can get parent window url by referrer? -

i heard that , if your page is inside a iframe, and u want to get the parent url, you can achieve this by using the referrer?
i tested is okay, and found that the window parent url will included in the referrer when called the iframe content
Assume that i can only use server side to achieve
I just want to ask is that way safe?
Any chance to lost the referrer url in this case

The browser is not guaranteed to send the referer. It's all up to the browser/configuration/extensions/proxies and whatnot between the request and your server.
If the user navigates to a different page within the iframe, the referer will point to whatever the user came from.
All in all, never use the referer for any logic that may fail if it's not there or if it has an unexpected value.

You can do this but it is not entirely in ASP.Net.
You would have to get the referrer from Javascript and pass that to the iFrame.
One of the 2 following calls would be what you are looking for.


is there a way to check if a FetchEvent comes from an iframe src?

my serviceworker is listening on fetch, and for all the FetchEvent requests with navigate mode, i want to do something, but excluding the ones that come from iframes src.
I've inspected the event and the request objects and did not found a way to check it, is it possible to know?
No, that information is not exposed in the FetchEvent.
Additionally, there's no distinction made between full-page and iframe clients when determining the ClientType value. Both come back with a ClientType of window.

Knowing the status of a form POST that is protected by X-Frame-Options

I am going to describe my specific case below, but this might be useful to a number of web-mashups.
My web application POSTs to Twitter by filling a form and then submitting it (via javascript). The target of the form is set to an iframe which has an onload trigger. When the onload trigger is called the application knows that the POST was completed.
This used to work fine until Chrome version 11, which now respects the X-Frame-Options=SAMEORIGIN sent by Twitter in the POST response. The POST goes through, but the iframe's onload is not called anymore.
It still works in Firefox 4, but I suppose that's a bug that will eventually get fixed.
Is there any other way to know the status of the POST? I understand that knowing the contents of the POST response would violate the security policy, but I am not interested in the contents. I would just like the app to be notified when the POST is completed.
If you just need to know when the POST was submitted, and not necessarily whether it succeeded or not, you could poll the iframe's contentWindow and contentWindow.document on an interval. When you can no longer access one of those objects, or when the document has an empty body, that means that the iframe has loaded a page with X-Frame-Options restrictions, which likely means that the submission went through. It's hacky, but it looks like it will work for this purpose. (You'll probably have to go through a few combinations to figure out what the contents of restricted iframes look like in your target browsers.)
You can do it by getting the headers of the page. In php it will be looks like,
$url = '';

Getting the url in address bar in an iframe

I am working on a project in drupal in which i have an iframe loaded in another website.
I need to get the url from the address bar.
e.g., lets say i have a website embedded in the iframe as another site embedding this iframe has the domain as
So, the url that gets formed on accessing any content in the iframe would be like..
I need to get this URL in the iframe.
Please help me resolving this problem. I am tryin to write a custom module for this but dunno how to proceed.
You cannot access the URL of an iframe from the outside. Think about potential XSS attacks that could occur from that:
Of course, this is a bad way to store the session id, but there are quite a few (and popular) sites that do this. If you had access to the iframe URL, a malicious website could be nothing but said iframe and a script to harvest the session ID.
In your iframe you could add a variable to the iframe url and use drupal 'current_path' to get the url of the iframe's parent. Then you could retrieve this variable from your iframe page(and make sure you validate it before you use it). i.e.<?php print current_path(); ?>

Setting content expiration on all pages to avoid back button in ASP Classic

Is there a way to set pages to expire in ASP Classic so that the user can't hit back and re-do anything?
Is this a good practice?
If you force the page to 'expire', it would have the opposite effect you want: It would actually force the browser to make the request again (because it's been told the data it has expired)
I suspect you might be barking up the wrong tree here, though. Are the pages that "do stuff" using the Query String values as the parameters to take those actions? In other words, is the page that links to the 'action' page doing so via a regular anchor tag with query string parameters in the URL, or via a form using the GET method?
If so, you should change the form submitting that action to a POST form. Doing that will not only result in a prompt in the browser if the person uses the Back or Refresh buttons to try to reload that page, but also helps protect you against Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks. (more info on XSRF here)
What is the problem that you are trying to solve? If the back button is forcing something to be updated on the server, then you are better off making sure that you don't allow pages to be in the browser history that can cause problems.
After a POST, I often do a Response.Redirect so that the POST is not in the browser history. This helps avoid these types of issues.

Is it possible to find a cross-domain iframe's new URL after a redirect?

I'm trying to post to the login form of an application on another subdomain of my site. It's a third party app that I don't have source access to.
I know that you can't access most features of a cross-domain iframe because of same origin policy. All I need to access, however, is the URL that's been redirected to (via JavaScript) within the iframe. It has a session token that I want to pass through.
That seems like something that might be safe enough to be allowed, but I haven't found a way to do it yet. I'm using jQuery, and I've tried $('iframe').contents(), but I seem to have no permissions at all on that object. I've also checked $('iframe').attr('src'), but it remains as the pre-redirect URL. Is there another way?
No, you don't have access to any properties within an iframe. You only have access to the outer positioning and styling properties.
This is why frames are such a pain to work with. I usually only use them if I don't care what is done within them.
Can you not do a server-side authentication and token passing? Instead of having the client do the authentication, can you not do that on your server? You may need to do some extra work to create the HTTP request and parse the response, but you avoid any iframe issues.
Bottom line is iframes probably aren't the best to rely on(especially when it comes to cross-browser functionality) for important things like authentication.
Try this example (method 2) in which the author sets up another iframe inside the first, loading a page at the original domain.
The inner page is allowed to call javascript on the outer parent, since they are loaded in the same domain.
Simply load the inner page with appropriate parameters, which can be passed on to the parent.
