Why does this simple SQL query from SQL Server 2000 have different results in SQL Server 2008? - asp.net

Using MS SQL 2000 it was possible to have a query such as:
SELECT (Code + ' = ' + EdiNumber + ',') AS MyResult FROM tblCountry
Which would give you a list of results like:
ZW = 263,
ZA = 27,
However, in MS SQL 2008 that query returns:
-1 records affected
Does anyone know a) Why? and b) How to get the SQL 2000 result from SQL 2008?
Im just using a standard ASP.NET connection string to connect to the database using a console to post the query:
Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\MyDB.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True; Database=MyDB

-1 records affected was clearly the non-privileged result because all that was actually happening was an error in the query whilst trying to concatenate a string (Code) and an int (EdiNumber)
The correct query should have been:
SELECT (Code + ' = ' + CAST(EdiNumber AS VARCHAR) + ',') as MyResult FROM tblCountry
Once I got that correct, the query worked fine from the original console.


String length limitation using dbBind of DBI in R

I want to use DBI::dbBind to run some parameterized queries to update a SQL Server database but the string values I wrote got truncated at 256 characters. In the code below, I am supposed to see a string of 500 "n" in the database but I only see 256.
conn <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(), Driver = "xxx", Server = "serverx", Database = "dbx", UID = "pathx", PWD = "passwd", PORT = 1234)
query <- "UPDATE tableA SET fieldA = ? WHERE rowID = ?"
para <- list(strrep("n", 500), "id12345")
sentQuery <- dbSendQuery(conn, query)
dbBind(sentQuery, para)
I also tried writing the 500 "n" without using dbBind, and the result is fine. I see all 500 n. I guess this eliminates some culprits of the problem, like the conn and the field definition in the database. This is the code that works.
query <- (paste0("UPDATE tableA SET fieldA = '", strrep("n", 500), "' WHERE rowID = 'id12345'"))
dbExecute(conn, query)
I found one similar question without answer (Truncated updated string with R DBI package). However that question didn't point out dbBind therefore I am posting this for higher specificity.

Mulesoft- Sql select connector query issue

I see the below error while connect and pull the records from the database through the Mule Database connector with an Oracle database. Can someone look at it and let me know what's wrong with this query.
"java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended\n"
SELECT A.sample_central_id,A.req_ndc_prod_id,B.lot_num,A.req_product_desc,A.req_hcp_fst_name,A.req_hcp_last_name,A.req_prof_desig,A.az_hcp_id,A.req_addr_line_1,A.req_addr_line_2,A.req_city,A.req_state_cd,A.req_zipcode,A.ffevnt_shipped_qty,A.ffevnt_ship_dt FROM scrf.ship_prod_hist_vw A,scrfval.ship_dtl B WHERE Trunc(A.req_sample_requested_dt)>= Trunc(SYSDATE - 30)AND Trunc(A.req_sample_requested_dt)<= Trunc(SYSDATE + 10)AND Trunc(A.ffevnt_ship_dt)>= Trunc(SYSDATE - 8)AND Trunc(A.ffevnt_ship_dt)<Trunc(SYSDATE - 1)AND Upper(A.lkp_brand_desc) LIKE '%LYNPARZA%' AND A.sample_central_id = B.sc_req_id AND A.ffevnt_ff_vendor_id = B.shipment_id AND A.req_ndc_prod_id = B.ndc_prod_id AND A.ffevnt_shipped_qty<>0 ORDER BY 1;
Try removing the semicolon (';') at the end.

R JDBC error "Unable to retrieve JDBC result set for insert into ..."

I am trying to write an R data.frame to a Netezza table. It has about 55K rows and I have set 4GB as memory limit for Java (options(java.parameters = "-Xmx4096m"))
insert into MY_TABLE_NAME select * from external 'csv_file_containing_data_frame.csv' using (delim ',' remotesource 'jdbc');
The above line of SQL works without any issues when I run it from a tool like DbVisualizer but I get the following error when I try to run it from RStudio.
R Code:
driver <- JDBC(driverClass="org.netezza.Driver", classPath = "drivers//nzjdbc.jar", "'")
connWrite <- dbConnect(driver, "jdbc:netezza://DB_SERVER:1234//DB_NAME", username, password)
str_insert_query <- paste(
"insert into MY_TABLE select * from external '", OutputFile , "' using (delim ',' remotesource 'jdbc');", sep = ""
dbSendQuery(connWrite, str_insert_query[1])
Error Message:
Error in .verify.JDBC.result(r, "Unable to retrieve JDBC result set for ", :
Unable to retrieve JDBC result set for insert into MY_TABLE select * from external 'C:/.../csv_file_containing_data_frame.csv' using (delim ',' remotesource 'jdbc'); (netezza.bad.query.result)
dbWriteTable works but is so slow that it cannot be used.
Tried to assign the result of dbSendQuery() to a variable but it
didn't work.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Need to use dbSendUpdate.
dbSendUpdate(connWrite, str_insert_query[1])

ASP.NET DataAdapter Query Not Valid While The Query Works

I started to use DataSet in my ASP.net web app like 6 months ago. It is a beautiful tool, allow me to rapidly develop MVC application without having to do all the dirty works in DB connection/queries.
But today I faced some weird problem. It started with this query:
a.MR_MAD as MAD,
greatest(ROUND((a.MR_MAD * a.MR_MAX_LEAD_TIME)),c.MPC_MIN_QTY) as SS,
d.SOH as SOH,
d.SOO as SOO,
(select sum(back_order) from STK_REQUEST where part_code=b.part_code) as BO,
(d.SOH+a.MR_SOO) as AVAIL,
((d.SOH + a.MR_SOO)-greatest(ROUND((a.MR_MAD * a.MR_MAX_LEAD_TIME)),c.MPC_MIN_QTY)) as ROQ,
(d.SOH - greatest(ROUND((a.MR_MAD * a.MR_MAX_LEAD_TIME)),c.MPC_MIN_QTY) ) as VAR,
and b.RETIRE_FLAG = 'N'
and a.mr_year = (select max(mr_year) from roq)
and a.mr_month = (select max(mr_month) from roq where mr_year= (select max(mr_year) from roq))
and a.mr_period = (select max(mr_period) from roq where mr_month=(select max(mr_month) from roq where mr_year= (select max(mr_year) from roq)) and mr_year= (select max(mr_year) from roq))
and greatest(ROUND((a.MR_MAD * a.MR_MAX_LEAD_TIME)),c.MPC_MIN_QTY) > d.SOH`
The query ran fine in Toad for Oracle, but apparently it fails when I tried to setup as a new query in DataAdapter object. It says something like "Error in list of function arguments: SELECT not recognized" to this line:
(select sum(back_order) from STK_REQUEST where part_code=b.part_code) as BO
What did I do wrong?
FYI, the database is Oracle.
It seems to be an exception from some ASP class trying to parse your SQL. There would be an ORA-xxxxx error number if the message came from Oracle.
You shouldn't put SQL like that in ASP. Create a view instead, perhaps it's ok then.

ASP.NET query substring

I've got this field in my database year_start_1 and it is an integer field and an example of an ouput is 20100827 I'm trying to create a substring to create year, week, day and change the format to be 27/08/2010
Here's what i'm trying
Dim query as String = "Select * from openquery (devbook, 'SELECT cast(year_start_1 as varchar(8)) as year_start_1, DATENAME(DAY, substring(CAST(year_start_1 AS VARCHAR(8)),6,2) + DATENAME(MONTH, substring(CAST(year_start_1 AS VARCHAR(8)),4,2) + DATENAME(YEAR, substring(CAST(year_start_1 AS VARCHAR(8)),1,4))) FROM web_statements')"
It's just throwing up an error and I not sure why:
Server was unable to process request
I have tried using convert but it doesn't work.
Any ideas?
with Chris's suggestion
Dim query as String = "Select * from openquery (devbook, 'SELECT year_start_1, cast(year_start_1 as varchar(8)) as year_start_1, substring(CAST(year_start_1 AS VARCHAR(8)),7,2)+''/''+substring(CAST(year_start_1 AS VARCHAR(8)),5,2)+''/''+substring(CAST(year_start_1 AS VARCHAR(8)),1,4) FROM web_statements')"
Still getting the error
Couldn't seem to get it to work within the query so had to do a work around in the ASP.Net code
Dim strPointsDateEndYear = Mid(drv.Row("year_end_1"), 3, 2)
Dim strPointsDateEndMonth = Mid(drv.Row("year_end_1"), 5,2)
Dim strPointsDateEndDay = Right(drv.Row("year_end_1"), 2)
Dim strPointsDateEnd As String = strPointsDateEndDay + "/" + strPointsDateEndMonth + "/" + strPointsDateEndYear
Thanks for the help though
Your first DATENAME doesn't seem to close all its brackets before the next DATENAME starts:
DATENAME(DAY, substring(CAST(year_start_1 AS VARCHAR(8)),6,2) + DATENAME[...]
Should I assume be:
DATENAME(DAY, substring(CAST(year_start_1 AS VARCHAR(8)),6,2)) + DATENAME[...]
Edit: Though having fixed that minor error (and converted it to debug) I'm getting errors about casting strings to dates. I'm not sure what the datename stuff is meant to do but how about this:
DECLARE #year_start_1 int
SET #year_start_1 = 20100827
SELECT cast(#year_start_1 as varchar(8)) as year_start_1,
substring(CAST(#year_start_1 AS VARCHAR(8)),7,2)+'/'+substring(CAST(#year_start_1 AS VARCHAR(8)),5,2)+'/'+substring(CAST(#year_start_1 AS VARCHAR(8)),1,4)
(converted to a non table based select for test/debug purposes)
So what you would want for your final line of sql would be (untested):
Select * from openquery (devbook, 'SELECT cast(year_start_1 as varchar(8)) as year_start_1, substring(CAST(year_start_1 AS VARCHAR(8)),7,2)+'/'+substring(CAST(year_start_1 AS VARCHAR(8)),5,2)+'/'+substring(CAST(year_start_1 AS VARCHAR(8)),1,4) FROM web_statements')
Second Edit for debug notes:
I thought it might also be worth suggesting how to debug this sort of problem. The error message suggested that the linked server you were sending the sub-statement to was unable to process the request. The first thing to try in this case would be to run the request directly on the server to see what happens. In this case in fact just parsing it on its own would have revealed the first errors I got.
Once you have your statement running form management studio or whatever directly on the server you can try converting it back into the "openquery" style statement and see if ti still works. Bascially break down your complicated scenario into lots of smaller bits to test each one individually.
select convert(varchar(10),convert(smalldatetime,'20100827'),103) will return 08/27/2010
so, your solution is:
select convert(varchar(10),convert(smalldatetime,convert(varchar,year_start_1)),103) will return 27/08/2010
You are using the datename function on strings, but it should be used on a datetime value. They are nested inside each other so you would end up with just the day, and besided it doesn't even do what you are looking for.
To get the format that you asked for, you can just use string operations to split it up in it's components and add slashes between them:
substring(CAST(year_start_1 AS VARCHAR(8)),7,2) + '/' +
substring(CAST(year_start_1 AS VARCHAR(8)),5,2) + '/' +
substring(CAST(year_start_1 AS VARCHAR(8)),1,4)
