Get and Set not working with List<> -

Im trying to make a get and set to make my List<> persistent. I think my intention is clear with the code. I want the List to remain throughout postbacks so i dont loose data in it.
What am i doing wrong? Thanks to my AlertPopUp i can see that the Get is triggered, but never the Set. So the List comes back as containint zero items when it should have several items.
private List<string> accountIDsSelectedForDeletion = new List<string>();
public List<string> AccountIDsSelectedForDeletion
get {
if (ViewState["AccountIDsSelectedForDeletion"]!= null)
accountIDsSelectedForDeletion = ViewState["AccountIDsSelectedForDeletion"] as List<string>;
AlertPopUp.QuickDebugMessage("getting list from viewstate. Count: "+ accountIDsSelectedForDeletion.Count);
AlertPopUp.QuickDebugMessage("returning list");
return accountIDsSelectedForDeletion;
set {
AlertPopUp.QuickDebugMessage("setting list to viewstate. Count: " + accountIDsSelectedForDeletion.Count);
accountIDsSelectedForDeletion = value;
ViewState["AccountIDsSelectedForDeletion"] = accountIDsSelectedForDeletion;

Could it be because i change the List by its Add() method?
In a nutshell, yes. .Add() is mutating the list, while the Set property acts on the list as a set piece.
To accomplish what your trying to do here, I would create an inherited type from List, so that I could inject code into the Add Remove (ext, there are more) methods. Like:
//not syntatically correct sorry
public class MyList : List<string>
public override Add(string NewItem)
//do a extra peristance step here
Or have a class that wraps a private List<> and manages the Add/Remove methods, maybe like:
public class MyList
private List<string> listItems { get; set; }
//don't expose the list in a mutable state, IEnumerable instead
public IEnumerable<string> Items { get { return this.listItems; } }
public void Add(string NewItem)
Then just replace List with this type on your page level class.
By the way, persisting to the ViewState bloats the amount of information you have to send up and down the wire per page load. Have you considered Session, or the Cache object?


How to make JavaFX ListProperty modifiable only through custom methods

I have a private list and I don't want that it can be modified from outside in general. Just adding from outside is allowed and only if the object is valid. Therefore I used to write it like this:
private List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>();
public List<Object> getList()
return Collections.unmodifiableList(list);
public void addObject(Object object)
if (isObjectValid(object)) //any validation
Now for JavaFX purposes I turn the list to a property:
private ListProperty<Object> list =
new SimpleListProperty<>(FXCollections.observableArrayList());
To profit from the benefits of an property like data binding and the ListChangeListener I have to provide the property to the outer world. But then access to all methods of a list is provided, too. (To use a ReadOnlyListProperty has no effect since the list instance itself will never change.) What can I do to achieve all goals:
private ListProperty
ListChangeListener can be added from outside
Usable for binding dependencies from outside (the create methods form class Bindings)
No modifying of the property or list instance itself
Modifying of list content from outside only through my own methods
Not tested, but try:
private ListProperty<Object> list = new SimpleListProperty<>(FXCollections.observableArrayList());
private ReadOnlyListWrapper<Object> publicList = new ReadOnlyListWrapper<>();
and in the constructor:
() -> FXCollections.unmodifiableObservableList(list.getValue()),
then your accessor method is
public ReadOnlyListProperty<Object> getList() {
return publicList.getReadOnlyProperty();

foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type

here is i am trying to work.
List<MasterEmployee > masterEmployee = new List<MasterEmployee >();
masterEmployee = MasterEmployee.GetAll("123"); //connecting db and returning a list...
foreach (MasterEmployee item in masterEmployee)
foreach (Registration reg in item.Registration) //<<<error here...
error here:
Error 2 foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type Registration because Registration does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator'
i have a class called MasterEmployee and in it i have a with few props and few methods on it
public class MasterEmployee
//few props omitted ....
protected Registration _registration;
public Registration Registration
return _registration;
this._registration = value;
protected User _user;
public User MyUser
return _user;
this._user= value;
protected Student _student;
public Student Student
return _student;
this._student = value;
The explanation provided in the error message is clear enough. You are trying to iterate item.Registration, which is an instance of Registration. However, Registration is not derived from an iterable type, and does not implement the GetEnumerator function required for custom iterable types. So it cannot be iterated using a foreach loop.
But I believe either your naming conventions are incorrect, or you have misunderstood your data model. Why would a Registration instance ever contain a collection of Registration instances? If an item can have multiple Registration instances associated with it, then the property should be called something like item.Registrations, and it should not be of type Registration, it should be a list/collection type that contains Registration instances.
The class should be derived from IEnumerable.
reference and examples:

Whats the point of the ObjectDataSource

Given that every grid, combobox, checkboxlist and in general multi row control supports binding directly to any IEnumerable what is the point of the ObjectDataSource?
Why would one use it as opposed to binding directly to your collection? Particularly if you already have reasonable separation of concerns in your business, presentation and data layers?
I also feel this is an even more relevant question since the introduction of LINQ. I have often found that when binding I would like to perform some further ordering, exclusion and so forth using LINQ and I believe this is not possible when using the ObjectDataSource without creating a specific method for your (potentially single use case)?
So when is it appropriate to use an ObjectDataSource and what are the advantages compared to direct binding to IEnumerable?
First, ObjectDataSource is usually used in ASP.NET WebForms (aspx). ObjectDataSource is located in System.Web.UI.WebControls, as you can see this link on MSDN Library:
Using ObjectDataSource to bind your data means you bind you'll have datasource as an object, can be in form of DataSet or any other .NET object that implements IEnumerable. Using ObjectDataSource means you have to perform your own Select, Update, Insert and Delete method that usually found in SqlDataSource.
There's this nice walkthrough in MSDN Library: Walkthrough: Data Binding to a Custom Business Object
But binding to a simple IEnumerable without implementing IListSource (like DataTable has) means you won't have nice feature such as data bindings to a complex data control such as GridView. And you'll lose other feature too, because a simple IEnumerable alone can't be bound in two ways to other list control such as ListView and GridView.
To have your data to be bindable two way, your object must also implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface before added into the IListSource as data item.
public class Employee : BusinessObjectBase
private string _id;
private string _name;
private Decimal parkingId;
public Employee() : this(string.Empty, 0) {}
public Employee(string name) : this(name, 0) {}
public Employee(string name, Decimal parkingId) : base()
this._id = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
// Set values
this.Name = name;
this.ParkingID = parkingId;
public string ID
get { return _id; }
const string NAME = "Name";
public string Name
get { return _name; }
if (_name != value)
_name = value;
// Raise the PropertyChanged event.
const string PARKING_ID = "Salary";
public Decimal ParkingID
get { return parkingId; }
if (parkingId != value)
parkingId = value;
// Raise the PropertyChanged event.
This is the implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged:
public class BusinessObjectBase : INotifyPropertyChanged
#region INotifyPropertyChanged Members
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
private void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (null != PropertyChanged)
PropertyChanged(this, e);
You can bind to an enum with it if you dont want codebehind.

ASP.NET - Avoid hardcoding paths

I'm looking for a best practice solution that aims to reduce the amount of URLs that are hard-coded in an ASP.NET application.
For example, when viewing a product details screen, performing an edit on these details, and then submitting the changes, the user is redirected back to the product listing screen. Instead of coding the following:
I would like to have a solution in place that allows me to do something like this:
where Pages is a member of the common base class.
I'm just spit-balling here, and would love to hear any other way in which anyone has managed their application redirects.
I ended up creating the following solution: I already had a common base class, to which I added a Pages enum (thanks Mark), with each item having a System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute attribute containing the page's URL:
public enum Pages
Then I created a few overloaded methods to handle different scenarios. I used reflection to get the URL of the page through it's Description attribute, and I pass query-string parameters as an anonymous type (also using reflection to add each property as a query-string parameter):
private string GetEnumDescription(Enum value)
Type type = value.GetType();
string name = Enum.GetName(type, value);
if (name != null)
FieldInfo field = type.GetField(name);
if (field != null)
DescriptionAttribute attr = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(field, typeof(DescriptionAttribute)) as DescriptionAttribute;
if (attr != null)
return attr.Description;
return null;
protected string GetPageUrl(Enums.Pages target, object variables)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
if (variables != null)
var properties = (variables.GetType()).GetProperties();
foreach (var property in properties)
sb.Append(string.Format("{0}={1}&", property.Name, property.GetValue(variables, null)));
return sb.ToString();
protected void GotoPage(Enums.Pages target, object variables, bool useTransfer)
HttpContext.Current.Server.Transfer(GetPageUrl(target, variables));
HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(GetPageUrl(target, variables));
A typical call would then look like so:
GotoPage(Enums.Pages.Landing, new {id = 12, category = "books"});
I'd suggest that you derive your own class ("MyPageClass") from the Page class and include this method there:
public class MyPageClass : Page
private const string productListPagePath = "~/products/list.aspx?category=";
protected void GotoProductList(string category)
Response.Redirect(productListPagePath + category);
Then, in your codebehind, make sure that your page derives from this class:
public partial class Default : MyPageClass
within that, you can redirect just by using:
Now, this is a bit limited as is since you'll undoubtedly have a variety of other pages like the ProductList page. You could give each one of them its own method in your page class but this is kind of grody and not smoothly extensible.
I solve a problem kind of like this by keeping a db table with a page name/file name mapping in it (I'm calling external, dynamically added HTML files, not ASPX files so my needs are a bit different but I think the principles apply). Your call would then use either a string or, better yet, an enum to redirect:
protected void GoToPage(PageTypeEnum pgType, string category)
//Get the enum-to-page mapping from a table or a dictionary object stored in the Application space on startup
Response.Redirect(GetPageString(pgType) + category); // *something* like this
From your page your call would be: GoToPage(enumProductList, "Books");
The nice thing is that the call is to a function defined in an ancestor class (no need to pass around or create manager objects) and the path is pretty obvious (intellisense will limit your ranges if you use an enum).
Good luck!
You have a wealth of options availible, and they all start with creating a mapping dictionary, whereas you can reference a keyword to a hard URL. Whether you chose to store it in a configuration file or database lookup table, your options are endless.
You have a huge number of options available here. Database table or XML file are probably the most commonly used examples.
// Please note i have not included any error handling code.
public class RoutingHelper
private NameValueCollecton routes;
private void LoadRoutes()
//Get your routes from db or config file
routes = /* what ever your source is*/
public void RedirectToSection(string section)
if(routes == null) LoadRoutes();
This is just sample code, and it can be implemented any way you wish. The main question you need to think about is where you want to store the mappings. A simple xml file could do it:
<map name="Books" value="/products.aspx/section=books"/>
and then just load that into your routes collection.
public class BasePage : Page
public virtual string GetVirtualUrl()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void PageRedirect<T>() where T : BasePage, new()
T page = new T();
public partial class SomePage1 : BasePage
protected void Page_Load()
// Redirect to SomePage2.aspx
public partial class SomePage2 : BasePage
public override string GetVirtualUrl()
return "~/Folder/SomePage2.aspx";

HttpRuntime Close does not remove items from the Cache as advertised

I've created my own cache manager for a web site I'm developing and I was looking to find the best way to clear the cache under certain circumstances.
I found many articles saying the proper way to clear the cache is to call HttpRuntime.Close()
However, in my unit tests setup I call the encapsulated function HttpRuntime.Close() and the cache is NOT being cleared out.
I expected it to perform something similar to
foreach (DictionaryEntry cacheItem in HttpRuntime.Cache)
The foreach loop works great in my encapsulated function, but the Close() never works right.
Am I misunderstanding the purpose of HttpRuntime.Close() or is there something more sinister going on here?
Don't use Close, it does more than the docs say. And the docs also say not to use it while processing normal requests...
This is the reflected source of Close():
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Unrestricted=true)]
public static void Close() {
if (_theRuntime.InitiateShutdownOnce()) {
SetShutdownReason(ApplicationShutdownReason.HttpRuntimeClose, "HttpRuntime.Close is called");
if (HostingEnvironment.IsHosted) {
} else {
Also, you cannot iterate over a collection and remove items from it at the same time, as this renders the enumeration invalid.
So, try this instead, which doesn't change what it loops over:
List<string> toRemove = new List<string>();
foreach (DictionaryEntry cacheItem in HttpRuntime.Cache) {
foreach (string key in toRemove) {
That being said, really, you should try to use cache dependencies to have the invalid cache entries cleared automatically for you, and then all this becomes unnecessary.
I understand the issue with enumeration but for some reason the Cache doesn't seem to have a problem removing an item while walking through the list.
If you drill down to the detail implementation, you will find the Enumerator is created by CacheSingle.CreateEnumerator, a new Hashtable instance is created for enumeration.
That's why you can do the remove in a foreach loop.
you could simply implement your own Cache class, check the below one:
public sealed class YourCache<T>
private Dictionary<string, T> _dictionary = new Dictionary<string, T>();
private YourCache()
public static YourCache<T> Current
string key = "YourCache|" + typeof(T).FullName;
YourCache<T> current = HttpContext.Current.Cache[key] as YourCache<T>;
if (current == null)
current = new YourCache<T>();
HttpContext.Current.Cache[key] = current;
return current;
public T Get(string key, T defaultValue)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key))
throw new ArgumentNullException("key should not be NULL");
T value;
if (_dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out value))
return value;
return defaultValue;
public void Set(string key, T value)
if (key == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
_dictionary[key] = value;
public void Clear()
you could call items from cache or even clear them using the following:
// put something in this intermediate cache
YourCache<ClassObject>.Current.Set("myKey", myObj);
// clear this cache
