
model.RememberMe, shouldLockout: false);
Hope it helps.
I don't think you can validate user without password. As a workaround: Instead of blank password, I'll recommend to use some Dummy/Common password from C# code, both while creating User and while validating credential
When creating user
if (vm.ShouldHavePassword)
userManager.Create(userToInsert, vm.Password);
userManager.Create(userToInsert, "someDummy123$");
When validating
result = await SignInManager.PasswordSignInAsync(model.UserName, "someDummy123$", model.RememberMe, shouldLockout: false);

Log all other browsers out on login

I have a project running MVC4 and using Simple Membership for authentication. I only want to allow a user to login on one browser. To make this transparent to the user, I need a way to have any other authenticated browser log out whenever a user logs in. This means, if two users are trying to use the same login, they would just continuously kick each other off making that very unproductive.
Right now, I have it set up to only allow a user to login once but if that user were to close the browser and move to another computer, they would be locked out for 30 minutes I can see this creating a number of unnecessary support calls.
I would assume I need to track some sort of identifier in a database and check to make sure it matches with each request otherwise they are logged out. Maybe, adding some sort of cookie.
If anyone has an elegant solution to this, I would appreciate it!
This is what I am currently using to lock users into only one login:
public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl)
string sKey = model.UserName;
string sUser = Convert.ToString(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache[sKey]);
if (sUser == null || sUser == String.Empty)
TimeSpan SessTimeOut = new TimeSpan(0, 0, System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session.Timeout, 0, 0);
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(sKey, sKey, null, DateTime.MaxValue, SessTimeOut, System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable, null);
Session["user"] = model.UserName;
if (ModelState.IsValid && WebSecurity.Login(model.UserName, model.Password, persistCookie: model.RememberMe))
return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl);
// If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect.");
ModelState.AddModelError("", "You are already logged in.");
return View(model);
protected void Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute(Object sender, EventArgs e)
if (HttpContext.Current.Session != null)
if (Session["user"] != (null)) // e.g. this is after an initial logon
string sKey = (string)Session["user"];
// replace the last hit with current time
// Accessing the Cache Item extends the Sliding Expiration automatically
string sUser = (string)HttpContext.Current.Cache[sKey];
public ActionResult LogOff()
UserProfile user = db.UserProfiles.SingleOrDefault(s => s.UserName == User.Identity.Name);
string sKey = user.UserName;
return RedirectToAction("Start", "Home");
I had used the term session and have removed it. I'm not trying to delete the user's session but make their authorization invalid using web security.
There's nothing built-in for this. You'd have to develop some methodology on your own. You'd basically need two pieces:
Some way of tracking a logged in user across requests. This could be as simple as a table with a username column which you could use to determine if that particular username has been logged in. You'd need to keep this in sync with your logins/logouts of course, and you would also need to store the session id for the user. You'll need that for the next piece:
Some mechanism of removing the session from whatever store it exists in. This would be easiest if you're using SQL sessions, as you could simply delete the row from the table session table with the matching id. There's no way to do this directly with ASP.NET, so you'd have to directly query the database, used a stored procedure, etc.
So, the general idea would be that when a user logs in, you record their username and session id in a table or some other persisted store. When someone attempts to log in, you'd check this store for the username that is being attempted, and if it exists, go delete the session that corresponds to this. The next time the user with that session tries to access a page, their session cookie will no longer match a valid session and they'll be treated as if they've been logged out.

Strange behavior of Membership.GetUser() in ASP.NET MVC

I have this code:
public ActionResult LogOn(LogOnModel model, string returnUrl)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
//I added this just to check if it returns true.
bool check = Membership.ValidateUser(model.UserName, model.Password);
if (Membership.ValidateUser(model.UserName, model.Password))
//trying to get get the name here.
string name = Membership.GetUser().UserName;
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.UserName, model.RememberMe);
if (Url.IsLocalUrl(returnUrl) && returnUrl.Length > 1 && returnUrl.StartsWith("/")
&& !returnUrl.StartsWith("//") && !returnUrl.StartsWith("/\\"))
return Redirect(returnUrl);
string[] roles = Roles.GetRolesForUser(User.Identity.Name);
switch (roles[0])
case "Employee":
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Employee");
case "HR_Team":
return Redirect("");
case "Team_Lead":
return Redirect("");
case "Management":
return Redirect("");
ModelState.AddModelError("", "The user name or password provided is incorrect.");
The code was working absolutely fine but I don't know why it stopped responding properly. Now I'm not able to get the user name as well as it's role (that's probably because it's not getting the username I guess). I've no idea at all how it happened. Somebody please help getting rid of this problem. I appreciate any help. Thanks a lot in advance.
Make sure you have specified the username when getting the user because you have not yet set the forms authentication cookie (only after you redirect you will be able to use this overload that doesn't take any argument).
Also what's the point of calling Membership.GetUser().UserName; when you already have the username in model.UserName?
Same thing stands for the roles:
string[] roles = Roles.GetRolesForUser(model.UserName);
Don't attempt to use User.Identity.Name in your LogOn method because you don't have an authenticated user yet.
And if you wanted to get the user use:
var user = Membership.GetUser(model.UserName);
instead of:
var user = Membership.GetUser();

About Response.Redirect, FormsAuthentication and MVC

I want to understand the difference in the behavior of a program when we call FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage vs. when we call Response.Redirect(FormsAuthentication.GetRedirectUrl()) and manually redirect.
Please see the comments below.
I have a LoginController/Index (two actions, one for HttpGet and one for HttpPost). The View of this controller represents the application's login page.
I also have a home page or landing page, i.e. the page that the user must be taken to after a successful login. This is represented in my application by the HomeController's Index action and the ~Views/Home/Index.cshtml view.
I have presented three scenarios. I understand scenario 1 and I expect it to work the way it does, but I noted a difference in scenarios 2 and 3.
Scenario 1
namespace Controllers
public class LoginController : Controller
public ActionResult Index(Login loginViewModel)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var user = ValidateUser(loginViewModel);
if (user != null)
// Other stuff: set cookies, session state, etc.
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid password. Please try again.");
// If the user was a valid user, the flow-of-control won't reach here
// as expected and the user will be taken to the view that is served
// by the HomeController::Index() action. If it is by convention, it will
// be the ~Views/Home/Index.cshtml view. This is fine.
return View();
Scenario 2
namespace Controllers
public class LoginController : Controller
public ActionResult Index(Login loginViewModel)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var user = ValidateUser(loginViewModel);
if (user != null)
// Other stuff: set cookies, session state, etc.
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid password. Please try again.");
// If the user was a valid user, the flow-of-control still reaches here
// as expected. And as expected, it renders the same View, i.e. the View
// associated with the controller we are in, which is ~Views/Login/Index,
// which represents the login page. This is wrong. I shouldn't redirect here.
// I understand this. My question here is two fold:
// 1) I am simply trying to understand the difference in behaviors of the three
// scenarios described in this question.
// 2) Given this, the right way would be to not use Response.Redirect here but instead
// use RedirectToAction. However, if I wanted to use Response.Redirect, what should
// I do?
return View();
Scenario 3
namespace Controllers
public class LoginController : Controller
public ActionResult Index(Login loginViewModel)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var user = ValidateUser(loginViewModel);
if (user != null)
// Other stuff: set cookies, session state, etc.
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid password. Please try again.");
// If the user was a valid user, the flow-of-control still reaches here
// as expected. However, magically, somehow, even though the statement below
// suggests that the user must be taken to the View of the same controller and
// action that we are currently in, i.e. the View of the LoginController::Index()
// action, i.e. the ~Views/Login/Index.cshtml, it magically takes me to the
// ~Views/Home/Index.cshtml instead, which is what is specified as the LoginPage
// attribute of the <authentication>/<forms> element in the web.config.
// I want to know how this happens.
return View();
I am at my wit's end now. Now, even Scenario 1 that uses RedirectToAction is calling the Index() action on the LoginController class.
The actual difference is that FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage() sets cookies and then makes redirects but FormsAuthentication.GetRedirectUrl() only returns redirect url.
The funny thing is that implementation of FormsAuthentication.GetRedirectUrl() is like this:
public static String GetRedirectUrl(String userName, bool createPersistentCookie)
if (userName == null)
return null;
return GetReturnUrl(true);
So actually userName and createPersistentCookie parameters are completely ignored. You must call FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie( userName, true/false ) manually before calling GetRedirectUrl.
Agree with Vasily.
RedirectFromLoginPage issues an authentication ticket and places it in the default cookie using the SetAuthCookie method.
You can read something about this behavior here.
If you want to have a better control over the cookie creation you should (encryption, expiration, extending the principal) you should create the cookie yourself.
I explained the whole process here and here.
