SIGCHLD handler reinstall - wait

I see some example of SIGCHLD handler like:
void child()
signal(SIGCHLD, child);
void server_main()
signal(SIGCHLD, child);
for(;;;) {
switch(fork()) {
There two parts in the handler that confuse me:
1). SIGCHLD is caught when the child terminates or is stopped. Then why need to call wait inside the handler? The signal already arrives.
2). Why need to reinstall the SIGCHLD handler. Isn't the signal call will install the handler once and for all?

SIGCHLD will be triggered when the child process finished
execution. It will however still be in the process table (as a
so-called zombie process) in order to let the parent fetch the exit
value of the child. Calling wait() will clear the process table
from that child process.
If you only create n child processes then there's no reason for the signal handler still being in place when all n child processes died.
I suggest you take a look at sigaction instead, as the behaviour of signal varies between Unixes.

Isn't the signal call will install the handler once and for all?
You cannot rely on this behavior; perhaps the signal handler will be cleared, perhaps it will persist. This is part of the problem with historical signal handling. The signal(3) manpage on my system reports:
When a signal occurs, and func points to a function, it is
implementation-defined whether the equivalent of a:
signal(sig, SIG_DFL);
is executed or the implementation prevents some
implementation-defined set of signals (at least including
sig) from occurring until the current signal handling has
Unreliable signals have been nearly replaced by sigaction(2)-based signals introduced in SysVr4 and standardized in POSIX.1-2001:
struct sigaction {
void (*sa_handler)(int);
void (*sa_sigaction)(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
sigset_t sa_mask;
int sa_flags;
void (*sa_restorer)(void);
int sigaction(int signum, const struct sigaction *act,
struct sigaction *oldact);
These are sadly more complicated to write, but once you've written the code, you won't have to wonder if you need to re-install your handler -- and you won't have to worry that the signal will arrive a second time while handling the signal.


Is it safe to call terminate() and quit() manually from a destructor of a class that was derived from QThread?

I want to terminate (finish) a QThread, when my app will be destroyed.
So I invoke terminate() and quit() within a destructor of my derived class from `QThread.
Is it safe?
class Session : public QThread
CheckerAdapter *inst;
explicit Session(CheckerAdapter *inst, QObject *parent = 0);
void run();
Using QThread::terminate() can lead to memory corruption, since the thread is just terminated without its knowledge, it can be doing anything while it gets terminated:
Warning: This function is dangerous and its use is discouraged. The thread can be terminated at any point in its code path. Threads can be terminated while modifying data. There is no chance for the thread to clean up after itself, unlock any held mutexes, etc. In short, use this function only if absolutely necessary.
To safely terminate a QThread, You need to have a way to tell the thread that it has to terminate, and when the thread gets that, it should return from its run() implementation as soon as possible. Qt provides two ways to do this:
If your thread runs an event loop (i.e. You don't override run(), Or if you call exec() in your custom run() implementation), You can call QThread::quit()/QThread::exit() from any thread. This will cause the thread event's loop to return as soon as it finishes processing current events. There is no data corruption, as current processing doesn't get terminated.
If your thread does not run an event loop, You can use QThread::requestInterruption() from any other thread to tell the thread that it should stop. But you have to handle that in your implementation of run() using isInterruptionRequested()(otherwise, calling requestInterruption() will do nothing).
If you are using any of the above methods to stop your QThread in its destructor, You have to make sure that the thread is no longer running after the QThread object gets destructed, You can do that by calling QThread::wait() after using quit()/requestInterruption().
Have a look at this answer for a similar implementation of a QThread subclass.

How to disconnect a signal with a slot temporarily in Qt?

I connect a slot with a signal. But now I want to disconnect them temporarily.
Here is part of my class declaration:
class frmMain : public QWidget
QTimer *myReadTimer;
private slots:
void on_btnDownload_clicked();
In the constructor of frmMain, I connect myReadTimer with a slot so that ReadMyCom will be called every 5 seconds:
myReadTimer=new QTimer(this);
But, in slot on_btnDownload_clicked. I don't want myReadTimer to emit any signal in on_btnDownload_clicked's scope. So I want to disconnect them at the beginning of on_btnDownload_clicked and reconnect them in the end. Like this:
void frmMain::on_btnDownload_clicked()
//some method to disconnect the slot & singal
...//the code that I want myReadTimer to leave me alone
//some method to reconnect the slot & singal
I searched in Stackoverflow and got some answer like call the QObject destructor. But I don't know how to use it.
I also tried to use disconnect, like:
QMetaObject::Connection myConnect;
disconnect(& myConnect);
But it still not work. So could any one help me how to do this?
There is a very nice function in QObject that comes in handy every now and again: QObject::blockSignals()
Here's a very simple fire-and-forget class that will do what you want. I take no credit for it's design, I found it on the internet somewhere a long time ago. Be careful though, it will block all signals to all objects. If this is not what you want, you can modify the class to suit your needs.
class SignalBlocker{
SignalBlocker(QObject *o): object(o), alreadyBlocked(object->signalsBlocked()){
if (!alreadyBlocked){
~SignalBlocker() {
if (!alreadyBlocked){
QObject *object;
bool alreadyBlocked;
Usage, in your case, becomes trivial
void frmMain::on_btnDownload_clicked()
SignalBlocker timerSignalBlocker(myReadTimer);
...//the code that I want myReadTimer to leave me alone
// signals automatically unblocked when the function exits
I see that from Qt 5.3, a very similar class has been offically added to the API. It does a similar job as the one above with a slightly bigger feature-set. I suggest you use the official QSignalBlocker class instead in order to keep your codebase up-to-date with any API changes.
Usage, however, remains exactly the same.
Disconnect/reconnect syntax
There are many ways to call disconnect, depending on exactly what you want disconnected. See the QObject documentation page for an explanation of how they work.
Here's an example using 0 to mean "disconnect all slots."
void frmMain::on_btnDownload_clicked()
// disconnect everything connected to myReadTimer's timeout
disconnect(myReadTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), 0, 0);
...//the code that I want myReadTimer to leave me alone
// restore the connection
Or you can specify the exact signal-slot pair to disconnect by copying your 'connect' syntax, like this:
Stopping the timer
Since you're working with a timer, this may be simpler:
void frmMain::on_btnDownload_clicked()
// stop the timer (so you won't get any timeout signals)
...//the code that I want myReadTimer to leave me alone
// restart the timer (using whatever interval was set previously)
Differences from your original approach:
Since you're stopping and restarting the timer, the next time it fires will be interval after your slot function finishes.
Do you need to do anything special at all?
In a single-threaded Qt application, if you're already handling a signal, another signal won't "jump in the middle" of that code. Instead it'll be queued up as an even to handle immediately after the current slot returns.
So perhaps you don't need to stop or disconnect your timer at all.
Differences from your original approach:
If on_btnDownload_clicked takes a while to execute, you might have multiple ReadMyCom events queued up after on_btnDownload_clicked completes. (Note that at this point you'd have an operation that basically "locks up" your GUI for a while anyway; it may make more sense to refactor the function or give it its own thread.)

Controlling a QObject working in another thread, bypassing event queue, freezes the GUI

I'm working with QThread and slots/signals mechanism; I know there's a lot of threads about this on the Web in general and here at SO in particular, but I still could not find a solution. Anyway, here is the context.
The piece of code I am trying to come up with is aimed at controlling though the GUI an eventually long process, hence the use of a QThread.
I have a window with two buttons, start and stop. My Window also has a QThread and Task, where the latter inherits from a QObject. I do want to be able to stop my task while it is running, and to prevent starting it again if start is clicked while it is already running.
Here is an excerpt of Task (which fakes the long process):
class Task: public QObject
Task(): QObject(), stop_(true) {}
private slots:
void startTask()
stop_ = false;
void stopTask()
stop_ = true;
void run() const
while ( ! stop_)
bool stop_;
I made two connections between the buttons and the task in the constructor of my Window:
class Window: public QWidget
// Instantiate buttons and put them in a layout.
// ...
connect(buttonStart_, SIGNAL(clicked()), &task_, SLOT(startTask()));
connect(buttonStop_, SIGNAL(clicked()), &task_, SLOT(stopTask()),
QPushButton buttonStart_;
QPushButton buttonStop_;
QThread thread_;
Task task_;
I used Qt::DirectConnection in the second connect() in order to "force" processing of my signal requesting to stop the task, as (as I understand) task_ needs to return from its work before processing events further (if I use the default connection, all my clicks are processed after my task is "done").
Here, the Qt::DirectConnection "bypasses" the event queue, and that way I can stop my task. But to be honest I don't know if that is the proper way to do it, or if it is a workaround (thus possibly the root of my problem).
Anyway, this works OK that way, but when I start playing with my buttons, the GUI gets eventually frozen, and that's my problem!
Any help is welcome; thanks for your time!
Using a DirectConnection means that the slots will be executed in the UI thread (while your task thread is still running). This is not what you want. The way to handle this is to use an event loop in your thread, by running with QThread::exec().
In order for your thread to be able to respond as you want, you will need to ensure that the thread is able to process incoming events. There are a few ways to deal with this. One would be to call QCoreApplication::processEvents() occasionally while your task is running. Another is to use a QTimer connected to a slot which performs some processing. The important thing is to make sure that the event loop in your thread can run.
The first thing you need to understand is which thread your signal/slot connections are being executed in.
The default behavior in this particular case is to use a Qt::QueuedConnection, which will put your signal event onto the receiving thread's event queue. In the case of a Qt::DirectConnection, the slot is executed in the thread of the object that emitted the signal.
Using a Qt::DirectConnection would only be safe in this instance if you put a mutex around your stop_ variable to prevent both threads from accessing it at the same time.

Restore serial port attributes even after control-C?

When using a serial port via POSIX, it's recommended to save the original attributes using tcgetattr() before changing them with tcsetattr(), and then restore them before closing the port. What about when a program is terminated by pressing control-C or when the program receives SIGINT? I haven't seen this covered in any of the serial tutorials.
Apparently an atexit() function wouldn't be sufficient, because it's not called by the default SIGINT handler. So it seems installation of a signal handler would be necessary that restores the attributes to any serial ports still open. Is it even safe to call tcsetattr() from a signal handler?
One might simply dismiss this issue as insignificant, but it's common to terminate a program with control-C, especially one that can take tens of seconds to complete operations. If it's OK not to preserve serial port settings in this case, then there seems little reason to preserve them at all. If anything, it might be better not to bother, rather than do it inconsistently.
I found some examples of source code doing the above, but nothing well-documented. I guess I'm interested in some discussion of whether this is a good idea. Thanks.
After further research I think I've answered this to my satisfaction.
First, in the man page for signal I noticed that a signal handler is specifically allowed to call tcsetattr(), along with a few others:
The signal handler routine must be very careful, since processing elsewhere was interrupted at some arbitrary point. POSIX has the concept of "safe function". If a signal interrupts an unsafe function, and handler calls an unsafe function, then the behavior is undefined. Safe functions are listed explicitly in the various standards. The POSIX.1-2003 list is ... `raise()` ... `signal()` ... `tcsetattr()` [trimmed to relevant ones]
This strongly suggests that the POSIX committee had this exact kind of thing in mind, and leads to a straight forward approach where you change the SIGINT handler once you've opened serial and saved its attributes, then in your handler, restore them and the old SIGINT handler, then re-raise the signal:
static void (*prev_sigint)( int );
static termios saved_attr;
static int fd;
static void cleanup( int ignored )
tcsetattr( fd, TCSANOW, &saved_attr );
signal( SIGINT, prev_sigint );
raise( SIGINT );
int main( void )
prev_sigint = signal( SIGINT, cleanup );

Signal handling

The case is: I register a signal handler with signal function.
The question:
Is handler always called independently of the process state? (I mean its stopped, etc.). What happens there?(dependently of the state)
Are handler functions registered as some "special functions" by system (i.e. when handeler runs other signals are not recieved and are put into the stack or smth like that. Or maybe they are simply ignored.) If not, imagine that when handler strats, process gets another signal, then this handler is called again inspite of "the first" hasn't completed its task yet and so on.
"While a process is stopped, any additional signals that are sent to the process shall not be delivered until the process is continued, except SIGKILL (...) The default action for SIGCONT is to resume execution at the point where the process was stopped, after first handling any pending unblocked signals." (Unix standard, section Signal Concepts.)
Ordinarily, nothing special happens. When a signal X is caught while in a signal handler for Y, execution is simply transferred to the handler for X, after which the handler for Y resumes execution.
The following program demonstrates this behavior. raise(sig) sends a signal to the calling process (it's like kill(getpid(), sig)).
void hello(int unused)
printf("Hello, ");
void world(int unused)
int main()
signal(SIGUSR1, hello);
signal(SIGUSR2, world);
return 0;
This is "safe" because a process will accept signals only from processes with the same user ID (or root), so you can only shoot yourself in the foot this way.
