Positioning Facebook like buttons alongside images - css

Hopefully you can see what I'm after. The three 'fillers' on the top row have sunk, upsetting the pyramid-like formation. Any idea what's causing this?
EDIT: I should also add that the method I go for needs to be flexible because potentially any filler could be a like button and the actual pyramid is quite a lot bigger.

Indeed, like Guy suggested, you're going to want to use the float property rather than display: inline-block, because inline-block is pretty finicky for vertical alignment when using different types of elements next to each other, with whitespace between them.
However, to keep the "pyramid" form, you'll want to wrap the buttons in another div that IS set to display: inline-block, to allow the whole row to center in the current parent div.
Like in this example: http://jsfiddle.net/syd8L/

Remove the white spaces between the HTML elements. This is not however the case where you should use display: inline-block;. Analyze this example. You could use float instead, then you wouldn't need to worry about whitespaces between HTML elements.

Easiest way would be to add some relative positioning to the buttons on the first row, like this:

Where you have display: inline-block, you should also add vertical-align: top.
See: http://jsfiddle.net/thirtydot/ADLrh/2/


Transfer block in table-cell on a new line

I’m writing a template for marking on flex/box. And faced with the problem of emulation of some properties. At the moment, I decide them on JS. What complicates code.
So I decided to try to use the property of table-cell for child elements whose parent has the property display: block. Yes, it’s not right, but it works!
When I’m trying to break the table-cell elements to strings, I ran into a problem. And that’s how I tried to solve them:
If the child blocks table-cell overflow the parent horizontally, then
the following blocks are not transferred to the new line. And it is
logical. Example: Nowrap in link.
If I use the cancel flow, I lose equal to the width of columns for the element to be wrapped to the next line. So, this method only works for IE9+. I’m willing to drop IE7, but not ready to abandon IE8. Example: Wrap nth-of-type in link.
If I use the blocks which separate the table-cell on the line, everything becomes fine! But this complicates the CSS and JS code. Example: Wrap with break elements in link.
Example: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/GmgXmO
What ways to break table-cell can be applied, besides the above described options?
An example of a 12 column layout, fix the problem of calculation of the width percentage: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/PmwRvK
In order to make it clear why I do this.
I will be glad to hear your answers! And excuse me for my bad English.
P.S.: Ignore the strange size of the width in percent. It is calculated
according to the formula:
(100 * element.clientWidth / element.offsetWidth).
The smaller size, so it is more. Funny. This rule is applicable only to
the parent display: block containing the child elements display: table-cell

Is there a way to avoid widows when placing an image at the end of a paragraph?

I have a site where the client wants to be able to put a stylized graphic at the end of some link text. Conceptually, it'd be like this:
This is My Fancy Title<img src="fancypic.png"/>
Except at some widths, word-wrapping causes the image to wrap as a widow on it's own line.
I've tried quite a few different approaches to this, including the widows CSS property, but nothing seems to work 100%.
Any suggestions?
You can use white-space: nowrap.
That will cause the text and image to not wrap to the next line.
Add a span and put one or 2 words and the image in it, make it inline-block
span {
display: inline-block;
This is My Fancy <span>Title<img src="fancypic.png"/></span>

Advantages of using display:inline-block vs float:left in CSS

Normally, when we want to have multiple DIVs in a row we would use float: left, but now I discovered the trick of display:inline-block
Example link here.
It seems to me that display:inline-block is a better way to align DIVs in a row, but are there any drawbacks? Why is this approach less popular then the float trick?
In 3 words: inline-block is better.
Inline Block
The only drawback to the display: inline-block approach is that in IE7 and below an element can only be displayed inline-block if it was already inline by default. What this means is that instead of using a <div> element you have to use a <span> element. It's not really a huge drawback at all because semantically a <div> is for dividing the page while a <span> is just for covering a span of a page, so there's not a huge semantic difference. A huge benefit of display:inline-block is that when other developers are maintaining your code at a later point, it is much more obvious what display:inline-block and text-align:right is trying to accomplish than a float:left or float:right statement. My favorite benefit of the inline-block approach is that it's easy to use vertical-align: middle, line-height and text-align: center to perfectly center the elements, in a way that is intuitive. I found a great blog post on how to implement cross-browser inline-block, on the Mozilla blog. Here is the browser compatibility.
The reason that using the float method is not suited for layout of your page is because the float CSS property was originally intended only to have text wrap around an image (magazine style) and is, by design, not best suited for general page layout purposes. When changing floated elements later, sometimes you will have positioning issues because they are not in the page flow. Another disadvantage is that it generally requires a clearfix otherwise it may break aspects of the page. The clearfix requires adding an element after the floated elements to stop their parent from collapsing around them which crosses the semantic line between separating style from content and is thus an anti-pattern in web development.
Any white space problems mentioned in the link above could easily be fixed with the white-space CSS property.
SitePoint is a very credible source for web design advice and they seem to have the same opinion that I do:
If you’re new to CSS layouts, you’d be forgiven for thinking that
using CSS floats in imaginative ways is the height of skill. If you
have consumed as many CSS layout tutorials as you can find, you might
suppose that mastering floats is a rite of passage. You’ll be dazzled
by the ingenuity, astounded by the complexity, and you’ll gain a sense
of achievement when you finally understand how floats work.
Don’t be fooled. You’re being brainwashed.
2015 Update - Flexbox is a good alternative for modern browsers:
.container {
display: flex; /* or inline-flex */
.item {
flex: none | [ <'flex-grow'> <'flex-shrink'>? || <'flex-basis'> ]
More info
Dec 21, 2016 Update
Bootstrap 4 is removing support for IE9, and thus is getting rid of floats from rows and going full Flexbox.
Pull request #21389
While I agree that in general inline-block is better, there's one extra thing to take into account if you're using percentage widths to create a responsive grid (or if you want pixel-perfect widths):
If you're using inline-block for grids that total 100% or near to 100% width, you need to make sure your HTML markup contains no white space between columns.
With floats, this is not something you need to worry about - the columns float over any whitespace or other content between columns. This question's answers have some good tips on ways to remove HTML whitespace without making your code ugly.
If for any reason you can't control the HTML markup (e.g. a restrictive CMS), you can try the tricks described here, or you might need to compromise and use floats instead of inline-block. There are also ugly CSS tricks that should only be used in extreme circumstances, like font-size:0; on the column container then reapply font size within each column.
For example:
Here's a 3-column grid of 33.3% width with float: left. It "just works" (but for the wrapper needing to be cleared).
Here's the exact same grid, with inline-block. The whitespace between blocks creates a fixed-width space which pushes the total width beyond 100%, breaking the layout and causing the last column to drop down a line.
Here' s the same grid, with inline-block and no whitespace between columns in the HTML. It "just works" again - but the HTML is uglier and your CMS might force some kind of prettification or indenting to its HTML output making this difficult to achieve in reality.
If you want to align the div with pixel accurate, then use float. inline-block seems to always requires you to chop off a few pixels (at least in IE)
You can find answer in depth here.
But in general with float you need to be aware and take care of the surrounding elements and inline-block simple way to line elements.
There is one characteristic about inline-block which may not be straight-forward though. That is that the default value for vertical-align in CSS is baseline. This may cause some unexpected alignment behavior. Look at this article.
Instead, when you do a float:left, the divs are independent of each other and you can align them using margin easily.

make element take up the space of a block, but render as inline

Here is an example of what I'm working with. http://jsfiddle.net/5J4PE/
I want the red and greed boxes to show up wrapped tightly around the text (like it is when using inline-block).
However, I want it to take up the space like when using block, such that the boxes appear stacked instead of in a line.
I don't want them to be the same width, so I don't want to use table-cell or any of the table displays.
I could just add a <br/> between the elements, but I was wondering if there was a way to do this in CSS.
you could use a span around the text & then set bg Color in css
<div><span class="red">hello</span></div>
then additionally you may use whatever styles on the outer divs.
It's just as nasty as <br /> tags, but float: left; clear: left; on all elements would get you the effect you want. Pick your poison?
Obviously you'd lose some of the layout flow with the floats, so you'd need to adjust your parent to account for that.
Have you tried using the before: or after: pseudo-classes? These allow you to add content before or after a block, using CSS.
eg <span>Hello</span> styled with span:after {content:" world";} will produce Hello world in the browser.
If you specify a line-feed, it should put a blank line at the end of your block. Note: You'll need to specify it using the unicode value of the line-feed character.
Hope that helps.

CSS sliding-door buttons center alignment

I need help to align CSS buttons. I tried many different variations and I just cannot center my button the way I want.
Firstly, have a look at this url: http://www.front-end-developer.net/cssbuttons/example.htm
I'm using 2 images to form a button (this could be done on 1 image, but in this case we've got two). Everything works as expected as long as we apply float:left or float:right to the parent div element, to 'limit' width of the div and close it as soon as the content of the div ends. You can remove float:left from the button to see what I mean.
But what about center positioned buttons? I cannot add float:left/right because I want align it in the middle.
In theory, I could set
margin:0 auto;
And I will get what you can see on this picture:
(source: front-end-developer.net)
But I don't know the length of the text inside. Having different translations my button can be very short, or 5 times that long.
I also tried to use <span> instead of <div>, but unfortunately nested inline elements don't respect their padding correctly...
And yes, I must use <a> inside, so buttons can be accessed by web crawlers.
I'm really stuck on this one.
.button {display:inline-block;}
Seems to do the trick.
inline-block browser-support: http://www.quirksmode.org/css/display.html
More about how to work around the browser issues related to inline-block:
