Aptana Studio 3 "Building Workspace" with EXT 4 Library - aptana

I have a web project setup in Aptana Studio 3.
I like the IDE, but so far my biggest issue with it is how long it takes for it to "Build the workspace". It seems to take forever to sort through all of the EXTJS 4.x files.
Everytime I rebuild the theme file, it takes at least 30 minutes, and the whole time the IDE can't be used. Or if I update the EXT version, it has to go through it all again.
I am sure I could remove the EXT files from the tree entirely until I put my code on the server, but I don't like for things to be scattered, and I am likely to forget to put it back.
Is there anyway I can have it exclude the EXTJS files from process it goes through?
I have try right clicking on the folder in the tree and "Exclude from Index" but that doesn't seem to work at all (This might not even be used for what I think it is).
When I put a whole new set of library files in, this process has taken up to 2 hours. And even if I stop it, it takes 5 or 6 minutes to actually stop.
I realize that the machine I am working on isn't very powerful, but I think this is a little ridiculous, especially for as often as it happens.
Any advice on this other than "get a more powerful machine" would be greatly appreciated.
If it helps I am running Kubuntu 11.10 32 bit.

I haven't used Aptana but it looks eclipse based. In eclipse, you can tweak you project's 'builder' and 'validation' settings so that 'builders' don't walk through the entire ExtJS tree each time you open the workspace or save a file in the project.
There are obviously downsides to disabling validations but its a trade off. (I had the same issue but on eclipse. I moved ExtJS to a separate eclipse project and disabled all builders)

just disable the javascript validator from the project properties window, this is enough.


How can I disable the annoying clicking sounds in Aptana Studio 3?

I'm using PyDev within Apatana Studio 3, and I noticed whenever files are updated in the project directory (ie. when the package explorer is refreshed), there is an annoying virtual clicking sound. Since my project is generating files rather slowly, I get several clicking sounds each time I debug it.
So, how can I disable it?
This is probably related to Eclipse and not really Aptana Studio 3 (so, take a look at: How to turn off the beep sound in Eclipse?)

Flex 4.5 - to long build process

We are developing an app using flex 4.5. The app runs just fine (no performance issues at all) but it takes us forever to compile and build it. A minor change, like just add a comment or press enter in an mxml file and rebuild takes about 3 minutes. You just cant work that way.
It is a large project with about 1300 files. We also use Parsley as IOC container and a beat of cairngorm navigation. We also use Maven (Flex mojos) but I am talking about a normal eclipse build (Ctrl + B).
We separated some of the code to a different SWC and all of our graphics are stored in a different resource SWF.
Please, Do you have any suggestions?
Regards, Ido
Turn off auto-build
Close unrelated projects
Remap Ctrl+B
Encapsulate application domains
Turn off auto-build
First thing to do when you install FlashBuilder is turning off the automatic building "feature". The Flex compiler is waaay to slow to constantly build in the background unless you work on very small projects. It's in menu > Project > Build Automatically.
Close unrelated projects
Any open project eats away memory. Close as many as you can.
Remap Ctrl+B
Since you use the Ctrl+B keybinding to launch the build process, you should know that this will actually build your entire workspace. Every single project that is open will be built. When you have a lot of dependencies that's gonna take a whole lot of time.
That's why I remap the Ctrl+B combo to just build the project that I'm currently working on. A small donwside is that sometimes you have to go 'manually' build a few projects, but that's largely outweighed by the time gain.
Go to menu > Window > Preferences. Type "key" in the search box. Click the topic "keys" under "general". Now type "build" in the searchbox on the right. Select "Build Automatically" and click the "Unbind Command" button. The ctrl+B binding should disappear. Now select "Build Project", then select the "Binding" input field (lower left) and hit Ctrl+B. Save and you're done.
Encapsulate application domains
I don't have a single project that is bigger than 200 files (usually even less than 100). Since your project consists of 1300 files I assume that it is does not have one monolithic function. So you should be able to slice it up into separate libraries; preferably one for each application domain. This will allow you to compile sizeable bits of the application and has the added benefit of clearly separating some concerns within your application.
How to fix slow build time when trying to use the debugger on Flash Builder 4.6 Mobile Apps
I ran into the same problem. Here is how you fix it.
It seem when you build a mobile app with a Server Connection like PHP it writes all of the
files on the server Directory..
When it come time to compile the app to debug it packages all of the sitting in the server directory. To fix this issue do the following.
Properties of the project.
Flex Build Packaging
for this example Pick Google Android.
Package Contents.
UnSelect anything that does not belong in your project..
After doing this build time when from 30 minutes to under 10 seconds..
Ok, This is how we fixed it:
We deleted all the dependencies. Then, we added only the necessary ones. You won't believe how many SWC files were just there and never used.
We went through almost every action-script and mxml file, and deleted unnecessary imports (using CTRL+ O on eclipse). This is a lot of work.
We changed the buiders on the project configurations so that only Flex builder remains. There were more builders including Maven. Every builder makes everything slower.
That is it.

Visual Studio 2008 forces me to Rebuild Web Site every time to effect any changes I make

I have been using Visual Studio 2008 for the past 2 years or so. Recently, in 2 particular ASP.NET (with VB.NET) web sites I am forced to do a Rebuild Solution after any change, no matter how minor, even if it's just an HTML change.
In other words, I cannot load the application into the browser and make an HTML change and hit F5 as the change would not be reflected in the browser. Also, if I make a change in the code and try to run the project by clicking F5 the code change would not come into effect. I first have to rebuild, then hit F5, which obviously takes much more time.
Does anyone know why this may be happening? This does not happen with all of my projects but only with 2 in particular.
Thanks in advance,
Oh the joy of visual studio and web projects!
Things to try:
Clear the VSWebCache (this is usually at %USERPROFILE%\VSWebCache)
Clear Temporary ASP.NET Files (at %WINDIR% %WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files - make sure you keep the security if you delete this top level folder rather than the subfolders)
If you keep your machine on all the time (never a good plan for a development machine), then run iisreset
Super-late, but: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2006/09/22/Tip_2F00_Trick_3A00_-Optimizing-ASP.NET-2.0-Web-Project-Build-Performance-with-VS-2005.aspx
The meat:
turn off "build web site as part of a solution" in the site's property pages' "build" section.
change the drop-down to "build page" in the same location.
manually build-page to force an update. It even works with my issue, where it won't update any WebMethod()s.
If you see this, let me know if it works!

SubSonic 3 Installation Doesn't Work?

Ok I have following the tutorial here as best I can
As the files you get in the download are nothing like what is shown in the video?? So I am literally just guessing which files to use??
Then I drag the files / folders into Visual studio (As the video shows) and NOTHING happens?? It just adds the files to my solution?? Or adds the folders to my solution as normal files... Nothing gets executed as shown in the video??
I realise Rob has spent a lot of time on this off his own back, and I am trying not to be a whining old women BUT... How are we expected to use it, if the installation video is completely different to the actual files you get in the download AND when you drag the files into VS2008 nothing happens - Which is completely different to the video? My VS does not recognise TT files as being anything special...
I really want to use this new version, as I loved v2.1 but I'm loosing faith
OK a few places to start:
Are you using Visual Studio Express, if so unfortunately it doesn't support t4 and so won't work with SubSonic 3
Try right clicking on the tt files and clicking 'Run Custom Tool'
If your project is a Website rather than a Web Application Project t4 won't work and you won't see 'Run Custom Tool' in the right click menu. In this case either convert the project or you can use a separate class library project in your solution and add the templates to it, then reference this in your website.
Choose whether you want to use Simple, Linq or ActiveRecord templates. Have a look here to help you choose (you can always change your mind later)
Watch the video for whichever template you've chosen, the setup video you linked to is unfortunately a little dated and I think the template specific ones are much more helpful.

Why the is flexbuilder plugin for eclipse so slow to open and compile?

I've got a decent computer. ( something with dual-core in the name and a lot of ram ).
Sometime FlexBuilder prompt the "builder project" loading bar only when i open a simple mxml file.
It's look like he does some difficult jobs... i don't ask for anything fancy. I just want the file open, in text mode.
Every time i hit ctrl+s, i fear the "building project who take forever" thing. I've disable the automatic build, but it's not convenient.
Another thing, more understandable. I'v got a Ant task who compile our code with the flexBuilderSdk. It's take forever ( like 2 min for 100 .as file and 20 .mxml file ).
For the two question : Is that normal ? Can i do something ? Because it's killing my productivity ! ( no, seriously ;-) )
Flex compiler performance is known to be pretty slow. They are making an effort to improve compiler performance for Flex 4. See the developer notes here:
Compiling a Flex application is a 2-step process. First, the MXML files are compiled into the equivalent ActionScript classes. If you add the "-keep" compiler parameter, you'll be able to see all these files in a folder called "generated." After the AS3 classes are created, then the AS compiler turns these into bytecode in the form of a .SWF file.
If you have a slow hard disk (say a 5400 RPM laptop drive) that will also affect the performance of compilation. I would definitely recommend disabling "Build Automatically" and just press CTRL-B when you want to build. It's not very difficult to do that when you want to build, much better than waiting for a compile every time you change a file.
The above mentioned improvements have also been backported to the Flex 3 SDK by Brian Deitte. You can try this out at his blog. It is way faster.
There are some tweaks you can do with the Flex Builder Configuration
More here:
Use the settings in [How can I reduce Eclipse Ganymede's memory use? and read the article calderas sent.
anirudhsasikumar mark a point : Improvement of the Flex4 SDK have been backported.
It's a little bit faster, but i encounter some problem with firefox then. ( Dont ask why ! )
The issue : The result SWF work on IE7, but not on Firefox ( unlimited waiting at the loading )
But a real improvement of the building is to use FCSH, to avoid compile the same file two time. It's improve the performance drasticly.
