How does wordpress check admin username and password - wordpress

I am creating a site admin panel and wp blog and I want to login by using same username and password as that for WP blog like admin *admin* I searched wp folder, how does it encrypt the password and how does it check if the user is admin or not..
I just got that WP used some sort of hash and md5 for encryption but do not success to create copy of that function to use it for my new panel

It is in the wp_usermeta table > metakey column > wp_user_level
If wp_user_level for a user id is 10 then he is an admin
For the password, search for the function wp_password_hash

The function is wp_hash_password and it could be overridden as per your request (it is pluggable and some plugins change the encryption mechanism for security reasons).


Want to log my wordpress users in with user id and password

I want a procedure that i should follow to make the users log in to their profile with the user id and password on my wordpress website
there is a useful plugin as WP Activity Log. it has multiple options that helps you to monitor users log info. so you can Follow the using instruction of plugin.

Creating WordPress account based on email only submit

Is it possible to create a WordPress account for users who submit an email (no password or username) through an email collection form?
I am looking at sending the user a link to their email to set a password and setup the account in full. The use case is content locking to signed up/logged in users without requiring them to go through the full sign up process. Thanks
I would recommend one of two options: 1) search for a frontend user registration form that may allow you to customize the password options or 2) simply use a generic form or subscription plugin to collect user info, create the new user on the backend manually and then send them an email with a link to change their password

Wordpress login issue with Administrator

I have lose administrator password, due to multiple try the email got blocked. I have added new Administrator to the Database using SQL Queries and I am able to login but I am unable to see the dashboard.
See here
WordPress didn't show the option to visit dashboard, it show the username and logout option nothing else.
You can change password of your old admin. Go to wp_user table in database and change admin password there.

Add wordpress email/password to new table

Wordpress user data (email, password , ...) stores in wp_users table.
I want to create a new table in my wordpress database and insert users email and password in my new table.
How can I do that?
this is the wrong solution and you will have issues with WordPress database updates in future. I think you can make rest API for authenticating forum users from main Wordpress site.

How to customise wordpress user authentication

I have a old website, which allow people to register and do staff. Say it is
Now I added a subdomain, and want my users to write reviews.
The is done in wordpress which works perfectly.
However, as my users already registered with the old site, ideally I want my user to use their old username and password to login to the review website. Also I would like new users to continue register in the old site and I could just write another query to insert the new user's username and password into wordpress's user table.
To custom login process for wordpress, can I apply a callback somewhere, so when wordpress login failed, I will run my custom query and create and return a wp_User object?
Or it is better to change the login code in wordpress directly? I searched wordpress code and saw the code where I could hack to put my own login logic.
Then one solution can be done
I am assuming that you made the username field and the password field
of registering and the password is visible for you.
Now once you make the wordpress install at your and then you need to copy the sql query which have import for your previous_users and paste in your SQL query of phpmyadmin after that you just need to add the same feild in your database as the wp-users feilds are containing then after that make your users password as MD5 crypt for that you just need to change the password type feild to MD5 crypt and your all users will be able to sign-in there.
I hope i Am clear to you.
Any Doubt you can Comment.
