Redirect to a specific page using session variable -

We are working a big project here in ASP.NET\VB.NET
The web site is a tool to manage projects.
We use session variables to naviguate between ProjectID selected by the user in some search page. So say the user selects "Project X" in the result page of whatever search on the website. We get the ProjectID from the database and pass it to a session variable to load up the Project Info page.
Now the good stuff, we produce multiple reports in Excel linked with the webpage. We'd like to add a link in the Excel page to redirect the user into the selected project info page. Since we're using session variable and it's server side, we have a hard time figuring out how to do this. Is there anyway to pass the info in the URL to affect the session variable ?

Offhand, when you generate the page your on the server, generate the url and put the parameter into the querystring. Then when you load the linked page, you check the query string first, if a value exists use it over the session...


How can I redirect a user to a new page in IIS based upon the URL

I have a web app that opens certain projects based upon a projectID
So ID 12345 = project foobar
However I would like to provide a different site that doesnt require the projectid, and is easier to remember for the end user.
So if a user visits (note this is a different site, though I suppose we could put this in the same site if easier)
They would automatically get redirected to
Obviously I would want a system where I could have more entries than just foobar
if you don't want to use the rewrite module mentioned above you could always do it yourself by implementing a custom 404 handler and key off aspxerrorpath or perhaps putting the code in a custom httpHandler.
We actually do this with in one of our applications. We use a cms system to specify all of the redirects so nothing is really hard coded and marketers and SEO teams can handle it without our help.
in my opinion you should use ashx to handle web request. here is very simple and beautiful example of what you are looking for :-

How can i change session when open url in another tab in

I am developing one web application in I am opening my all pages on pop up window. I want to expire my session or change the session value when someone copy the url and paste it into another tab. How can i implement it ?
Please help me out.
A simple way would be to check Request.UrlReferrer. The Referrer would be empty if the user copy pastes a URL.
A couple of points you should consider before using this:
Provide exceptions for any pages that can be directly entered by
the user. For e.g. the login page or a page that can be bookmarked
I believe a pop can be opened from Javascript, without a referrer. Make sure your existing code is not using this method to open a pop up.
For a generic way to determine if the user has opened a new tab, see here
I have solved this problem by using this
string referer = Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_REFERER"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(referer))

File download via external link - how to implement?

I have a web application which consists of many aspx pages ... one of them shows a grid with rows that can be exported to a file via button click. This works fine. Now I want to have that feature which allows a user to access an external link to this page (or another) and to export to a file and download. I dont need any information on the page, just the file download. How could I do this also including security features like encryption?
Thanks :)
The easiest way to do this is simply implement an HttpHandler that contains the logic to create that file and write it to the Response stream.
There are lots of examples of how to do this on the web that I won't repeat in this question. Just do a Google search for "Download File HttpHandler" and you should be golden.
One of the search results:
What you're going to have to do is when the gridview shows the correct rows to provide a 'unique link' which will be your website URL with url variables at the end. When the page loads it can check these variables and then use the database to look up the correct data etc.
Encryption in transit will be done via HTTPS (SSL), and to secure otherwise you would require a login to view the gridview / file.

Updateable Google Sitemap for ASP.NET 3.5 Web App Project

I am working on an ASP.NET 3.5 Web Application project in C#. I have manually added a Google-friendly sitemap which includes entries for every page in the project - this is not a CMS.
The client updates events using an admin back-end. Other than that, the site is relatively static. I'm trying to decide on the best way to update the <lastmod> values for a handful of pages that are regularly updated.
In particular, I am using the QueryStringField of the ListView control to enhance SEO as described here:
When the QueryStringField property is set, the DataPager renders the paging interface as a series of hyperlinks which the crawler can follow and index. However, if Google has crawled my list of events two days ago, and in the meantime, the admin has added another dozen events... say the page size is set to 6; in this case, the Google SERP links would now be pointing to the wrong pages. This is why I need to be sure that the sitemap reflects changes to the events page as soon as they happen.
I have already looked though other SO questions for info and didn't find what I needed. Can anyone offer some guidance or an alternative approach?
Since this is a shared hosting environment, a directory watcher/service won't work:
How to create file watcher in shared webhosting environment
Starting to realize that I may need signify to Google that the containing page has been updated; update the last-modified HTTP header?
Rather than using a hand-coded sitemap, create a sitemap handler that will generate the sitemap on the fly. You can create a method in the handler that will grab pages from an existing navigation sitemap, from the database, or even from a hard-coded list of pages. You can create an XmlDocument from the list, and write the InnerXml of the document out to the handler response stream.
Then, create a class with a method that will automatically ping search engines with the above handler's URL (like
Whever someone adds a new event, call the above method. This will ping Google using your latest sitemap (freshly generated by the above method).
You want to make sure that the ping only works if the sitemap has actually been updated. You could use File.SetLastWriteTime on events.aspx in the AddNewEvent handler to signify that the containing page has been updated.
Aslo, be careful to make sure there have been no pings for the last hour (as Google guidelines discourage pinging more than once per hour).
I actually plan to implement this in the following OSS project: I will let you know once it's done and you can have a look.
If you let your user add events to the website you are probably using a database.
This means you can generate the XML-Sitemap at runtime like this:
create a page where your sitemap will be available (this doesn't need to be sitemap.xml but can also be sitemap.aspx or even sitemap.ashx).
open a database connection
loop through all records and create an Xml Element for each record
This blog post should help you further: Build a Search Engine SiteMap in C#.
It is not using the new XElements from .Net 3.5, but is will work fine.
You can put this in an aspx page, but adding an HttpHandler is probably better as described on the same blog, different post: (creating a httphandler for a sitemap)

ASP.NET - Disappearing session variables

I am working a current web application for a client and I am having some trouble with session variables disappearing on me. I will try and set up a good description of the scenario as best I can. It does not happen on any page other than the page I created to allow users to modify the strings stored in a resource file.
It shows up WHEN:
Users navigate to the page, select a resource file from a list and click edit a first time. The page loads the file into a gridview and allows them to edit it. At this point the session variables are being saved a reloaded correctly upon all postbacks. NOW, they click the save button at the bottom to write the resource file to the filesystem (App_LocalResources). They select a new file from the list, attempt to load it and this time the session variables are cleared out and it redirects them to the login page because it does not know there user information.
Additinal details:
It only happens when they click a save button which in turn calls my procedure to write to the resource file.
I am not really doing much in the save function besides writing to a resource file located in App_LocalResources and for some reason this clears out my session variables.
The session variable in question is there user information, which I attempt to get as the very first thing in a page_load method.
This session information is also executed upon every postback via the page_load method.
Thanks everyone, I hope I described this well enough.
The IIS will reset the application when you change files in the directory associated with the application. Resetting the application will make you lose memory-sessions.
You could put the resource file outside the directory. Or use a stateserver for sessions.
