application page hangs/freezes while loading -

I have web application using 3.0 and ajax update panels, web services ... The web page randomly freezes and could not find any error.
Here is a simplified Question: A user select a patient record, the page that shows the patient info ‘freezes’ while loading. CPU usage by the browser is high and stays high, there is no error on the page, and it looks as if it is continuing to load (progress bar never completes). The same user can log into another very similar workstation and access the problem patient record with no issues, and other patients records can be viewed without issues on the original ‘problem’ workstation

I have seen this problem with IE, not sure if that is what the problem workstation is using:
KB 2000262 - Fix: UpdatePanel Async Postbacks Slow in Internet Explorer.
UpdatePanel Async Postsback slow in IE…Part 3

Related Page throws Site cannot be reached

I have very strange issue, when when I press the button click event page is keep loading(in chrome it shows uploading(43%)), after 5-6 minutes shows below
This Application works perfect in development server.(where I have only this application in the IIS) and in Production environment and get this error
This mostly happens with Postback events(uploading files & etc).
I have been searching for a solution for few days nothing success and the most of the articles are said check the DNS/Proxy server and increasing request timeout from web.config
But as I feel this is related to something else.
Is number of SQL database request affecting on this matter?

Web page becomes unresponsive after several posts

I am fairly new to IIS.
Hello, I am experiencing a very strange error once I publish my ASP.NET webpage onto IIS. The page functions fine while browsing, which makes several SQL calls for the menus and information on the site. This works fine both while debugging and when it goes live.
My problem is that after the user has made a couple of POSTs to update information in the live version, the page becomes unresponsive, or shows extremely high latency and returns nothing of the SQL requests that it was supposed to call. What could be causing this error?
The issue was that the server administrator forgot to give an application pool to the site. Hopefully this will help other people.

Within an application loading several instances of the same page within a session loads synchronously rather than async.

I have an application using the .net 3.5 framework, Telerik, and am testing it using IE8.
I have recently received a requirement to allow any of the pages within the application to be loaded on multiple browsers for the same session.
We are using session to persist some of the data across page loads.
It appears that when the same page is loaded by two or more browsers within the same session, the pages load synchronsly, rather than in parellel. I added logging within the page_load event of the page. The logging inidicates that only one page at a time is loads. Once the page_load for one browser completes there is one to two second delay, then the next browser's page_load fires until all queued pages within the session complete.
My initial thought was that this was a blocking issue. I have reviewed the code within the page, and the code referenced by the page for static instances which might cause blocking across multiple pages, and have not found any.
Any ideas on what might be causing the synchonus page_load firing behavior as described above? Could it potentially be an IE8 issue, or some type of blocking involving session?
Thank you.

How ASP.NET Web Pages Threading / Multi Tasking Works for Single user?

This Might be a very basic Questing. (URGENT)
I have a Web application with multiple pages.
When a user is Logged in using Visual Studio(Development) / IIS (Production )
If the user have opened a Page 1 from home page which is long running process (Lets say few minutes)
Can the same user open Page 2 from home page while Page 1 is still running.
There is no connection between Page1 and Page 2.
Remember I am talking about the same user in the same machine.
Does ASP.NET takes care of this MultiThreading by default for above situation?
Or I Should create Separate Thread for each page?
I my case I not able to open the second page still the first page is Finished.
Please shed me some light.
The answer is yes, if a user is opening Page 1 (which may take a long time to render), other users, or even the same user, can still open other pages in the application at the same time* (including Page 1 again).
(*) Unless database locking or some other explicit mechanism prevents this, however you have to try fairly hard to get this to happen

ASP.NET web site: Delay in page load

I have a web application developed in ASP.NET 2.0, deployed in a data center. The application is a media portal with CMS.
The application is hosted in Windows Server 2008 and the database is SQL Server 2005 in Windows 2003 Server.
I have home page with numerous links to sub pages or articles. When I click on any of the links in home page, it will load the content of the page in article.aspx. My problem is with the delay of rendering the article.aspx page.
The status bar shows the progress of loading the new page. But the actual page render happens after few more seconds (20-30) after showing progress of page loads completes ie. after completing the progress bar in the status bar of my browser, the browser retains to show the current page and its showing a "Done" message in the left side if status bar. After 20- 30 seconds then the browser renders the desired page (article.aspx)
The speed was good initially and the performance came down almost after an year of hosting. What is happening here? Do I need to check anything with IIS or DB?
You have to check either it is database or code.
I agree with robert and suspect this is due to database. you can use sql profiler to find out what is going wrong.
If database is not the culprit then You have to use some kind of profiling tools to check what is going wrong.
As frogbot suggested trace is one way.
you can also use FireBug,YSLOW,Pagespeed as firfox plugin to help you.
RedGate's Ant Profiler is very good but it is not free.
Do you have any Ajax or other javascript code that render content in client-side runtime? This will happen hafter the page is loaded.
Sounds like your page loads are going to the database for data, maybe your populating a grid and some drop downs for instance. As the data has increased in the DB over time the queries have grown progressively longer to run and your page load has slowed as a result.
Perhaps the host now hosts more sites and more databases on the same servers which has also impacted the site.
Possibly just 1 bad piece of SQL taking 20-30 seconds to complete.
Network issues.
You need to enable tracing to see what's wrong. Check the articles here. If you find it is the database issue use SQL Server Profiler.
