WebKit CSS Inspector's Style Disable Checkbox Should be Moved Left for Useability - css

Is there a way to move the checkboxes that disable CSS styles in the WebKit Inspector that is baked into Safari and Google Chrome from the far right over to the left, next to the declaration how Firefox's Firebug does it? To disable styles, one must go over to the far right, which can be hard to eye trace when the style declaration list is very long. On top of that, sometimes the new Lion style scrollbars can get accidentally clicked. I hear that even the Web Inspector in WebKit is laid out via CSS, so this should be relatively easy. Any help? Even if someone could get me to the style sheet for the WebKit inspector I could figure out the CSS. Thanks in advance!
Here's some screenshots to demonstrate what I mean:
WebKit CSS Inspector
Firebug CSS Inspector
(Couldn't post images with Stack Overflow's setup as I'm a new account)

There's a webkit inspector stylesheet located at github: https://gist.github.com/1153881


How can I view the default css styles for -webkit-scrollbar and -webkit-scrollbar-track etc?

I'm trying to see what default css values (possibly source code?) are for webkit psuedoelements so that I can create custom webkit items that are very similar to the default, but slightly customized.
These items are shadow elements that don't show up in the DOM. you can enable 'Show user agent shadow DOM' in chrome devtools settings, per
Inspect webkit-input-placeholder with developer tools, but i'm still not seeing elements in the DOM. I suspect the styles are being provided by user agent stylesheet for these webkit items
Load a page utilizing the CSS in question with your browser, then you can use developer features to inspect it.
Right-click the page
In Chrome, the menu choice is 'Inspect'
The screen will split, the page source appears on the bottom of your screen (not sure what happens if browsing on a phone)
On the bottom of the screen, you will see the html, on the bottom right you will see the pertinent CSS you select some html on the right.
Note there is a link to the style sheet on the far right, click to view
Unfortunately, the link is hard to read because all spaces and linefeeds have been removed, but you can paste it into an editor and make it easier to read

Strange opacity change on hover only appearing in Firefox and IE

I´m testing my newest design and there is one specific issue I cannot figure out.
It appears that a specifik element is triggering an opacity change when I hover the element.
According to my tests this only occurs in Firefox and IE. It doesn´t happen in Chrome.
My best guess is that this is happening due to some sort of browser specific CSS but I have not been able to locate any CSS on any of the elements that is causing this opacity change.
One of the problems is also that I normally use Chrome F12 when I need to spot source code issues and hover CSS effects are hard for me to locate in Firefox and Chrome.
Here is a link to my test-site where you can see the problem in Firefox and IE when you for instance open the accordeon tab "Vælg Stof Indvendig" and hover the images:
You have css that says the following: .product-field-display:hover { opacity: 0.5; }
Because the .product-field-display element is a span wrapping div's, Chrome is basically making it a non-element (height/width of 0 and no placement on the page). But Firefox is still reacting to it (I guess IE is too).
I can't see your site, but have you used a reset at the top of your CSS? This usually solves problems like this. Some browsers s=do weird things by default!

How to filter and show only applied CSS in Chrome Developer Tools (like Firebug in Firefox)

Background story: I have a page with multiple CSS that override each other. There are so many crossed out CSS style, so I don't want to see them.
I know Firebug on Firefox provide this feature (Only Show Applied CSS), which can show what CSS style in what CSS file is being applied (neat !).
How do we have this feature on Chrome ? I tried install Firebug Lite for Chrome but no luck.
PS: Chrome have Computed Style tab, but it does not show what style come from what CSS file.
In the Chrome dev tools, in the right hand column (where CSS is shown in the Elements panel), the first section is called "Computed Style". If you deselect "show inherited", you get a neat list of the styles that actually apply to the element. Does that help?

CSS overflow:scroll doesn't work only for iFrame in Chrome, Safari and Opera

I am using overflow:scroll; in my css to have scrollbars always "on" for an iFrame window, but it works only for Firefox! Any idea about Chrome, Safari and Opera? Thank you in advance!
I have a similar issue with webkit (safari and chrome) based browsers; seems that they value higher the css styles on the html over the actual iframe style itself. Can´t find much documentation on this, but I am sure it is the origin of the problem.
http://trafficonweb.com/iframe-moves.png the iframe moves to left when pulled right on its main content (under the navigation menu). Only on webkit.
This happens when scaling down the iframe with the scale (transform) css property.
This is not the perfect answer but at least a hint; will continue research and post afterwards.
And looking for others to contribute to this issue. Thanks.

Google Chrome rendering its own styles

I'm changing over a site from HTML to Wordpress (for the first time, so be gentle!) and I ran into an issue with Google Chrome applying styles that I've never knew existed! In this case I'm referencing the style that positions the bg.gif image background. In both IE9 and Firefox the background elements seem to work just fine, but in Google Chrome I'm having the issue.
If you go to this site: http://www.richmindonline.com/doggy2/ then right-click the upper right corner of the page in Google Chrome, then click "Inspect Element", you will notice styles that are being applied that have nothing to do with my stylesheets.
Could someone provide some guidance as to how to fix this. I've already tried adding my own styles to trump the Chrome styles, but it's not working.
Which styles are you trying to override? What you're seeing are browser defaults - all browsers have them whether they show you or not.
What I'm seeing in the inspector is Chrome identifying the text direction and locale. Are you using a CSS reset?
Should go a long way in starting all browsers at the same default.
